

Destiny – Rise of Iron Dead のすべてのゴーストの場所

この記事は、Destiny:Rise of Iron のすべてのデッド ゴーストの場所を見つけるのに役立ちます。 Destiny の新しい拡張ごとに新しいデッド ゴーストが登場しますが、Rise of Iron も例外ではありません。しかし今回は、Rise of Iron にクルーシブルのデッド ゴーストが登場します!プライベート マッチを開始するか、パトロールに向かいます。ライズ オブ アイアン デッド ゴーストのすべての場所を見つける時が来ました!

ライズ オブ アイアン クルーシブル デッド ゴースト

Destiny で初めて、Rise of Iron ではクルーシブル マップ全体にデッド ゴーストが散らばっています。これらのデッド ゴーストは、通常のクルーシブル プレイリストには表示されません。それらを見つけるには、プライベート マッチに参加する必要があります。心配する必要はありません。1 人でも友達とでもプライベート マッチを開始できます。すべてのクルーシブル デッド ゴーストを探すときは、マッチ タイマーをできるだけ長く設定して、デッド ゴーストを見つけるのに十分な時間を確保することをお勧めします。また、ゲーム モードをコントロールに設定する必要があります。ゾーンは基準点になります。

このデッドゴーストは、奥の隅のCゾーン付近にあります。地球の美しい景色に向かって、トラックを通り過ぎます。箱の後ろにあるあなたの右側には、アノマリー クルーシブル デッド ゴーストがあります。

再び C スポーン ポイントの近くに位置するアサイラム デッド ゴーストは、Daito のサインがある建物の奥深くにあります。建物に入って左に曲がると、デッド ゴーストが蔦と茂みに隠れます。

Bannerfall Dead Ghost は C スポーンの近くにあり、マップの奥にあるブリッジを使用してアクセスできるワークベンチにあります。

この広大なマップで頑張ってください!このデッド ゴーストは、インターセプター向けの通路にあります。下に示す岩に飛び乗ると、デッド ゴーストが割れ目にあります。

B ポイントから、C に通じる内側エリアに向かってトンネルを進みます。右側には、ブラック シールド クルーシブル デッド ゴーストがあります。

ブラインド ウォッチ
ブラインド ウォッチ クルーシブルのデッド ゴーストは A スポーン ポイントの近くにあります。 Aから地図の端に沿って左に進みます。棚の下にはゴーストがいます。

太陽が輝いているマップの端に出ます。屋外エリアの中央にある石造りの建物の 1 つの後ろにデッド ゴーストがあります。これはプレイ可能エリアの外にあるので、急いでください!


B ゾーンから、重弾薬スポーン ポイントにつながる橋に向かいます。 Drop down to the bottom and you will find the Cauldron Dead Ghost in the corner of the bridge and the wall.

You will find this Dead Ghost next to the teleporter near B.

The Drifter
Go to where the Heavy Ammo spawns on the bottom edge of the map, The Drifter Dead Ghost will be in the rubble pile with all the tubes.

The Dungeons
The Dungeons Ghost is located by the glowing rings, next to the pillar.

Exodus Blue
Head towards the building with the giant, orange POGA sign. The Exodus Blue Ghost will be inside and immediately to the right.

Firebase Delphi
The Firebase Delphi Ghost is located near the C zone, in the room you would otherwise never go to on the edge of the map. Along the back wall, behind some crates, is where you will find this Crucible Dead Ghost.

First Light
You will see a large broken bridge, near the circular domed building. Underneath the broken section of the bridge is the First Light Crucible Ghost.

Floating Gardens
The Floating Gardens Crucible Dead Ghost can be found on top of a pillar near zone B. Head to the left from C spawn and jump up on the circular wall that leads to B, the Dead Ghost will be to your right on the pillar that is detached from the wall.

If the B zone is on your right, the Frontier Ghost will be to your left. It will be in the brush next to the rock ledge.

This Dead Ghost is very easy to find, head to zone C. Stand in the zone and look towards the inside of the map, the ghost will be to your left, around the metal structure.

Last Exit
From zone C, move towards the tunnel that leads to the old subway car. Walk through the first subway car and the continuing hallway. You will arrive at a second subway car, make a left instead of going into the car. The Last Exit Dead Ghost will be in the left corner.

This Crucible Dead Ghost is in the middle of the map, near the Special Ammo spawn.

Head to the A zone and the side of the map that gives you a view of the Black Garden. The Pantheon Dead Ghost will be located in the back corner on stairs that lead to nowhere.

