

スポットライト:ルーム エスケープのチュートリアル


スポットライト:ルーム エスケープはパズルです シングルプレイヤーの隠しオブジェクト Javelin Ltd がモバイル デバイス向けに開発したビデオ ゲーム。それは見事な家で行われ、主人公として、パズルを解くレベルとアイテムを扱いながら、何らかの方法で道を見つける必要があります.隠しオブジェクトとアドベンチャー ゲーム要素の完璧な融合により、魅力的なゲームプレイが約束されます。


スポットライト:ルーム エスケープのレビュー

あなたはおそらく隠しオブジェクト ゲームをプレイするのが好きではないプレイヤーの 1 人かもしれませんが、ほとんどのプレイヤーはプレイするのが好きだったので、可能性はわずかです。これは、プレイヤーが隠しオブジェクト ゲームをプレイするのが難しいと感じているためです。特に、ケース/ミッションを完了するための手がかりを見つけて分析する必要があるゲームです。したがって、大多数のプレイヤーは、レベルを完了する方法を見つけるためにウォークスルーを見つけるために出てきます。 Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough という形で解決策を提供するので、心配する必要はありません。 .


誘拐された後、見知らぬ場所にいることに気付いたときのあなたの反応と行動を想像してみてください。もし同じ質問をされたら、私の答えは「果てしない闘争」です。 」彼らはあなたの唯一の武器であり、トリッキーなパズルを解決できるため、探偵のスキルとアプローチは必須です。隠されたオブジェクトについては、さまざまな場所を探索してそれらを見つける必要がありますが、ゲームでは決して尋ねられません.

ストーリー – あなたの命を救う探偵になる

Javelin Ltd. は、Granny (ビデオ ゲーム) に似たよくできたストーリーを紹介します。 .おばあちゃんと同じように、誰かが主人公を誘拐し、手がかりや証拠を残さずに小さな家に閉じ込めます。ゲームが始まると、時間がなくなる前に部屋から脱出するように絶えず求めている感覚を除いて、記憶がない状態で目を覚ます.その後、プレイヤーは事件の調査を開始し、誰が彼を誘拐したのか、誘拐犯が実行している邪悪な計画など、さまざまな質問への答えを見つけます。

神秘的なグラフィックとスリリングなサウンド エフェクト

Spotlight Room Escape には、ミステリアスなビジュアルとスリリングなサウンド エフェクトが付属しており、無限の楽しみに没頭できます。ゲームを開発するとき、開発者はロジックを念頭に置いてすべての項目を維持しました。したがって、各シーンには深い意味があります。環境を観察し、手がかりを分析し、論理的なスキルを使って不思議な部屋から脱出するまで、成功することはできません.




スポットライト ルーム エスケープのチュートリアル

すべてのシーンとオブジェクトを調査して手がかりを見つけるときは、探偵のスキルに頼ってください。探偵の帽子をかぶって、鍵を開けるのに必要な数字と文字を扱って複雑なパズルを解き始めましょう。手がかりはあなたの周りのどこにでもある可能性があることに注意してください。したがって、見つけたシーンやアイテムを調べて、なぞなぞや単語パズルを解くことに集中してください。どこかで行き詰まった場合は、Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough をお読みください 助けを求めて。ゲームは 3 つの章にまたがります。完成させる部分はそれぞれ異なります。

スポットライト:ルーム エスケープ ウォークスルー – チャプター 1

ご存知のように、Spotlight Room Escape には 3 つの章があります。それぞれに数の異なるエピソードがあります。第 1 章には 5 つのエピソードがあり、それぞれが見たことのない新しい場所に連れて行ってくれます。利用可能なエピソードは次のとおりです:

  • 目覚め
  • 希望
  • 脅威
  • 運命
  • アフターライト

Walkthroughs.net はすべての困難な問題の解決策を提供し、Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough に従って、パズルやミステリーを解決して家や他の場所から脱出する方法を学ぶことができます。

スポットライト ルーム エスケープ ウォークスルー エピソード 1 – 覚醒

最初のエピソードが始まると、3 ~ 4 つの部屋、バスルーム、いくつかのドアがある家にいることに気づきます。あなたの最初の仕事は、必要な隠しオブジェクトをすべて集め、それらを使って秘密の部屋、食器棚、棚などの他のエリアにアクセスすることです.

