

アサシン クリード ユニティ – 全 18 のノストラダムス エニグマ

アサシン クリード ユニティでパリを探索中 、マップ上のスクロールのようなシンボルで表されるノストラダムス エニグマに出くわす可能性があります。これらは、アルノが近づくか、Estore からエニグマ マップを購入することで明らかになります。各クエストには、環境、地面、壁、彫像などに直接現れるシンボルを見つけることが含まれます。これらのシンボルは、Eagle Vision を使用して可視化されます .


  • AC ユニティに勝てますか? プリマのアサシン クリード シンジケート ウォークスルーに進みます


A:土星/星座 #3

なぞなぞ A1:

私は 2 つの刃を振るう




解決策 A1 :このシンボルは、シテ通りのパレ大通りにある大時計にあります

なぞなぞ A2:






解決策 A2: このシンボルは、大聖堂の西側にあるノートルダムのバラ窓の下にあります。

なぞなぞ A3:


ローズからトランセプトまでのペンタチュークの本ごとに 1 つ数えます。

5 つのアーチ、5 つの大きく開いた目、5 つの悪夢。



解決策 A3: このパズルの最後のシンボルは、ノートルダムの 5 番目のアーチの下、上のレベルにあります

B:レオ/アストリ #4

なぞなぞ B1:





ソリューション B1: このなぞなぞは、開始位置のすぐ南西にあるグラン シャトレを指しています。このエリアの高い正方形の塔の上部にシンボルがあります。

なぞなぞ B2:





ソリューション B2: このなぞなぞは、あなたを聖なる無辜の墓地に導きます。不気味なダンスの壁画が南ギャラリーにはっきりと見え、ここにシンボルがあります。

なぞなぞ B3:


ホーリー スタッグの聖者



解決策 B3: このなぞなぞは、南西の鐘楼にシンボルがある近くの教会、Eglise St. Eustahce を示しています。

C:山羊座/蒸気 #6

なぞなぞ C1:

あなたのファサードのエルダイト ルーラー




ソリューション C1: このシンボルは、オテル ド ヴィルのメイン エントランスのペディメントの上にあります。

なぞなぞ C2:

「A ça ira, ça ira, ça ira」が鳴り響く




解決策 C2: このなぞなぞは、オテル ド ヴィルの前にあるランタンを指しています。絞首台として機能するランタンの基部の地面にシンボルがあり、男性がぶら下がっています.

なぞなぞ C3:





解決策 C3: このシンボルは、Tour St. Jacques のすぐ西にある塔の頂上に登ると見つかります。

D:乙女座/アストリ #2

なぞなぞ D1:





ソリューション D1: このシンボルは、クール デ ミラクルの東に数歩のところにあるマルキ ド サドの古い家の 1 階の地面にあります。

なぞなぞ D2:





ソリューション D2: クール デ ミラクルの真ん中に落ちた破損した木製の十字架の横にあるシンボルを探してください。

なぞなぞ D3:





ソリューション D3: このシンボルは、マップ上でランドマーク アイコンが配置されている通りの交差点、Cour des Miracles の南西にあります。

E:牡羊座/蒸気 #3

なぞなぞ E1:





ソリューション E1: このなぞなぞは、ルーヴルの中庭 (ランドマークの西側) を見下ろす小さな時計を指しています。

なぞなぞ E2:


Citoyen はロイヤル ガーデンで歓迎されます



ソリューション E2: このシンボルは、パレ ロワイヤル ガーデンの真ん中、中央の彫像のすぐ後ろにある正午の大砲の足元の地面にあります。

なぞなぞ E3:





ソリューション E3: パレ ブルボンとギロチンの場所の間に架かる橋、コンコルド橋の中央でイーグル ビジョンを使用してください。

F:Libra/Vaporis #7

なぞなぞ F1:

一度分割された宮殿は、4 番目のヘンリーによって統合されました。

ストーン カップルは運命の王に敬意を表します



ソリューション F1: チュイルリー宮殿の正面玄関の上にある 2 つの像の間の小さな棚からこのシンボルをつかみます。

なぞなぞ F2:





ソリューション F2: コンコルド広場にあるギロチンに向かう必要があります。このシンボルは、ギロチンの東側のふもとにある群衆の真ん中の地面に隠されています.

