

Billion Builders ガイド:すべてを構築するためのヒントとチート

リラックスできるアイドル ゲームのファンとして、Billion Builders を発見できてとてもうれしかったです。それは法案に完全に適合します:それは一日中短いバーストでプレイすることができます, それはリラックスしてかわいいと同時に、あまりにも挑戦的ではありません.私にとって完璧なゲームです。

今日、私は完全な Billion Builders ガイドをあなたと共有するためにここにいます:構築を続け、すべての新しいコンテンツのロックを解除し、そのコンテンツが何をするかを学ぶのに役立つ一連のヒント、トリック、チート.はい、場合によっては、ゲームの仕組みに関するいくつかの質問が残ることがあります.

これらすべてを念頭に置いて、すぐにガイドに飛び込んで、以下のビリオン ビルダーのヒントをチェックしましょう!


これは、ゲームをプレイするときはいつでも、ゲームで行う主なことです。ゲーム内のコインで利用できる 3 つのアップグレードのいずれかを購入します。これらは:

  • 募集 (より多くのワーカーを提供します)
  • スピードアップ (ワーカーの速度を上げます)
  • パッケージ (列車内の荷物数を増やします)


パッケージ容量を大きくしても、それらを有効に活用するのに十分な数のワーカーがなければ意味がありません。同時に、100 万人の労働者を電車の近くに座らせて、新しい小包が到着するのを待っても意味がありません.



ゲームで起動できるブーストはこれに少し影響しますが、それについては以下で説明します.また、しばらくオフラインになってからゲームに戻ると、パッケージ番号が 0 になるため、いっぱいになるまで少し時間がかかることに注意してください。

(この Billion Builders ガイドは、もともと Touch Tap Play で公開されたものです)


進行を大幅にスピードアップし、それらのエリアをできるだけ早く完了するための最良かつ最も簡単な方法の 1 つは、広告を見てゲーム内のさまざまなブーストを有効にすることです。プレイ中にランダムに表示されるオプションは次のとおりです:

  • UFO :かなりの時間滞在し、建物の進行に役立ちます
  • スーパー ビルダー :これにより、ゴールドの獲得と建物の進行状況が大幅に向上します
  • 収入アップ :しばらくの間、より多くのお金を稼ぐ
  • スピード ブースト :すべてのビルダーの作業速度を大幅に向上させます

これらすべてのブーストの中で、可能な限り最大のブーストを提供するスーパー ビルダーが最高だと思います。

On the other end of the usefulness scale we have the speed boost:usually, the boost itself will be so great that you will run out of packages for your workers.

As a result, most won’t really benefit you from the boost and at best force you to invest in Package upgrades which will be nothing but a waste of money for the rest of the game.

In other words, stay away from the Speed Boost and only accept the other three whenever they pop up or when you feel like (as they pop up pretty often, truth be told).

What are the Facility Upgrades?

As you complete more buildings, you unlock new things to buy in Billion Builders. The first one is the Facility tab, with three options, all available for purchase for Diamonds (the premium currency in the game).

While the game itself doesn’t give you any actual details on the effects of each of the upgrades, we can tell you what they do (or what they seem to be doing, since it’s difficult to know for sure):

  • Tier Up :increases the work speed of your builders
  • Gold Income Bonus :Increases the amount of gold you earn from building
  • Offline Earnings :increases the amount of gold you earn while away (or increases the time you collect gold when away)

These all cost a ton of money and, just like with the regular upgrades, prices increase with each new purchase. So you should invest your money carefully.

I personally recommend getting one or two of the Offline Earnings upgrades because you will spend more time away from the game than actively playing it, so it is useful on the long term.

The Tier Up seems to be extremely useful – each new upgrade we bought seemed to speed up the builders quite a bit, making it easier to complete levels and progress through the game.

What are the Supporters Upgrades?

After finishing the third building (or is it the fourth?) you unlock the Supporters tab with three more things to spend your Diamonds on.

Unlike the Facility upgrades, though, it’s a bit more difficult to notice what each of these things does and the game offers absolutely no explanations on the matter.

Here is what us here at Touch Tap Play think each of these buyable upgrades does:

  • Foreman :walks around and gives a speed boost to nearby workers (those in its small area of effect)
  • WorkerDog :a sort of a super-builder that can carry more than one packages, therefore building a bit faster
  • Repair drone :a huge mystery. We can’t really guess what it does, but we think it might give you more money when building.

Considering their price and especially the facts that you don’t really know what kind of effect they have, I would recommend you to stay away from the Supporters tab and only invest your Diamonds in the Facility Upgrades.

Always triple your Diamond income!

If there is such a moment when I would say that you definitely have to watch a video ad, that is when you complete a building. Whenever you do so, you will triple your earnings!

And since we’re talking about diamonds here – the premium currency in the game that can only be bought with real life money otherwise – that is indeed great value and an offer you shouldn’t say no to.

How to get rid of the ads?

If you enjoy the game, you have the option to disable the ads by purchasing the Pro Licenses from the Shop. This way, you will say thank you to the developers for creating a game you love, but also get rid of the annoying ads.

However, if you don’t afford to make one or two purchases, Billion Builders is created to run without ads as well. All you have to do is quit the game and put your phone into airplane mode (or at least disable WiFi and/or mobile internet).

The developers were kind enough to offer this option too – and if you do it, you will no longer be bombarded with ads. At the same time, you won’t have the optional benefits that come with them – like tripling your diamond income when you complete a building or activating the various boost.

But you know that you have your options here and you will surely pick the right one for you. Do have in mind that it’s actually these ads (or the IAPs you can buy) that pay the game devs for their hard work!

These would be our Billion Builders tips and tricks. If you have additional advice – or questions – don’t hesitate to comment below and let us know.