

Towers of Everland ガイド:各クラスをプロのようにプレイするためのヒントとチート


エバーランドの塔 は、古典的なコンピューター RPG に耳を傾ける一人称ダンジョン クローラーです。堅牢な戦闘システムを探索して戦い、生き残って塔の頂上に到達し、輝く戦利品を見つけてください。

Towers of Everland のヒントとコツでは、戦闘システムと、基本テクニックと高度なテクニックの両方を実行する方法について説明します。また、各クラスを最大限に活用する方法についても徹底的に説明します。それでは、Towers of Everland のチート、ヒント、トリックの戦略ガイドから始めましょう。 プロのように各クラスをプレイ!


Towers of Everland で新しいゲームを開始したとき 、プレイする4人のヒーローの1人を選択する必要があります。彼らは市警のフリン、石のゴーレムのクロンク、魔術師のオデッサ、盗賊のディエゴです。


オデッサとディエゴはより高度なヒーローであり、適切な手で深刻なダメージを与えることができますが、より多くの弱点もあります.この 2 人のヒーローのどちらかを選ぶ前に、他の 2 人に慣れてください。




最初のセクションでは、シティ ガードのフリンとしてのプレイについて説明します。彼はあなたの基本的な近接騎士のジャック・オブ・オール・トレード・キャラクターであり、敵を派遣する彼の主な方法は、敵に正面から取り組み、1対1の決闘で戦うことです.


フリンは、剣、メイス、斧、槍などの重い武器を使用することを好みます。彼は鎖帷子などの重い防具を着用するたびに、ボーナス アーマーを獲得します。

フリンはオフハンド スロットに盾と小さな武器を装備することもできますが、攻撃と防御の完璧なバランスが得られるので、盾を使い続けることをお勧めします。





フリンは、左ボタンをすばやく連続してダブルタップすることで、シールド バッシュを実行することもできます。シールドバッシュはスタミナをすべて消費しますが、敵をわずかによろめかせます。敵が攻撃しようとしているときにシールド バッシュを当てると、体力の下の紫色のアイコンで示されるように、敵は気絶します。

敵が気絶すると、数秒間何も行動できなくなります。さらに、それらに対する攻撃は自動的にクリティカル ヒットになります!

タイミングを練習することをお勧めします。それを倒すことができれば、気絶する敵をシールドし、クリティカル ヒットが確実に発生するように強攻撃することで、大規模なダメージを与えることができます!



彼の二次的な統計は器用さになる可能性がありますが、コンボ攻撃に集中したい場合に限ります.彼はこのビルドに役立ついくつかの才能を持っていますが (以下を参照)、彼のお気に入りのビルドは軍用武器を使用した強力な強攻撃です.


フリンの才能は興味深いもので、その多くが彼を槍に集中させ、驚くほどの防御力をもたらします。レベル 10 のタレント「ファランクス」により、スピアを使用している間、シールドを無期限に保持できるため、安全に突きダメージを与えることができます。

「ピアシング スラスト」は槍を使用しながらより長いコンボを可能にし、「フライング ランジ」は彼が槍を使用して遠くのタイルを攻撃することを可能にします。槍志向のビルドは攻撃と防御の素晴らしい組み合わせですが、他の才能は重鎧や軍用武器のボーナスなどの彼の自然な能力の構築に焦点を当てています.



クロンクはかつてフリンと同じシティ ガードでしたが、ある日魔女の魔法の呪いに見舞われました。呪いは彼の全身を岩で包み、最終的に彼の存在全体を乗っ取り、彼を魂のないゴーレムに変えます.彼は治療法を求めて塔を登ります.



Because of this, you want to stay clear of things like daggers and any armor that is not heavy armor. You can try to offset this with stats but it just is not worth it.

Combat Strategy

As a melee fighter, Kronk’s playstyle is very similar to Flynn’s. His main strength is being able to take enemies head on and beat them in submission with powerful heavy attacks.

Just like Flynn, Kronk gets a passive bonus to heavy attacks, so he should be doing them as much as possible. Since you are going to be carrying a shield around at all times, that also means you can take advance of perfect blocking and shield bashing to stun enemies to setup for an automatic critical hit.

There really is not much else to say here – if you want a straightforward experience where you get to bash your foes into a gruesome mess, Kronk is your guy!

Stats and Talents

As Kronk you should be putting points only into Strength and Constitution. Strength ups his melee physical damage, heavy attack damage, and carry weight. Constitution always helps too for the health increase, even though Kronk has a massive health pool to begin with.

His level 10 talent “Stun Smash” makes stunned enemies take even more damage than they already do. This talent is an absolute must and if you can get the shield bash timing down, as Stun Smash allows for probably the strongest single-hit attack in the entire game.

The level 20 talent “Fortress” makes it so that Kronk can equip heavy shields with minimal carry weight impact, greatly boosting his defensive capabilities.

Couple this with the level 30 talent “Heart of Fire” which deals fire damage periodically to enemies near Kronk, and you can turn him into a walking, immolating fortress.

Finally, to top this all off, both of his level 40 talents involve bolstering his defenses. “Attunement” increases his elemental resistances, while “Harden” gives a 50% armor increase. Either way, you are building Kronk to be an unstoppable force of nature. This is why we recommend him for beginners!