Rusted Lands
The Rusted Lands Crucible Ghost is located near the Special Ammo that spawns by zone B. You will need to jump outside of the map to see it. Alternatively, you can crouch from inside the map to see the prompt and pick it up.

Sector 618
Technically, PS4 users are the only ones who can find all Crucible Dead Ghosts locations, since this map is unavailable on Xbox. Head to the floating platform in the dead center of the map.

Shores of Time
You will find the Shores of Time Dead Ghost in the center of the map, outside of the tunnel that forms a T section, along the wall closer to zone A.

The Skyline Dead Ghost is located in the back of zone C. You will see a platform if you bare left from C, hop over the railing and the Dead Ghost will be underneath the stairs.

The Skyshock Crucible Ghost is in the brush in between the two broken planes.

Thieves’ Den
This Crucible Dead Ghost is near zone A, by the boxes

The Timekeeper
Do a few jumps to get on top of the ledge near the pool, it is the one where the Vex column juts out a little to form a platform.

Twilight Gap
Located near the Special Ammo that spawns next to the shipping crate in the center of the map, the Twilight Gap Dead Ghost will be in the adjacent room. There will be a large crate with what looks to be Omolon ammunition, you will find the Dead Ghost in this crate.

Head to the Vex Portal near zone B. While looking at the portal, make a right and then look to your right. The Vertigo Dead Ghost will be in that corner.

Widow’s Court
Finally, the last map to collect all Dead Crucible Ghosts! Widow’s Court is a large map, but you will find this ghost on the second floor of the building that overlooks the Church Heavy Ammo spawn.

Rise of Iron – Iron Temple Dead Ghost

This Dead Ghost is easy enough to find, walk over to the fire pit in front of Gabi 55-30, also known as the Postmaster. The Iron Temple Dead Ghost will be on the left of the fire pit.

Rise of Iron – Plaguelands Dead Ghosts

The Walls Come Down Dead Ghosts
The Walls Come Down Rise of Iron campaign mission will lead to three new Dead Ghosts. You can also find these while on Plaguelands Patrol, but it is faster to find them in this mission. After starting the mission, head towards the Fallen Ketch on the edge of the map. The first Dead Ghost will be in the crashed car on your right, closest to the Ketch.

After picking up the first ghost, continue the story mission until you reach The Divide, the former location of the Fallen Walker Public Event. Once at The Divide, jump onto the building with the solar panels on top. If coming from the story mission, it will be in front of you, slightly to the left. Jump up to the roof and then on the solar panels, look left and you will see a floating platform. Up on this platform is the second ghost.

Continue towards the Rocketyard for the third Dead Ghost. Hop up on the tube that has been cut in half by the Fallen, then jump up to the hanging ledge above the cut tube. The Dead Ghost will be on this hanging ledge.

Bunker Triglav Dead Ghost
The Plaguelands Rise of Iron campaign mission is the site of yet another Dead Ghost. Play teh mission until you get to the Bunker Triglav area and head inside. Once inside, turn right and go up to the second floor, where the shipping containers are. Next, jump onto the shipping containers and look to your right – towards the wall. A large pipe will be running along the wall, the Bunker Triglav Dead Ghost is on top of this pipe.

Archon’s Keep Dead Ghost
This one will be tricky to get to, make sure you have your favorite jump for control equipped on your character. While on Plaguelands Patrol, go through the Doom Sea to reach Archon’s Keep and keep to your left. Walk towards the edge of the cliff and you should see a small rock platform jutting out.

This platform is out of bounds, so you will only have 5 seconds to complete this next part. Before jumping down to the platform, prepare to jump again to your left, inside a small cave in the cliff wall. This cave is inbounds, meaning it will shut off your out of bounds timer. The small cave is shown below.

Once inside the cave, look to your left to find the Archon’s Forge Dead Ghost.

The Iron Tomb Dead Ghost
If you completed the campaign, you may have stumbled across this Dead Ghost on accident. If not, head back to the Iron Tomb and run the mission until you get to Zone 6. Follow the waypoint for “Enter the Siva Chamber,” until you reach the long red hallway. Walk slowly through the right side of this hallway, you should see the Dead Ghost prompt appear right after the walls end and the space opens up.

Rise of Iron Mars – Dead Ghosts

Start up the Rise of Iron mission Download Complete and play until you drop down the elevator shaft. There will be three consoles in front of you, one of them is lit up. Head towards the dark one to the right of the lighted console. Wander around to the back of the console to find the only Mars Dead Ghost in Rise of Iron!