

ダイイング ライトのヒントとコツ – 特典のロック解除、武器の修理、アイテムの作成

ダイイングライト ハランで開催 、人々をアンデッドモンスターに変える感染症に悩まされている架空の中東の都市。ゾンビの黙示録を食い止めようとする絶望的な試みの中で、担当者はその場所を封鎖し、生存者を自分たちで守るために残します。

あなたはカイル クレーンとしてプレイします 、行方不明の軍将校 Kadir Suleiman を追跡するためにハランに派遣された GRE 工作員 、重要なファイルを所有している可能性があります。その環境をどのように活用するかで、この人に到達するか、別の統計値になるかが決まります。






好きなだけ地面にとどまることができますが、カイルが長く生きているとは思わないでください。ゾンビの大群が追っかけてくると、特に夜になると圧倒されて身の毛もよだつような死に方をするのは簡単です。私たちはあなたが生活の中にいることを望んでいるので、常に周囲の環境に注意してください.カイルは、平均的な人間よりも上手にジャンプしたり登ったりできる、専門的なパルクール スキルを持っています。物事が狂ったときは、つかみたいものを見て、ジャンプボタンを押してつかみます.さらに、屋根の間を飛び越えて追跡者を追い払います。つかもうとしているものをまっすぐ見てからジャンプすることが重要です。

Dying Light の開始時にフリー ランニングの基本を学ぶことを強くお勧めします。これは、Kyle がつかむことができるものとできないものを確認するのに最適な時期だからです。はい、ラヒムの必須チュートリアルがあります 、ゲームの早い段階で出会うキャラクター。

ヒント:敏捷性とスタミナは 2 つの異なるものです。敏捷性はフリーランニングとパルクールの操作に関係し、スタミナはカイルがどれだけ長く戦うことができるかを指します.敏捷性が低い場合は走るのをやめても、スタミナをフルに使って戦うことができます。逆の場合も同様です。



Dying Light をプレイすればするほど、ミッションを完了して暴走し、カイルが獲得できる経験値が増えます。次に、これらの経験値を取得して換金し、サバイバー、敏捷性、パワーのカテゴリに分割されたさまざまな特典を学ぶことができます。それぞれに、初心者、熟練者、エキスパートの難易度に分けられた特典があります。

どのようにプレイするかによって、カイルが受け取る XP の種類が決まります。ゾンビを倒すと、多くのパワーを獲得できます。困っている NPC を助ければ、サバイバー カテゴリからさらにロックを解除できるようになります。敏捷性は、可能な限りパルクールを使用することを強制し、ドロップキック、タックル、ボールトなどの動きを使用するとレベルアップしやすくなります.

Simply put, perks make Dying Light fun and easier to play. Consider the Survivor category. Backpacker grants Kyle four additional weapon slots, while Camouflage lets Kyle use dead body parts to hide from zombies. Meanwhile, the Exploding Cars perk is exactly as it sounds. Use it to lure zombies to a rigged vehicle and then detonate the car to dispose of several enemies at once. You can also figure out how to use Electric Fences to give zombies a jolt.

Agility on the other hand is all about parkour, with a plethora of moves designed to transform Kyle into the ultimate athlete. Tic Tac sends Kyle running up walls. Vault Stun leaves a zombie incapacitated for five seconds and Ultimate Runner means he won’t get fatigued from climbing, running and jumping.

Finally, you have Power perks. Something like the Ground Pound gives Kyle the chance to slam a weapon onto the ground and send zombies flying so he has a better chance to flee. Stomp , meanwhile, allows him to crush infected heads beneath his shoe; this never gets old. As for Conserve Weapons , this perk gives Kyle’s weapons superior durability; you don’t want something to break at the worst possible time.

Bottom line, you need perks in this game. Use them!

Tip:See a plane overhead? Check to see if it drops supplies and get on the move, but be careful. You may encounter armed men or zombies near this precious loot.

Use and discard weapons


Tip:Infected become stronger over time and learn new behaviors. Even the odds with more powerful weaponry.

Part of what makes Dying Light so enjoyable are the 100 plus weapons you’ll find in the world. Blunt Weapons – think hammers, pipes and bats – let you cave in zombie skulls. Edged Weapons make things messier, with Kyle using knives, axes and machetes to slice off heads. If you prefer to strike from a distance, Throwing Weapons like Molotov cocktails and shurikens let you deal damage from a relatively safe distance, and of course, sometimes nothing beats a good firearm, the Military Rifle 特に。

Here’s the problem. All of these weapons except firearms degrade over time and eventually break. Metal Parts let you make repairs and there are skills to increase durability, but eventually your favorite Claw Hammer will become useless, forcing you to find a quick substitute. In addition, weapons that require two hands to wield (think Sledgehammer ) produce more damage but are slower to swing and drain Stamina.