Odessa, the Enigmatic Mage


Odessa, like many mages, is in constant search for knowledge and power. Her personal quest for more power has led her to the Towers of Everland where she ascends the towers in search of more power to wield against her foes.


Odessa is strictly a mage, meaning she is going to use staves and spellbooks to help with her spell-casting. She has negative stats with both finesse and martial weapons, so she should stick to using only staves.

Like any typical mage, she prefer light robes so that they do not get in the way of her spell-casting. Odessa gains bonus armor from light armor and negative stats from medium and heavy armor.

Combat Strategy

By using heavy attacks with a staff equipped, Odessa can launch powerful elemental bolts forward, and they travel until they hit an obstacle or wall.

Because of this, her best approach to combat is to simply snipe enemies from a safe distance. Her elemental spells do quite a bit of damage, so it is easy to pick off foes when they cannot retailiate.

You should be keeping your distance regardless, as light armor does not offer much protection and Odessa’s maximum health pool is very low. If she gets caught by multiple enemies it could mean trouble, so take care not to get flanked.

She performs the best in wide open spaces where there is nothing blocking her sight, but suffers a bit in cramped, tight corridors. Try to lure enemies into tunnels to single them out and pick them off one by one.

You do not have to worry about this early on, but every enemy has a specific elemental weakness. If you have a staff of that element, you cna deal increased damage!

In a pinch, Odessa can use combo attacks at close range to deal decent damage. Her spellbooks allow her to block as well, but they do not offer much protection and she cannot shield bash with them.

Stats and Talents

Odessa’s primary stat is Intelligence, which boosts her spell damage and light armor bonus. Much like Kronk, just about everything else is in the negatives so there is no point to boosting Strength and Dexterity.

A couple points into Constitution are helpful as well, as Odessa needs all of the health she can get to avoid being too fragile.

Her talents focus on either boosting her elemental powers or her defensive capabilities. The level 10 talent “Book Ward” increases the damage reduction for her spellbooks, and “Dire Arcana” increase her elemental damage by 10%.

Her level 40 talent “Aether Step” deserves special mention. This talent allows Odessa to perform her own kind of shield bash and also move backwards at the same time. It is a pretty unique move and you can do this by double tapping the left button.

Diego, the Treasure Hunting Rogue


Of course, the Tower of Everland contains riches that would blow the common man’s mind. Many treasure seekers have braved the towers, but few have ever returned. Diego is unlike your typical street rat – he is a refined and agile hunter, and he is willing to bet everything to steal the treasure that the towers are hiding.


As Diego, your main strength is deftness and agility, so he wants light and fast finesse weapons like daggers. Diego can equip daggers in both hands unlike the other characters, and this allows for some high-risk, high-reward combat options.

He will also want to stick with medium armor, as he has negative stats in both light and heavy armor. A Rogue wants to stay agile, but they also need protection too!

Combat Strategy

Diego is probably the hardest yet most rewarding character to play thanks to his twitch-based combat style. Diego is the one character that benefits the most from combo attacks, so rapid attacks are his forte.

When you attack, the cooldown bar will begin to refill to signify when you can attack again. A portion of this bar is yellow – attacking again when the meter is in the yellow area will result in a combo attack, and you can chain multiple combo attacks together for a deadly combo.

Diego has a natural bonus to combo attacks, so this should be your go-to attack for taking down enemies. The catch to this is that Diego can also attack with his offhand dagger, and if you are nimble enough you can pull off some crazy combo attacks.

Diego’s only form of defense is to parry. If you attack an enemy with your offhand dagger, they will stagger momentarily, just like a regular shield bash would do.

You will need to be quick with your fingers to fight effectively as Diego, as you need to keep up with your combo attacks while parrying the enemies to ensure that you do not take too much damage.

His playstyle is the hardest but it is also the most rewarding. He easily has the potential to have the highest DPS out of all the characters in the game but only if you can master his style of fast attacks.

Stats and Talents

Diego’s primary stat is Dexterity, as this will pump up his finesse damage, combo damage, and also armor piercing. This will help him get through the beefier enemies with higher defense.

He is a bit squisher just like Odessa as well, so some points into Constitution will help with his defense.

His level 10 talent “Shadow Walk” reduces the chance of nearby enemies detecting you, and this is probably one of his best talents. If you attack an enemy from behind, it will automatically crit, and with this talent you can sneak up on enemies much easier.

His level 20 talent “Ricochet” allows his parry maneuver to stun enemies just like a well-timed shield bash can. This talent is also pretty much a requirement due to how much you are going to be parrying as Diego.

His level 40 talent “Piercing Blows” allows Diego to completely ignore physical armor, allowing him to do full damage to just about any monster in the game. With this talnet Diego becomes a master assassin and nothing will be able to stand in his way!

Change up your Stats

It is important to keep in mind that you can change your stats and talents at any point by going to the stats screen and tapping the little circular arrow button. This will refund all of your stat points, letting you respec your character at will.

You can also do this with talents. You can pick one talent per tier, and you can switch between them whenever you want. Do not feel like you are tied to one spec – try other things out and see how they work for you!

And that is all for our guide on each class in Towers of Everland. You now know how to conquer as each playable class, so get out there and fight! If you have any other tips to add, let us know in the comments below!