

ピンボール ウィザード ガイド:トップに到達するためのヒントとチート

何世紀にもわたって、「目」として知られる魔法の構築物は、邪悪なモンスターや侵略から世界を守ってきました。力が弱まり始めました。The Pinball Wizard で若い魔法使いの見習いが塔を登り、目を修理することになっています。 、RPG 要素を組み合わせて他に類を見ないアーケード体験を作成するローグライク ピンボール ゲーム!

Touch Tap Play の The Pinball Wizard のヒントとコツ ガイドでは、見習いとしてプレイするための基本と、ショットでより正確になる方法について説明します。塔を上って生き残るのは簡単なことではありません。まずは、ピンボール ウィザードのチート、ヒント、裏技に関する戦略ガイドから始めましょう。 頂点に到達!


ピンボール ウィザード 、あなたの主な目的は、目のある塔の頂上に到達することです。タワーの各レベルは固定されています。つまり、タワーを通過するたびに、すべてのレベルが同じになります。




(この ピンボール ウィザード ガイドは Touch Tap Play で最初に公開されました)


The Pinball Wizard と同じくらいユニークです つまり、そのコアはまだピンボール ゲームです。つまり、意図的に何かを打つのに十分正確になりたい場合は、フリッパーを適切に制御する必要があります。


必要に応じて、ウィザードの速度を落とし、狙いを定めやすくするために「ポケット」にすることができます。ウィザードの動きが速すぎる場合は、画面の両側をタップ アンド ホールドして足ひれを持ち上げ、そのように保持します。


何をするにしても、常にウィザードから目を離さず、足ひれの間に落とさないようにしてください。 Your wizard will respawn but suffer a health penalty, with a stronger penalty the higher you are in the tower. At high levels a fall may be instantly fatal, so be careful!

Taking out Monsters

Monsters are your main obstacles to deal with as you ascend the tower, but they are also the key to progression. One monster in the level will be carrying a key, and the key is the only way to open the way forward.

The most basic monster is the slime that moves back and forth on a pre-determined path. Their simplicity is supposed to teach you about the counterattack mechanics – when the slimes turn red, bumping into them will cause you to take damage as well.

You will need to try to time your launches to the best of your ability; of course, you may end up taking damage anyways because the enemies decide to be jerks. The bottom line is to watch and study enemies to learn their attack patterns, and then try to hit them when the coast seems clear.

Head for the Door for a Health Boost

Remember, if you manage to make it to the door before the timer runs out, you will receive a nice health boost. This boost can save your life if you are struggling, so it is very important.

With that said, it is kind of hard to get into the door. The doors are often place in awkward angles, and nothing short of the perfect launch trajectory will get you into the door. Once you get skills – namely the dash skill – they are a lot easier to reach.

If the level looks too rough, you can avoid picking up the key and try clearing out the level more. The timer only starts when you pick up the key, so you can buy yourself time by avoiding it on purpose.

Collecting Experience Points and Treasure

Every time you bump into something solid, whether it is an obstacle or enemy, you will earn experience points. Slaying enemies nets you more experience points, but you can also get them from running into barrels.

There are certain barrels lying around with symbols on them, and when you collide into them you will earn the corresponding resource. If you see experience point barrels lying around, make sure to give them a good smack to rack up extra experience points.

There are also barrels for treasure (the orange diamonds), so make sure you hit these as well. There is also treasure just lying around, and you should grab every last one of them. The reason behind this is that there are hidden groups of treasure that will only spawn if you pick up all treasure from the first group.

Each level has varying amounts of treasure, so make sure to grab as many of them as you can before you leave the level.

When you level up, your maximum health, attack power, and max energy will increase. You may also learn new skills too!

Grab the Dash Skill as Soon as Possible

Your first run will be very… painful, to say the least. No matter how accurate you are with the flippers, you are still subject to the game’s physics and many times you will find yourself missing your targets.

This is immediately remedied once you hit level 2, which is when you unlock the first skill Dash. With the Dash skill, you can slow down time and propel the wizard in a direction of your choosing, provided you have good timing.

The Dash skill makes it much more manageable to get into the door ways, hit hard to reach enemies, and so on. There is a reason this is the first skill in the game!

Tower Checkpoints

Usually if you bite the dust, you will have to start from the very beginning of the tower. However, there are certain levels that count as checkpoints, and if you reach them you are able to restart the game from that specific floor.

The first checkpoint you will reach is 6F. If you can manage to survive up to this point, you can start from here the next time you play the game. There are two more checkpoints after this, so keep at it and you will be able to reach the top of the tower eventually.

Infinite Dungeon

Upon reaching 16F in the tower for the first time, you will unlock the infinite dungeon. As the name implies, this is a version of the game that will never end until you lose all of your health.

This mode is a fun distraction, but you also gain experience points and treasure from these dungeons as well. If you need to level up and upgrade skills, playing through the infinite dungeon is not a bad idea.

That’s all for The Pinball Wizard !他に共有すべきヒントやコツがあれば、下のコメント欄でお知らせください!