

GWENT:The Witcher Card Game Cheats:Tips &Tricks Guide to Build Your First Decks

ウィッチャーの宇宙を舞台にした待望のカードゲームがついに登場!グウェント:ウィッチャー カード ゲームに参加しよう!ウィッチャーのお気に入りのヒーローと陣営が、この戦略的な収集価値のあるカード ゲームで激突します。

グウェントではすべての動きが重要なので、プレイヤーはその場で慎重に決定を下します! 3 つの中で最も優れているため、慎重なデッキ構築とコンボが勝利の鍵となります。

GWENT:The Withcer Card Game のヒントとコツ ガイドでは、基本的なメカニズムと、提供されているデッキを使用したいくつかのサンプル戦略について説明します。グウェントから始めましょう:ウィッチャー カード ゲームのチート、ヒント、および最初のデッキを構築するためのトリック戦略ガイド!


グウェントでは、2 人のプレイヤーが戦略的なカード バトルで 3 ラウンドのベストを尽くします。これは、試合の勝者と宣言されるには、2 ラウンド勝つ必要があることを意味します。






対戦相手が何をしているかを見て、それらを読み取ろうとします。彼らは全力を尽くすつもりですか?身を守る必要があるかもしれませんし、それを有利に利用できるかもしれません。覚えておいてください、あなたは 2 ラウンド勝つ必要があります…


グウェントで最も一般的に使用される戦術の 1 つは、「間引き」の概念です。シニングとは、基本的には、後のラウンドで銀枠や金枠のカードなど、より良いカードを獲得する可能性を高めるために、価値の低いカードを意図的にプレイするプロセスです。



リーダー スキルを忘れないでください!

選択したスターター デッキに基づいて、リーダー スキルが与えられます。リーダー スキルは、チャージした回数だけ使用できます。その後、ほとんどの場合、使い果たされ、残りの試合では使用できなくなります。スキルを賢く使うことが重要です!

The Leader skills set in the starter decks are meant to compliment the actual cards, but when you are building your deck you can choose whatever Leader skill you like. We will go over all of them in the starter deck list.

Decks &Strategies in GWENT

When you complete your first three bot matches in GWENT, you are given access to all five starter decks. This is where things really start to open up, and you can start experimenting with the different faction decks to see what suits your playstyle.

Here, we will go over the sample decks and we will share some basic strategies with you in hopes that you can use them as jumping off points for your own deck builds.

Northern Realms

Leader skill:Inspired Zeal (Charge 3)

Inspired Zeal boosts an allied Northern Realms unit by 1 and grants it Zeal. Zeal lets cards with an Order to be played immediately upon entering the battlefield.

The Northern Realms starter deck focuses on strength in numbers. Many cards like Nenneke, Anna Strenger, and Temerian Drummer focus on boosting allies. This deck succeeds when it can places its supporting cards next to its main soldier cards.

Cards like the Siege Tower and Tridam Infantry benefit from being near allies. Specifically, the Siege Tower gains power when it is between two soldier-type units, and the Tridam Infantry attacks a random enemy for 1 damage every time it is boosted.

The Tridam Infantry is amazing when paired with the previously mentioned Anna Strenger and Termerian Drummer cards, as they can constantly boost the infantry, resulting in attacks every turn.


Leader skill:Carapace (Charge 2)

Carapace boosts an allied unit by 3 and grants it Shield. Shield protects the unit for one attack.

The gruesome Monsters focus on getting revenge through Deathwish abilities and also consuming each other to grow more powerful.

The best example of this is one of the deck’s gold cards, Ozzrel. Deploying Ozzrel in the melee row allows it to consume one of your opponent’s units in their graveyard, removing them from the match permanently, while powering him up at the same time.

Other cards, like the Celaeno Harpy and the Ghoul are able to consume other units. Some units can only consume allies, while some can only consume enemies, so make sure to pay attention to what their Consume text says.

A few cards like the Archespore and the Harpy Egg have the Deathwish ability, which causes things to happen when the card in question is destroyed. Harpies are spawn from the egg when destroyed and the Archespore damages enemies.

If your opponent is aggressive and likes to attack your cards often, these Deathwish abilities will make them think through that strategy twice.


Leader skill:Onslaught (Cooldown 2)

Onslaught is a straightforward skill that damages an enemy by 1.

The aggressive Skellige focus on attacking opponents relentlessly so that they eventually gain the upper hand through Bloodlust, an ability that triggers when a number of enemy cards are missing health.

A majority of the cards have the Bloodlust ability, including the gold card Donar An Hindar. Each card has its own Bloodlust threshold; Donar An Hindar’s Bloodlust ability, which lets him damage an enemy unit by 4, requires at least two enemy units to be already damaged.

Other units are able to take advantage of damaged enemies even if they do not have a Bloodlust ability. The Giant Boar, for example, is boosted by 1 point for every damaged unit. If the enemy team has a lot of units that are hurt, the Giant Boar can single-handedly put you ahead in points.

Let your opponent play a few cards, then damage them slightly to take advantage of the Bloodlust abilities. The more you attack, the more power you will gain!


Leader skill:Strategic Withdrawal

Strategic Withdrawal moves an allied Nilfgaardian unit to your hand and boosts it by 2, then you are able to play a card.

The powerful Nilfgaardians rely on allies to empower their abilities, like the starter deck’s gold cards Serrit and Auckes. These two cards deal damage and lock enemies respectively, but if you play one with the other in your hand, their abilities are amplified to tremendous degrees. Serrit deals 4 damage instead of 2, and Auckes is able to lock an enemy and all copies of that enemy on the battlefield.

The Impera Brigade is a powerful 3 point card that when summoned into the melee row, will summon all additional copies from your deck alongside it. If you load your deck with these guys, you can give yourself a big point boost seemingly out of nowhere.

The Nauzicaa Sergeant gains a power point every time you play a unit that has the Deploy ability. Almost all of the cards in the Nilfgaard starter deck have the deploy ability, so play the Sergeant early to make the most of it.


Leader skill:Invigorate

Boost all units in your hand by 1.

The Scoia’tael starter deck is an all around deck that focus on damage, boosting, and utility. Most of the gold cards like Milaen, Sheldon Skaggs, and Pavko Gale all focus on no nonsense damage dealing. Ida Emean aep Sivney can grant an ally Vitality, which boosts that ally by 1 for as long as Vitality lasts.

This deck features the powerful Incinerating Trap which is invisible to your opponent when played. The trap is automatically activated when your opponent plays a card, damaging them for 5. The trap’s damage is usually enough to destroy most cards on its own, so get ready to play it when you feel the time is right.

The Urihedd Dragoon card can force an enemy unit to move into the opposite row. It can also be used on one of your allies if they get moved out of their original row. You can disrupt potential strategies since certain cards need to be in a specific row to use their abilities.

With its focus on powerful moves and utility, the Scoia’tael is a great deck to start off with.

Play them all and build your own deck!

We recommend that you take all five starter decks for a spin at least once. That way, you will grow more familiar with the cards and possible combos. With this knowledge in hand, you will be able to craft your deck from the ground up!

Each card has a provision number on it, and your deck cannot exceed a certain threshold of provisions. The more powerful cards, like the gold cards, tend to have high provisions so you will need to balance your deck carefully.

We recommend staying close to around 25 cards just like the starter decks do, as this the perfect number to get through a round while being able to slightly control what you will draw next.

If you have more cards than this, it will be much harder to influence what you will draw next and get your better gold cards, so be careful when making bigger decks.

That concludes our guide on the basics of GWENT:The Witcher Card Game. If you have any other deck building strategies you would like to share, let us know in the comments below!