なぞなぞ F3:





解決策 F3: このシンボルは、マドレーヌ教会の後ろの墓地の真ん中にある小さな霊廟の壁にあります.

G:ヴィーナス/アストリ #3

なぞなぞ G1:



4 つの壁を明るくする 3 色


ソリューション G1: 広場の中央にあるフランスの三色旗を掲げる像の後ろ、ヴァンドーム広場の地面からこのシンボルを引っ掛けてください。

なぞなぞ G2:




Triumph がすぐに高くそびえる場所

ソリューション G2: このシンボルは、シャンゼリゼ通りの西端にあるゲートに面した街灯の足元の地面にあります。ひっくり返ったカートを見つけると、そこからほんの数歩のところに街灯が見えるはずです。

なぞなぞ G3:


His great grand-daughter fashioned

To surveil her subjects and the heavens

‘Twixt Sun and Earth encaged in iron.

Solution G3: This symbol is hidden at the foot of the ladder that leads to the iron cage of the Medicis Tower. To find this tower, simply travel to the large building that you lit on fire during the story mission and then locate the tower with the iron cage on top to snag it.

H:Terra/Constellation #2

Riddle H1:

Hedged in her garden,

A wingéd-warrior stands,

Unmoving and unmoved,

At the cross’s very heart.

Solution H1: Find this symbol at the heart of the nearby statue with an angel holding a spear just north of the Bastille. You should be able to spot the statue from the starting point by looking to the east.

Riddle H2:

Forever more,

The warrior fights her ceaseless battle.

She takes aim, her steady spear

Poised against the demons.

Solution H2: From the angel statue in the previous riddle, turn the direction the spear faces and climb up to examine the floor by the gargoyle that rests next to the church’s roof.

Riddle H3:

To be punished or to be amused,

The green heritage of Daedalus

Sees the lofty Bishop looming

Over the resting Rook.

Solution H3: Head north from the gargoyle where you found Riddle 2’s solution and look for the tower that resembles a “Rook” from a chess game. The symbol is located on the tower’s roof.

I:Aquarius/Vaporis #5

Riddle I1:

The Poor fellow-soldiers of Christ,

Atop their Stone Dungeon,

Marked their allegiance

In Jerusalem’s Direction.

Solution I1: This symbol rests on the wall at the top of the Temple’s easternmost tower.

Riddle I2:

At the source of life,

The Full-Moon shaped basin

Quenches the thirst

Of Solomon’s defenders.

Solution I2: This riddle points to the fountain outside the temple, just a few steps away from the front entrance. The symbol is located on the ground, right beside the fountain.

Riddle I3:

In the entrails of the Earth,

Between the twin flames,

Lies The Final resting place

Of the first Grand Master.

Solution I3: Head into the Temple’s crypts from the graveyard and slide beneath the wooden structure on the way to find a sarcophagus deep inside. Use your Eagle Vision to locate the symbol and complete the quest.

J:Scorpio/Constellation #4

Riddle J1:

At the foot of the Saint Twin Brothers,

The Tree of Justice

Plunges its ancient roots,

Scarred by heavenly wrath

Solution J1: This riddle points to the Church of Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais, where the quest actually starts. Look for the old elm tree a few meters or so to the west. You’ll find your objective on the ground at the foot of the tree.

Riddle J2:

Sanctuary of Bishops by birth,

Stronghold of knowledge for life,

The stoney edifice

Fools the senses by its name.

Solution J2: This symbol is easily located just below the rooftop of the only square tower of Hotel de sens, which is located to the east of where you picked up the new riddle.

Riddle J3:

A square with shifting name,

Replaced a field where sovereign

Was felled from horse.

Now arches enclose trees

Where a bronze horseman waits.

Solution J3: Head North to Place des Vosges and locate the symbol on the statue’s pedestal, right below the horse’s head.

K:Mercurius/Constellation #1

Riddle K1:

The lady of the domicile

Judges comings and goings

From her couch-like throne

At the top of the stair.

Solution K1: Head inside the mansion that holds Café Theatre and then move to the upper end of the main stairway. Look for the painting of a lady on the wall to find this symbol.

Riddle K2:

Lowly sinners, as each we are,

Aspire to the domed heav’ns.

Fickle fate points beyond,

Where a supine city Beckons.

Solution K2: Head to the rooftop of Café Theatre and locate the weather-vane to find this final symbol of this quest.

