


二ノ国 2 の第 4 章を開始すると、王国の構築を開始できます。二ノ国 2 の王国建設には多くの要素が含まれているため、この便利な王国建設ガイドをまとめて、各施設に誰を配置するか、施設が何をするか、いつ新しい施設を建設できるかを確実に把握できるようにしました。近日中に別の記事で、特定の施設の王国建設のヒントを追加する予定です。これらの追加の Ni No Kuni 2 王国建設のヒントは、特定の施設についてさらに詳しく説明し、Ni No Kuni 2 で王国を建設する方法について知っておくべきことをすべて知っていることを確認します.二ノ国2王国の建物.


ゲームのチャプター 4 を完了するまで、王国の構築を開始することはできません。それが完了したら、拡張する城といくつかの土地から始めます。これらの土地区画に建設できるさまざまな施設は、王国に採用した市民によって運営されている必要があり、アイテム、通貨、より優れた武器や防具を購入する機能、新しいヒグルディーなどを提供できます。

Kingsguilders (KG – 通貨)

王国の建設にアクセスできるようになると、使用する追加の通貨も得られます。施設の建設とアップグレード、および研究の実施には、Kingsguilders (KG) が必要です。建設した施設、それらの施設に配置されている市民、および施設がアップグレードされた回数に基づいて、時間の経過とともに KG を獲得します。金庫のサイズには制限があるため、王国管理メニューにアクセスして、KG を金庫からメイン ファンド (制限なし) に転送してください。 [施設] メニューから [エバーモア城] を選択すると、1 時間あたりの獲得キログラム数を確認できます。


いくつかのストアを構築すると、時間の経過とともに KG を獲得するのと同じように、時間の経過とともにさまざまなアイテムを獲得し始めます。 KG金庫と同様に、ストアに保持できるアイテムの数は決まっているため、新しいアイテムを引き続き入手したい場合は、王国管理メニューにアクセスしてインベントリに転送する必要があります.受け取るアイテムは、構築した店舗、それらの店舗に配置されている市民、および店舗のレベル (アップグレードされた回数) に基づいています。特定の施設に配属されている市民を確認すると、名前の右端に青いバーが表示されます。バーがいっぱいになると、商品を店に届けます。バーがいっぱいになる前に別の場所に移動すると、収集したアイテムはすべて失われます。

牧場や農場など、ストアにアイテムを追加する施設にアクセスすると、Option (開始) を押して、ストアに追加できるアイテムを表示できます。常にすべてのアイテムを入手できるわけではありませんが、ここにリストされていないアイテムはストアで入手できません。施設をレベルアップするか、その施設 (Fertile Farm や Flourishing Farm など) を建設すればするほど、各施設にリストされているよりレアなアイテムを入手できる可能性が高くなります。


ほとんどの市民は、サイド クエストを完了することで王国に採用されます。 .新しい町に着いたら、サイドクエストが利用可能であることを示す感嘆符をマップで確認してください。感嘆符のところにいる人に話しかけると、サイドクエストが始まります。通常、サイド クエストを完了した場合に誰かがあなたの王国に参加するという兆候はありませんが、多くの場合、彼らはそうするか、クエストの完了により、他の誰かがあなたの王国に移動します。

メインストーリークエスト4-4「図書館の夜」の進行中、ゴールドポータウンマップにスイフトソリューションが出現します。彼は地図上でペンギンの頭でマークされているので、彼を見つけるのにそれほど苦労することはありません. Swift Solutions と話すと、彼は市民サイド クエストのロックを解除するために使用できる感謝のトークンを提供する多数のサイド クエストを提供します。 Swift Solutions はさまざまな場所に移動しているので、新しい市民が必要な場合はいつでも彼と話してください。

新しい市民がエバーモアに移動する通常のサイド クエストとは異なり、Swift Solutions サイド クエストを完了した後、問題の市民と話す必要があります。明確にするために、Swift Solutions サイド クエストが完了すると、問題の人がタウン マップに感嘆符として表示されます。彼らと話さなければなりません。そうすれば、彼らはあなたの王国に移動します.



