

Murasaki7 ガイド:より多くのステージを通過するためのヒント

今日の記事では、Murasaki7 のヒントとチートに飛び込み、より多くのステージを通過し、あらゆるものに対処する強力なチームを編成するのに役立ちます!

このゲームは、同様のマッチ ツリー ゲームのメカニズムにガチャ システムと敵との戦闘を組み合わせた楽しいパズル ゲームで、非常にキャッチーで素晴らしい体験に変わります。あなたが従うことができる本当にクールなストーリーもあるので、間違いなくこのゲームには、素敵なリラックスした楽しいゲームに必要なものがすべて含まれています!

しかし、あなたは Murasaki7 のヒントとコツ をすべて学ぶためにここに来たのですから。 、それではもう一秒も無駄にせず、すぐ下に飛び込みましょう!


タイマーが切れる前に、常にゲーム レベルでできるだけ多くのタイルを一致させるようにしてください。基本的に、新しいレベルを開始し、マッチを作成できるウィンドウがあり、その上に敵がいます。



– パズル エリアを分析する :



– 利用可能なすべてのピースを一致させる:

パズル領域を分析したら、マッチングを開始する必要があります。最初の試合を行った瞬間に、上部エリアのタイマーが開始され、そのタイマー内で残りの試合を行うことができます。タイマーは新しいマッチを作成するたびにリセットされ、ボーナスに +1 が追加されます!

– 常にサポートを選択:

戦闘を開始する前に、戦闘前のインターフェイスで常に下のリストからサポート ヒーローを選択するようにしてください。

– 反対の色/要素を使用して敵を倒す:


グレー (オムニ) カウンターはありません。どの要素に対しても強くも弱くもありません。

ピンク (マジテック) および 黄色 (メカ) お互いに対抗してください。

レッド (ファイター) 緑に強いが、青に弱い。

緑 (科学) 青に強いが、赤に弱い。

Blue (Ranger) is strong against Red, but weak against Green.

Always make sure that you use these because in the later stages, having some extra help with damage will really help a lot!

Use the Angels’ powers

All of the Angels / heroes have a special power, so whenever you have charged theirs, you can feel free to use it by tapping on their character icon. Usually they charge it by matching the pieces with their color, so try and do that and you will find yourself destroying enemies a lot easier!

Collect more heroes

In the game you can collect more heroes to unlock more powers (they each have their own special skill) so I suggest that you try to collect as many as you can, possibly all of them! Not only you can choose which ones you want to play with for a particular level, but their various skills will also help in certain situations.

You can collect more heroes by heading on to the Recruit button in the main interface, or by selecting the Shop button from the bar down below.

Once you are in the recruiting interface, you can do your daily 1 free recruit of a random hero! Along with that, there is the Angel Recruit option which costs 140 for 1 recruit, and 1129 for 10 recruits (20% off). This will give you guaranteed a 2 star Angel from the 10 recruits.

There is also a Premium Recruit, which costs 200 per single recruit, and 1600 for 10 recruits (20% off). I much rather prefer this one because it has a 1% chance to give you 6 star angels, and 3% chance to give you 5 star ones, while the Angel Recruit (cheaper one) can only give you maximum 5 star angels with a 1% chance.

I would suggest that you save up all of your Gems to do the Premium Recruits because they are a lot more worth it than the single Angel Recruits.

Get some extra Gems when you get new Angels

Whenever you recruit a new Angel, it will be automatically added to your collection. This collection can be found in the Team menu, and then when you select the Codex button in the upper left corner of the screen. There you will be able to tap on each unit with a red sign in the top corner and that will reward you with 40 Gems the first time you get that Angel!

The more unique units you collect, the more Gems you will be able to claim! So make sure that whenever you get a new one, you go and claim your free Gems.

Once you got all of the Angels you want, recruit equipment

Once you’ve got yourself some pretty nice Angels, you should go ahead and spend all of the Gems that you get on equipment. In the same location where you summon the Angels, you can also summon equipment, but for a much cheaper price! So I really suggest that once you get everything that you wanted, you spend the remaining Gems on gear.

Get EXP boosts to level up faster

If you are set on playing the game a lot, and you really want to advance as quickly as you can, then you should spend some currency on buying EXP boosts. There are many types of boosts, so head on to the Shop and select the Materials tab. There you can find a lot of boosts and enhancement materials, so check them all out and decide what you would like to use!

I would recommend that if you are planning on playing the game a lot of hours during the day, then you should definitely spend some Gems on a Player EXP boost. That will give you some extra EXP for 1, 2 or 3 days (depending which one you buy) and it will help you quite a bit, considering that the price is not high at all!

If you want to go that extra mile, then buy the EXP boost and Gaianite Boost together and activate them at the same time. This will definitely help you because Gaianite is used to power up your characters!

Watch ads to receive free items

In the Home interface of the game you will be able to see on the left side a button which asks you to watch an ad. If you choose to watch an advertisement you can then claim a ton of Gaianite and Gems! There is a maximum number of 4 ads that you can watch a day, so I really suggest that if you don’t have anything against watching a few ads, then you definitely watch these 4 for the rewards!

Log in daily for awesome rewards

Every single day you will be able to claim a lot of useful rewards which will come in handy the more you play. All you need to do in order to claim these is just log in to the game once a day.

I would suggest that even if you don’t plan on playing a particular day, then you just open the game to claim thee and then close it back, because the rewards are definitely going to be worth it. Also, they are cumulative so you need to log in consecutive days to get the maximum rewards!


Every day you will have some daily tasks that give you pretty good rewards. You can find these daily tasks by heading to the Battle button and then select the Daily Missions menu. There you will see a list of missions that you should try to complete every day because they will reset at midnight.

I really recommend that you do as many missions as you can on a daily basis because they will really come in handy.

There are a few types of missions, varying from Easy difficulty to Extreme difficulty, but even if you can’t really complete the harder tasks, you should still try to do the Easy and Normal difficulty as they are really not that crazy difficult!

These would be all of our Murasaki7 tips and tricks that we have for you right now. Do you know some more useful game tips and strategies that you would like to share with the rest of us?下のコメント欄に自由に残してください!