

Tyranny – 世界間の亀裂

Rusted Canyons に残っている Unbroken を処分した後、派閥が古い Stalwart の遺物である Steadfast Insignia を探していることを知りました。アンブロークンよりも先に、オールドウォールズに移動し、ステッドファスト インシグニアを見つける必要があります。この記事では、Oldwalls の迷宮を横断する方法を紹介し、A Breach Between Worlds in Tyranny のクエストを完了するために知っておくべきことをすべて教えます。

オールドウォールズ ブリーチへの旅

このクエストの最初の部分は簡単です。 Rusted Canyons の端まで移動し、ワールド マップを開きます。 Iron Hearth に立ち寄って物資を入手し、新しくアンロックされたマップ上にマークされた Oldwalls Breach に向かうことをお勧めします。ここには、壊れていない兵士が何人かいます。それらを取り出し、近くのスクライブと話して、違反について詳しく学びましょう。彼はまた、Oldwalls への入り口の南東で死亡した兵士の死体に見られる特別な鍵についても言及します.


唯一の方向に移動しながら、入り口に向かってください。このエリアにはいくつかのスカージとウィスプがいますので、それらを片付けてから、入った場所のすぐ前のランプを上ってください.これにより、さらに多くの敵が発生します。それらの敵を一掃し、すべての死体を略奪して GarnTorchkey を見つけます。これは、このクエストを完了するために必要な 3 つのトーチキーのうちの 1 つです。残りの 2 つは Oldwalls 内にあります。

トーチキーを持ってランプを下って、違反のクレーターに向かいます。 Oldwalls に進みますが、いくつかの敵が待ち構えているため、戦闘の準備をしてください。それらを一掃し、GarnTorchkey を使用して、光る Oldwalls Beacon を操作してアクティブにします。これは壁の取り付け用燭台を照らし、次のエリアへの扉を開くために使用できます。中を進み、オールドウォールズの迷宮に入ります。

最初のドアを通過したら、ドアの右側にいる敵を倒します。いくつかありますので、お手入れの際はご注意ください。それらがすべて取り除かれたら、廊下の中央を進み、魔法の罠に閉じ込められたある種の精霊を見つけます.不動の記章を背負った摂政の体も円の中にあるように見えます。残念ながら、本体は穴の真ん中にあるプラットフォームに吊り下げられているため、4 つのキーストーンを集めてその周りのプラットフォームを持ち上げ、中央の本体にアクセスする必要があります.

最初のキーストーンは、魔法の罠のすぐ左にある死体にあります。体を略奪して、ハミングキーストーンを入手してください。キーストーンを一番左のパネルにドロップすると、部屋の正面近くにある 2 組の階段を下げるために使用できるスイッチがアクティブになります。


残りの 3 つの Keystone を見つけて、この部屋でプラットフォームを上げることが最優先事項です。部屋の正面に戻り、右側の階段を上ります。 Move into the nearby hallway, and interact with the glowing wall sconce to change which doors are open in this area. Head into the newly opened door and take out the enemies inside the find another Beacon which you can activate with your GarnTorchkey. Press the glowing switch to the right of the door before exiting to open up another door in the main hallway here.

Head into the newly opened room and loot the large wardrobe-like box. There is a trap here, so be careful. Inside the box you will find the Cold Keystone. Move back into the main hallway and interact with the switch again to open up the door leading forward.

Continue down a long corridor with several traps. Disarm them and take out the enemies at the end. Running in too quickly will trigger a battle before you can disarm the trap, so be careful. With the enemies down, continue moving forward and around a corner. There is another Oldwalls Beacon here, but it doesn’t react to your Torchkey. To progress further into the labyrinth, head up the stairs to the second floor.

At the top of the stairs you will find several more enemies and traps. Disarm the traps and take out the enemies. Interact with the switch in the center of the room to open a door to the left. Continue through it and into the next room. Interact with the switch in the floor to extend a bridge. There is a Rune to the left as you come off the bridge, but it requires 999 Lore to activate. Follow the corridor to the right and enter the room along the bottom of the hall. Activate the switch in the floor and continue through the door that opens.

This will lead you to several more enemies. Take them out as quickly as possible. You might even want to use the door as a chokepoint, to keep them from overrunning you. With all the enemies dead, move into the room and charge the Oldwalls Beacon using your GarnTorchkey. There is a Tidecaster’s Opal hidden in the center enemy spawner (the things that glow red). You’ll find the AmbirTorchkey inside the very next room, which can be entered by activating a glowing wall sconce. Loot it and head back to the hallway you entered from.

Move north and take out the enemies in your way. There is a fire trap here, so watch yourself, and fall back to make the enemy come to you. Clear out the Bane, then disarm the trap and move forward to find another bridge. Activate it by using the switch on the floor, then head across. This will lead you to a room with three Oldwall Beacons in it. Each one requires you to activate it using a specific Torchkey, and activating them the wrong way will result in enemies attacking you from the Bane mirrors along the wall. Since you only have two of the Torchkeys right now, ignore this room. We’ll come back to it later.

Instead, hit the switch to the left of the entrance of this room and head through the door that opens. There are several enemies waiting your arrival, so clear them out and continue forward. Be wary of traps, the Oldwalls are littered with them, and move forward cautiously. Interact with the switch in the middle of the floor to open up a large door on the right side of the corridor. This connects back to the stairs where you entered from.

Turn around from here and head back to the room where you just took on the last set of enemies. Continue to the next portion of the tunnels using the Foot symbol to the left. There is a switch you can activate here. Using it will open up a large set of doors in front of you. Head through them and clear out the enemies inside. Now move into the room to the northwest to take on another group of Bane.

With all the enemies in the immediate area cleared out, interact with the statue and basin on the northern wall to acquire the final Torchkey, the SaphirTorchkey. Use the SaphirTorchkey on the Oldwall Beacon in the next room to turn on a switch. Activate the switch to enable a set of stairs, and then move up the steps to the next level. There is a chest in the center of the additional level that contains another Keystone, the Heavy Keystone.

With only one Keystone left to find, head back through the tunnels to the room with the three Oldwall Beacons. Now that you have all of the Torchkeys you can activate it and open up the way to the final Keystone’s hiding place. We’ve included the key to the beacons below. The key below is based on left to right.


One all three beacons are activated, a door in the back of the room will open. Head through it and disarm the traps along the way. Continue through the corridor and around the corner to find another room. Inside the room you’ll find another wardrobe-like container which holds the final Keystone, the Bright Keystone. With all three Keystones in hand, head back to the main room on the first level and return each Keystone to its rightful place. This will raise the platform around the magic trap all the way to the top. Rest and heal up before you disable the trap around the spirit. Then, when you are ready, activate the switch in front of begin your next boss fight.

Focus your attacks on the boss until it spawns additional enemies from the Bane mirrors along the northwestern wall. Then focus on the smaller enemies as much as possible, as the Havoc spirit can heal itself by absorbing them. Once the enemy is dead, loot the body of the Regent to find the Steadfast Insignia. Head back out of the Oldwalls Breach to find a Disfavored commander named Tracosius waiting for you. Tell him about the Steadfast Insignia, then return to Graven Ashe at Iron Hearth to complete the quest and move on to the next part of your journey.

Continue on to our walkthrough of Making a Standing or return to our Tyranny guide for more tips, tricks, and walkthroughs to help you conquer your enemies and bring glory to the Overlord, Kyros.