適切な市民が見つからない場合、またはより多くのスタッフが必要な場合は、理想的には、人事リスト画面で名前の右側にある数字が最も大きい市民を選択することをお勧めします。これは彼らの IQ を示します。これは基本的に、その特定の施設に必要なスキルにどれだけ熟練しているかを示します。研究には一定の IQ が必要です。つまり、施設に配置された適切なスタッフがいない限り、研究を行うことはできません。



施設で研究を行うことで、施設からより多くのことを得ることができます。たとえば、武器ワークショップで特定の研究を行うと、新しいより優れた武器を購入できるようになります。研究では通常、各施設に配置されている人員が最低限の IQ を持っている必要があります。つまり、場合によっては、その IQ 値を達成して研究を実施できるように、人を移動させる必要があります。施設をアップグレードすると、新しい研究トピックが利用できるようになります。研究の進行中は、さらに KG を消費して速度を上げることができますが、ゲームを閉じると、再びプレイを開始するまで研究が一時停止します。


  • 初心者
  • ベテラン
  • マスター

市民 IQ は、スキルレベルに直接関係しています。シチズンは一般的に初心者としてスタートし、その名前の下にある経験バーが徐々に増加します。バーがいっぱいになったら、その市民が雇用されている場所に移動し、名前の Option (Start) を押してレベルアップする必要があります。これを行わないと、彼らは現在のレベルのままになり、経験値を獲得できなくなります。


通貨の積み上げ (KG)

王国の建設に関して行うことのほとんどすべてに、Kingsguilders が必要です。建設した施設が増え、これらの施設をアップグレードすればするほど、1 時間あたりの KG が増えます。ただし、ゲームがオフの場合、KG は獲得できません。したがって、できるだけ頻繁に施設をアップグレードして構築するだけでなく、ゲームをできるだけ長く実行しておくことが重要です。財源がいっぱいになると KG を獲得できなくなりますが、ゲームがオフのときに KG をまったく獲得しないよりはましです。 KG の金庫がいっぱいにならないように、頻繁に空にすることを忘れないでください。

ファシリティ ショップ

  • 雑貨店
  • ヒグレリー
  • アウトフィッターズ
  • スペルワークス
  • テイスティズ・クックショップ
  • 武器ワークショップ

あなたが建設するいくつかの施設には、他の町にあるような普通のお店があります。たとえば、武器工房ではキングダム ビルダー メニューから武器をアップグレードできますが、武器工房まで歩いていくと、通常のショップと同じようにアクセスできます。ここでは、訪れた新しい町と同じように武器を購入できます。違いは、利用可能な武器が施設のレベルに直接関係していることです。レベルを上げて研究を行い、購入できるアイテムを改善してください。

In cases where only a single person mans a facility (General Store and Cookshop), if you remove the personal assigned to that facility, the shop associated with the facility will be closed until someone is there to man it. That means if you move Floyd from Tasty’s Cookshop to a different facility, you won’t be able to buy anything from the Cookshop until you place Floyd or someone else back at the Cookshop.

Facility Priority

Some facilities should be a high priority for building and upgrading, while others aren’t as important or can even be ignored for the most part. High priority facilities should be your main focus. Anything at medium or low priority is going to be more personal preference than anything else. For example, the Explorer’s Guild adds quality of life improvements such as increasing movement speed in the overworld map. This isn’t necessary by any means, but for people who want to get places faster, it may be a higher priority.

If you’re looking to make your time with Ni No Kuni 2 as easy as possible, focus on the Weapon Workshop and Outfitters facilities. While character level determines how much HP you have and certain skills unlock when you reach a specific level, your damage out and defenses are heavily geared toward weaponry and armor. The higher the damage output on your weapons, the easier fights become. The easier the fights, the more difficult the enemies you can go after, and sudddenly you’re taking down enemies many levels above you and earning big XP and itemrewards for your trouble.

Below you’ll find a table of facilities unlocked at Kingdom Levels 1 and 2 and what we recommend for priority. You should always build each facility, if only to get closer to leveling up your kingdom, but after a facility is built, when you upgrade it and how many personnel you add is completely up to you. Our table is just a suggestion of how you should prioritize the facilities.

Facility Personnel

Under most circumstances you should assign anyone marked “Suitable” to their specialty facility. However, if you want to do research you’ll need a minimum IQ level for the personnel at that facility. Sometimes it’s better to leave a low priority facility empty so you can move that citizen to another facility to bring the IQ up and conduct research.

For example, if you want new and better weapons, you’ll need at least two or three citizens in the Weapon Workshop. Until you have Fitch, Ah Chu and Nu Bi, three citizens who are all “Suitable” for the Weapon Workshop, you may need to move other citizens over to the facility so you have enough IQ to conduct research. If grain and vegetables aren’t as important to you, move a citizen from the Verdant Farm to the Weapon Workshop.