Each weapon includes different values for three unique categories:Damage, Durability and Handling. The higher the number, the more effective it is. A weapon with 85 Handling, a Military Machete for example, is faster to swing than a Military Shovel with 68 Handling. More swings means more potential damage.

Tip:Dismantle broken weapons and harvest Metal Parts.

As for firearms like pistols and shotguns, they won’t degrade but you may have trouble finding ammo. Most importantly, the resulting noise attracts unwanted attention.

Tip:Wait until a weapon’s Durability is low before repairing. The idea is to achieve the maximum amount of attacks and damage before fixing something. Since a Cleaver can only be repaired so many times, wasting Metal Parts to repair it at half strength prevents you from utilizing its full potential.

Find blueprints to craft special items


Dying Light’s crafting system lets you take run-of-the-mill components like batteries, tin cans and string and combine these things into useful items and instruments of death. Some you’re free to craft any time. Others require tracking down specific blueprints scattered throughout the city. After finding one or receiving it from beating a side quest, you’ll then need to gather the necessary ingredients. Pause the game, access the Blueprints section and highlight the one you wish the craft. You’ll see which items you need, and in what quantities. The game will inform you when an item can be crafted as soon as you collect enough ingredients.

Case in point, Airport Security , a cool upgrade for the base Crowbar , Police Baton and Military Shovel that adds electricity. Pick up the blueprint and then collect Metal Parts, Duct Tape, Plastic, Batteries and a Power Cable.

Freezing Grenades temporarily prevent the target from moving. All you need is one Common Plant, one Tin Can and one Fluorescent Mushroom. There’s also a Grappling Hook that makes getting around easier, providing you find Metal Parts and String.

Tip:Use weapons to smash through wooden planks and gain access to certain buildings. You can also crash through loose boards upon impact, so be careful since there’s no telling what’s on the floor beneath you.

Know the different zombie types


You’ll encounter several different forms of infected throughout Dying Light, and your approach will change considerably depending on the creatures you come across.

Biters are standard low-level monsters. They’re slow and fairly easy to kill, even later on in the game. You’re free to basically run circles around these guys and mess with them; think target practice.

Bombers are a whole other matter. Get too close to one and it explodes. You’ll want to dodge before one bursts or attack from range, since killing it from a good distance away lets you blow up zombies unlucky enough to be in the blast radius.

Virals , conversely, can run, and you don’t want these nasty things on your tail. Instead, throw firecrackers for a brief distraction and get the heck out of there.

Taking into account all of the different zombies (and we scratched the surface), Volatiles are among the most dangerous. They mostly come out at night and hide underground and in tunnels. Their fear of bright light works to your advantage since you can use UV Light and Flares to temporarily blind these enemies. Otherwise you want to make sure Kyle remains outside their field of vision, as Volatiles not only climb but also sprint, making them extremely difficult to lose. Kyle stands to gain more experience at night, but we’d forgive you for hiding until daybreak; make it through the night and Kyle earns bonus XP.

Aside from zombies, you’ll meet fellow humans in Harran. Some, unfortunately, won’t be too happy to see Kyle and will open fire. Don’t take these guys lightly. A person carrying a machine gun is almost as dangerous as a Volatile.

Tip:Secure Safe Zones as early and often as possible. These areas are marked as red houses on your map when unsecure. Clear out the zombies and restore power to secure them, turning the map icon green. This will allow Kyle to use these locations as a place to safely sleep at night if the Tower is too far away. In addition, Safe Zones act as spawn points should Kyle die.

For more tips, read Prima’s free Dying Light walkthrough , and go in-depth with the official guide , which shows all Blueprint locations.

Get your copy of the official Dying Light Guide now!

  • A spoiler-free walkthrough of the entire main story, including myriad side quests
  • Our exclusive maps from the game developers chart the locations for all 200 Collectible Items in Old Town and the Slums—Antennas, Zombie Statues, and more!
  • A Skill-by-Skill Breakdown for Survivor, Agility, and Power abilities. Play to your strengths as a runner or a fighter.
  • All Blueprints —explained Locations, Recipes, and Effects. Find out how to make anything in the game .
  • Learn about the Infection and the monsters it has created. Master their weaknesses .
  • How to scavenge during the day, and then take your life into your own hands and risk deadly Pursuits in the evening hours. Tips for survival under all conditions.
  • Get every Achievement/Trophy.
  • Free Mobile-Friendly eGuide . Unlock the enhanced eGuide for access to updated content, all optimized for a second-screen experience.

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