

Dawn of Zombies 攻略:長く生き残るためのヒントとガイド

今日の記事では、このゲームで長時間生き残る方法を学ぶことができるように、収集した Dawn of Zombies のヒントとチートをすべて取り上げて共有します。

お腹をいっぱいに保つことから、キャラクターの水分補給を維持すること、安全を確保してアイテムを保管するために多くのものを作成することまで、ゲームで追跡する必要があることがかなりあります (理由は後で説明します)。下)。実際、他のすべてのサバイバル ゲームと同じように、このゲームにはやるべきことがたくさんあります。

Dawn of Zombies のヒントとコツに飛び込みましょう。 この下にあるゾンビの黙示録を生き残る方法を学びましょう!


バッグの中にたくさんのアイテムを集めることができますが、これらのアイテムの多くは良い (またはあまり良くない) 場合があります。新しい素材を入手し、より良いものを手に入れるチャンスをつかむ最良の方法は、死体とあなたの道に来るほとんどすべてのものを略奪することです.



早い段階でストアがかなりの問題になることは承知していますが、それについては以下で説明します。それまでの間、クエストやクラフト レシピに必要な木以外の余分な木を伐採し始めることをお勧めします。

何かを作りたいときに重宝するので、常に各材料を余分に拾って保管するようにしてください.そうすれば、材料を探しに行く必要がなくなり (特に基地の外や遠くの場所から材料を収集する場合)、保存された材料ですぐに材料を作ることができます.

ヒント: 私はいつも収集旅行に行くのが好きです そこでは、マップを回って木材、金属くず、その他の収集アイテムを探し、基地に戻ってそれらを保管しています。そうすれば、必要なアイテムがすべて揃っているので、さまざまなクエストをより迅速に作成して完了することができます.



クエストでは、ゲームの非常に早い段階で袋を構築するように求められますが、既存の 10 個のスロットに 5 個のスロットしか追加されないため、実際にはストレージ容量にはあまり役立ちません.

したがって、2 つ目の小さなボックス (クラフト -> サバイバル エッセンシャル -> 小さなボックス) の作成を開始することをお勧めします。 2 番目のものを構築してベースに配置し、使用しない余分なアイテムと材料をすべてそこに保管します。



追加の食事: this is essential because hunger might get you at any point in the game and you will have to eat, so make sure that you always have at least 3 pieces of food with you wherever you go.

Extra water: water will calm your thirst, so just like food, it’s super important to have some flasks filled with water on you because if you are dehydrated, you will slowly start losing health (have at least 3-4 on you)!

Extra materials for weapons: since the weapons and all the other tools have a durability in the game, you should always try to have some extra materials to craft those items on you at all times. Depending on which items you want to craft, you should at least have 4 Scrap Metal and 2 Raw Planks on you so that you can craft that basic Axe which can act as both a weapon and a tool to chop down trees.

The alternative to carrying extra materials for weapons would be to have the already crafted weapons / items on you, so make sure that you have this especially if your item’s durability is below half.

Bandages: Bandages are super important, so don’t neglect them because if you will have to fight a lot, food won’t do you much good. 1 Bandage can be crafted by using 1 Rags, which can be collected from various enemies. Always have at least 5 Bandages with you because they will help you by healing you a lot in case you get hurt!

So these are the most important things that you should carry at all times. It might seem like a lot, but it will save you from death most likely and you should not neglect that.

Get 50 Gold Bars for free

If you want to receive 50 Gold Bars for free all that you have to do is check on the left side of the screen where an icon with the Facebook logo will appear, which will ask you to like / join the game’s Facebook page and receive 50 Gold Bars in return.

Just tap on this and the game’s Facebook page will be opened, but you don’t really have to do anything – you don’t even have to have a Facebook account! Once this opened, head back into the game and select the Storage option and the reward will be given to you anyway for free!

Expand your house

If you have collected quite a lot of Raw Planks you can go ahead and start expanding your house and build more rooms. This can be done by tapping on the house menu in the right side of the screen. There, you can see in the Construction tab that you can build various stuff out of wood, such as flooring, walls, doors and even outside fencing!

So if you want to start decorating and make it feel like home, do this and make sure you take a look at the Furnishing tab as well because there you can see a lot of other utility stuff that you can build.

Restore your Bicycle ASAP

You can find the old Bicycle in the second room of the house, or the Garage (let’s call it that). There are a few items necessary to restore it, but once restored this bike will help you move around the map much faster and help you explore new territories!

The items necessary for repairing it are:

– 2x Sack

– 20x Rebar

– 20x Bolts

– 6x Spokes

– 4x Hide

– 20x Twine

– 3x Bicycle Sprockets

– 20x Chain Links

My tip here: Whenever you collect some of these items you should go ahead to the Bicycle and tap, hold and drag them onto the items necessary for repairing it so that you can empty them up from your inventory! Don’t worry – they will be stored in the bicycle and once you have them all it will say Completed!

Complete your tasks and quests

In this game there are quite a few tasks that you can follow in the game if you are feeling lost, so if you want to proceed with these go ahead and start doing so immediately!

There will be your main quests which you can find by tapping on the quests which appear in the right side of the screen, or by tapping on the button in the upper right corner of the screen which will be your PDA. Let’s dive a bit into all of them:

Quests :These will be your main tasks, so basically the story mode! Follow these as you see fit, but keep in mind that surviving is number 1 priority and you should only advance with these when you are feeling ready to take on some challenges.

Daily Quests: These quests will reset daily and they can be some super easy tasks or some tasks which will require a little bit more time invested. Try to complete them every single day (before they reset) because you can collect a ton of useful rewards from them.

Challenges: The Challenges are basically perseverance rewards – the longer you stay online in the game the more and better rewards you can receive. So claim these whenever they are available!

Events: The events are time limited features which will give your some special rewards. Check them out and try to complete them whenever you can.

Tips: Sometimes you will pick up some strange sheets of paper from the zombies or various enemies, so when you see them in your bag add them to your PDA to free up space. You will have access to them at all times and they will give you various tips about the game and some of its locations.

Claim free goods chest

When you head on to the Store tab (the shopping cart icon) you can find under the Limited tab a chest which will be available for free. It’s called the Friendly Support chest and all that you need to do is watch an advertisement to claim its contents.

From this you can receive Hide, Nails, Twine, Fried Mushrooms, Rosehip Potion, Gold Bars, Board With Nails, Raider’s Axe, Makarov Pistol or a FN Scar (rifle weapon). So no matter what you get they will definitely come in handy! Watch this whenever it is available!


These would be all of our Dawn of Zombies tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more useful game survival tips and strategies?以下のコメントセクションで、私たちと残りのプレイヤーと共有してください!