

Dice Soccer City 攻略:究極のチームを構築するためのヒントと戦略ガイド

Dice Soccer City は、最近見つけた美しいグラフィックを備えた魅力的な小さなスポーツ ゲームです。それ以来ずっとプレイしていますが、ここで Dice Soccer City のチートとヒントをいくつか紹介します。 :究極のチームを構築し、リーグで勝ち続けるための完全な戦略ガイドです。

ゲームが最初に見えるよりも複雑で、考慮すべきことがたくさんあることがわかります。しかし、これらすべての要素がゲームをさらに良くするので、1 秒も無駄にせず、以下のダイス サッカー シティのヒントとコツをチェックしましょう。


Dice Soccer City でより多くのプレイヤーのロックを解除する方法を確認する簡単な方法があります。ビルド メニュー (下部にある家のアイコン) をタップし、所有しているさまざまな土地をタップするだけです。そこでは、下の画像に示すように、さまざまなプレーヤーと、それらのロックを解除するために必要なタイルの数が表示されます:





これは間違いなく Dice Soccer City の最も重要な部分です:プレイする各ゲームに勝つことです。リーグを進むにつれて、それらはすべてますます難しくなり、困難なステージをクリアするには、より多くの優れたプレーヤーをアンロックする必要がありますが、常に機能することがいくつかあり、考慮する必要があります.

1. まず、プレイヤーのスタミナに注意してください。現在の数に満足できない場合は、再ロールできるため、非常に重要です。しかし、あなたの数字がプレーヤーにとってまともで、再ロールが 1 回しか許可されていない場合 (潜在的な 2 回ではなく)、リスクと利点を考慮してください。

たとえば、3 人のプレーヤーが 2 を出して、残りの 2 人のスタミナが 1 で、もう 1 人が疲れている場合、7 を打ち負かす必要があり、残りのプレーヤーの 1 人だけが他のプレーヤーよりも多くの 3 を振る場合、その1つだけで転がるのが最善です。ただし、他のプレイヤーが 2 以上しか持っていない場合は、間違いなくロールする必要があります。


2. Player’s position doesn’t matter – they are indeed labeled as strikers, midfielders or defenders, but the truth is that you can place any in defense or attack. So just look at their stats and skills and how good they are when teamed up with other players.

3. Always go for the best combos out of the three you select for attack and defense. Making sure that they have the potential dice for unlocking their special skills is a must. There’s no point in bringing a player who steals 2 attack from the opponent when you roll double 2s if your players don’t have that number on their dice (or chances are very very slim for that).

4. You can change player who shoots when you get in front of the goal. And you should do that at all times in order to bring the one that has the highest numbers in order to increase your chances of scoring the goal.

Defense vs Attack
These are the two stages of the game:you want to be in attack at most times as that helps you get close to the goal and score. Here are some extra things to consider, above what I’ve mentioned about, when it comes to defense and attack:

– When in defense, you’re the first one to roll. Try to have a score as high as possible (so bring high dice players) and bring in players that reduce the energy of the opponents in order to give them as few options at rerolling as possible.

– When in attack, you know exactly what’s the score you must beat, so reroll (smartly) until you do. Make sure to switch tired players if this gives you an advantage:you have to do everything you can to roll more than your opponent!

Keep on Dicing your players
Dicing allows you to increase or decrease the value of one or more dice of your players. This is extremely beneficial in the long run because it gives you more chances to win.

Just make sure you do this the right way, according to the skills and powers of your players. For example, if you have an early player who benefits from rolling 1s, it’s not necessarily a good idea to start dicing up their numbers to 2 or more since that will reduce or completely eliminate their chances of using their skills.

Watch the ads
Ads are extremely important when it comes to increasing your morale and helping your team perform better in the long run. Make sure to watch the ads whenever you have the chance (at least the main ones for the morale boost and 12 hour boost) and you’ll have a much easier life in the game!

Use the Eager Players
Every now and then, a player becomes eager to play. This means that if you win a game with them in the team, you get an extra box. That’s insanely valuable, so make sure you do bring them into the team.

A good thing about Eager players is that they remain eager even if you lose your next game – so keep trying until you win with them in the team!

This is everything we have right now for you. If you have even more Dice Soccer City tips and tricks to share with us, don’t hesitate to let us know by sharing a comment below.