最初に、ゲームは 2 つの異なるドア、電話スタンド、冷蔵庫があるロビーに連れて行ってくれます。右側のドアにはデジタルロックが固定されていますが、左側のドアを開くには鍵が必要です。パズルを完成させるには、チュートリアルの指示に従う必要があります スポットライト ルーム エスケープ .

  • 電話スタンドをタップします それに近づくには、ヘアピンを集めます .インベントリからヘアピンを選択して引き出しを開きます 、ナイフをタップします 在庫に追加してください。
  • 右側にある部屋に行き、ロッドを集めます .赤色のツールボックスがあります;後で対処できるように、心に留めておく必要があります。
  • ベッドの右側に綿のがあります 封印 スコッチテープで。 ナイフをタップ テープを切って箱を開けます。ボックスには、付属のバスルームのドアを開けるために使用できるハンドルが表示されます .
  • さて、キッチンに行きましょう 多くの隠しオブジェクトが利用できる場所。まず、鏡のかけらを集めるテーブルに向かいます。 、戸棚を開けて ストーブの上で懐中電灯を集めることができます 電池の欠品あり。 バッテリー ストーブの右側近くにある引き出しに入っています。バッテリーをタップしてフラッシュに追加します。
  • 右の壁にある食器棚を調べて、鏡を 2 つ集めます 小さな戸棚から .
  • プランジャーを集めるためにトイレに行く必要があります キッチンに戻ります ごみ箱がある場所 シンクの下 .プランジャーを使ってシンクから水を取り除き、を集めます .
  • 鍵を使ってロビーの冷蔵庫の右側にあるドアを開け、中に入ります。
  • 新しくロックが解除された部屋に入ると、絵のセットが歓迎されるかもしれません。 4 つの鏡を集めるには、右側の画像をタップする必要があります .
  • さて、トイレに移動して、見つかったすべてのピースを鏡に追加し、コード「WE64A」を公開する必要があります。 .」
  • 赤いツールボックスを見つけた部屋に戻る ロッカーを含む . Adjust all digits according to the code you revealed on the mirror to open it. Collect a screwdriver and a piece of wire.
  • Visit the toilet , use the screwdriver to open the cooling fan’s cover, and collect a key .
  • Once the key is in your hand, move to the room near the refrigerator and find a cupboard whose first section is locked. Use the key to open it to collect a part of the hammer .
  • Connect the rod you found earlier in the first room with the hammerhead. Break the white-colored wall of the same room using the hammer, and select the flashlight from your inventory to see in the dark. It will reveal the code (A=7, D=7, G=2, and M=7 ).
  • After collecting a hammer, you must visit the table available within the same room and connect a piece of wire you found, with the circuit to reveal a code, “AMDG .”
  • Go to the kitchen where you discovered a locker, enter the code following the letters you found (AMDG) and their related numbers like (A=7, D=7, G=2, and M=7 ) to open the locker.
  • There’s a locker in the lower section of the cupboard where you may find a pizza box above it.
  • The locker will give you a paper having some digits that you can use to open the door in the lobby.
  • Set the code (first row – KUR , second-row – OIT , and third-row – VAE ) to open the door and escape.

Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough Episode 2 – Hope

Hope is the 2 episode in Spotlight Room Escape video game taking you out of the room where you had been stuck. Your objectives are the same, involving finding hidden objects and analyzing clues to solve the mystery behind the scene. Apart from that, you are supposed to find the way out at any cost. Read our Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough and Guide to solve challenging puzzles.