L:Mars/Astri #1

Riddle L1:

In a peaceful field sewn with stones

A wingéd watcher waits.

Her gentle gaze graces all souls,

Follow to the resting place.

Solution L1: Find this symbol in the graveyard to the north of Notre Dame. You’ll find the symbol on where the angel is looking, just on the tomb in front of it.

Riddle L2:

Notre Dame Cathedral looks over her daughters,

One snuggled between dame and Sainte-Chapelle.

There, the face of the Son

watches o’er his flock.

Solution L2: Look for the small church between Notre Dame and Sainte Chapelle. You should notice a Tricolor Flag by the main entrance. Grab this symbol from the stone carving of Christ just above the church’s main gate.

Riddle L3:

Beyond a Dauphine, the blue ribbons

Diverge, making way for man and beast.

An assassin’s victim struck a shrewd bargain

To acquire a city.

The treasure lies beneath the mount.

Solution L3: Head to Place Dauphine and locate the statue of Henri IV just beyond here where the river splits into two branches. Use Eagle Vision to locate the symbol on the statue’s pedestal.

M:Jupiter/Vaporis #2

Riddle M1:

On the palace where,

Bourbon’s daughter lived.

The assembly meets on,

A bridge facing South.

Solution M1: Find this symbol just above a wooden bench on top of the southern gate of Palais Bourbon.

Riddle M2:

Rich and poor face,

The wheel of time.

Travel South to cross,

The water of River Styx.

Solution M2: This symbol is located on the collapsed wall of a waterwheel far to the south of Palais Bourbon.

Riddle M3:

Across the wall,

On the other side.

Souls cross the bridge,

To Southlands beyond.

Solution M3: Locate the bridge just southeast of the waterwheel where you found the last symbol, then follow the river across the city wall until you run into the next bridge to find the symbol in the middle of that bridge.

N:Taurus/Astri #5

Riddle N1:

Sending signals through air,

Made of wood and rope,

Chappe’s friends took note.

Solution N1: From the Enigma’s starting point, locate the wooden structure right outside the bridge and find the symbol at the foot of the wooden beam jutting upwards from the platform.

Riddle N2:

All men must walk,

Through gates that lead,

To the fields of War.

Solution N2: Find this symbol by the center pillar of the gates leading into the Champ de Mars.

Riddle N3:

False idols celebrate,

On stage they entertain.

Supreme is the Being,

Who calls himself so.

Solution N3: You’ll find this symbol on the stage where the celebration of the Cult of the Supreme Being took place.

Riddle N4:

Schooled minds guide,

The tides of battles.

Over the shoulders of angels,

They watch the fields of War.

Solution N4: The final symbol of this quest is found just below the two statues at the top of the front of École Militaire.

O:Gemini/Vaporis #4

Riddle O1:

At the edge of the capital

In the shadow of the wall

The swamp of sorrows

Burns the outcast’s fire.

Solution O1: Find this symbol along the southeastern most edge of Paris, directly on the ground in the swamp area, just a few steps north of the chest in this area.

Riddle O2:

Where the dead rest,

Stone eyes watch.

Vigilant guardians,

In death as in life.

Solution O2: This symbol lies on the ground, one step from the east side of the fountain in the middle of the Hôpital de la Salpêtrière’s courtyard.

Riddle O3:

In the fetid muck

Where the dark stream meets

Her flowing mother

You will find your goal

At the foot of the old tower.

Solution O3: Head to the point along the northernmost point of the border between districts Saint-Jacques and Saint-Marcel to find this symbol at the foot of the only tower in the area where the Seine river merges.

P:Pisces/Vaporis #1

Riddle P1:

On the hill of St. Genevieve,

I have a Roman face.

Clarion angels glide to

A peak on my North side.

Solution P1: Locate the triangular pediment roof on the northern face of the Pantheon to find this symbol in the small passage just behind the pediment.

Riddle P2:

Like a halo you seek,

Rings within rings

High atop the edifice,

The city lies below.

Solution P2: The second riddle clue is found on the southern side of the circle of columns on the Pantheon’s roof.

Riddle P3:

Pillars support my face,

Hold the nation’s dreams.

Square, not round, they,

Sit out of sight.

Solution P3: Head to the ground and then to the eastern face of the Pantheon to find this symbol on the floor in the middle of the raised passage bordered by pillars.

Riddle P4:

My purpose changed,

I watch; high in the nave.

