

BitLife:ソーシャル メディア インフルエンサーになる方法 |ヒントとチート

BitLife へようこそ 、誰にでもなれるゲームは何にでもなれる!今日は、ゲーム内のソーシャル メディアとその仕組みについて見ていきます。ソーシャル メディアのインフルエンサーになりたい場合は、ここに完璧なガイドがあるので、もう探す必要はありません。

Touch Tap Play の BitLife ガイドでは、独自のソーシャル メディア キャリアを開始する方法と、フォロワー ベースを成長させる方法を紹介します。取るべきステップはたくさんありますので、ソーシャル メディア インフルエンサーになるための BitLife ヒントとチート ガイドから始めましょう!


ソーシャル メディアで成功するインフルエンサーになるには、適切な教育を受ける必要があります。近親者には親切にし、あなたが作った友人とは良好な関係を維持して、幸福度を維持してください。


最も重要なことは、あなたが魅力的であることです。容姿が低すぎると、ソーシャル メディアで人気を得ることは難しくなりますが、これは残念ながら現実の生活とよく似ています。ありがたいことにここ BitLife では、誰もあなたを判断することはできません!

覚えておいてください:あなたの統計があまりにも低く落ちた場合、あなたの最も低い統計の隣に表示される「ブースト」チャンスを得るかもしれません.これは問題のステータスを即座に 30% ブーストするので、見かけたら必ず取ってください。


すべてのソーシャル メディア プラットフォームにサインアップ

ブランド名と影響範囲を拡大するには、5 つのソーシャル メディア プラットフォームすべてにサインアップする必要があります。残念ながら、これは友人に 5 回テキスト メッセージを送信する必要があることを意味します。もちろん、いつでも自分にメッセージを送ることができます。

厄介なことに、新しい生活のたびにこれを行わなければならないので、ソーシャル メディアのインフルエンサーになるために全力を尽くすようにしてください!

5 つのプラットフォームすべてにサインアップすると、キャリアに向けて取り組み始めることができます。ソーシャル メディアのプロフィールを作成するのが早ければ早いほど、自然にフォロワーが増え始めるからです。




ある程度のお金を手に入れたら、ルックスに取り組み始めましょう。 Start a diet if you haven’t already, and make sure to pick Nutrisystems, the most expensive option, for the best results.

After that, start hitting the gym to work on your body tone. You’ll have to do this manually, but the more you do it the more your looks benefit from it.

When your looks are around 80% or so, you can start looking for jobs that affect your fame, like an actor/actress, a singer, or maybe even a porn star if you’re into that!

Spread your Social Media Influence

With a job that will help you get famous, a smokin’ bod, and all of your social media accounts set up, it’s time to make your move.

First off, the best way to naturally gain followers is to simply post content to all of your social media accounts. To start off with, you should alternate posting content to all of your accounts until you get something that goes viral. You can focus all your efforts on that individual account once that happens.

We found that the easiest social media platform to do this with is YouTube, but your mileage may vary as there is a lot of randomness factored in. Just keep posting videos and you should gain lots of followers.

Eventually you will be given the offer to promote a product, or you can do it manually. You can earn money from promotions depending on how many followers you have, but there’s a good chance you’ll also lose followers, so be careful.

Try posting a different variety of posts to see what works for you. When we did videos about BitLife, those seemed to get the most views, but again you may have different results.

Dealing with Trolls and Suspension

On the other platforms like Instagram and Twitter you will often times have encounters with rude people. Much like real life, the best way to handle these situations is to ignore the trolls and continue with your life.

If you react negatively and insult them back, you might get your account suspended. When your accounts are suspended all of your progress comes to a grinding halt, so it’s best to avoid this.

A quick and relatively cheap way to get more followers is to simply buy them. You can buy up to 5,000 followers at a time for a mere $150, though be careful not to do this too much – every time you buy followers there’s a random chance your account will be suspended.

In the event of an account suspension, you can appeal the decision by choosing between five different explanations. There seems to be virtually no difference between them, and the chance to get your account unbanned is very low. You’ll just need to keep trying until you get a successful appeal, so it’s best not to get banned in the first place.

Stay Healthy, Work on your Job, and Keep Posting

As you are making posts on your social media platforms, make sure that you’re also taking care of yourself. The second you let yourself go your fame will begin to drop, and that will lead to lost followers.

Make sure you’re doing well at your job, whatever it is. The better you’re doing, the more fame you will accumulate, and you’ll eventually be able to interact with celebrities.

Once you reach around 100,000 followers on a platform, you can try to get verified. When you have at least one verified account and gain a bunch of followers, you’ll eventually become social media famous!

Once you’re social media famous you can promote whatever you want and interact with celebrities, upping your followers by even more. If you’re on YouTube and your account is monetized, you’ll earn lots of money from ad revenue.

To help increase your fame and gain more followers, you can start doing events like book signing, commercials, magazines, and more. You can find all of these listed under the fame section.

With enough luck and some tried and true dedication, you’ll eventually become a social media star. You just need to keep on getting followers! If you’ve got any other tips or tricks to help on the social media road to fame, let us know in the comments below!