Not every citizen can be used at every facility. Each citizen is rated in four categories:War, Ingenuity, Spritecraft and Conjury. Most citizens excel at one category, but have very low ratings in other categories. The potential personnel list for each facility will only show you citizens who have a rating above zero in whatever category that facility requires. For example, the Higglery requires a rating in Spritecraft, so anyone who has a zero rating in Spritecraft will not be listed under personnel for the Higglery and cannot be placed at the Higglery.

Citizen Skills

Each citizen has a specific skill. For example, Pi Chi, suitable for the Outfitters facility, has the skill Nimble Fingers, which is required for some of the research you can conduct at the Outfitters facility. Some research will require just a citizen with Nimble Fingers, while advanced research will require a master level (maximum experience) citizen with Nimble Fingers. Because some research requires citizens with a specific skill, you need to keep an eye on the skills each citizen has so you can move them around when those skills are required for research elsewhere.

Kingdom Upgrades

You’re going to need to upgrade your kingdom in order to gain new land and build more facilities. The main things that will be holding you back from leveling up your kingdom are number of citizens recruited and total facilities built. It’s not overly difficult to reach the number of facilities required, just build them as you have the KG to do so, whether you plan to staff them or not. However, finding citizens can be a much more daunting task.

In order to get the citizens you need to level up your kingdom, you’ll need to complete as many side quests as possible and move forward with the main story as well. You can get to level 2 before you reach chapter 5 in the main story, but you’ll need to progress quite a bit before you can reach level 3. It’s will take a lot of time to complete all of the required side quests, and you’ll have to move on in the main story to get to a point where more side quests are unlocked. Don’t just focus on kingdom building and ignore main and side quests, or else you’ll find yourself lacking the citizens you need to level up your kingdom.

Level 1 Facilities

Facility Priority Service
Barracks ミディアム Improves Skirmish abilities.
Budding Lumberyard Low Provides lumber, resins and fungi items.
Castle High Increases coffer and provides kingdom info.
Everyday General Store High You can buy healing items, medicine and other general products.
Explorer’s Guild ミディアム Increases storage and adds quality of life improvements.
Fresh Fish Market ミディアム Provides fish, seafood, shells and corals.
Higglery High Buy and upgrade Higgledies.
Hubble-Bubblery ミディアム Increases battle reward quality.
Humble Bazaar ミディアム Provides cloth, thread, cotton, string and buttons.
Hunting Lodge No. 1 Low Provides bones, furs, feathers and leather.
Mining Camp No. 1 ミディアム Provides ore, wonderwater, crystals and prisms.
Sleepy Ranch Low Provides meat, dairy products and eggs.
Spellworks High You can buy and upgrade spells.
Tasty’s Cookshop ミディアム Buy various food items and meals.
Verdant Farm Low Provides grain and vegetables.
Weapon Workshop High You can buy and upgrade weapons.
Outfitters High You can buy and upgrade armor and accessories.

Level 2 Facilities

Facility Priority Service
Aranella Square High Required to build many facilities, including the Institute of Innovation.
Basic Training Ground High Earn more experience in battle.
Bazaar (Bustling and Thriving) Low Provides cloth, thread, cotton, string and buttons.
Dimensional Lab ミディアム Makes Dreamer’s Maze locations easier to complete.
Dispellery ミディアム Ability to uncurse equipment.
Evermoria Gardens Low Huge increase to kingdom influence.
Farm (Fertile and Flourishing) Low Provides grain and vegetables.
Fish Market (Fresher and Freshest) Low Provides fish, seafood, shells and corals.
Goodfellows Inn Low Huge increase to kingdom influence.
Hunting Lodge No. 2 and No. 3 Low Provides bones, furs, feathers and leather.
Institute of Innovation High Improves many aspects of the kingdom, including lower construction costs and more items gathered.
Kingmaker’s Cathedral ミディアム Improves Lofty’s abilities in battle.
Lumberyard (Branching and Spreading) Low Provides lumber, resins and fungi items.
Market Garden (Minor and Medium) ミディアム Provides fruits and flowers.
Mining Camp No. 2 and No. 3 Low Provides ore, wonderwater, crystals and prisms.
Ranch (Chirpy and Lively) Low Provides meat, dairy products and eggs.
Sage’s Salon Low Increases experience gained by any citizens stationed here.
Ship-Shape Shipyard ミディアム Improves ship-building abilities.
Symphonium Low Allows you to listen to music.

