

レイド:シャドウ レジェンドのチート:すべてのステージをクリアするためのヒントとガイド

The Raid:本日の記事で共有する Shadow Legends のヒントとチートは、すべてのステージを迅速かつ非常に簡単にクリアするのに役立ち、ゲームの理解を深め、チームを適切に編成する方法を理解するのにも役立ちます.

300 人以上のヒーローを集めて、さまざまなコンボや戦略を試すのが好きなら、このゲームにはたくさんのダンジョンが用意されています。聖なる破片が欲しいですか? 1 つ (または 2 つ) を取得する方法を正確に説明します!

Raid:Shadow Legends のヒントとコツのすべてに興味がある場合 それでは、もう 1 秒も無駄にせずに、すぐに飛び込みましょう!


まず、最も重要なのは開始時のヒーローです。これは (できれば) ゲーム全体で使用されるため、適切なアップグレードとギアを使用して、後で実際に実行できる強力なものが必要になります。

この機能は、最初の優れたチャンピオンになるため、非常に重要です。攻撃に特化し、同じリーダー バフ (パーティー メンバーの HP を 15% 増加させる) を持つ 4 人のかなり優れたレア チャンピオンから選ぶことができるため、実際のスキルに関してのみ異なります。

最初のヒーローはエルハインです。 私が本当に好きで、現時点で 4 人の中で最強だと考えているハイエルフ、ケル 同じくらい強いが時間の経過とともにダメージを受けるもの、ガレク、 ブルートとディフェンス シュレッダーとデバッファ、そしてアセル 自己バフがたくさんあるものですが、私はあまりプレイするのが好きではありません。




最初は、Sacred Shard の召喚を行うために 100,000 のお金を節約する必要があるのではないかと心配するかもしれませんが、何だと思いますか?!シャードなしでは機能しません。 (100,000 はシャードを購入するのではなく、シャードを開くことに後で気付きました)

私がお勧めするのは、報酬から、またはクエストのドロップとして、取得したすべてのシャードを開くことです.受け取ったらすぐに開けてください。開けるのに 500 シルバーしかかからないので、とても安いです!

多くのシャードを開くことで、常にたくさんのキャラクターから選択できるようになるため、どの敵に直面しても、敵の要素に対抗する要素を手に入れることができます (紫でない限り)。



When you are just starting off, you might be tempted to do so many things because the game is very exciting and has really cool graphics, but unfortunately many of the good features are locked until you level up a little.

I suggest to do the stages as best as you can and as far as you can go. For every 1-2 levels (passed or not) you will get a level, so it’s not hard to level up at start. Definitely try to go as far as you can, and level up fast until you unlock the Dungeons.

Once you unlock the Dungeons, I suggest that you start leveling there by doing and re-doing levels for Summon Shards and other goodies, as well as unlocking Champion Masteries to further make them stronger.

After getting the Dungeons, you will level up faster than you can imagine, so once you get to that point everything will get much stronger, level up fast and you will unlock new instances quicker than by doing the normal Campaign.

Unlock more Market slots ASAP

After leveling enough to open the Market, it will cost you a bit, but I suggest investing the Gems and Silver you have gathered thus far into opening the next 6 slots. It will cost quite a bit of Silver, and probably all of your Gems (or most of them), but it’s really useful, trust me!

For every unlocked slot you will get a new item that you can purchase for Silver, and they can be anything, from Heroes and Artifacts to Shards. You never know what you’ll get, so the more you have, the more chances to unlock one or more Shards!

The Market will refresh every hour for free, so make sure you check it out every hour! You can also refresh it by force by using 5 Gems, but it’s really not worth it because you might not get what you wanted, so it might go to waste.

Don’t forget to use the Sparring Pit

In the Sparring Pit you will have only one slot open for free, so it can’t do much at first, but it’s still very useful nonetheless. What this does basically is taking a hero of your choosing and leveling it up.

All you need to do is select the hero that you want passively leveled up, and send it to the Sparring Pit. The game will then take its time to boost it, and you’ll have a hero leveled without having to add it to your party.

This is exceptionally good if you just got a new hero that you would like to use, but not waste a slot in a party. You can do this to level that hero up and I really suggest that you don’t disband the party you have created just to level up the new hero.

Obtain Sacred Shards for free!

