

クロンダイク アドベンチャーズ チート:最高の都市を構築するためのヒントとガイド

今日の記事では、クロンダイク アドベンチャーのすべてのヒントとチートを取り上げて、美しく繁栄した都市を構築し、さらに進化するために必要なすべてのリソースを収集します!


クリエイティブになるだけでなく、すべての土地を探索し、あちこちに隠されたたくさんの宝物を発見できる楽しいゲームです。クロンダイク アドベンチャーは、一度だけプレイして忘れてしまうようなゲームではありません。たとえエネルギーが足りなくても、ノンストップでプレイしたくなるはずです!

しかし、今のところゲームを賞賛するのは十分です - あなたは私たちが話していることを自分で見ることができます!それでは早速、クロンダイク アドベンチャーのヒントとコツに飛び込みましょう。 この下に!


このゲームはあなたが従うことができる多くのタスクを提供し、それらを完了するたびにいくつかの本当に良い報酬を与えます.ゲームのタスクは画面の左下にあります。そこにパッドのようなものが表示されます - それをタップします。

パッドには、さまざまなタスクを持っている人のリストが表示されます。人のタスク (すべてのタスク) を完了すると、通常は大量の EXP であり、いくつかの新しい機能のロックを解除する何かが報酬として与えられます。


覚えておいてください – 最初に与えられたタスクに集中し、1 つずつ実行してください。そうすることで、タスクを実行するのに十分なエネルギーが得られるからです。



注文には、卵、牛乳、豆、グランなどのアイテムを使用する必要があります。これらは配られ、集落で建物を購入するために使用できる EXP とコインを順番に受け取ります!


常に最も多くの EXP を獲得できるミッションを選択することをお勧めします。なぜなら、後でレベルアップするには大量の EXP が必要になるからです (最初は非常に単純に思えても)。これらのミッションから、新しい構造を構築してゲームを進めるために使用できるツールも収集します。








ゲームを開始すると、農場は 6 つしかありません。より多くのロックを解除するたびに、より多くを構築し、常に何かを養うようにしてください.それがライ麦、豆、またはその他のものであっても、常に何かを植えていることを確認し、農場が空にならないようにしてください.

農業の開始には約1分かかるため、大量のライ麦と豆を栽培することはそれほど難しくありません。一度に1つに集中してストックすることができます.タスク (オーダー ボード) や、材料を使って食べ物などをすばやく作成したい場合に役立ちます。

ランダム ボックスを探します

マップ上にはランダムなチェストがあちこちに散らばっています。 Some of them can be hidden behind clearable objects (trees, rocks, and so on) and some of them can be in plain sight. Either way, try to keep an eye out for them because they will contain tons of useful items inside.

I suggest that if you want to find more boxes, you always try to look in the least likely places – such as behind your main buildings, behind the biggest trees, behind the bushes, and so on. Also, in the new locations you can discover boxes too, so don’t forget that whenever you go to a new spot, you look for boxes there as well.

Check out the Trader’s offers

The Trader will have quite a lot of offers every single day for you. Some of the items which he requires can be found in the random boxes that I mentioned above, and some others you might need to collect yourself.

Either way, just try to trade with him every single day and complete all of the trades because there will be a good reward which you can collect upon completing all the trades (50 EXP, 50 Energy).

Claim free 3000 Coins

You can claim for free 3000 Coins by simply opening the game’s Facebook page and giving the game a like! This offer will pop up at some point in the right side of the screen with an envelope. When that happens, tap on it and use the offer!

It’s really worth it considering 3000 Coins is quite a big amount – so claim it whenever it is available for you if you have a Facebook account.

Refill your Energy

Energy is quite a big thing in this game, and to refill it, it can take quite some time. If you are looking to get a ton of Energy and do a lot of tasks, clearing out places and so on, then you should make sure that you know how to quickly refill your Energy! And if you’re wondering about then, then let me give you a hand:

– Refill Energy by waiting it out

This is one of the least productive ways to refill your energy – however, it is free and it is useful if you are about to go sleep or close the game for a longer time. So make sure that you use up all of the Energy before you leave when doing so.

– Refill Energy by burning food in the Furnace

You will collect some food items from chests and tasks, and also sometimes when you level up. You can use the food you collect to burn it in the Furnace and that will recover 15 Energy per bar filled. You can do so when you need some Energy quickly, so save up this option for later on in the game.

– Play the minigame in the Sweet Shop

Once you can build the Sweet Shop you will be able to play a minigame there which will reward you with EXP and Energy. I suggest that you build it and play this whenever it becomes available because the EXP can really get super useful and so will the free Energy!

– Level up to fill up your Energy

Every single time that you level up you will completely refill your Energy bar. That is good to know because if you see that your Energy is filled and your EXP is close to leveling, then you should use all of it quickly because it will refill automatically.

– Complete the people’s tasks to receive Energy

In the bottom left side of the screen you will have a list of people who will give you various tasks. I suggest that you check them out and try to complete some of their tasks whenever you can, because once you’ve fully completed one you can receive Energy from them – and quite a lot of it too!

– Complete all the Trader missions

As I mentioned before, you can complete all of the missions that you receive from the Trader and it will reward you with 50 Energy (along with 50 EXP too). This should be done every day, so try to do it if you have the materials.

– Spend Emeralds for Energy?

While this is an option, I don’t personally recommend it. The Emeralds are a premium currency that you should hold on to if you are a f2p player and use it to buy or save you from situations when you are stuck. Either way, you can also choose to spend 45 Emeralds and refill 500 Energy, 30 Emeralds for 250 Energy (not worth it IMO) or 13 Emeralds for 100 Energy.

– Discover food in the random boxes

Remember those random chests that you can find scattered around the map? Well, you can open them and you might find Energy inside in the form of food! So don’t miss a chest!

Explore new areas

In the bottom right corner of the screen you will have the overall map. You can check there the available locations where you can go and you should try to explore all of the locations as much as you can!

There will be new areas to discover, new chests to open and more people to meet! So do your best to explore everything that you can, and when you are not sure what to do in game, you can do this!

These would be all of our Klondike Adventures tips and tricks that we have for you right now!もっと役立つゲームのヒントや戦略を知っていますか?以下のコメントセクションで、私たちや他のプレイヤーと自由に共有してください!