Level 3 Facilities

Facility Priority Service
Bountiful and Wonderous Bazaars Low Provides cloth, thread, cotton, string and buttons.
Elite Barracks ミディアム Improves Skirmish abilities.
Expert Explorer’s Guild ミディアム Increases storage and adds quality of life improvements.
Fish Markets (Fine and Fabulous) Low Provides fish, seafood, shells and corals.
Full-Fledged Farm Low Provides grain and vegetables.
Hunting Lodges No. 4 and No. 5 Low Provides bones, furs, feathers and leather.
Hyper Hubble-Bubblery ミディアム Increases battle reward quality.
Institute of Higher Innovation ミディアム Improves many aspects of the kingdom, including lower construction costs and more items gathered.
Lumberyards (Flourishing and Towering) Low Provides lumber, resins and fungi items.
Market Gardens (Major and Massive) Low Provides fruits and flowers.
Mining Camp No. 4 and No. 5 Low Provides ore, wonderwater, crystals and prisms.
Multi-Dimensional Lab ミディアム Makes Dreamer’s Maze locations easier to complete.
Officer’s Training Ground High Earn more experience in battle.
Raucous Ranch Low Provides meat, dairy products and eggs.

Kingdom Level 1 Facilities


  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Bai Gon, Gao Jia and Kimmy

The Barracks help to improve your Skirmish abilities. You can increase your Might level, get new Shock tactics, get bigger boosts from command posts and fill your Guts Gauge faster. There are Skirmishes you need to win to progress the main story, and others you’ll need to win to complete side quests, so it’s not a bad idea to put some KG and personnel into the Barracks. However, if you don’t care much about Skirmishes beyond what you’re required to do, you don’t need to devote too many resources to the Barracks.


  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Persha, Price, Morgan and Phorkys

You cannot perform research at the Humble Bazaar, but building it adds cloth, thread, cotton, string and buttons. All of these items can be used to create and enhance weaponry, so they do have some value. You won’t get the super rare items, but adding more Bazaars and leveling up these facilities will make it easier to obtain the items you need to create and enhance powerful weapons.


  • Priority:High
  • Suitable:Evan and Roland

You can’t change the personnel at the Castle, nor can you conduct any research. Selecting the Castle allows you to increase your treasure coffers so you can hold more KG before having to move it to your wallet, level up your kingdom, and check out some stats on your kingdom. Aside from leveling up your coffer and kingdom, there isn’t much else to do here unless you’re curious about how well your kingdom is performing.

Everyday General Store

  • Priority:High
  • Suitable:Gerel

The Everyday General Store is exactly what it sounds like. You can purchase normal use items that you would find at almost any general shop in the game. However, as you upgrade this facility you’ll earn a discount on items you buy here and add to the products offered at the store. You should make this a priority if your find yourself needing a lot of items while you’re battling in the wild or completing quests. If you don’t use many items, then the General Store shouldn’t be a high priority for you.

Explorer’s Guild

  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Khunbish, Hoi Den, Tabbias, Leander and Filippos

The Explorer’s Guild allows you to make quality of life changes to the game. Nothing you do here will give you better attack power or anything, but it way make the game generally more enjoyable. For example, you can use the research here to increase the movement speed of your party in the overworld map, or increase the storage capacity of the store in the Kingdom Builder menu. How much you value these improvements will determine where this falls on your priority list.


  • Priority:Low
  • Suitable:Munokhoi

There’s no research to be carried out at the various farm facilities. Once you have the Verdant Farm, you’ll start to see grains and vegetables show up in your store, that you can then transfer over to your inventory. The more farm facilities you have, the higher the chance of getting grains or vegetables, and the items you get will have a higher chance of being rare.

Fish Markets

  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Pontus

You cannot conduct research at the various Fish Markets, but building them does add fish, seafood, shells and corals to the store. These items are important in the creation and enhancement of various armor and weaponry, so while this doesn’t need to be a priority, you shouldn’t completely ignore the Fish Markets.


