

Goalunited Pro のチートと世界最高のクラブを構築するためのヒント

人気のブラウザー ベースのゲーム Travian のメーカーは、サッカー マネージメント ゲームで試してみることに決め、Goalunited Pro を世界にリリースしました。しかし、スキルのない選手がたくさんいて、多くの改善が必要なスタジアムでゼロから始めるため、物事は簡単ではなく、クラブに取り組み、それを世界の真の驚異に作り上げるにはかなりの時間を費やす必要があります。 .私たちは、Goalunited Pro のチートとヒントをあなたと共有することで、旅をより簡単で楽しいものにする手助けをするためにここにいます 完全な戦略ガイドです。

ですから、Goal United Pro でマネージャーとしてのキャリアを始めたばかりの方、または上級プレイヤーであっても、ヒントとコツを読んで、このゲームを上手にプレイしてください!

これを始めるのは奇妙に聞こえるかもしれませんが、ゲームを始めたばかりの場合は、このヒントが最適です。最初はチームが非常に弱く、おそらく最初はすべてのプレーヤーを入れ替えるでしょう。とにかくシーズン(または少なくともそれらのほとんど)。また、実際にはすべての機能のロックが解除されているわけではありません。この時点ではゲームについてあまり知らず、最初のシーズンを進めるのはたいてい簡単なことです。したがって、最初のシーズン中にカードを使用しないでください。カードをため込んで、2 番目のシーズン、またはさらに良いことに 3 番目のシーズンのために保管してください。言い換えれば、重要なときに、本当に優れたプレーヤーに使用してください。


建物の​​状態は時間の経過とともに劣化します。その点にも注意を払う必要があります。スタジアム セクションに移動し、ハンマー アイコンをタップするだけです。すべての建物の状態が表示されます。建物が 75% の状態を下回ると機能しなくなるため、それらを最高の状態に保つようにしてください。修理にお金はかからないので、実際に行う必要があるのは、それらを監視し、80% に達したら修理することだけです!

スタッフは、すべての分野で大きなボーナスを提供してくれるため、Goal United Pro では非常に重要です。常に可能な限り最高のスタッフを獲得するようにしてください。ただし、最初のシーズンを完了してから、投資されるのを待っている多額の現金と、ボーナスが重要な優れたチームがある場合にのみ、それらについて心配し始めることをお勧めします.ただし、スポンサーから得られるお金を増やすコーチとスタッフは、スポンサーから最大限に活用するために、早い段階でできるだけ高いレベルにある必要があります.

<強い>5. Goalunited Pro でより多くのお金を稼ぐ方法
The game is made in such a way that you will rarely be without money. Completing the tutorial rewards you with a nice chunk of money. You also get daily bonuses when you start, and a smaller daily bonus afterwards. You get regular income from your Sponsor (choose the best paying one – I would go for the one that guarantees the largest weekly amount because you might not win many points. If you are confident that you can win all your matches, the performance-based ones might be better). Keeping your stadium in shape is also a good idea as you get a lot of money from home matches if the price is right. Adjust the ticket price until you get the most income every game!

Finally, selling players is an extremely good way to make a ton of money. If you can be active on the transfer market, you can make a fortune:simply keep an eye on the transfer market and buy the bargains (great players with few bids on them). Sell them after you purchase them and hope to make a profit – this usually is the case, but you can lose money as well, so make sure that you only buy very cheap players and you are able to sell them back. If this doesn’t work for a few players, don’t do it anymore and instead focus on developing your own players (buying them at a young age and increase their stats throughout the seasons, then sell them).

<強い>6. Best formation in the game
I will make sure to write an entire article for this matter, but I’ll sum things up here:the best formation in Goalunited Pro is an offensive formation in most occasions. The higher the offensive bonus, the better for your team as the defense won’t get a penalty, so you’re still playing full defense while getting a bonus to attack. The only moment when you should consider switching to a defensive position is when playing away against a slightly higher-ranked team, as this might get you the draw. Otherwise, unless you’re in a league where everything’s really tight where goal difference matter, it’s best to simply stick to your most offensive tactic.

Usually, the Normal effort level is enough, but if you want to make sure you get the win – for example when playing away or against
higher ranked teams – increase it a bit. If you’re sure you’re going to suffer a loss (which is almost guaranteed if the opponent has a lot more power than you), then you can go for a low energy level to keep your players safe and rested for other matches where you still have a chance.

7. Train your players
Training young players into superstars is a long process – but one that can be done easily in the game. My recommendation would be to think about the future and always sign young players and train them into better ones:you can also keep your weaker players you have started with (power 0.8 and above) and you’ll be surprised to see how good they will get in a few years:and you can at least sell them for a nice profit. The training categories vary and you should try to find a balance between them all. Also, have in mind that if you train the same thing over and over again, the players get bored and as a result the effects will decrease – so make sure you vary your training schedule and train everything a little bit, even though you might want to focus on a specific area (whichever you are already the best in!).

<強い>8. Other quick tips:
– I don’t really know if this is a coincidence or not, but every time I logged in the game during a match, the performance of my players got better. Matches are usually played at 7 PM, so try to log in at that time and give them the log in boost if there is indeed such a thing
– When offering a new contract, always offer the longest possible as it reduces the wage you have to pay
– Be patient. This is a game that requires a lot of time and is really slow paced, taking you days, weeks and months to go through the seasons and progress. Don’t expect your players to improve over night – just take it slow, be active and be patient!

Do you have other tips and tricks to share with fellow Goalunited Pro players?以下にコメントしてお知らせください!