  • Visit the area available on your right side and enter the room on your right side where you discover a box having five keys .
  • Use any one key to open the door of room 805 and get into it to collect clues and find hidden objects.
  • Find a wardrobe in the room and open the drawer entering the code “150 」 Collect a piece of paper from it and add it to your inventory .
  • Visit the TV cupboard to collect a card key from there and add it to your inventory too. Don’t forget to collect a drill bit from above the cupboard available near the TV.
  • Use the card key to open the opposing door of room 805 , and get into it. It seems you’re in an operation theater where you find different surgery tools and a patient bed .
  • Collect a small key available within the surgery toolbox and add it to your inventory.
  • Remove the diagram from the wall to reveal a locker , and open the cupboard to collect a paper scrap . Visit the lower section of the cupboard and open all of its drawers to find objects. You will find only a handle from the first drawer .
  • The game will ask you to solve a mathematical question to open the third drawer . You must use the following signs to solve the question (“X” “+” “X” “-”). Once open, collect a key card .
  • Visit the lobby, select the handle from your inventory add it to the wardrobe’s door to open it, and collect a scrap of paper from there.
  • Collect another scrap of paper from the main area where you found yourself standing ahead of a mess at the start of the 2 episode .
  • Visit room 805 and head to the table where you found a pattern lock . Analyze each scrap of paper and see the pattern accordingly to open the drawer . The drawer holds a button that you must tap to open the TV . There’s a cupboard above the TV holding a bottle of engine oil .
  • Watch the TV to reveal who came to the room. The clip wasn’t completed, TV gets turned off.
  • Approach the main area where you started the game to discover a cupboard . Use one of the available keys to open the cupboard and collect a stepladder .
  • Back to the lobby where you may discover a letter on the wardrobe .
  • Use the stepladder to visit the chiller path available at the end near room 805 . Remove the cover and follow the path that leads you to the level 8 elevator .
  • You should use the key card to open the elevator and collect a piece of paper .
  • After having a paper , you should move to the operation theatre where you found a locker . Press keys following the pattern you found drawn on the paper discovered from an elevator .
  • Collect a drill machine from the locker, fix a drill bit already available in your inventory, and visit the bookshelf you found in room 805 to collect a battery .
  • Once done, visit the elevator following the chiller path. Select the drill from your inventory and remove the circuit’s cover . Turn the switch to let the elevator start and take you to the next level.

Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough Episode 3 – Menace

The elevator takes you to an underground asylum where you discover a room on your right side and a door ahead of you. Follow the walkthrough of Spotlight Room Escape to find solutions and resolve the mystery of your escape. The majority of players are searching for how to complete Spotlight Room Escape Episode 3 Menace. Here are a few steps to follow:

  • Collect a paper glued on the right wall and a piece of pipe from the left wall . Select the pipe to bring out a brick from the rough wall and collect a strange key . You must go to the elevator with the key and open its lower section where you discover a locker having four analog number locks . Enter the code 7428 to open the box and collect a key from there.
  • Back to the main area and open the lock of the right door to get into it. You are now in a room wherein you can collect a bottle and a pool ball from above the bookshelf .
  • Collect a knife from the bottle cupboard and pick up a door key from the sofa chair kept near the snooker table; meanwhile, you should choose a knife from your inventory, cut the seat , and then collect a paper .
  • Visit the right area of the room where you find several paintings hanging on the wall. A few steps aside from painting, you find a key . Use that key to open the briefcase available on the floor near the sofa to collect a hammer and a pool ball from there.
  • Use the key to open the door fixed near the windows on the bar side, revealing a warning regarding don’t get there.
  • Visit the cashier machine available on the left side of the room to discover a digital locker . Check the paper you collected after cutting the sofa chair to reveal the code. Enter the code “4305 ” to open the locker and collect a third pool ball.
  • Approach the room where you found paintings 壁の上に。 Remove the man hat and use a hammer to unravel a locker , involving you playing three mini-games to grab a pool ball .
  • Put all collected balls into four pockets after solving the mathematical question printed on the pocket. Once added, the game will grant you a key card . You can use the card to run the cashier machine and let the bottle go through the bar code machine.
  • Collect the card from the cashier machine after hitting the green button .
  • Open the main exit door using the card and escape .