  • Priority:High
  • Suitable:Auntie Martha, Leander and Candy

Building a Higglery allows you to create and enhance your Higgledy. While many Higgledy are found in the wild by accessing Higgledy Stones, there are quite a few that can only be obtained by creating them using the Higglery. Research at the Higglery allows you to create better Higgledies, reduce the cost of any Higgledies you purchase, increase the amount of experience points Higgledy earn and more. In addition, the only way to level up your Higgledies is through the Higglery.


  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Leander, Thaumas, Thetis, Da Xing and Mylas

The Hubble-Bubblery allows you to earn better rewards for battles. You can increase the amount of money enemies drop, how many blue MP and green HP balls enemies drop and more. You can also increase the wares sold at the Everyday General Store with some of the research done at the Hubble-Bubblery. There’s no real down side to prioritizing the Hubble-Bubblery, but if you ignore it you’re not really missing out on a lot either.

Hunting Lodges

  • Priority:Low
  • Suitable:Batu, Min Ti, Helena and Lycorias

With a Hunting Lodge your store will start to acquire bones, furs, feathers and leather. These items are used in creating new armor and other items. Throughout most of the early game armor isn’t quite as important as taking down an enemy quickly, but the deeper you get into the game the more good armor can really help you during battles. Once enemies start really dishing out the damage, you’ll want to pay a little more attention to the Hunting Lodges so you can get some of the items you need to make new and better gear, as well as enhance your existing gear.


  • Priority:Low
  • Suitable:Niall, Chi Pi and Keeley

Adding a Lumberyard facility to your kingdom allows lumber, resins and fungi to be added to your store. No research can be done at Lumberyards, but leveling up the facility and adding additional Lumberyards will increase how much material you get in stores and how rare those items are.

Mining Camps

  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Tani, Yung Mein, Bao Wao, Proteus, Cindy May and Kent

The more Mining Camps you have and the more you level them up, the more ores, wonderwater, crystals and prisms will be added to your store. Many of these items are required to level up weapons and other items, so this should be at least mildly important to you. While you won’t get the super rare materials that some weapon upgrades require, you’ll get an abundance materials that are useful for upgrades. You cannot conduct research at this facility.


  • Priority:High
  • Suitable:Pi Chi, Fai Do, Crispin, Bracken, Yip-Yip and Eli

Much like the Weapon Workshop, the Evermore Outfitters facility offers you a place to buy and improve your armor. As you continue to do research here you can lower the cost of new armor and even gain the ability to unlock new skills hidden in powerful armor that you’ll come across after the early portions of the game.


  • Priority:Low
  • Suitable:Chingis and Muriel

The Ranch facilities add meat, dairy products and eggs to your store. The more you level up the facility or add more ranches, the more products you’ll see in the store, and the higher the chance you’ll see rare items. You cannot conduct research at the Ranch.


  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Li Li, Hau Ling, Leander and Triton

If you like to play mage clases (Evan, Leander), you’ll want to prioritize the Spellworks. You can put research into learning new spells for combat, as well as spells that help you traverse the world map and even open those pesky blue chests . Aside from leveling up, this is one of the few ways to learn new spells.

Tasty’s Cookshop

  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Floyd

Tasty’s Cookshop is a one man operation. You only need to assign Floyd to run the shop, and you cannot conduct research here. Instead, any new recipes you find while traveling will allow Floyd to make new dishes that you c an purchase from him.

Weapon Workshop

  • Priority:High
  • Suitable:Fitch, Ah Chu, Nu Bi, Peleus and Bracken

The Weapon Workshop is where you can buy and enhance your weapons. The more you level up this facility, the better weapons you can make and the more you can enhance weapons you already own. Some research here will also lower the costs of upgrading your weapons to make it a bit easier. Once you get later into the game you’ll also be able to unlock extra weapon skills with some of the research done at the Weapon Workshop. It should be a high priority for all players.

Kingdom Level 2 Facilities

Aranella Square

  • Priority:High
  • Suitable:N/A

Once your kingdom reaches level 2, one of the first things you should do is build Aranella Square. While the main purpose of Aranella Square is to give you a big influence boost, you cannot build the Institute of Innovation, Goodfellows Inn, or the Fresher and Freshest Fish Markets until the Square is in place. No citizens can be assigned to Aranella Square, but you’ll still need to build it so you can access the other facilities and continue to expand your kingdom.

