

Genshin Impact:後に残った跡の探し方 (クレンジング ライト)

原神インパクトの選手 ついにイナズマの地域を探索した人は、人気のポールアーム使いであるライデンショーグンが現在のエレクトロアルコンとして機能するベルゼブルの船として機能していることにすぐに気付くでしょう.雷電将軍のストーリーについてもっと知りたいファンは、彼女のストーリー クエストとして機能する「Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter」で学ぶことができます。

Genshin Impact で雷電将軍のストーリーを完了する、他のストーリー クエストと同様です。 簡単ではありません。プレイヤーが彼女のストーリーの第 2 幕に入ると、「クレンジング ライト」を達成するのはかなりトリッキーなミッションになります。これは、プレイヤーが周囲で起こっていることに注意を払っていない場合に特に当てはまります。この状況で、このクエストで求められている「置き去りにされたマーク」はどこにありますか?

ストーリー クエストのロック解除:クイック ランスルー

ファンはクレンジング ライトのストーリーラインを聞いたことがあるかもしれませんが、Genshin Impact に関する興味深い洞察を提供するクエストです。 クレンジング ライトはストーリー クエストであることを覚えておくと役立つかもしれません。 .他のクエストとは異なり、ストーリー クエストは特定のキャラクターの伝承に結び付けられているため、プレイヤーがロックを解除するには特別な要件が必要です。クレンジング ライトをまだアンロックしていない理由について、少し迷っているプレイヤー向けのリマインダーを次に示します。

  • ストーリー クエスト機能のロックを解除: プレーヤーは、AR 26 を完了すると、ストーリー クエストにのみアクセスできます。つまり、smurf または 2 つ目のアカウントを使用している新参者またはベテランは、ストーリー クエストをすぐに実行できません。
  • キーを通じてストーリー イベントのロックを解除: プレイヤーがストーリー クエストに適切にアクセスするには、まず特別なキーを使用してロックを解除する必要があります。これらは、ストーリー クエスト キーを取得するためにプレイヤーが 8 つを完了する必要があるデイリー コミッションを通じて取得されます。

Imperatrix Umbrosa 章のロックを解除

雷電将軍自身の場合、クレンジング ライトはインペラトリックス アンブロサの章と呼ばれる彼女のストーリーの一部です。これを典型的なストーリークエストとして扱うだけでなく、プレイヤーはコアクエストラインのロックを解除する前に特定の要件を完了する必要があります.まず、次のことを達成する必要があります:

  • アドベンチャー ランク要件: このストーリー クエストを開始するイベントをトリガーするには、プレイヤーはアドベンチャー ランク 40 以上である必要があります。
  • ストーリー モードの進行: プレイヤーは、クエストラインのロックを解除するために、チャプター 2:アクト 2:Omnipresence Over Mortals を完了する必要があります。


プレイヤーがクレンジング ライト シリーズのクエストに深く飛び込む前に、この Genshin Impact のコンテキストについて理解を深めるのに役立ちます。 より大きなメタでのその意味をさらに学ぶための探求。クレンジング ライトは、雷電将軍のロックを解除した後にのみ利用できるクエストラインの一部です。 、これはゲーム内で彼女のキャラクター アークとして機能するためです。

原神インパクトで 、雷電将軍はイナズマの厳格でありながら名誉ある支配者を務めています。 原神インパクトで 彼女の剣術で有名なキャラクターであるショーグンは、彼女のアルコンの名の下に親愛なる国を守るために何もしません.実際、雷電将軍は、実際には、人間の領域にいるときに彼女の体として機能するために、エレクトロアルコンであるエイによって作成された人工船です. When Ei is meditating in the Plane of Euthymia, the Shogun takes over through an artificial intelligence and follows Ei’s orders.

Recap:The Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter (So Far)

While players can dive straight ahead and complete the rest of the Cleansing Light’s requirements and finish the quest, fans of Genshin Impact lore may want to look into the larger context of the Cleansing Light storyline - particularly, the Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter which serves as the name of Raiden Shogun’s overarching Story Quest.

At its core, this Story Quest aims to reconcile Ei and Raiden Shogun’s feelings about the state of Inazuma at the present, and how their perception of “Wishes” and “Eternity” are affected by certain events that plague the town. Players who just unlocked Raiden Shogun and want to get to know her intimately would benefit greatly in learning more about her personality when pursuing this Story Quest.

Act 1:Reflections Of Mortality

Before players actually dive deep into Cleansing Light, it may first help to at least get some insight as to what’s happened to Raiden Shogun around after the time she met the Traveler. These events are elaborated in Act 1:Reflections of Morality , which is the first half of Raiden Shogun’s Story Quest, composed of four (4) quests.

