


Ant Evolution – アリのテラリウムとライフ シミュレーターは、Flighter1990 Studio によって作成された素晴らしい Android ゲームで、繁栄するアリのコロニーを構築し、宇宙を支配することに挑戦します。または、少なくとも庭で、他の植民地と脅威を打ち負かします。

今日、私たちはあなたがゲームをより良くプレイするか、少なくとも正しい足でそれを開始することを確認するためにここにいます:私たちはあなたのための完全な Ant Evolution ガイドをここに持っています:より良いゲームをプレイするのに役立つヒント、チート、トリック.

Ant Evolution は、古いクラシック (私が昔からプレイし、愛していたもの) である SimAnt によく似ています。その名前がベルを鳴らし、このゲームをまだインストールしていない場合は、必ずインストールしてください.その後、以下のゲームのヒントをチェックしてください!


タップして指が痛くなるまで、アント兵 (およびダメージを与える他のすべての種類のアリ) の重要性に気付くことはありません。

実際には、攻撃者をかわすために、常に大量の Ant Soldiers を利用可能にし、より高度な Ant とペアリングする必要があります。それは常に大きな挑戦です。


問題は、アリ (兵士を含む) を直接制御できないことです。また、攻撃者はさまざまな方向 (通常はすべての方向から) からやってくるため、これらすべての方向をカバーするには、そもそも大量のアリが必要です。

戦闘中にさらにアント ソルジャーを召喚できることを忘れないでください。特に対戦相手が危険なほど蟻塚に近づき始めている場合はそうしてください。それが破壊されて、すべての進行状況が台無しになるのは望ましくありません!










その後、Acid Ants のロックを解除します。なぜなら、Acid Ants の与えるダメージの増加と遠距離攻撃が必要だからです。それらは非常に便利で、リソースを費やすだけの価値があります!

これら 3 つの重要なアップグレードを購入したら、リソースを使いたいと思うものに基づいて、攻撃力の増加、アリの寿命の延長、または他のアップグレードに集中することができます。しかし、私の意見では、最初の 3 つは不可欠です。



打ち負かすのが難しい場合でも、最初に最大の脅威に焦点を当てます。 The meanest of them all are the yellow ants:fast and dealing a ton of damage, these should be taken out first, as they can really destroy your guards fast.

Afterwards, go for the threats that are the farthest away from your anthill:the ones that are closed are easier to be dealt with thanks to your anthill’s defenses and new Soldier ants that you can summon.

I also recommend leaving the beetles last, because they have a ton of health and take a lot of time to be destroyed (but as a pro, they only deal little damage).

Replenish fighting ants immediately after battle

Now matter how much you help and how many ants you have, you will always have huge losses after each battle. Make sure to replenish your forces as soon as possible, otherwise you risk being caught off guard.

You can also start creating more ants during the battle:this is especially useful if you have bugs getting really close to your anthill:the newly summoned ants will attack the closest enemy, making it easier for you to keep the Anthill safe.

But when replenishing forces, make sure to keep an eye on your worker ants and miners as well:you need those numbers maxed out at all times as well, in order to have a steady influx of resources incoming.

Find the right balance between Worker and Miner ants

I would say that Worker Ants are the most important in the game, after Soldier Ants – but the latter can’t exist without the former. So make sure that you always have a huge number of those, as they provide you with the food needed to keep the colony running.

Also, make sure that you constantly increase the number of Miner Ants as well, because the resources that they deliver are needed for new upgrades and boosts.

I usually have 50% less Miner Ants than Workers (so for 500 Worker ants, I try to keep the Miner ants at around 250). But after you get 300 workers, it’s about the right amount to keep on at all times.

Attack the other colony with more resources than recommended

As your colony grows in Ant Evolution, you will be ready to prove your might against the other colonies out there. But it won’t be easy, as you will have to mix sheer numbers with bit of strategy in order to win.

The way that attacks work is this:you have a set amount of resources that you go to attack with, and you will use them to buy ants in battle (which are more expensive than in the regular game).

You guide your ants toward the enemy anthill with a system of waypoints. You have 500 seconds to win and you should always make sure that you check the paths available well in advance, in order to choose the easiest and fastest route to the enemy.

Don’t even think about winning with just the base resources required:bring at least 1,000 more is my recommendation. The problem is that if you go there and lose, you will also lose the resources, so make sure that you make them count whenever you decide to launch an attack!

This is all for today! If you have additional tips and strategies that work well in Ant Evolution, don’t hesitate to share them with all of us by commenting in the comments section below.