

真・女神転生 V:すべての奇跡とその解除方法

真・女神転生 V には、ナホビノと彼の悪魔のパーティーがレベルアップせずに強くなることができるさまざまなメカニズムが備わっています。


真・女神転生 V のすべてのミラクルと、より多くのミラクルを利用できるようにする方法は次のとおりです。


奇跡 真・女神転生 V では、覇権、教義、覚醒、宇宙の 4 つのカテゴリに分類されます。 .それらを学ぶには、World of Shadows に向かい、さまざまな方法で取得できる一定量の栄光を消費する必要があります。




奇跡 説明 栄光
ツールの知識 戦闘中に悪魔がアイテムを使用できるようにします。 85
不屈の意志 ガードしている味方が攻撃を受けると、マガツヒゲージが少し増加します。 35
爽快な防御 ガード時に味方のMPが回復 90
マガツヒの泉 ターン開始時にマガツヒゲージが満タンの場合、味方全員のHPとMPが少し回復する。 150
復讐に燃える日和見主義者 ガードするとマガツヒゲージが少し増加します。 30
フェル スウープ WEAKまたはCRITICALを与えると、マガツヒゲージがわずかに増加します. 30
カウンター インセンティブ:抵抗 味方のアフィニティ レジスタンスが敵の攻撃によるダメージを軽減すると、マガツヒ ゲージがわずかに増加します。 30
対抗インセンティブ:Null マガツヒゲージは、味方が敵の攻撃を無効化、吸収、または撃退すると増加します。 50
種族超越 ナボヒノは、他のパーティ メンバーが持っている種族固有のマガツヒ スキルを使用できるようになります。 100
マガツヒ分散 敵のオマガトキ:味方が敵の攻撃をガード、回避、無効化、反発、ドレインすると、クリティカル効果は終了します。 80
巧みな保存 マガツヒのスキル使用時に消費するマガツヒの量がわずかに減少します。 150
復讐 味方が死亡するたびにマガツヒゲージが大幅に増加します。 40
フォアストール Slashing an enemy in the field without being noticed will greatly increase the Magatsuhi Gauge at the start of a battle. 5
Constant Vigilance The Magatsuhi Gauge increases a little at the start of a battle. 100
Embolden Raises the amount added to the Magatsuhi Gauge each turn. 150
Enhanced Summon Demon allies summoned in battle will have a random stat raised by 1 rank. 80
Dread All enemies will have a random stat lowered by 1 rank at the start of a battle. 100
Kindred Favor Talking with a demon while having that same demon in your party will prompt them to occasionally heal you in battle. 35
Articulate Discourse Talking with a demon uses 1/2 of a Press Turn Icon. 65
Pacification If a demon’s mood sours mid-negotiaton, they may forgive you. 90
Inspiring Covenant Recruiting demons in battle will cause them to immediately level up. 150
Art of Intervention Use a demon ally’s action to speak with a demon. 100
Divine Persuasion Demons will sometimes join you unconditionally. 10
Divine Eminence Demons above the Nahobino’s level can be recruited through negotiation. 10
Deathly Aura I Cornered demons may beg for their lives. 30
Deathly Aura II Demand Macca from cornered demons. 50
Deathly Aura III Demand Essence from cornered demons. 70


Doctrine Miracles improve demons obtained via Fusion and reduce the cost of healing, items, and demon summoning.

Miracles Description Glory
Hand of God Rare chance to acquire one extra relic. 5
Warrior’s Conception Newly-fused demons will gain a stat bonus based on the stats of the demons fused. 50
Unforgotten Memories Newly fused demons will gain EXP based on the stats of the demons fused. 65
Divine Amalgamation Allows the Nahobino to acquire affinity resistances from essences during Essence Fusion. 20
Inheritance Violation A demon’s starting skills can be overwritten during skill inheritance. 10
Rank Violation Level limitation for demon fusion is lifted. 10
Art of Essences I Allows an additional skill to be selected from essences. 30
Art of Essences II Allows up to two additional skills to be selected from essences. 80
Art of Essences III Unlocks all essence skills. 150
Healer’s Hospitality I The healing cost at leyline founts is reduced by 25%. 40
Healer’s Hospitality II The healing cost at leyline founts is reduced by 50%. 100
Merchant’s Hospitality I Item prices at the Cadaver’s Hollow are reduced by 25%. 60
Merchant’s Hospitality II Item prices at the Cadaver’s Hollow are reduced by 50% 150
Summoner’s Hospitality I The cost of summoning demons from the Demon Compendium is reduced by 10%. 50
Summoner’s Hospitality II The cost of summoning demons from the Demon Compendium is reduced by 30%. 150
Summoner’s Hospitality III The cost of summoning demons from the Demon Compendium is reduced by 50%. 300


Awakening Miracles improve demons further upon level up and unlock additional Skill Slots for both demons and the Nahobino.