This particular story arc revolves around Ei and the powerful Raiden Shogun taking a trip around Inazuma to tend to some matters, particularly a raging thunderstorm that threatens to ravage the region. Throughout their journey, Ei and her vessel get to expand on the way they understand the concept of “Eternity,” something Ei can physically interact with, and how their experience in the world is drastically different from what they’ve expected.

Act 2:Transient Dreams

After players complete Act 1, they can proceed with Act 2:Transient Dreams . This serves as the final half of Raiden Shogun’s Story Arc, which will have her and the Traveler avert an impending apocalypse that strikes from deep within the recesses of Eternity. Again, this questline is broken into a series of quests, this time three (3) objectives. It’s in this Act that players get to experience Cleansing Light.

Enter Cleansing Light:A Summary

When players begin Act 2:Transient Dreams of Raiden Shogun’s Story Quest, they are greeted with its first quest:Cleansing Light . In here, players finally get to see up close the thunderstorm brewing over the horizon in Act 1. However, this weather phenomenon turned out much worse than players have anticipated. After encountering a horde of rifthounds, Raiden Shogun comes to their aid and notices how the presence of rifthounds were similar to incidents that happened in Inazuma some 500 years prior, around the same time of the Cataclysm that engulfed the ancient civilization of Khaenri’ah.

Ei and Raiden Shogun eventually reveal that, because of the Sacred Sakura, the Ley Lines surrounding Inazuma are constantly purified of filth. Due to the ongoing thunderstorms, tainted filth allow violent memories to resurface, while purified ones allow peaceful memories to manifest. As a result, Cleansing Light will have players encounter various people who once lived in Inazuma, almost all of which have encountered Ei at some point.

Step 1:Talk To Katheryne

Players officially begin Cleansing Light by treating it as an ordinary commission. Due to the alarming presence of the thunderstorm near Inazuma, it makes sense for an adventuring folk like the Traveler to want to aid in preparation, evacuation, and other affairs. As such, they need to talk to Katheryne in Inazuma.

Doing so will prompt her to inform the player that rifthounds have started targeting the Sacred Sakura, with the Tenryou Commission being heavily outnumbered in the process. If players teleport to the Grand Narukami Shrine and walk a bit northeast, they will immediately spot rifthounds wreaking havoc in the area.

Step 2:Fight The Rifthounds

When players encounter the rifthounds near the Sacred Sakura, they immediately turn aggressive and fight them. Players need to defeat them with various Genshin Impact weapons like Swords in order to progress through the story. The fight will have players fight three (3) Rockfond Rifthound Whelps, three (3) Rockfond Rifthounds, three (3) Thundercraven Rifthounds, and two (2) Thundercraven Rifthound Whelps.

While players can dispatch of these waves easily, it makes sense for them to feel a bit overwhelmed. And just when players think things are about to get much difficult, a friendly face will appear to help them out:Raiden Shogun.

Step 3:Find The Marks Left Behind

Perhaps the most confusing aspect of Cleansing Light, players are now instructed to look for marks left behind in order to access more of Inazuma’s history. To do this, players need to traverse a certain path through these marks, which aren’t easily identified through the Traveler’s special vision. Instead, players need to spot bluish slash marks , similar to the color of when the Sacred Sakura is damaged. After Paimon’s cue, players need to head right and straight to a broken bridge. Passing it will lead to a mark sprawled on a cliff side, which players need to climb up. Afterwards, they need to go forward past floating cubes and down the cliffside beside a waterfall, where the final mark is sprawled on the road. Afterwards, a cutscene happens and players will get acquainted with the spirit of a samurai.

Step 4:Defeat More Rifthounds

While players have technically found the marks left behind for Cleansing Light, they may as well continue the rest of the quest. After finishing the previous task, players - now only as Raiden Shogun and her trusted Sword - have to go down the rocky path and notice yet another batch of rifthounds plaguing the area. Thankfully, the skillset of the Raiden Shogun should be able to help players eliminate the threat much faster. What’s integral here is defeating the rifthounds as soon as possible, as this will eventually trigger a cutscene involving Furuyama and a hint as to what happened to Inazuma in the past.

Step 5:Find The Tea Master

After the rather exhausting battles against rifthounds using various Genshin Impact characters and searching for clues, players at least get a calmer way of capping off the rather long quest. In this final part of the quest, Furuyama, who wanted to serve tea to his guests, needed players to go borrow a tea set. They’re directed to the Kamisato Estate, where Hirano would be asking them to wait. This is a good time for Raiden Shogun to answer questions players have about Inazuma’s past. After acquiring the tea set, players can return to Furuyama to continue their conversation. Unfortunately, with the Ley Line too weak to keep Furuyama’s presence, players would simply have to enjoy a nice cup of tea with Raiden Shogun.

Genshin Impact was released in 2020 and is now available on PC, PS4, PS4, iOS, and Android.