

パーフェクト ワールド モバイル攻略法:より強力になるためのヒントとガイド

今日の記事では、Perfect World Mobile のすべてのヒントとチートを共有して、ゲームを開始し、できるだけ早くより強力になるのに役立つようにします.

私自身、Perfect World Entertainment のゲームを約 10 年間プレイしてきましたが、モバイル デバイスに優れた楽しい体験をもたらすことに関して、彼らは何も妥協していないと自信を持って言えます。


それでは、パーフェクト ワールド モバイルのヒントとコツに飛び込んでみましょう。 上手になるための完全なガイドを以下に示します。


ゲームのプレイ方法に応じて、いくつかの方法があります。ゲームにはいくつかのクラスがあり、以前に MMO をプレイしたことがある場合は、プレイできるクラスに関してはすでに好みがあるかもしれません。

たとえば、私は常にどのゲームでもメイジ / ダーク メイジ / ウィザードをプレイしたり、最後の手段として暗殺者をプレイしたりすることを好みます (ゲームにメイジ クラスがない場合)。幸いなことに、Perfect World Mobile には次の 5 つのクラスがあります。

野蛮人 (Untamed) チームのタンクとして機能し、非常に高い HP と防御力を備えています。

聖職者 (Winged Elf) チームのバッファーとヒーラーであり、サポートと継続的な維持を提供します。

アーチャー (翼のあるエルフ) ややバランスが取れており、ダメージを与える方向に傾いています。アーチャーは遠距離ダメージディーラーです。

魔法使い (人間) は、高いバースト ダメージを提供する非常に高いダメージ ディーラーです。

ブレードマスター (人間) もまた高ダメージ ディーラーですが、チームにクラウド コントロール デバフ効果をもたらします。




レベルアップするための迅速な方法が必要な場合 (または、少なくとも かなり 正直なところ、レベリングは非常に遅いため、速い方法です)、主にメインクエストを行うことに集中する必要があります.これらのメイン クエストを完了すると、さまざまなゲーム コンテンツのロックが解除されます。

現在、いくつかのクエスト タイプがあり、それに応じて、経験値の獲得にどのように影響するかについて詳しく知ることができます。基本的に、クエスト ログを確認すると、クエスト名の前にいくつかのタグが付いていることがわかります:

– [ガイド] – それ自体は正確にはクエストではありませんが、ガイド付きタスクのようなものです 将来何かを行う方法を示します。

– [M] – これがメインクエストです .メイン クエストは、すべてのタスクを完了するまで常に表示されます。そのため、すぐになくなることはありません。

– [S] – this is the side quests . These quests are not related to the main story, and they will reward you with EXP and gold mostly, or other useful items for your character.

– [C] – these are the quest chain . These quests are also some optional quests, but they are somewhat related to the main ones. Either way, it’s just more quests so it means more EXP!

– [O] – I am still not 100% sure about this, but it will show you either the oracle quest or optional quest . The [O] quests will give you EXP, but they are super good for also claiming other rewards, such as currency and gears, depending on the quest. Some of them are also daily quests, so they can be completed once per day, every day!

– [Cul] – the Cultivation quests , which are used for increasing your Cultivation. These are super important, so whenever you have one available, make sure you do it!

Do your daily tasks

In game you will have some of these optional quests listed as daily quests. This will mean that every single day that you complete that quest, you will gain EXP. Since these tasks are made to help you level up quickly, I suggest that you do them every single day.

These tasks are dungeons and quests which yo can only complete once per day, and I suggest that you try focusing on doing them daily. If you do your daily tasks every single day, along with several main quests a day, then you will progress constantly and soon enough you will be among the top level people in the server!

Check out a complete list of all the daily dungeons that you can do by tapping on the “Events” button right next to the minimap, and there head on to the “EXP” ta if you are seeking EXP dungeons, “Equipment” if you want to gear up, or simply stay in the “All Events” tab and do every single one of them.

Notice that some of the events are limited to certain days, while others are only available during certain times. Make sure that you try to log when the time events are on, such as the Celestial Hunt, because it will give you very good EXP.

Get better gears and upgrade them

As you start off in the game, you will not really have a lot of good gears, but instead quite the opposite. If you will want to get new gears, then it’s relatively simple:focus on completing the quests, and you will start getting some (obviously not super good) gears, but they will get you through the early stages.

Once you leveled up a little, then open the “Events” menu next to the minimap and tap on the “Equipment” tab. There you will be able to take part in various dungeons which will reward you with equipment. You will have limited times to do this every day, so make sure that you do it to get better equipment!

Avoid the red carpets while battling

Every time that you are in a battle with a boss or whatnot, you will notice that the bosses can cast some skills. You can tell by the animation underneath them, that the ground will get something like a “red carpet” which shows the enemy’s attack pattern.

Make sure you dodge this, because it will end up being quite bad if you get hit by some super powerful boss monster end game, since they do a lot of damage (and if you are not playing a tank, then you might even die).

