

Idle Space Tycoon Cheats:最高の宇宙船管理者になるためのヒントとガイド


このゲームでは、能動的であると同時に… 受動的である必要があるため、ゲームに参加していなくてもゲームを実行して収入を得ることができます。そのため、1 日中プレイしたくない人にも、ゲームに多くの時間を費やす人にも最適なゲームです。


しかし、今は褒め言葉で十分です。それはご自分の目でお確かめください。Idle Space Tycoon のヒントとコツをお届けします。 、それでは早速始めましょう!



新しい船のロックを解除したら、すぐにパイロットを雇う必要があります – 良いパイロットです!そうすることで、オフライン中の収益の増加から余分なお金、クールダウンの短縮まで、そのパイロットからいくつかの追加の利点を得ることができます.

私は常に 1 つではなく 2 つの統計を持つパイロットを選びます。その方が明らかに優れているからです。同様の統計を持つ 2 つのパイロットから選択できる場合は、常にわずかに優れている方を選びます!

でも今は、最初に描いたものだけで落ち着く必要はありません。常に広告を見てリロールし、2 つのうち最高の 1 つを保持することを選択することをお勧めします。このオプションは、どのパイロットがそこに隠されているかを実際に知ることはできないため、ほとんどの場合、価値があります。


ゲームを積極的にプレイしていないとき (ゲームを終了したり、単にデバイスの画面をシャットダウンしたりしたとき) はいつでも、船は利益の生成を停止しないため、オフライン資金を獲得し始めます。


そのために必要なことは、広告を見ることだけです。 It will not take much time, and it’s a lot of money that you get for doing this, so it’s definitely worth the 30 seconds you spent watching the ad.

Swap out the pilots

I really urge you to do this one little thing before knowingly closing the game:swap all your pilots with ones which give increased idle earnings and possibly some other good stat increase. This is going to make a really big impact, especially if you go offline for a longer time.

When you are in game, playing actively and whatnot (making upgrades, buying pilots, etc) switch them to some others that you want to try out or work well while online, and just knock yourself out! There’s an endless sea of possibilities, so go ahead and try what ever you want!

Just keep in mind to swap them to the ones which give idle earnings before closing the game!

Open the Special Chests

Every now and then you will see appear on the top left corner of the screen a shiny chest which will not stay for too long. Always take advantage of it when you spot it and tap on it. Once you open it it’s going to offer you a hefty sum of money in exchange for watching an ad.

I always do this because that extra free income is really good if you want to upgrade the ship hangars as quickly as possible!

Upgrade all the ships constantly

You can make several upgrades to the ships’ levels, and they give quite a few good bonuses. The best one is by far the income increase, which is given as a passive for constantly making upgrades.

These upgrades come at levels 10, 25, 50, 100, 125, 175, 200 and so on. In my opinion the best you could do is upgrade all of the ships constantly to level 10, then to 25, and so on. When you do this you’ll guarantee tons of profits not just for one hangar, but from all of them.

It’s never bad to have more pilots

In my opinion it is the best if you could summon pilots at all times. It is never bad to have a few extra pilots at hand for when you want to swap them out among themselves. They cost some money (increasingly more money per every pilot you summon) and they will not go anywhere once you have obtained them!

Watch an ad do double all your income

In the bottom side of the screen you will see a huge old school pixel TV which says “BOOST”. There you can choose to watch an advertisement to double all of your income for a long, long time.

You can do this several times at once (until that red bar fills up) and that way you can ensure that you have double incomes for the whole day. This is a great and very easy way to make a ton of money without basically doing anything.

Stuck and maxed out? Why not unlock more areas?

There are quite a few areas you can unlock in the game once you completed the first one. At the moment only one more is available, which costs 29.40ab, but the others will unlock soon enough (we hope at least!).

Once you have reached the maximum potential out here in this Zone 1 you can head to the second one and try asserting your financial dominance there! And once the next ones unlock, even better!

These would be all of our Idle Space Tycoon tips and tricks that we have for you right now! If you have some other cool tips to share with fellow players, leave them down in the comments below!