Basic Training Ground

  • Priority:High
  • Suitable:Long Mein, Oz and Drew

The Basic Training Ground facilities allows you to increase how fast you can earn experience. The various research options allow you to increase party member experience, Skirmish experience, citizen experience and more. As you might have already guessed, this should be a top priority for you. The faster you earn experience the easier almost everything else in the game becomes.

Dimensional Lab

  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Hau Ling, Leander, Speio and Chip

If you plan on clearing all of the Dreamer’s Maze locations around the world of Ni No Kuni 2, investing in the Dimensional Lab should be a top priority for you. Some of the research you can conduct at the Dimensional Lab includes slowing down the Danger Gauge in Dreamer’s Mazes, finding Idols and Doors easier and more. If you’re not interested in the Dreamer’s Mazes, there’s no need to prioritize the Dimensional Lab.


  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Li Li

Some rare equipment you find will be cursed. In order to get the full potential of these equipment you’ll need to remove the curse. That’s where the Dispellery comes into play. Once this has been built you can use it to remove curses from equipment. No research can be done here, but leveling up the facility will allow you to remove the curses from more rare equipment that you’ll find throughout the game.

Evermoria Gardens

  • Priority:Low
  • Suitable:N/A

When you first upgrade your kingdom to level 2, you probably won’t need to worry too much about the Evermoria Gardens. You can’t even build the facility until you’ve built the Kingmaker’s Cathedral and found a citizen who has the Inner Peace skill (Hansel). Once these requirements are met, the main purpose of the Evermoria Gardens is to provide a huge increase to your kingdom’s influence, which is mainly needed to upgrade the kingdom.

Goodfellows Inn

  • Priority:Low
  • Suitable:N/A

You cannot build Goodfellows Inn until you have built Aranella Square. However, you should not be in a rush to build Goodfellows Inn. It cannot be staffed, and there’s no research to do inside. The main purpose for the Goodfellows Inn is to increase the influence of your kingdom, making it easier to upgrade your kingdom when the time comes.

Institute of Innovation

  • Priority:High
  • Suitable:Chi Pi, Henny, Andrew and Francine

The Institute of Innovation cannot be built until you’ve added Aranella Square to your kingdom. Once you have that in place, and build the Institute of Innovation, you can low the cost of many aspects of kingdom building. For example, one research option allows you to lower the cost of building a new facility by 20 percent, while another allows you to reduce research costs by 20 percent. You can even increase how fast citizen gather materials from various facilities. This should be a top priority if you’re interested in getting the most out of your kingdom.

Kingmaker’s Cathedral

  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Leander, Speio and Hansel

The main purpose of the Kingmaker’s Cathedral is to increase Lofty’s abilities. The research that can be conducted here increases how often Lofty will throw you green HP ball and blue MP balls during battles, as well as other similar abilities. Lofty doesn’t make a dramatic difference in battles, but having the extra healing and mana can come in handy when you encounter difficult fights.

Market Garden (Minor and Medium)

  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Yu Kan, Halimede and Hipponoe

Adding a Market Garden to your kingdom will give you various fruits and flowers in the store. You’ll need these items for various quests you come across and to obtain some Higgledy from the Higgledy Stones you encounter across the world.

Sage’s Salon

  • Priority:Low
  • Suitable:N/A

The only reason to build the Sage’s Salon and station people at the facility is to speed up their experience gain. Any citizen who is placed at Sage’s Salon will earn experience points at a faster rate. Upgrading the facility (which is not cheap), will increase the speed further. The normal speed of experience gain is rather slow, but placing a citizen at Sage’s Salon doesn’t increase that speed very much until you upgrade the facility. Unless you’re in a rush to get some master-level citizens, this should be low priority.

Ship-Shape Shipyard

  • Priority:Medium
  • Suitable:Ketch and Tiller

You cannot build the Ship-Shape Shipyard until you obtain a ship during chapter 5 of the main story. Once the Ship-Shape Shipyard is up and running you can conduct research to build better ships that sail faster avoid enemies better and more.


  • Priority:Low
  • Suitable:Nereus

The main purpose of the Symphonium is to listen to music. However, you can’t listen to any music until you find a citizen who has the Perfect Pitch skill. That citizen is Nereus from Hydropolis . Until you find him there’s no use building the Symphonium, so it should remain a low priority until that happens. Once it is built you can walk over to the Symphonium and talk to Nereus who will play any of the songbooks you find throughout your adventures. Unfortunately, as soon as you leave the Symphonium the music stops playing.

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