

Rust – ワイプの成功ガイド







Rust で重要なことの 1 つは、サーバーの選択がゲームプレイに影響することです。過去の経験から、私はコミュニティーとモッドサーバーが最低だと気づきました。私が今までプレイした唯一の改造サーバーは、CombatTag の PVP サーバーと Intoxicated US Sandbox です。私は個人的に、公式サーバーは Rust を上達させるものだと信じています。新しいプレイヤーであっても、公式サーバーをプレイし始めれば、困難な状況でプレイできるようになることを約束します。時々、CombatTag で PVP を練習して、使用できない銃を使用するようにします。これは非常に役立ちます。公式タブに移動したので、どのサーバーを選択しますか?これは、グループの規模によって異なります。 1 人または少人数のグループ (2 ~ 3) の場合は、ソロ デュオ トリオの公式サーバーでプレイしてください。


ああ、最初は、これは非常に楽しいと思う人もいれば、最高ではない人もいます。最初の 1,000 時間のサビは、ビーチでスポーンし、材料を入手し始め、それから自分が構築したい場所に走りました。現在、ほとんどの場合、公式サーバーでは、ワイプの最初の 5 分間は、何百人もの裸でビーチを走り回り、木や石を探しています。これが私の最初のエラーでした。サーバーが消去されるとすぐに常にファームしていたため、ほとんどうまくいきませんでした。スポーン時に最初にすべきことは、すぐに構築したい場所を見つけることです。たとえば、下のマップは通常のサーバーと通常の放射線の町を示しています。このマップでは、オイル リグが左側にあり、ラージ オイル リグが右側にあるとします。行って右側のラージ オイル。

私は Small Oil Rig を好みます。なぜなら、その方が一般的に乗っ取りがずっと簡単だからです。私はより小さなグループでプレイしますが、このマップでは左側の軍用トンネルがそれです。

そこを走って目の良い場所を見つけたらすぐに、スポーン可能な小さなノードと木の切り株、麻、および任意の食べ物を拾い上げます。 Most of the time you’ll be one of the only people farming there and you wont have to worry about naked’s trying to kill you every ten seconds.

Now I normally play in small groups, around two to four people, when looking on the map I would look for a decent spot, but do not build somewhere with too too much, many groups will base there, most likely bigger groups than yours. That’s of course you aren’t zerging, like I know some of you losers are. I normally try to build near the coast, close to oil rig and/or one monument with a recycler, (Dome does not count, due to it not having a recycler.). Once you have your spot all down, make sure you have a decent base design going down, you have enough resources, and a flat area to build your base on (for future expansion). Now I have a list for designs below:

  • Solo:2×1 with triangle airlock.
  • 2-4 People:2×2 with triangle airlock or acorn (Single Triangle, with Three Squares off of the Triangle, with triangles connecting the squares). With added square upstairs airlock.
  • 5-7 People:ninja star (Single square, with triangles off all sides, with triangles off left side of each triangle, connected by a square). With square upstairs airlock.
  • 7+ People:Honestly at this point just make a cancerous giant zerg base, It wont matter.

One major tip, one time while I had less hours, I was building a simple 2X2 base but didnt have enough wood for a Tool Cabinet (Tip:this component is necessary for your base, without it your base will decay and other people can build off of your base or near it). I decided to make a door and keylock and go farm some wood to make my tool cabinet, I had to go a little ways away, due to no trees being near. I come back maybe 3 minutes later, someone was able to grief my base, and took me out of the area. Im serious, make sure you have a tool cabinet while building your base. Its extremely important. Now once you have your base down, you made it out of the Fresh spawn time period! Good job!

Base Down, What to Do Next?

Now, with me, as soon as I get my base down I make sure its compact and everything inside of the base is tidy and neat. If you have a base that has a random assortment of items everywhere, It’ll be hard to move around and organize. Make sure you have a couple of furnaces in your base, and now your next step is to get some scrap and make yourself a Tier 1 workbench and/or get Blueprints. Now if you go out and keep dying to enemies Do not rage quit.

Trust me I understand how frustrated you will get if you keep consistently dying, go release some pain by going back out and killing naked’s or anyone for that matter. It gets better, trust me. Now from this point I will start to get a lot more vague in what I say due to everything being pretty much a repeat after here. The hardest part of this game is the beginning, I feel like some of you all know this. Once you get your base down you need to mix up between farming for your base, expanding and making sure your base will not decay. Then switch to scrap runs, go on the road, get components and recycle to make higher tier workbenches. The next section will go into my favourite monuments, and which ones to go to.


