

Legion of Titan 攻略:強力な帝国を築くためのヒントとガイド

今日の記事では、強力で強大な帝国を築くのに役立つ Legion of Titan のチートとヒントをすべて紹介します。リソースの管理方法から強力な同盟への参加方法まで、すべてを順を追って説明します。


それでは早速、レギオン オブ タイタンのヒントとコツに入りましょう。

最初にリソース ファームを構築


まず、街の外にいると、それらの建物を設定できる特別なスポットが表示されます。 5 つの製材所と 5 つの採石場を配置することから始めます。これは、城をレベル 5 にレベルアップするまでに所有できる建物の最大数であるためです。

これが完了したら、残りの場所に 1 ~ 2 のトレーニング グラウンドと 1 ~ 2 のメディック テントを配置します。彼らはあなたの軍隊が負傷したときに、彼らを癒すことによってあなたを助けます (そして、私を信じてください、それは後で起こります)。


アクティブなアライアンスに参加することをお勧めします。それがすべてのアライアンスの最も重要な機能であるためです。 1 つに参加することで、同盟の仲間がより速く構築するのを助けることができ (実際には構築プロセスをスピードアップします)、彼らもあなたを助けてくれます.


少なくともレベル 5 の城に到達し、街中で適切なアップグレードを行ったら、より大きな同盟を探し始めます。メンバーの数は重要です。アクティブな人が多ければ多いほど、より多くの支援を得ることができます (また、提供することもできます)。




Another thing to keep in mind is that this free upgrade will let you finish ANY building as long as it has 5 minutes or less left until full completion. This works on the Castle, gate, resources, and any other building! So make sure you complete them for free!

Use the Golden Hammer right off the start!

When you are starting the game, you can use the extra building forces offered by hiring the Golden Hammer to be able to work on extra buildings. This is super useful especially if you want to level up your city quickly, because it basically doubles the building process!

Once this Golden Hammer has run out, if you think that you want to keep building at a high speed, you can spend some Gems to buy another one!

Use the building speed-up boosts

If you want to quickly finish off a building process that might otherwise take forever, I suggest that you use those free speed-up boosts that you have. Use them especially when you are upgrading the Castle, because that upgrade is the one that takes the most time.

Another thing I suggest that you are careful about is the timer used. What I mean by this is that, as I mentioned before, when you have around 5 minutes left to complete a building process, you can upgrade it for free. Try counting the upgrades used so that they will not overlap this 5 minute mark, because every single minute speed-up counts.

So for example you have a building that takes 9 minutes to upgrade and you want to finish it off quickly – what you should do is use four 1 Minute Boosts to reduce the building time by 4 minutes. Once you are left with 5, you can upgrade for free. So never use the exact same building speed-up as the shown time, because in my opinion it is not worth it at all!

Keep your buildings busy

If you haven’t noticed yet, some of the buildings, such as the Barracks and the College will often have a couple of “Z”s as if they were sleeping. That means that you can assign tasks to them and not let them idle there.

For example, you could always be training new troops or learning a new skill! But about this, let’s take a look below!

Learn something new every few minutes

When you head on to the College building, right next to the Castle, you will see that there are quite a few options available. Tap on the Technology tab and open the menu. Once the menu shows up, you can choose between Resources, Development and Military. These are all tasks that you can learn in time (a.k.a. It takes time to learn them) and I suggest that you start doing so immediately.

Firstly, I think that you should add as many points in the Development tab, under the Architecture I option. That will speed up the building process, so it’s going to come in handy at any point in the game.

Secondly, focus on the Military because I honestly think that is the best. By now you should have a steady resource income, but if you are facing difficulty keeping up with all the upgrades and whatnot, you could even go for the Resources tab and choose either Circular Saw (for wood production) or Iron Pickaxe (for ore production).

Either way you go, the Architecture I should always end up maxed ASAP and afterwards, go for whatever you feel like. Just never stop learning, because it will come in handy!

Always keep your buildings in check

Another useful tip that I have found works for me really well when I want to make quick upgrades, is keeping all buildings upgraded to max. What this means is that for each Castle level, your buildings have a “maximum level” that they can be upgraded to. So whenever I level up my Castle, I try to max them out so that I won’t have to start from level 2-3 when a quest requires it.

That way I am constantly certain that my city is up-to-date so to say, because the buildings are always upgraded to the maximum available level.

These would be all of our Legion of Titan tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you have some more useful tricks to help you build a strong city quickly? Share them with us down in the comments section below!