

Idle Gun Tycoon Cheats:より良い銃を入手するためのヒントとガイド

今日の記事では、Idle Gun Tycoon のヒントとチートをすべて共有して、より多くの銃を入手し、すでに持っている銃を改善するのに役立つようにします。



Idle Gun Tycoon のヒントとコツをすべて学ぶためにここにいるのなら、 ゲームのプレイ中に発見したことがあれば、あなたは正しい場所にいます!それでは、もう 1 秒も無駄にせず、すぐに飛び込みましょう。


新しい武器を購入するために使用できるゲーム内のお金がいくつかあり、それらのお金は時間の経過とともに与えられます (したがって、これがアイドル ゲームである理由)。武器を持てる空きスロットは全部で 12 個あるので、できるだけ多く購入して組み合わせてください。





私の意見では、最初に 10 番目の武器のロックを解除してから (それほど難しくありません)、その銃で通過するのはそれほど難しくないため、ステージのプレイを開始する必要があります。


これは、ステージを正常に完了すると表示されるオプションで、広告を見て、2〜4個の無料のダイヤモンド/ジェムを獲得できるようになります! f2pプレーヤーとしてプレミアム通貨を節約したい場合、これは非常に良いことです。特に、必要なのは広告を見るだけで、最大30秒かかります!


ステージをプレイしている間、目の前に置かれたボトルを連続して撃ちます。より多くのレベルをより速く、より良く通過するために常に必要なことの 1 つは、照準が再び調整されるのを待つことです。

つまり、1 発撃つたびに、反動によって照準が移動するため、軌道に戻るまで待つ必要があるのです。すべてが整ったら、気軽に1回撮影できます!



そのため、常に辛抱強く、ボトルの「ガラス」部分、つまり最も壊れやすい部分である中央に撃つようにする必要があります。これを行うと、ボトルを 2 回ではなく 1 回で割ることができます (残念ながらそれ以上です)。


時々、銃を混ぜたり合わせたりしていると、幸運のアップグレードに出くわします!これは本当にラッキーです。無料でアップグレードできるからです。たとえば、レベル 8 の武器を持っていて、運のアップグレードを取得すると、その武器はレベル 10 になります!

したがって、レベルを完全にスキップして次のレベルに進みます。 That’s why this option is super useful, because especially if most of your weapons are high level, then the chance of getting high level upgrades is higher!

I suggest that even if it “costs” watching 1 advertisement to use this, you still do it because it will definitely be worth it and save you a lot of time!

Use your best weapon for the stages

It should go without saying that you should always use the best weapon that you have and the one that you feel most comfortable with to play with during the stages, because it will make a big difference.

The better your currently equipped weapon is, the more damage it will do and you will need less shots to completely destroy the object ahead.

Choose your favorite weapon and master it

As you unlock more weapons you will be able to switch between them as you please and play the stages with different weapons as you please. I would suggest that you try and check all of the weapons out starting with number 9 and up, because for the earliest stages of the game they will do just fine.

Also, you should master a couple of them and play with them so that you will get used to how their aim works, the reload speed and of course, how many bullets they have! I personally really like the Golden Boy (number 11) for easy to hit targets, and the Micro Galil (number 12) for items which require multiple hits.

Just give them all a try and check out all the different play styles!

Take your time and practice in the Range

In the Range you will be able to practice the shots and use the various weapons to take out targets. There are also a few rewards which you can receive for playing in here, so try to do this before the normal game stages whenever you want to put to use a new gun.

Another good part about playing in the Range is that you will be able to claim a lot of Diamonds and money, so try to play whenever you can, especially if you’re running low on currency!

You can also watch an advertisement to claim even more goods, so if you’re not against it, feel free to do it when the pop up appears!

Get big offline earnings!

When you are out of money and you really want to make a lot of them relatively quick, then say no more – the game is an idle game for a reason! So whenever you are going offline, it will keep on producing money for you!

All that you really need to do is watch an advertisement to claim 4x the rewards while offline! That is super worth it, and even if you go offline for just 20-30 minutes it will still be a big boost to your money!

Open the Supply Crate with guns

In the bottom left side of the screen you will have a Supply Crate which contains several items inside. You can watch a short advertisement to open it and claim all the weapons inside, you will have a given number of random weapons (which cannot exceed the level of your highest weapon).

The Supply Crate works the same as if you were to actually buy weapons – you tap on the crate and it will give you a random weapon in one of the empty slots. You can keep doing this until the weapons in the crate run out!

So if you want a free way to get more weapons, this will definitely do the trick!

Speed things up a notch

Because the game is generating money passively without you having to do anything pretty much, all that you need is time and the money will come. Well, for that there is a speed up which will let you get a 5x speed of the game!

You can stack this speed up multiple times by watching more ads, so if you want to really boost your game, this is the way to do it!

My suggestion would be to watch as many ads as you can until the bar fills up, and then you will have the maximum possible time for the 5x speed up. Then, once it expires, just do it again and again and you will find yourself making some super powerful guns pretty fast!

Spin the lucky wheel

If you want even more boosts and bonuses, then there is always a lucky wheel which you can spin and try your luck! This is located in the bottom side of the screen and in order to spin it you will have to pay either 20 Diamonds or watch an ad!

I really don’t suggest using the Diamonds for it, because the ad is free and you never know if it will be indeed worth it the 20 Diamonds! So just watch the ad and spin it whenever you can without spending premium currency.

Sell your unwanted weapons

If you find yourself in a situation where you have a level 1 weapon left over from centuries ago, then you might want to think about recycling it instead of buying all the other weapons to make the upgrade.

To sell an unwanted gun, you must make sure that you have at least 5 weapons on your board, plus the one that you want to get rid of. Afterwards, just drag and drop the weapon onto the Recycle button in the bottom right of the screen and that’s it!

These would be all of our Idle Gun Tycoon tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Is there something else that you know about the game and would like to share it with us? Feel free to leave it down in the comments section below!