

Cosmic Wars:The Galactic Battle Cheats:船をアップグレードするためのヒントとガイド

今日の記事では、Cosmic Wars:The Galactic Battle のすべてのヒントとチートを取り上げて、あなたがより強くなり、遭遇するすべての戦いに勝つのに役立つだけでなく、船を適切にアップグレードする方法についても説明します!



コズミック ウォーズ:ギャラクティック バトルのヒントとコツのすべてを学ぶためにここに来ました。 、では、もう 1 秒も無駄にせずに、すぐに飛び込みましょう!




クエストを確認するには、画面の右上にあるログブック アイコンをタップする必要がありますが、クエストを追跡したい場合は、右側のメニューをタップするだけで、クエストログをいつでも画面に表示して、タスクにすばやくアクセスできます。


建設船をアップグレードするように求めるドンドンからのクエストがありますが、したくない場合は実際に行う必要はありません。建設船へのアップグレードには 100 ウランが必要で、レベル 2 では以下が付与されます:

– 1 つではなく 2 つの建設ロボット (同時に 2 つのものをアップグレードまたは構築できます)

– 1 つではなく 2 つの修理ロボット (船の部品を 2 倍の速度で修理できます)

次のすべてのアップグレードは数値を +1 増加させるので、それは本当にあなた次第です。物事が大幅に高速化されるため非常に便利ですが、ウランを節約したい場合は必須ではありません.

常にヘルス バーに注意してください

船のヘルスバーは、SP と DPS とともに画面の左上に表示されます。これらのバーには次の情報が表示されます:

– HP:船の体力。これが 0 になると、戦闘に負けます。

– DPS:DPS バーが 0 に達すると、所有しているすべてのダメージ タレットが損傷を受け、攻撃できなくなります。つまり、基本的に、それらが 0 に達すると、船は座っているターゲット ダミーに変わります。


常に戦い、より多くのリソースを取得したい場合、最も簡単な方法の 1 つは、船が損傷したときに常に修理することです。これは、建設船に向かい、修理オプションを選択することですばやく行うことができます。



HP バーが半分の状態で戦闘に臨むと、非常に運が悪く、敵が砲塔に命中し、座っているダミーになってしまう可能性があります。そのため、レベル 1 の小さな敵と対戦する場合でも、豊富で強力な貨物船と対戦する場合でも、ダメージを受けることを期待して、常に最大 HP で行くようにすることをお勧めします。


アドベンチャー メニューに移動すると、宇宙を探索し、あらゆる種類の新しい敵船を発見することができます。これを頻繁に行うのは、スペース バトルで勝利すると食料と鉄が得られるためです。


敵の名前の横にレベルが表示されます。戦闘は非常に急速にエスカレートする可能性があるため、常に自分よりレベルの低い敵、または同等の敵 (バフが強すぎない場合) と戦うようにしてください。



エリート タグが付いている船を見つけた場合、その船は非常に強力である可能性があります。まあ、少なくともDPSに関しては、HPではないにしても。そのため、予想以上のダメージを与える可能性があるため、近づかないようにすることをお勧めします。

また、オレンジ色の名前を持つ船とは、少なくとも 1 ~ 2 レベル高くなり、十分なアップグレードを行うまでは、今のところ戦わないようにしてください。オレンジ色の名前を持つ貨物船やその他の同様の船は、より多くのリソースを提供しますが、撃墜するのもはるかに困難です.

ですから、先に進んで彼らと戦う前に、かなりアップグレードすることをお勧めします.ただし、それらは優れたリソース ソースになります。

Build your ship the right way

I am not sure if you’ve noticed this so far or not (yet), but the ship parts can be moved around however you want even after you built them, and they will have quite a big impact on how you will carry out the battles. Here is everything that you need to know about that:

– Each ship component has its own health and if it gets critical damage and gets destroyed, you will not be able to use it until it gets repaired.

– You will be able to move the ship parts however you want, but it’s better to protect your weapons and also to protect the Command Center as best you can.

– If a ship part which is located on the interior (has another part on the outside, linked / connected to it) gets damaged, that part will cease working even though it might not have taken any damage. It’s as if its power got cut off.

Build weapons and protect them

The weapons should be built, in my opinion, in the safer parts of the ship so that the enemies will not hit them first and leave you defenseless. If your weapons get destroyed, you will not have any means of taking out the enemies, so it’s better to make sure that you keep them safe and protected.

Protect the Command Center

The Command Center is basically the ship’s headquarters. That should be always protected and I suggest that you try to build around it because it will make your construction last longer. Try putting some disposable structures around it, which will not affect your ship too much if they get damage.

Don’t connect important weapons on the outside

I would argue that it’s very important to never have some super powerful weapons out the outside of the ship, connected through some parts. That is because it will make quite a big negative impact if your ship gets attacked and the connecting parts get destroyed because it will leave your weapons useless.

Always upgrade your ship parts

Making tons of upgrades to your ship is a good way to get stronger, because they will increase their damage and allow you to take down the enemies much easier. I suggest that you tap on a part which you want to upgrade, and if you see in the upper side of the screen (on the window which will pop up) you will notice the progress bar which shows how many upgrades you can make to that part.

It’s good to have them all upgraded and maxed out, but it will take time and a lot of resources. So try to upgrade your best and most important parts first, and then you can move on to the next ones.

Don’t forget to always upgrade the Command Center when it is available, because it will unlock new parts which you can build and let you make more and better upgrades.

How to make the upgrades:

I suggest that the order of importance for the upgrades should be something like this:Command Center -> Your best weapons -> Resource Facilities (Space Bakery, Ironworks etc), but early on I suggest upgrading the Resource Facilities a little bit so that they can store up more resources while you’re away.

Build more parts

As you upgrade your Command Center you will be able to unlock and build more parts to the ship – make sure that you always build first what the quests ask you to, because they will let you progress in the game, and then, when you unlock better weapons, add them too!

Check out the best ships in the game

When you are not exactly sure how to set up your ship or you want to take a look at some of the best ships in the game so far, you can check that by heading on to the Menu -> Black Market -> Legendary Ships and there you will see other players’ ships!

The ships that are listed there start with the best possible ones, and you should definitely take a quick peek and see how some of the best players have built their – it might give you an idea on how it works best.

Get some free rewards

There are some ways that you can get a ton of free rewards, from materials and resources, to ship parts which will help you make a ton of useful upgrades. Let me tell you some of the ways that you can get free rewards:

Check out the Billboard for rewards

This can be found when you head on to the Adventure button and there you will notice a strange looking ship with the name Billboard. This will also be tracked by an arrow, which will point in the direction of the Billboard.

Head on there and if you choose to watch an advertisement you will be able to receive one of the following rewards:Food, Iron, Uranium, Core or C-Class Machine Component. These are all useful, but you can only watch ads and try to claim rewards 20 times a day – so try to do it daily as the rewards will definitely be super useful.

Take part in the in game events

In game will be several events which will reward you mainly for being online or logging in to the game, or even upgrading your ship. When you are in the ship interface, if you check on top of it you’ll see the funny looking tiny ship with tons of signs on it (clickbait ship as I call it).

There you will be able to claim various rewards, from simply logging in to the game to staying online. Make sure that you check these every single day because when you log in for the 7th day in a row you will be able to claim a free random blueprint!

These would be all of our Cosmic Wars:The Galactic Battle tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more cool and useful game tips that you would like to share with us? Feel free to leave them down in the comments section below!