There are several types of summoning Shards, but the best one is the Sacred Shard. If you want to get one for free, there are several things you can do. One of the things you can do for a free Sacred Shard is to log in daily for a month.

After 28 consecutive days of simply logging in to the game and claiming the daily rewards, you will receive a free Sacred Shard! It’s not hard to do, as you will receive many useful stuff along the way from the daily rewards.

Another way to get a free Sacred Shard is to complete all the 5 Monthly Quests. They are slightly more difficult than the Daily Quests or even Weekly Quests, but the rewards are worth it!

There is a third way of getting a free Sacred Shard, and that is by completing Progress Missions. It is a little more tough to do, but doable nonetheless! You will have to complete 150 Progress Missions, which can be anything from equipping Artifacts, to upgrading them and fighting.

If you are a hardcore leveler, then you need to know that once you reach level 60, you will also get a free Sacred Shard! More motivation now to level up, eh?

Choose the right elements when fighting

Every champion has their own element, and so does the enemy. Some elements have an advantage over others, so if you still don’t understand how this works, I’ll explain everything!

In the bottom left part of every champion (or enemy) icon you will notice an itty bitty tiny icon with a specific color. It can be either Red, Blue, Green or Purple. That represents that hero’s element.

Red is strong against Blue, but weak against Green.

Blue is strong against Green, but weak against Red.

Green is strong against Red, but weak against Blue.

Purple is neutral against any of the Red, Blue, Green.

When you will see the enemy you’re facing, always make sure that you select your strongest hero with element they are weak to in order for your attacks to have a better effect when going against them.

Do the Clan Boss!

I mean don’t try to be a hero and solo kill the Clan Boss in a single fight, because it will destroy you within seconds! It’s simply impossible to beat that Demon Lord in a single fight, so you need you Clan mates’ help!

What you should do is try to damage it always, little by little, every day, and hope that you clan mates do the same. Since every single day you will receive a Free Key to try and do the Clan Boss, make sure you don’t forget to use it! Any little damage helps!

Other helpful Raid:Shadow Legends tips and tricks:

– Save 900 Gems for a Big Shard Pack (Shop -> Gem Shop -> Big Shard Pack). It’s not worth buying the Small Shard Pack because it will only give you 3 Shards for 270 gems, while the Big Shard Packs gives you 11 shards for 900!

– Get the free Ancient Shard from the Shop. Every 3 days you will get a free Ancient Shard in the shop. Always make sure you collect it, as it’s very valuable and you might get something good!

– Get the daily free Mystery Shard! Just like the Ancient Shard, the Mystery Shard is also available in the shop, but every day! Collect this as well.

– Wanna spend real life money? The Sacred Daily Pack is the one that will be the most worth it! It is slightly more expensive, but the cheaper version would be the Starter Pack, but that won’t give you a guaranteed Sacred Shard.

– Don’t exchange Gems for Silver! Ever! You can get Silver super easy by farming the Dungeon or by doing the Campaign, so don’t waste the hard to earn Gems for this.

– Don’t buy the Gem Mine unless you’re swimming in Gems. The Gem production is so slow it’s almost painful! It’s a waste of Gems, and not to mention it will take you 100 days to get back all the Gems you invested into it. Let that sink it for a second… 100 days to get back the investment!

– Want to get 3 star on a Campaign level? Wait until your heroes are stronger and come back with just 2. That’s right, you will need only 2 heroes in a battle in order to get 3 stars.

– Check your heroes’ skills well before forming a team. Some of them are support, some others attack and some HP. Depending on the enemy you’re facing, think about the best composition and before heading into the fight level them up. Also gear them up.

– Use the right type of Artifact set for each class. The Support ones might need Life or Defense set, the Attack ones might need either Offense or Lifesteal. Just take a look at the sets and try to figure out which works best with the hero that you have. Try out different combos!

– For all that is dear, don’t go in the Spider’s Den Dungeon without at least 3 strong AoE characters! Just don’t!

– Replay Campaign or Dungeon levels if you see a drop that you like, be it a new Champion from the Campaign or some useful loot from the Dungeon.

– Don’t forget to put points in the Masteries! And also, always read further down the line, because even if the first point isn’t what you wanted, if it leads to a better node, it’s good.

These would be all the Raid:Shadow Legends tips and tricks we have for you right now. If you know some other cool and useful tips, share them with us and all the other Raid:Shadow Legends players down in the comments below!