FIrst, lets list the monuments you will see on most official servers and ill put a rank next to them (1-10) with a description on why they are ranked that way (Excluding Outpost and Bandit Camp (not including Savas monuments)). I will link a video to all monuments, and how to do their puzzles.

  • Dome: 6, Dome is decently good, two problems though, for all the parkour and time it takes to get on top, you only get 4 military crates, which half of the time are already taken. Second problem no recycler. Overall though if you get all the crates, you can get some very good loot.
  • Sewer Branch: 8, To me this monument I always try to build near during BP wipe, due to many people not building near here and you get a lot for such a simple monument, You get a mixture of crates up on top of the actual sewer branch, box next to the recycler, around the whole monument and in the semi cave. The green card room also holds many boxes, and you do not have to flip many switches of far range from each other. Only con is that most of the time its only basic loot.
  • Airfield: 9, One of the best monuments due to the assortment of low tier, and mid tier loot. Many boxes in the main building, oil refinery, recycler, boxes in the hangers, and many boxes in the green and blue card rooms. The military transport helicopter occasionally will dropped locked crates in airfield, which hold high tier loot.
  • Harbor: 2, If you guys seriously like this monument please uninstall the game. There is nothing good about this monument whatsoever. Ultimately its a waste of time.
  • Junkyard: 4, again not the best monument, only has low tier loot, with a possibility of a locked crate drop. It’s surrounded by barbed wire that always tries to kill you. Try your best to avoid this monument unless necessary.
  • Launch Site: 7, At first launch site was the best, nowadays there is one monument call Oil Rig, that dominates over launch site. Launch is still very good with insane loot, very high tier loot. Especially on the top of the main building. Bradley as well gives a lot of loot when destroyed as well, very hard to enter and gain though.
  • Lighthouse: 1, Again, only come here at the start, this monument is just horrible.
  • Military Tunnels: 7. Very similar to launch site, except you are fighting scientists, only drawback, it’s very easy to counter, and you pretty much already must have high tier loot.
  • Supermarket/Gas Station:3, Only come here beginning of the game, or when you need a green card, or food. Other than that this place is doodoo.
  • Satellite Dish: 5, A mediocre monument with a couple of crates and a green card room, A slightly worse sewer branch essentially.
  • Water Treatment: 6, This monument, power plant and Train yard all has near similar loot but personally Water treatments biggest flaw is it has slightly less loot than the other two.
  • Power Plant: 6, Generally a decent monument, only drawback to me is the radiation, and to be honest there are just better monuments.
  • Train Yard: 8, A better version of water treatment, and power plant, less radiation, more loot, easy to understand. Simple as that.
  • Oil Rig: 10, Ultimately I would consider this the best, You can go there with compound bows and get low tier, mid tier, and high tier loot. The only drawbacks are it is easy to counter and fighting the heavy scientists can be a pain in the butt.


Helicopters are so very significant. They can be used for a lot of things, obviously getting places quicker, and getting into monument puzzles by cheating and dropping into the top of monuments like Train Yard, or Dome.

Make sure you know how to fly a helicopter correctly, if you do not, go onto a helicopter training server in modded, to get accustomed to helicopters and how to fly them. If you or someone you know flies extremely well your whole rust wipe will change and it’ll be for the better.

End Game

Once you have a lot of things down, most of the blueprints, its now time to raid and start roaming constantly. Now I wont get too much into raiding, due to it being a pretty simple concept, but I will tell you a couple of things. While raiding, amke sure you bring a little more rockets and/or C4, judt incase, something goes wrong. Second, make sure to raid with both C4 and Rockets, at least in my opinion its better to raid with both, C4 mainly for the doors, and one for Tool Cabinet, bring rockets for honeycombing and/or walls. Finally, whils hooting rockets shoot multiple walls and/or roofs. Roofs are one of the best ways to go, and try to hit as much as you can with the splash damage of the rockets.

Roaming is simple, the only thing I will tell you, is to bring a sufficient amount of ammo and meds, just incase, you never know when you’ll need them. Thats all I have about these things.