Note:The completion of the third episode will let you see the shadow of a supernatural entity.

Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough Episode 4 – Fate

The fourth level of Spotlight Room Escape takes you to a new floor having two rooms and the main door to escape. In the scene, you must do your research and find hidden objects need to solve challenging puzzles. Visit the bicycle to collect items, as mentioned in the Walkthrough.

  • Collect a pump and bicycle spoke . Find the blue-colored box to collect a handle , and don’t forget to grab an emergency hammer hanging near the red-colored box on the wall.
  • ハンマーを使う to break the red box’s mirror  and collect a pager; meanwhile, don’t forget to collect electrical wires from near the box .
  • Visit the area below the red box to collect mirror shards .
  • Use the bicycle spoke to bring out the duct tape from the lock of the 2 door .
  • Cover the mirror shard with duct tape and connect with electrical wire to bring keys below the main door.
  • Use the keys to open the first door and get into the room to find what it contains. Head to the sink and collect a piece.
  • Visit the dustbin to collect the 2 Get into the first toilet to collect a rubber patch to connect with the pump already available in the inventory .
  • Use the pump with a rubber patch to remove water and dust from the sink . Remove the cover from the bottom of the same sink to collect a key .
  • Select the plastic key you recently collected and open the tissue box where you gather the nozzle. Afterward, you must connect the nozzle with a handle and head to the 2 toilet to remove the cover to collect the component .
  • Back to the main area where you must interact with the 2 Fix the component and start drawing the pattern following the pager . Once you set the pattern, the door will let you get into the room.
  • Now, you’re in a kitchen where you need to investigate the environment and find hidden objects to solve the mystery before it’s too late.
  • Find the rack to collect a key and open a door . Before getting into the room, you must turn the switch on turn light up the bulb . Collect the gas tank and grass shear from the room and come out from it.
  • Open the regenerator to collect the third piece. Search all cupboards to find a cup and a key .
  • Search the sink to collect coffee and a piece . Don’t forget to grab a kettle available in the cupboard fixed above on the wall.
  • Visit the sink to collect a frying pan and visit the stove table where you find a circuit with four missing pieces. Add all collected pieces to the circuit and draw the pattern in the proper form to open the locker having a key for you.
  • Collect a brick available on the right side of the door and a triangle key from the door’s left side.
  • Use the recently found key to open the door and get into the empty land. There are a door and two small cupboards . Visit the door to reveal a code and head to the first locker where you discover a digit lock. Enter the code 7049 to open the locker and collect two buttons.
  • Add both buttons to the next locker and press them to open it. Keep the brick to the locker and pick up the chisel .
  • Move to the toilet to open the cabinet using the rod release the pressure and use the cutter to remove the gas pipe.
  • Go to the kitchen and visit its chamber available below where you find space. Fix the pipe with the stove and connect it with the gas tank . Put the kettle and fry pan on the stove , and add the coffee to the kettle .
  • Collect some ice from the block available in the fridge’s upper section, put it on the frying pan, and wait until it gets melted. You find a purse having credit cards in it on the pot you put on the fire.
  • Collect a white color key card from the purse and head to the main exit door. Enter the code “071669 ” to open the door.

Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough Episode 5 – AfterLight

For sure, the completion of the first four episodes following the Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough may improve your detective skills. Afterlight is the 5 and final episode of the first chapter and is the challenging one too. Therefore, we jump in to help you by offering Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough that reveals the solution in multiple steps to make you understand in a better way.

