

Far Cry 5 – すべてのプレッパー保管場所

Far Cry 5 には、プレーヤーが密集した森で見つけることができる隠された秘密がかなりあります。ホープ カウンティの田園地帯を探索していると、Prepper Stash と呼ばれる場所に出くわします。 Far Cry 5 のこれらの Prepper Stash の場所はオプションのエリアであり、資金、特典マガジン、弾薬、さらには武器を入手するために略奪されることがよくあります。私たちは郡中の森、川、風景を捜索してきました。そして、これらすべての隠されたバンカーを見つけてそれらの商品を収集するのに役立つように、この Far Cry 5 Prepper Stash の場所のカバレッジをまとめました.

Prepper のすべての保管場所

上で述べたように、Prepper Stash の場所は隠されたバンカー/保管エリアであり、そこには市民や神父のカルトのメンバーが武器、特典マガジン、現金などのさまざまな物資を隠しています。これらの場所は郡内に点在しており、頭上にひし形のアイコンがある市民と交流することで見つけることができます。

ゲーム内の各 Prepper Stash を見つけて略奪できるように、Prepper Stash について初めて知ったときに受け取るサイド クエストの名前に基づいて、このガイドを分割しました。以下に、マップ上の隠し場所の場所を特定する画像と、さまざまなパズルを解決するためにどこに行くべきか、これらの非常に必要な商品に到達するのを妨げるさまざまな障害を乗り越えるのに役立つ画像があります.

Far Cry 5 はオープン ワールドであり、プレイヤーはメイン ストーリー ミッションに参加できるため、これらの Prepper Stash のいくつかは、リストにある他の Stash の前後に到達する可能性があります。また、ホープ カウンティで Prepper Stash を探しているときに、安全な場所を見つけることもよくあります。


これは、Far Cry 5 で見つけることができる最初の Prepper Stash であり、最初に開始した島にあります。ダッチの掩蔽壕を出たら、シルバー レイク ボートハウスに向かいましょう。

ボートハウスのすぐ西にバンカーと Prepper Stash に関するメモがあります。






次に見つけた Prepper Stash は、ホープ カウンティ刑務所のすぐ南東、Bright Warden Radon Spa にありました。


Prepper Stash のメモはその前にあります。

中に入って曲がりくねったトンネルを通り抜けて左側に進む必要があります。進むべき道は 1 つしかないので、最後まで進み、この発電機を見つけてください。

ジェネレーターを再起動してブリス ガスをすべて抜き取り、帰りの戦いに備えましょう。入り口までずっと戻り、鉱山に入ったら右側のドアを探します。このライトは緑色になり、中に入ることができます。



次の Prepper Stash を見つけるには、Armstrong Residence に向かいます。





この次の Prepper Stash を手に入れるためにダイビングの準備をしましょう。 Rye and Sons Aviation ビルの近くにある、Laurel Residence に向かいます。




鍵を手に取り、頭を上げて小屋のロックを解除し、内部のポンプ コントロールを見つけます。それらを起動して水を取り除き、バンカーに戻ってボードを破壊し、中の商品を見つけます。


この隠し場所は、Raptor Peak と呼ばれる場所の頂上にあります。到達するのは難しいものであり、取得しようとする前にグラップリング フック スキルを持っていることを確認する必要があります。

頂上の下にあるタフト展望台に向かい、ここで敵を倒してください。 Prepper Stash のメモが中にあります。これを読んで、レジスタンスの戦士たちが頂点に達したことを知りましょう。

パスを使用して山に向かうと、最終的にはグラップリング フックを使用して山を登り始める必要があるポイントに到達します。

Continue up the mountain until you reach the top, where you will find this stash near a tent the resistance fighters have set up.

Playing with Fire

To find this Prepper Stash, locate the Hope County Jail Bus just northwest of the Rye and Sons Aviation center.

Head to the location and look for the prepper’s note in the bus.

To find this Prepper’s Stash, head down to the water nearby and look for this tunnel entrance.

Head inside the tunnel and look for a branching tunnel off to the right. Move down it to find this locked gate at the end. The easiest way to get in is to lockpick it using the Lock Pick skill.


Head over to the Grain Elevator in John Seed’s Region to find this Prepper’s Stash.