So don’t be a sitting duck, and try to always cast your skills and move at the same time , to avoid getting hit! It’s possible to do it, so just pay attention to where you are moving because it is quite important.

Always have a party

Whenever you joined a party, make sure that you try to befriend the people in it so that you can add them again and again! It’s important to have a party, because the EXP you will get will increase, so it’s always better to have a good team to help you with both damage and with gaining more EXP.

Keep your bag organized

I suggest that you always check out your bag, because at start you will pick up quite a lot of stuff, and not all of it will be very useful. Also, you will not have a lot of bag slots early on, so it might be quite bad to keep all of it cluttered with useless items.

For example, when you open your bag you will see that you can unlock more slots, but at start they are all locked. If you want to unlock them, you will need 250 Silver Ingots for 5 slots, so you can imagine that to unlock all of them you can only do it in time, or by spending real money on the game.

I suggest that you unlock the next 5 slots however, for 250 Silver Ingots, because they will come in handy for when you are adventuring into the dungeons and you start picking up a lot of drops.

Refine your gears (with a grain of salt)

Now this is a Perfect World Entertainment game, so I’ll let you in on a little secret:all of the games from PWE have some sort of annoying refining system, which will either start failing and frustrate you or plainly shatter your gear upon a failed refining.

Luckily, Perfect World Mobile will only deduce 1 level of refinery when it fails, so it will not shatter your gears (thank God). I suggest that you refine only the best gears that you gather, because you will need every single Mirage Stone that you can get your hands on, if you want to get highly refined equipment.

Therefore in my opinion it is not worth it to refine your starter and blue equipment just yet, and rather go adventure into the dungeons and try to obtain better ones. Once you got some good gears, go ahead and start refining it, but expect it to fail from time to time! My 3* armor went from +7 to +4 and I spent over 20 Mirage Stones, so go figure.

Get a permanent outfit

If you are a player who like making their character look good, then I definitely suggest that you take a look at the permanent fashions. In game, these fashions will have the option to be permanently dyed, unlike the normal ones.

I suggest that you check them out in the Menu -> “Skins” tab because you can find them at discounted prices during various times!

Claim and complete Achievements

In the game there will be quite a lot of achievements that you can aim to complete, which will give you currency and EXP in return. I really think that you should check out all the tasks there, and try to do dungeons which contain them so that you can complete the requests.

Do your Path tasks

On the left side of the minimap, you will see a lotus icon which has the text “Path” underneath. These tasks that are listed here are limited time, so I suggest that you try and complete them ASAP, because they are pretty simple overall.

These tasks will be mostly available from the early stages of the game, and are not going to be there always, so definitely make sure you check them out so that you can complete them every day.

Log in every day to the game to claim free rewards

Every day that you will log in to the game, you can claim some free rewards to help you grow faster in the game. I suggest that you log in even if only to claim the various rewards, if you don’t feel like playing that moment, because they will definitely come in handy when you do decide to log in and play for a longer period of time.

Always stock up on potions

You should always have some potions on you, especially HP and Mana potions, because if you are fighting bosses or even casually grinding or whatnot, you will find a use for them sooner or later. Just make sure that you have some with you, because if you happen to take a lot of damage, the potions will come in handy by healing you up!

Visit the Potionmaster in every city and make sure you buy a few extra potions to have on you, just in case.

Deposit your extras in the warehouse

Also while you are in the city, make sure that you look for the Warehouse manager so that you can deposit your extra items in the stash. Deposit there all the stuff that you will not use immediately, such as various stones and other items like that.

Make sure that you always keep your bag and stash organized, because it will be much easier to find what you are looking for if you don’t have a mess happening there.

Other Perfect World Mobile tips and tricks:

– You can check out your friends list and mail quickly by tapping on the “Friends” icon on the bottom left side of the chat, in the middle of the screen. Use this option to check your in game mails, the friends requests and so on.

– Right next to your character, in the top left corner of the screen, you will see an icon with some arrows pointing upwards. Tap on that, and it will show you your average stats for your current level. It will also tell you which of them you should improve on (they are labeled with red), so you can tell easily.

– If you are looking for a particular NPC, tap on the minimap and then in the bottom right corner tap on the “NPC” option. A list will pop up, and there you can search for the NPC that you want, and once you tap on it the character will start autorouting to that NPC.

– Join a guild to open new Guild dungeons and socialize with a whole new array of players. They can help you by teaming up with you and complete various dungeons together.

– If you tap on the small tiny icons underneath your character’s icon in the top left corner of the screen, you can see the buffs that you have active at the moment, and the timer left for each of them.

These would be all of our Perfect World Mobile game tips and tricks that we have for you right now, but if you want to know more about the game, make sure you leave your questions down below and I will get back at you ASAP! Also, if you know some more useful tips about leveling and other game features, feel free to share them with us!