Miracles Description Glory
Skill Manifestation A demon ally may awaken to a new skill when leveling up. 50
Prayer of Strength Additional +1 increase to a demon ally’s Strength when the demon levels up (Only applies up to a certain level). 200
Prayer of Vitality Additional +1 increase to a demon ally’s Vitality when the demon levels up (Only applies up to a certain level). 130
Prayer of Magic Additional +1 increase to a demon ally’s Magic when the demon levels up (Only applies up to a certain level). 200
Prayer of Agility Additional +1 increase to a demon ally’s Agility when the demon levels up (Only applies up to a certain level). 70
Prayer of Luck Additional +1 increase to a demon ally’s Luck when the demon levels up (Only applies up to a certain level). 70
Empowering Cheer I Half of MAX HP and MP are recovered when leveling up. 5
Empowering Cheer II HP and MP are fully recovered when leveling up. 50
Demon Proficiency I Increases demon ally’s skill slots by 1. 50
Demon Proficiency II Increases demon ally’s skill slots by 1. 100
Demon Proficiency III Increases demon ally’s skill slots by 1. 150
Demon Proficiency IV Increases demon ally’s skill slots by 1. 300
Divine Proficiency I Increases the Nahobino’s skill slots by 1. 30
Divine Proficiency II Increases the Nahobino’s skill slots by 1. 60
Divine Proficiency III
Increases the Nahobino’s skill slots by 1. 100
Divine Proficiency IV Increases the Nahobino’s skill slots by 1. 150
Divine Garrison I Increases demon stock by 1. 10
Divine Garrison II Increases demon stock by 1. 20
Divine Garrison III Increases demon stock by 2. 50
Divine Garrison IV Increases demon stock by 2. 65
Divine Garrison V Increases demon stock by 2. 80
Divine Garrison VI Increases demon stock by 2. 90
Divine Garrison VII Increases demon stock by 2. 100
Divine Garrison VIII Increases demon stock by 3. 165
Divine Garrison IX Increases demon stock by 3. 200


Cosmos Miracles improve the Nahobino’s Skill Potential, letting you customize the character further.

Miracles Description Glory
Physical Mastery I Increases the Nahobino’s Physical skill potential by 1. 120
Physical Mastery II Increases the Nahobino’s Physical skill potential by 2. 160
Physical Mastery III Increases the Nahobino’s Physical skill potential by 2. 200
Physical Mastery IV Increases the Nahobino’s Physical skill potential by 2. 300
Physical Mastery V Increases the Nahobino’s Physical skill potential by 2. 400
Fire Mastery I Increases the Nahobino’s Fire skill potential by 1. 50
Fire Mastery II Increases the Nahobino’s Fire skill potential by 2. 80
Fire Mastery III Increases the Nahobino’s Fire skill potential by 2. 100
Fire Mastery IV Increases the Nahobino’s Fire skill potential by 2. 130
Fire Mastery V Increases the Nahobino’s Fire skill potential by 2. 160
Ice Mastery I Increases the Nahobino’s Ice skill potential by 1. 50
Ice Mastery II Increases the Nahobino’s Ice skill potential by 2. 80
Ice Mastery III Increases the Nahobino’s Ice skill potential by 2. 100
Ice Mastery IV Increases the Nahobino’s Ice skill potential by 2. 130
Ice Mastery V Increases the Nahobino’s Ice skill potential by 2. 160
Electric Mastery I Increases the Nahobino’s Electric skill potential by 1. 50
Electric Mastery II Increases the Nahobino’s Electric skill potential by 2. 80
Electric Mastery III Increases the Nahobino’s Electric skill potential by 2. 100
Electric Mastery VI Increases the Nahobino’s Electric skill potential by 2. 130
Electric Mastery V Increases the Nahobino’s Electric skill potential by 2. 160
Force Mastery I Increases the Nahobino’s Force skill potential by 1. 50
Force Mastery II Increases the Nahobino’s Force skill potential by 2. 80
Force Mastery III Increases the Nahobino’s Force skill potential by 2. 100
Force Mastery IV Increases the Nahobino’s Force skill potential by 2. 130
Force Mastery V Increases the Nahobino’s Force skill potential by 2. 160
Light Mastery I Increases the Nahobino’s Light skill potential by 1. 50
Light Mastery II Increases the Nahobino’s Light skill potential by 2. 80
Light Mastery III Increases the Nahobino’s Light skill potential by 2. 100
Light Mastery IV Increases the Nahobino’s Light skill potential by 2. 130
Light Mastery V Increases the Nahobino’s Light skill potential by 2. 160
Dark Mastery I Increases the Nahobino’s Dark skill potential by 1. 50
Dark Mastery II Increases the Nahobino’s Dark skill potential by 2. 80
Dark Mastery III Increases the Nahobino’s Dark skill potential by 2. 100
Dark Mastery IV Increases the Nahobino’s Dark skill potential by 2. 130
Dark Mastery V Increases the Nahobino’s Dark skill potential by 2. 160
Almighty Mastery I Increases the Nahobino’s Almighty skill potential by 1. 120
Almighty Mastery II Increases the Nahobino’s Almighty skill potential by 2. 160
Almighty Mastery III Increases the Nahobino’s Almighty skill potential by 2. 200
Almighty Mastery IV Increases the Nahobino’s Almighty skill potential by 2. 300
Almighty Mastery V Increases the Nahobino’s Almighty skill potential by 2. 400
Ailment Mastery I Increases the Nahobino’s Ailment skill potential by 1. 40
Ailment Mastery II Increases the Nahobino’s Ailment skill potential by 2. 55
Ailment Mastery III Increases the Nahobino’s Ailment skill potential by 2. 70
Ailment Mastery IV Increases the Nahobino’s Ailment skill potential by 2. 90
Ailment Mastery V Increases the Nahobino’s Ailment skill potential by 2. 140
Recover Mastery I Increases the Nahobino’s Healing skill potential by 1. 60
Recover Mastery II Increases the Nahobino’s Healing skill potential by 2. 120
Recover Mastery III Increases the Nahobino’s Healing skill potential by 2. 200
Support Mastery I Increases the Nahobino’s Support skill potential by 1. 60
Support Mastery II Increases the Nahobino’s Support skill potential by 2. 120
Support Mastery III Increases the Nahobino’s Support skill potential by 2. 200