

Fantasy Forge:World of Lost Empires 攻略:完璧な世界を構築するためのヒントとガイド

今日の記事では、ファンタジー フォージ:ワールド オブ ロスト エンパイアのヒントとチートをすべて共有して、美しい世界を開発し、努力するのに役立ちます!


しかし、今はゲームを称賛するだけで十分です。ファンタジー フォージ:ワールド オブ ロスト エンパイアのヒントとコツをすべて学ぶためにここに来ました。 私たちが持っているので、それが私たちがしようとしていることです!それでは、もう 1 秒も無駄にせずに、すぐに飛び込んでみましょう:



より多くの建物を配置すると経験値とレベルが上がるので、最初に置くものは家で、より多くの人口を獲得できるようにすることをお勧めします.それをカバーした後、もちろん、人々が働くことができるいくつかの店や駅を配置する必要があります! (「ジョブ」タブの建物)


これは、心に留めておくべきもう 1 つの非常に重要なことです。道路があるところには必ず道があります。すべての建物が道路で接続されていることを確認する必要があります。そうしないと、その建物は機能しなくなります。



配置は重要です。なぜなら、すべての建物を道路で接続し、見栄えを良くする必要があるからです。つまり、「近所」を作成するようなものです。そのため、次のように 2 つの建物を隣り合わせに配置し、それらの周りを道路で囲むことを検討できます。道路 - 建物 - 建物 - 道路 - 建物 - 建物。

建物を無秩序に配置してももちろん機能しますが、実際にはスペースを最大化することはできず、1 つのセル ブロックが空になり、後でレイアウトと衝突する可能性があります。

クエスト ログでクエストを完了する



デイリー チャレンジを完了しましょう!

クエスト ログに表示される通常のクエスト以外に、ウィザードの付いた小さなアイコン (漫画のガンダルフのようなもの) がその下に表示されます。それをタップすると、制限時間内に完了する必要があるいくつかのタスクを提供するデイリーチャレンジメニューが開きます.


広告を見て 2 倍の報酬を獲得: これらのタスクを完了すると、広告を見るだけでキーの報酬が 2 倍になります。たくさんの宝物を開きたい場合は、すべての報酬を (2 倍にするために) 広告を表示することをお勧めします。これにより、多くの時間を節約できます!


ゲーム内のチェストは、十分な数のキーを貯めるか、広告を見るだけで開くことができます!最初のオプション - キーを保存する方法 - 各チェストに対応するキーが必要になります (プラチナ チェストの場合 - プラチナ キー、ゴールド チェストの場合 - ゴールド キー、シルバー チェストの場合 - シルバー キー)。 Try saving up all the keys to open the chests because they can contain buildings, as well as a lot of currency and Lucky Clovers!

Get your free chest every day

There is a free chest which you can open every single day by watching an advertisement. This chest contains random rewards, but it is available for free without you having to use any keys!

In my opinion you should open this chest whenever it is available (every 5 hours) because it is always useful even if it will only give you Silver Coins and Gold Bars.

Tap on the people to interact

Your townsmen who you see walking around the city streets will sometimes have some bubbles above their heads which will give you indicators on what you can do to improve in the city and what they would like (better and upgraded houses, more jobs, and such). I suggest that you tap on them and try to follow their suggestions (when they are good) because they will help you with learning what is needed around town.

Purchase premium buildings for a better city

Some of the buildings in the game can only be purchased with Gold Bars, and those are the buildings which have a medal icon next to them. Such buildings are going to give you a lot of profit, but they also take quite a lot of time to be built and upgraded.

If you have some extra Gold Bars to spare, then I suggest that you buy the “Jobs” premium buildings because they will offer better paying jobs and thus making the profit and earnings of the city much better.

I would also recommend getting a “Morale” premium building too, because these boost the Morale by quite a lot. For example, the Kindergarten gives 150 Morale and costs 19-20 Gold Bars, and the Pharmacy gives only 40 Morale and it costs 6 Gold Bars! So it is definitely worth getting the buildings which give you a lot of stats over the others if you have to choose how to better occupy your space.

Decorations boost Morale

In the game there is another tab, called “Decorations” where you will find A LOT of decor items which are super cheap and will slightly boost the Morale of the citizens. I suggest that you go on ahead and buy plenty of them to beautify the city!

The decorations only cost 500-1000 Silver, so if you have some to spare, you should place them! Also, keep in mind that depending on where your city is located (the type of land) there are land-specific decorations! So for instance if you are on a Grassland, you can only place decors which are for Grasslands! And if you are on a Beach, you can only build beach-specific decorations!

Explore more lands

You can also explore a lot more lands than just the one where you first started. The only thing that you need to do so is to either pay the Gold Bars required to open that land or to pay in Silver. The lands are visible in the map for you, so all that you need to do is tap on it to see the price they go for and whether or not you’re up for unlocking them!

Start by making Grassland great and sustainable

This land is the easiest to build and upgrade in, because the cost of it is nowhere near the cost of the other lands. This is why I suggest that you start by making the very first city good, because if it has some decent profit constantly you will be able to quickly get more Silver and unlock more lands.

Always upgrade your buildings

All of the buildings that you have placed, starting with the houses, can be upgraded by using Silver (and taking some time) or by using Gold Bricks (and doing it instantly). I suggest that you use Silver for the earliest upgrades because they don’t take too long and it is definitely manageable.

You can check the level of all of your buildings without tapping on them one by one, if you select the green arrow option from the right side of the screen. That will show you your current advancement with all of them, so for the buildings that you have not yet worked on, try to upgrade them as well!

Nothing is set in stone!

If you just got started in the game and misplaced a few buildings, then don’t panic – there is a simple solution! Just move them! You can move a building by tapping on it and then selecting the option with the four blue arrows pointing to the corners.

That will let you place the building anywhere you want for free. And if you want to move the roads as well, then all that you will have to do is destroy it by going to the Roads tab -> select the bomb -> select which roads you want destroyed! It’s that easy!

These would be all of our Fantasy Forge:World of Lost Empires tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more useful game tips and some strategies? Feel free to share them with us and the others down in the comments section below!