  • Tap on the screen’s left side to find a basement and enter it to collect a key available on drums .
  • Take a step back and hit your screen’s right side to reach the engine room where you find two massive propellers .
  • Visit the main mechanical door where you find a key on the right side of the door. Now, click on the box available a few steps before the mechanical door and collect a hacksaw .
  • On the way to the back, you may find a machine holding four hoses . You should pick up one of them and add it to your inventory.
  • Visit the main area and tap on the right side to visit a box near the mechanical door . Use the key to open the cabinet and solve a mini-puzzle to collect paper and pipe .
  • Now, you should move to the engine room, select the key to open the lock and set the switches according to the paper you found from the cabinet recently.
  • Go near the drum, put the pipe in it and collect a piece of paper having a pie.
  • Visit the engine room and head to a box secured with a digital lock . Enter the code 3141 to open it and collect a hacksaw blade , because the first blade was damaged when we tried to cut the cage.
  • Go back to the main area and use the hacksaw to cut the rods once again. This time, you will succeed. Collect the gas can and fill it using the drum . Go to the engine room put the fuel into the engine and turn on the switch. Once done, the door will open, and you can jump into it to find solutions and clues .
  • Explore the newly unlocked room to find the following items:film, floppy disk , Iodine bottle, and fluid 2 .
  • Find the table and a blank paper その上で。 Throw the fluid to reveal the code and visit the cupboard where you discovered several images glued on the wall. Collect the last one and add it to your inventory.

How to Unlock Dial Lock?

  • Visit the cupboard where you find a lock. Rotate the dial clockwise and anticlockwise to open the lock. Many players can’t understand how to open the lock in the 5 Episode of the Spotlight Room Escape video game; therefore, we jump in to help. Firstly , the player must bring the number 5 to the arrow and hit the button “OK 」 Next to that, they must follow the numbers as “45 ”, “30 ”, and “0 」。 Don’t forget to hit the OK button after bringing each number to the said arrow.
  • Upon getting opened, the locker will give you a screwdriver and a switch . Afterward, visit the table where you once threw the fluid to reveal the code to collect a Plug. Select the screwdriver from your inventory and remove the plug from the wire available near the paper .
  • Visit the right side of the main area where you once found a circuit with a missing switch . Add the button you found and turn it on to see what happens next.
  • Turning the button on will unlock a room next to the cage, and it seems a computer lab . You find a computer of the old generation along with some other objects.
  • Collect a photo paper from near the computer and a paper from inside the box . Move to the right side near the rack where you find a mechanical door is locked.
  • Leave the room to collect the hose from the drum available in the basement . Put the hose in the same place where you have got that.
  • Visit the room available on the right side of the area. Head to the cupboard and try to open its first door using the code 7451 . We got that code written on a paper collected from near the PC.
  • Collect the floppy disk and duct tape .
  • Leave the room to visit the left side of the area where you found a PC. Use duct tape to cover the wire and attach the plug . Put the plug into the switch , and insert both floppy discs into the PC.

How to Solve the 2 Floppy Disc Puzzle? Here’s a Solution

  • Turn on the PC and select the first Floppy disc that displays a pattern. Tap each box of column 5 and hit the boxes following the third row under the 1 and 2 columns .
  • In the next step, you must draw a circle in the column of number 4, leaving the row number 0. Afterward, draw dots on column number 2 under row number 4 and 5. Upon reaching the third column, you must draw dots following the row number 4, 5, and 4. Now, draw a dot under column 1 following row 5 only. You must draw dots in column number 3 following row 4 and 5. The third step is a bit longer; therefore, we cover it briefly in Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough . You must tap on all boxes in the first column, except for the number row number 1. In the 2 column, tap the box of row number 6. The third column requires you to tap the box of rows number 4 and 6. The next column, titled 2 asks you to hit the box of row 3 and 1. Must watch the image to understand how to tap boxes and unlock the lock.