Look for the note in front of the grain elevator to get things started.

To make your way inside, climb onto the metal roofing and bash you way through the boarded-up window on the second story.

From here you need to climb through the grain elevator and avoid the beehives scattered throughout the area. You can destroy them with molotovs if you need to, but most of them should be avoidable by either crouching or jumping over them. Eventually you should find your way to the top of the grain elevator’s tower, where you’ll find this stash of goodies in an old, makeshift sniper’s nest.


This next Prepper Stash can be located under the Bridge of Tears down in John’s region of Hope County. To access this Prepper Stash the way that the game intended you will need to have unlocked the Grappling Hook. Once you have that, head over to the Bridge of Tears and start the climb to reach this Prepper Stash.

Animal Control

Travel over to Howling Cave and look for this Prepper Stash note to start the quest.

Once you have the quest, make your way into the cave and take out any enemies inside. You’ll then need to use your Grappling Hook to reach the same level of the cave that has the helicopter in it. From here, loot all of the goods around to finish up this Prepper Stash.

Dumpster Diving

If you want to grab this Prepper Stash, make your way over to Dodd’s Dump and prepare to head inside. This Prepper Stash is a bit dangerous, so make sure you leave your companions outside, as they’re prone to getting stuck in the electrified water inside the dump.

To make it through this Prepper Stash, head into the building through the back and you should see the door that leads to the stash inside. Move past it, to the front of the building and turn on the power. This will cause the water on the ground to become electrified, which means you’re going to need to climb your way back to the entrance for the Prepper Stash.

High Tension

To find the next Prepper Stash you will need to find Lincoln Lookout Tower.

Once you’ve located the area, head over there and use the zipline until it forces you off of it. Don’t jump off, though. Instead, wait until it drops you off in a tree.

From here you need to jump over to the next tree and then walk your way across the limb to the next tree. There’s another tree to jump over to here, so hop over to it and you’ll find another zipline that you can use to reach the Prepper Stash.

Man Cave

Head to Sunrise Threshing and look out for a tower that you can climb up close by. Head to the top and use the zipline to hop the fence and then shoot open the locked door.

Head outside and get into the nearby truck. You’ll want to back this truck into the yard and it should attach itself to the trailer, allowing you to drive the trailer out of the yard and away from the hatch that leads down to the Prepper Stash. Head inside once it is clear.

Long Range Lockpick

To find this Prepper Stash you’re going to need to head to the Deep North Irrigation Reservoir. Make your way to the opposite side of the river and use a rifle with a scope on it to shoot the lock through the window of a nearby building. Now you need to swim back to the other side of the river and head inside to find the Prepper Stash.

Pooper Scooper

Make your way over to Silver Lake Summer Camp to find this Prepper Stash. Read the note to mark the quest, and then head into the main building by smashing the boards on the doorway. Look down at the floor here and you should see a bunch of poop.

Pick up all the poop that you can, and you’ll eventually find a Summer Camp Key Card in one of the piles. With the key card in hand, head back outside and use the key to open up the doors to each of the cabins until you find the Prepper Stash. Grab all the goodies inside before you continue.

Angel’s Grave

The next Prepper Stash you can find is at the Horned Serpent Cave in Faith’s Region. To find it, look for the note outside of a barred gate leading into the cavern. You’ll have to find a way into the cave from above, so head up the cliff using your Grappling Hook.

Once you reach the top, head forward until you find the hole leading down into the cave. This is where Project Eden’s Gate likes to get rid of their Angels, so head down into the cave and make your way through it. You’ll need to complete a couple of jumping puzzles to reach the stash at the end.


Head to Mcallough’s Garage to find the next Prepper Stash. Once you reach the main part of the garage, look around for the note and read it to start the quest. From here, head back out and use your melee weapon to smash through the barricades over the door. This will let you back into the main part of the garage in a different section.

Now you’ll want to look for a button on the far wall. This will open the door to the garage, allowing you access to the section of the building where this stash is hidden. Head through the new area to the back, where you’ll find a bathroom. Grab the keycard and head back out to the locked door to grab this Prepper Stash and complete it.

