

Furistas Cat Cafe 攻略:すべての猫のロックを解除するためのヒントと戦略ガイド

Furistas Cat Cafe は、あなた自身の Kitty Cafe を運営し、訪問者を楽しませることがすべての、美しく魅力的なゲームです。 Furistas Cat Cafe のチートとヒントを共有することで、まさにそれを実現できるようにここにいます。


このゲームの目標は、非常にカジュアルなゲームプレイでリラックスできるようにすることであり、実際の戦略はほとんど含まれていませんが、できるだけ早く進行するために正しいことをすべて行っていることを確認する必要があります。以下で提供しているものとまったく同じです。それでは、Furistas Cat Cafe のヒントとコツをチェックしましょう。 !


これは非常に簡単です。ゲームがアイコンを使って私たちを助けてくれるからです。猫とペアになっていなかった入ってくる顧客には、頭の上にアイコンが浮かんでいます (彼らの性格)。お客さんをタップすると、画面下部に利用可能な猫の一覧が表示されるので、アイコンを合わせるだけでOK。かんたん!





Double your Bonus Basket Rewards
Every few hours, you can claim a free Bonus Basket from the store. That’s the only basket I have come across that allows you to watch a video ad and double its rewards.

I highly recommend you to do so, no matter what rewards you have. All the items are required in the game to upgrade your cats (eventually), so the more you have and the more varied they are, the better. There’s no inventory limit in place either, so just try to collect as much as possible.

Keep an eye on the store for Cat Upgrade Items
After getting your free basket, don’t forget to look at the items available in the store for Fish. These are usually cat upgrade items of various rarities and although generally you shouldn’t make it a habit to spend your fish there (as you want to keep it for unlocking new cats), every now and then when they get your upgrade closer, it’s worth investing in.

Just keep an eye on the requirements for leveling up your cats and look at the store to know if you should buy some items or wait for the baskets instead.

Log in multiple times per day
There isn’t much to do in Furistas Cat Cafe if you spend a lot of time logged in and playing, so your best approach to speed up your progress is to log in often. Aim for a log in every 20-30 minutes if possible. If not, just log in as many times as you can each day in order to collect the rewards, pair the kitties again and open any baskets that are ready for that.

Decorations don’t seem to make any difference
Yup, they are there and you can purchase a bunch of things using your regular coins… but they seem to be only that:decorations. They don’t influence the core gameplay at all and you don’t have to get them. It’s all up to you to decide!

This is all that we have to share with you in terms of strategy for Furistas Cat Cafe. Got extra tips and tricks for fellow players? Don’t hesitate to let us know by commenting below.

And if you want to read more about the game, you can check out in our original coverage here.