After solving the 2 floppy puzzle, you must tap on the control panel area and tap on the lower-left part of the screen to turn it green; meanwhile, disable the green area on the top right corner.

  • Now the mechanical door available in the same room has been unlocked.
  • Visit the room to collect a knife and UV Lamp.
  • Come out from the room, select the knife from your inventory and remove the cover fixed next to the door you recently opened and visited to find hidden objects.
  • The box will give you a drill and a wire cutter.
  • Visit the last room on your right side, find a water pipe, and cut the cover using the wire cutter to collect a floppy disc.
  • Visit the last room available on the left side where you found a PC. Insert the floppy disc you found into the PC and solve the puzzle.

How to solve Floppy Disc 3 Puzzle in Spotlight Room Escape?

  • Step 1

You must tap all the boxes except for the 2 in the third row.

  • Step 2

Just tap the third box of the third row to turn the number 1 into 2, and hit the enter button.

  • Step 3

Repeating the same procedure, you need to tap the last box of the third row one time.

  • Step 4

Once again, hit the same box as mentioned above and hit the enter button.

  • Step 5

Hit the first two boxes of columns 1 and 3 one time, and hit the enter button.

  • Step 6

Tap the same boxes as you did in the fifth step to turn the number 2 into 3.

  • Step 7

You should tap on the first box of column one and the third column’s first two boxes. Hit the enter button for step 8.

  • Step 8

Tap the first box of the first column and the 2 box of the third column.

  • Step 9

Tap the 2 box of the third column and hit the enter button.

Next to that, you must enter the control panel to unlock the map’s top-left section. Having said that, you will unlock the mechanical door available in the engine room.

  • Open the door and get into the room .
  • Tap the second table within the room to collect fluid 1 and explore the rack to collect a wrench .
  • The rack has a locker, and you reveal the code using the UV light . The code is 62926 . Open the door and collect a safe light .
  • Add the safe light with the camera available on the 2 table you visited first and put both fluids on the tray kept over there. Add the photo paper to the tray available below the camera lens, and put it into it. Turn on the safe light and wait for a while. Afterward, put the photo paper to the first tray containing fluid and then in the 2 tray . Once done, pick up the paper and add it to your inventory.
  • Visit the room’s right area and use a wrench to remove pipes from the roof and collect paper.
  • Now, take a step back and break the mirror by punching it. Tap the buttons as mentioned here (Column C:Row 1, Column D:Row 8, Column O:Row 4, Column W:Row 3, and Column Y:Row 7).
  • In the same room, you will find a ladder . Climb it up to reach a new room where you find a bunch of keys and a transmitter . Back to the room and open the rest doors of the cupboard to collect a detonator .
  • Visit the computer room to disable access to the room and access the top right corner area of the map.
  • Visit the last room on your right side, explore the table and find a circuit nearby it. Enter the code “56RFZ ” to open the box and collect dynamite. Connect the detonator with dynamite by merging both in your inventory . Set the dynamic near the engine room’s mechanical door  after using the drill machine and removing the bolts .
  • Connect the transmitter with the PC, visit the control panel and unlock the top area to escape.
  • Visit the engine room where you find the door smashed , get into the room, climb the ladder, and escape .

Spotlight:Room Escape Chapter 2 Walkthrough

  • The Last One
  • White Collar
  • Hermit

Click here to read our Walkthrough of Spotlight X:Room Escape


Spotlight Room Escape gives you a thrilling gaming experience that you may have never experienced before. It has three chapters; each one comes with different levels. If we talk about the graphics – then using any word other than the “mind-blowing” won’t do justice to the game. Seriously, the game keeps me engaged until I completed all levels of the first chapter. Completing even the first chapter, in my opinion, isn’t a cup of tea, though the game itself teaches you how to complete it; still, it is the toughest one. You are supposed to visit the single room many times for the completion of the level. We will keep updating new levels to Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough .