

ブレット リーグのチート:最後まで生き残るためのヒントとガイド


ゲームのジャンルは、敵を破壊し、その過程でより強力になり、最後まで生き残ろうとすることを中心に展開しているため (できれば他のプレイヤーがあなたの前でお互いを排除していることが望ましい)、多くの試合に勝ち、すぐに最高になるでしょう。ゲーム ガイドに従ってください。

しかし、紹介はこれで十分です。もう 1 秒も無駄にせずに、ここに何を見に来たのか、バレット リーグのすべてのヒントとコツをチェックしましょう。 これにより、より多くの試合に勝利し、他のすべての敵を倒すことができます!



複数の角度から攻撃を受ける可能性があるオープン スペースにとどまらないでください (これは簡単に発生する可能性があるため、敵は前、後ろ、上、下、または上記のすべてから 一度に 攻撃を受ける可能性があります)。 運が悪い場合)、代わりに、他のプラットフォームからかなり離れているが、危険ゾーンでもないプラットフォームに行きます.


まず 2D プラットフォーマー モードをマスター

これだけ バトルロワイヤルタイプのゲーム (そう、Fortnite など) とは大きく異なります。プラットフォームと 2D グラフィックスがあるため、非常に迅速に意思決定を行い、常に画面全体を見渡すようにする必要があります。













Sadly, you won’t be able to regenerate HP passively in this game, but you’ll be able to collect various healing and shielding items which you can use to make you a little more healthy. You can pick them up from crates or other random locations, so if you get shot, don’t waste any more seconds and use a healing item. To heal up, just tap it to equip it first, and them tap on the shoot button to use it.

Don’t save up the shields for the last moment, because you can’t really shield yourself if you’re dead! So use them right away because you never know when you will be shot at by an enemy and that shield will have saved your life.

Open Support Boxes

In the bottom left corner of the screen you will see a yellow button which will let you watch an advertisement (or actually more than one) in order to open some boxes. You can watch a total of 5 ads to claim 5 boxes, but the fifth one is a Loyalty Box, which contains much better goods.

You should always try to open them whenever you can, because you can always use all the goods contained inside to make you stronger. Make sure that you watch all 5 ads daily because the Loyalty Box is well worth it!

Upgrade your weapons

As you keep on collecting various weapons fragments from all of these chests, you should also start upgrading your weapons. By upgrading them you will increase your level by quite a bit, so all shots dealt with the upgraded weapons, will deal more damage when you are equipped with them.

When you have upgraded your weapons to milestone levels (level 8, level 16) the weapons will gain extra powerful stats, such as increased reload speed, throw range, damage and many more, depending from weapon to weapon.

The more you upgrade your weapons, the more your power level will increase. The power level is basically your level, which will also increase your HP and defense, so you will be a little bit more tanky.

Check out the Shop daily

In the Shop window (left side of the screen) you will see various daily deals which will refresh every few hours. You should try to purchase the ones which you find the most useful to you, because they will refresh and bring about new ones.

So if you are looking for something in particular but can’t find it yet, just wait a little and save that money for when it will become available in the shop, at the discounted price.

You could save up the Gems to spend them on various boxes (Big Box, Mega Box and Buy VIP Access Box) but as a f2p player, you always want to save up for the 320 Gems one, unless you are a VIP and can buy the VIP Access Box which is way cheaper, but requires you to be a VIP player.

Watch an ad for free coins

Some of the offers in the Shop will be given to you for free, and all that you need to do is watch an ad to claim them! That applies to the coins, which will be used for upgrading weapons and helping you become stronger. If you are running low on coins, it’s never a bad idea to spend a couple of seconds to watch an ad and claim free coins in the Shop!

Collect Trophies and get rewards from the Trophy Road

The more games you win, the more Trophies you will collect – you can find in the upper left side of the screen the Trophy Road, which will give you tons of awesome rewards (Boxes, Coins, Gems and Skins) so try to collect as many as you can and claim more rewards from this, because they are permanent.

Complete your daily missions

Every single day you will have a list of missions in the top right corner of the game’s main interface. There you will have some missions which will give you Keys as rewards, which will slowly but surely add up to unlocking more boxes.

I suggest that you do all of your daily missions every single day, because they will reset at midnight. So make sure that you do them all daily, because they aren’t difficult to complete and they will pay off in the end!

These would be all of our Bullet League tips and tricks that we have for you right now. Do you know some more useful tips and strategies to be the last man standing in the game?以下のコメントセクションで、私たちや他のプレイヤーと自由に共有してください!