As secular heroes enter,

To replace those of heaven.

Solution P4: Head inside the Pantheon and locate the painting close to one of the domes. Just look for the long rope that spans the room and you should locate it easily using your Eagle Vision.

Riddle P5:

The remains of fame,

Lie amidst stale air.

The most famous of all,

The tomb of Voltaire.

Solution P5: Head down the stairs and into the tombs in the west wing of the Pantheon. There are a few guards here, but you’ll need to look for the tomb guarded by two soldiers. Kill them and grab the symbol from inside.

Q:Cancer/Astri #6

Riddle Q1:

On a Church that will stand,

For a thousand years or more.

Three spires reach to heaven,

The truth lies on the tallest one.

Solution Q1: This symbol is found on a small round platform at the top of the tallest peak of St. Germain Church.

Riddle Q2:

In the playground of the wealthy,

Assembled by the Medici clan.

The grand foyer will transport,

To the highest social ranks.

Solution Q2: Locate this symbol on the compass pattern on the floor of the large foyer of the Palais du Luxembourg.

Riddle Q3:

The font of knowledge,

Plaything of angels.

In the garden of life,

Man first learned Sin.

Solution Q3: Head into the Luxembourg Gardens, just south of the palace, to find this symbol on the ground by a fountain.

Riddle Q4:

Beneath your feet,

The rich hide their secrets.

The sundial counts days spent,

Amidst the worms and bones.

Solution Q4: Sneak into the catacombs beneath the Luxembourg Gardens to find this symbol on a wall near the candles at the far end of the tunnel.

R:Sagittarius/Constellation #5

Riddle R1:

Great minds reach for heaven,

Men of the South gaze North,

Four Nations seek the truth.

Solution R1: Head to the southern face of the top of Collège des Quatre Nations to find this symbol.

Riddle R2:

Where the sun rises on,

The face of Robert’s School.

Eyes turn upward to the sky,

From a domed peak.

Solution R2: Head to the observatory on the eastern side of the Sorbonne to locate this symbol between the windows just below the very top of the Observatory.

Riddle R3:

Far from the river,

Those men who observe,

Gaze up at the stars.

Solution R3: Head to the Paris Observatory, located towards the south of the city to find this final symbol at the foot of a telescope in the southwest angle of the rooftop.

Puzzle Solutions

Now that you’ve obtained all of the Nostradamus Enigmas, it’s time to open the cage holding your reward. Head into the underground section of the mansion where Café Theatre is located and solve the three puzzles here to open the cage holding the armor of Thomas De Carneillon.

The Cella Constellatio

Once you have at least four fragments, you can unlock the Cella Constellation by interacting with the central pedestal and solving the puzzle. To solve the puzzle, simply pair each symbol on the pillar with its corresponding symbol on the floor. Look on the walls to locate the pairs.

Once you’re done, an opening will appear in the wall just above the puzzle room. Climb to the room’s entrance and then use the handholds on the pillars to reach the opening. Pull the lever to remove the first layer of the cage.

Check out the Assassin’s Creed Unity Walkthrough , including tips and tricks to help you become the master assassin.

The Cella Astri

Once you’ve collected at least 10 fragments from the Enigmas, you can unlock the Cella Astri by first interacting with the central pedestal and then moving into the room it opens. From here, interact with the three switches to align the planets in orbit with their counterparts on the floor. Each interaction moves a set of planets 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise. It’s a simple observation puzzle.

However, if you want the solution right now, simply press the left-hand switch three times, the middle switch once and the right hand switch three times. Once this puzzle has been completed, the mechanism will create an opening with another lever that you can pull to unlock another layer of the armor’s cage.

The Cella Vaporis

With all 18 Fragments in hand, it’s time to unlock the Cella Vaporis by interacting with the central pedestal. Once the long corridor opens up, you’ll notice immediately that the balcony with the lever is far too high for you to reach from the ground level.

To complete this challenge, you’ll need to climb or leap from stepping stone to stepping stone along the walls, careful to avoid the hot steam emitting from them in intervals. It’s a linear pathway, meaning any dead ends just need to be corrected with a quick Back Eject or other evasive maneuvers. Once you activate the final lever, the last piece of the cage will unlock and move away, allowing you to claim the sweet and shiny prize you’ve just spent countless hours grinding for.それは価値がありました? We think so.