O’ Hara’s Haunted House

The next Prepper Stash is found at O’Hara’s Haunted House in Faith’s Region. Read the note at the start of the stash to begin this quest and then head inside using the scaffolding next to the house. You can head inside here to turn the power on, which will allow you to open up the door locking you out of the Prepper Stash. The biggest obstacle here is the haunted house itself. You’re going to need to walk through a few jump scares along the way, so just keep aware and stay vigilant as you continue through until you reach the end and gain access to the stash.

Dead Man’s Treasure

This is one of the more interesting Prepper Stashes you’ll explore, and it can be found outside of Dead Man’s Mill. When you arrive, take note of the waterfall beyond the mill. In order to gain access to this stash, head inside the mill by climbing under the cabin and making your way inside. Look around the interior for the water wheel, and then grab it and head back outside.

Interact with the small dam mechanism and the waterfall will stop flowing, the water blocked by the dam. From here, head around the dam and use your Grappling Hook on the Grapple Point to lower yourself down to a small cave that was previously hidden behind the waterfall. It’s easy enough, but nice to see the prepper’s in Hope County taking advantage of the environment around them.

Salvage Rights

This Prepper Stash can be found by making your way to the island where Salvage Camp resides, inside of Jacob’s Region. Head to the eastern side of the camp and read the note to start it up. From here, make your way east again and into the water. Swim out and then dive down to find Fred Tanner’s Key underwater. Grab the key then swim back to shore and open up the box to find some cash and the magazines inside of this Prepper Stash.

Gone Squatchin’

To find this Prepper Stash, head out to the Dansky Cabin up in Jacob’s region and read the note to learn you need Danky’s Key Card to open up the stash. This should also mark your map with a waypoint, which requires you to use your Grappling Hook to climb up the nearby cliff. Follow the cliff up to the waypoint and grab the key card off the body. Once you have it, head back down and open up the stash.

Unwelcome Guest

Read a note on the wall of Frank’s Cabin in Jacob’s Region and you’ll unlock this quest for this Prepper Stash. To find it, head towards the waypoint and look out for a bear in the path. Take the bear down, then continue past it to find the bear’s cave, where you should find this key on Frank’s body. Grab the key, then head back to Frank’s cabin and grab the stash inside.


To find this Prepper Stash, head over to Ozhigwan Falls in Jacob’s Region and look out for a bridge near the middle of the falls. Look below the bridge for a group of cultists and then take care of them. From here, look around the rocks for a backpack with this key near it. Grab the key, then follow the water down to find a truck with a locked crate in the back.


This Prepper Stash can be found near the wreck of a plane up in Jacob’s Region. Look out for a wooden bridge that you can jump across, then follow the path up. The closest area for this is Rattlesnake Trail Bridge. Head to the bridge then make your way up the path until you reach the plane’s crash site. Search the area for the key near the plane’s tail, then head south and find the box that you can open up to complete this stash.

Hangar Pains

This Prepper Stash can be found at the Lansdowne Airstrip in Jacob’s Region. Read the note to learn that the door has been locked. The note also mentions a skylight, but there doesn’t appear to be any way to get in from here. The good news is, you can do this pretty easily with a helicopter, just by landing on top of the building. But, if you don’t have a helicopter, you’ll need to do it the planned way, by climb up a nearby tower and using your Wingsuit to fly over to the hangar. Head inside, open up the hangar, and grab the goods inside.

The Holdouts

Finding this Prepper Stash can be a bit confusing, if you don’t know where you’re going. Head to the Elliot Residence and read the note on the side to learn about the stash. Now, you’ll want to head around to the opposite side of the house, climb up onto the roof, and make your way inside. Follow the halls until you reach a room with the Elliot’s Key Card. Grab the key card, then head back over and look for the shed outside, where you’ll find the entrance to this prepper stash waiting.


The final Prepper Stash here can be found outside of the Tanami Residence inside of Jacob’s Region. Head inside the boat by swimming under the water and in through an opening. Now, move along the inside until you find the control switch. Pop it open and then climb out of the window and swim under the cliffside. Follow the path forward until you reach the Prepper Stash at the end. Be wary of the snake inside.

We’ll continue to update this guide as we find more and more Prepper Stashes in Far Cry 5. For now, though, head over to our Far Cry 5 guide where you can learn how to fish, as well as other useful information to help you take down the cultists in Hope County.