

マフィア:ギャングスター パラダイスの裏技:すべての決闘に勝つためのヒントとガイド

The Mafioso:Gangster Paradise のヒントとチートは、今日の記事で紹介しています。勝利への道を戦うために知っておく必要があるすべてのことを示します。決断に疑問を抱かせる戦略ゲームが好きなら、このゲームを存分に楽しめます!

私たちのマフィア:ギャングスター パラダイスのヒントは、あなたに最適な戦略を見つけるのに役立つだけでなく、すべてのキャラクターのロックを解除し、おそらくトップに到達することもできます (多くの献身があります)!

グラニーは私たちのために世界にいつもいるわけではないので、もう 1 秒も無駄にしないで、マフィオソ:ギャングスター パラダイスのヒントとコツに飛び込みましょう。 !


4 時間ごとに、特定の呪文のフラグメントまたはキャラクターのフラグメントを提供する新しい無料のチェストにアクセスできます。新しいキャラクター フラグメントを初めて取得すると、そのキャラクターのロックが解除されます。


運が良ければ「余分なカードを引く」カードをドラッグして、3 枚ではなく 4 枚引くことができるので、可能な限り常に広告を見ることをお勧めします。



新しいデイリー オファーは、XP レベル 5、XP レベル 7、XP レベル 9 でアンロックされます。その後、6 つのスロットがあり、チームの可能性を最大化するのに役立つ新しいアイテムで毎日更新されます。

戦闘での勝敗を決定するスキルをアップグレードするには、フラグメントが 1 つ不足していることに気付く可能性があるため、常に好きなものを購入することをお勧めします (お金があればすべてを購入することもできます)。





帽子はとても便利なので、できるだけ集めましょう。戦闘システムは3対3の簡単なバトルなので、倒した敵の数に応じて、ゲームごとに1〜3個のハットを獲得できます。 3 体の敵のうち 1 体を倒すと、帽子が 1 つ得られます。 3 人のうち 2 人を倒すと帽子が 2 つ、3 人すべてを倒すと帽子が 3 つ獲得できます。

帽子を 15 個集めたら、バトル チェストを開けましょう。バトルチェストには、スキルやコインからヒーローまで、非常に役立つものが含まれているため、帽子を集めることが主な目標です。忘れずに使ってください!


戦いに勝つたびに、いくつかのトロフィーを獲得できます。これらのトロフィーが加算されて、新しくより強力なヒーローが登場する新しいエリアのロックが解除されます。出発点はステーション (0) で、チュートリアルのヒーローが 3 人いるので、残りのヒーローをすべて見てみましょう!

– ステーション (出発点):ステファノ ソロ、ハリーの手錠、ブッチャー、ファット フランク、デブ デスショット、ボビー カブーム、おばあちゃん (全員の中で最もワルな人!)。

– ハーバー (400 トロフィー): ドクター ウェズリー、フードラム ハンク、トリッキー ダンディ、タイラー ノックアウト

– ガレージ (800 トロフィー): パブロ・エル・ビゴテ、ジミー・レイザー、ルーシー・ルグレンヒ

– 空港 (1200 トロフィー): ナース・リジー、ミスター・シリンジ、ソリッド・サーシャ

– Bank (1600 Trophies): Vera Vendetta, Sneaky Sal and Roberto Matto

– Cemetery (2000 Trophies): The Undertaker and The Zombie

– Mansion (2400 Trophies): Anis Qajar

– Beach (2700 Trophies): Ronaldo Blast

– Italy (3000 Trophies): Detective Holmes

However, there are some more heroes which get added to the game with new updates, such as Takaya Tatsu which we don’t know much about just yet, but by the looks of him it seems like it’s going to be another powerful attacker! We’ll have to wait and find out!

Now back to our areas:they unlock as you gather those Trophies, so you need to play quite a lot to get to the ultimate arena in Italy. It is possible however, so try to win as much as you can and you will get there eventually!

Sit back and watch the TV (the Mafia TV)

This option will let you spectate some games that have been happening in the specific arenas. If you see some heroes that you like or a team composition that you like and has won a game, go watch the playback.

This will help you scout the area for new tactics and strategies and improve your own game. If you are curious to see what a certain hero does, go and watch the Mafia TV. You will learn a lot from watching, especially the heroes that you haven’t encountered yet or you don’t know how to beat.

So keep in mind:analyze, find the weak points and remember them! This scouting technique will let you win more fights in the future. And also on this topic, check out the next point!

Eliminate the strongest member first

Every battle you will carry is a 3v3 type of battle. Assuming that you have scouted the Mafia TV and learned a little about each opponent as well as their skills, you will be able to tell which enemy is the strongest among the 3.

I suggest always eliminating that one first, because the sooner that enemy falls, the more chances of survival your team has and it’s better for winning the game.

You should always re-watch your lost games

It will happen sooner or later:you will lose a game. Especially at the beginning. This is not a big deal, and you shouldn’t let it discourage you from trying to battle again. I wish someone had told me this earlier, because that’s just how the game works.

You get matched with someone who is in the same Arena as you, but it doesn’t mean they are as weak as you. That means that the person who has got to match with you could have a stronger hero composition than you even if you are in a level 1 Arena.

Always watch back your games and learn from the past mistakes. This will help you do them less often in the future and maybe not at all. It could be that you have targeted the wrong enemy first or you didn’t choose the right skill once. It happens! Learn from the mistakes!

Form a strong team

You should try out different team compositions until you find something well balanced which has quite a bit of damage and tankiness. Some supportive skills are good too, but keep in mind that you need to test things out!

The order of importance of traits in a team:

– Attack (the damage you input, it’s the most important)

– Tank (the ability to be able to withstand a hit or two without losing all the health)

– Support (supporting your team with heals and damage buffs is important)

First you should find heroes which have quite a high attack damage but are also a little tanky. 0 Tank points means that the damage they take will make them fall in just a few hits, which is not good at all.

Support is important because it can provide heals, buffs and shields. Try putting together a team that has one of each at least, or two attackers and 1 tank. If you find some balanced heroes, that’s OK too, but you might lack in other place, so you need to try them out!

Use the skills at the right time and upgrade them

You will have several seconds to do the thinking in a fight, so always try to think ahead:Is this skill good? Is this skill going to work if the enemy casts a shield? If this skill enough to finish off the enemy? Am I going to leave myself uncovered and vulnerable if I don’t cast this skill?

These are all questions you need to keep in mind before using any skill. It’s kinda like chess, but with mafia pieces if that makes sense. So do some thinking and use the right skills whenever needed.

Also, don’t forget to use the pieces that you get from chests to upgrade those skills. It’s very important, even that 10 extra damage you might get from one level.

These would be all the Mafioso:Gangster Paradise tips and tricks we have for you right now! If you know some other cool and useful tips, leave them down in the comments below so that everyone can learn them!