

ランブル ホッケー ガイド:ラインナップを構築するためのヒントとコツ

ランブルホッケーへようこそ 、何でもありのホッケーゲーム!この風変わりな動物の喧嘩ゲームでは、プレイヤーは自分のランブラーのチームを編成し、リアルタイムのマルチプレイヤー ホッケー アクションでリーグを戦い抜きます。他のランブラーと協力して壮大なコンボを作成し、対戦相手をだまして素晴らしいゴールを決めましょう!

ランブル ホッケーのヒントとコツ ガイドでは、試合の基本と、勝つチャンスを増やす方法について説明します。次に、バトル デッキ用の新しいカードを収集するさまざまな方法について説明します。 Rumble Hockey のチート、ヒント、裏技の攻略ガイドはこちら ラインナップを構築中!



  • スタミナはランブラーの体力です。何かにぶつかったり攻撃されたりするたびに、スタミナが失われます。スタミナがゼロになると、ランブラーはプレイから消えます。
  • フィールド タイムは、デフォルトでランブラーがフィールドに留まる時間です。ランブラーがスタミナをすべて失っていない場合、この時間が経過すると自動的にフィールドから削除されます。
  • サイズはランブラーの大きさです。数字が大きいほど、ランブラーは大きくなります!
  • 質量はランブラーの重さです。重いランブラーはノックアウトしにくく、軽量のランブラーは簡単に押すことができます。
  • Speed は、Rumbler が動く場合の速さです。 Rumbler が動かない場合、速度は「静止」と表示されます。
  • ターゲットは、ランブラーが追跡するターゲットのタイプを決定します。ランブラーは対戦相手のランブラーまたはパックのいずれかをターゲットにするため、これは注意を払うことが重要です。
  • スリング ダメージは、このランブラーがフィールド上で対戦相手のランブラーに発射されたときに与えるスタミナ ダメージです。
  • シュート パワーは、パックを持っているときにゴールに向かってシュートを試みるランブラー向けです。パワーが高いほど、ショットはより速く、より強力になります。

Those are some commonly shared stats, but there are Rumblers who have special stats that are exclusive to them, like Mr. Fire’s explosion damage and radius. Check all the details of a Rumbler if you want to know more!

Team Building 1:Energy Cost

In Rumble Hockey, player cards come in three different rarities. Starting from common cards to the most rare, it goes from core, pro, then superstar. Generally speaking, the higher rarity the card is, the better they are. However, this does not mean that your lower rarity cards are worthless.

In fact, superstar cards usually have one really good attribute about them but that is it, and unless they have the team to support it, they are not too great on their own. In addition to that, every card has an energy cost. In general superstars and pros cost a lot more energy to deploy.

You could theoretically load up your lineup with nothing but super powerful high rarity cards, but this will burn all of your energy very quickly, rendering you a sitting duck. Instead, it is better to have a well balanced deck with cheap cards to supplement your stronger, more expensive cards.

When you are done building a lineup, check your average energy cost. You want to try to aim for around 5 or less – anything higher than that is still plausible, but you are more likely to end up in situations where you are completely out of energy. Make sure to practice test your lineup before using it in a real match!

Team Building 2:Team Synergy and Combos

In most circumstances you will not be able to score a goal with just one Rumbler on the field. You will need to tackle your opponent with several different Rumblers that target different things.

The most obvious example of this is the one you learned during the tutorial is the situation with Sniper Wolf. Sniper Wolf is a superstar card, and his specialty is charging up extremely powerful shots on the goal. The problem is that his charge takes a while, and he is vulnerable to attack during it, which will interrupt the whole process.

To prevent this, you can deploy cheaper cards to help protect Sniper Wolf while he charges. The best cards for this are the ones that are hyper aggressive and target opponents, like the Raging Bull and Croco. They will chase down and mess with enemies while Sniper Wolf is free to get charged shots on the goal.

This is just one example of many, so feel free to experiment with your favorite Ramblers to see what works best for your playstyle. There are tons of different combos and synergy potential – you can use attack cards like Mr. Fire and Cannonman to scatter opponents apart, use Lazy Panda as a stationary shooter, and so forth.

Getting More Cards

The main way to get more battle cards is to simply play matches. When you win a match, you will earn a point towards the goal chest. The goal chest will open once you have 10 wins under your belt, and it contains 60 gold and 10 Rumblers, with at least two of them guaranteed to be pro.

You also get chests every time you play a match, win or lose. However, these chests take a few hours to open, so make sure to start opening them as soon as you get them. Chests come in bronze, silver, and gold, with gold having the most gold and Rumblers.

There are also cards that can only be unlocked once you have ranked up and reached the appropriate division. You can see what division you are currently in on the main menu, and you can see what cards you can get from the card library.

Ranking Up

Playing matches will earn you trophies, which serves as your league experience. Winning matches will net you more trophies, naturally. The amount of trophies you get determines the division you are in.

To rank up a little faster, you can use specific cards to activate a trophy boost. When you are looking through your cards, if you see a card that has a green trophy on it, that will activate bonus trophies. You can use up to three cards that have the green trophy. You can add more, but your bonus will cap out at three trophies.

You can see the exact amount of bonus trophies in + number on the right side of the trophy bonus. If you want to rank up faster, try fitting some cards into your lineup.

Counter your Opponent

Like many of these PvP-focused energy-consumption games, the flow of the match usually determines who the winner will be. You can play aggressively early on and force your opponent to react to your advancements, but beware of running yourself dry and having no means to counter attack.

Of course, you can always play defensively if you have Rumblers more oriented for defense. Wait for your opponent to make a bad call, then capitalize on it and score a goal! You just need to try to read your opponent and the flow of the match. Are they going for a strong offense with a lot of expensive cards? Or are they going to to try to wear you down with a bunch of cheap cards?

If you come up against a player that is using a strategy that you cannot seemingly counter, do not worry – you can probably fight them later once you unlock some more cards. There are a lot of strategies that can be easily countered by certain cards, but you cannot get them until later in the divisions. Keep playing, build your library, and then you will really be able to come up with some nice strategies.

That’s all for Rumble Hockey!他に共有すべきヒントやコツがあれば、下のコメント欄でお知らせください!