

Plague Inc:Evolved – 完全な黒死病の達成方法

この成果を得るためにオンラインで見つけられるすべての戦略を試しましたが、どれもうまくいきませんでした.最終的に、私は 3 つのバイオハザードを取得する方法を見つけ出し、実績を達成しました。まぐれではないことを確認するために数回繰り返しましたが、毎回うまくいきました.これが、この成果を達成しようとして行き詰まっている他の人の助けになることを願っています。

Black Death アチーブメントを完了するためのガイド


この戦略は、カジュアル モードで最も効果的です。ブルータルとメガブルータルを倒す方法については、他の人による他のガイドがあります。このガイドは、特に 3 つのバイオハザードと実績の取得に関するものです。

ゲームは乱数ジェネレーターに大きく依存しているため、これには少し運が必要です。しかし、これは機能し、それが私が成果を得た方法です。最終的には、最終スコアが 7000 を超える必要があります。そのスコアを達成するには、治療の進行を抑え、迅速に感染し、開始日から 1 年以内に終了する必要があります。



最初はたくさんの DNA が必要です。この病気は、退化できない一連の致命的な特徴から始まり、それらはほとんどすぐに気付くでしょう.できるだけ早く広める必要があります。これにより、強力なスタートに必要な DNA が得られます。 ATPブーストが好きな人もいますが、私はそれだけでは十分ではないと思います.


あなたのスコアの一部は、彼らが治療法でどれだけ遠くまで到達できるかに基づいています. 50% 未満、理想的には 25% 未満に維持できれば、必要なスコアを獲得できる可能性が高くなります。


このシナリオでの最大の敵は島々です。グリーンランド、アイスランド、ニュージーランド、カリブ海諸国は、まったく感染しないか、1 年間の目標を達成するのが遅くなるため、勝利への道を妨げる可能性があり、またそうなるでしょう。彼らがすぐに感染することを保証するために私たちができることが多ければ多いほど良いのです.


私たちは、この病気が遠くまで急速に広がることを望んでいます。 Plague Inc では、疫病の機会均等を信じています。


Sympto-Statis を推奨する人もいますが、この病気は非常に効率的に症状を変異させ、この戦略では症状を購入する必要はありません。 Trans-Stasis も機能する可能性がありますが、Patho-Stasis を使用したのは、治癒を遅らせる能力を大量に購入する必要があり、ペスト菌の 3 つの段階を進める必要があるためです。 /P>



I tried Saudi Arabia a few times, as it’s usually my go-to, but ultimately the plague just didn’t get going quickly enough whenever I started there. You can play around with your starting country if you wish, just make sure it’s a hot climate and has a seaport.

Wait until you have enough DNA points (it should only take a second, but keep an eye out because you need to get this as soon as you can!)

Rat 1

It’s your easiest, cheapest way to get this plague going. I went with this rather than fleas because you’re going to need rats in order to access other animal transmissions, so you’ll have to get it anyway. Might as well save that DNA rather than wasting it on fleas when you ultimately don’t really need them.

Once you have enough DNA, evolve both of these as well, in any order:

Livestock 1 (I usually do this before birds because it’s cheaper).

Birds 1

Soon after you evolve those, you should start infecting a few other countries. Keep an eye on your DNA, because you need to move forward as soon as you can. You may also see some symptoms evolving at this point – that’s a good thing! Just take note of which ones are popping up. If it’s something too fatal, you’ll have to devolve it so it doesn’t kill everyone off too quickly.


Once you’ve collected enough DNA, evolve the following:

Pneumonic Plague (you need to evolve this to gain access to further transmission vectors).

Water 1 (We want to get on those islands, asap!)

Water 2

Air 1

Air 2

Even before you’ve evolved all of those, you should notice many more countries becoming infected. Thanks to our good friend Metabolic Jump, each of those newly infected countries are a goldmine of DNA for us to use! At this point, I would save at this point, just in case any islands manage to give you the slip. Better to pick up from here than right from the beginning.

The Island Dilemma

The next thing we’ll be doing is a failsafe for our island friends. We wouldn’t want them to feel left out, after all. We need to get Extreme Zoonosis so we have a chance at “non-human infection” of any stubborn stragglers. So as soon as you can, get the following in any order:

Birds 2

Rats 2

Livestock 2

Extreme Zoonosis

Once you have that, you’re done with transmissions! Bear in mind that due to the nature of this game and the reliance of the RNG, you may end up with an island that just won’t play along. Unfortunately, if it drags you past the year-long point or just never gets infected at all, you’re going to have to try again.


Time to move into abilities! At this point, you should still be raking in the DNA points due to the increasing number of infected countries, so update the following as soon as you can:

Cold Resistance 1

Drug Resistance 1

Cold Resistance 2

Drug Resistance 2

At this point I would save again, but I’m a compulsive saver. Save at your own discretion, but if you want to play it safe I’d recommend dropping a checkpoint whenever you finish a section.

The Cure

Let the game play out for a bit as you pop bubbles and infect more countries. At this point, the cure has almost certainly begun and is very likely progressing quickly. You don’t want to let it pick up too much steam. As you build up DNA, pop back into the abilities screen occasionally to throw them off.

Genetic Reshuffle 1

Drug Resistance 3

Genetic Hardening 1

Genetic Hardening 2

Hardened Reshuffle 1

Hardened Reshuffle 2

Remember, the cure progress counts towards your points. The lower it is by the end of the game, the more points you get from it. It has to be under 50%!!!! 25% is the ideal, but under 50% should do the job.


At this point in my game, all countries were infected. If that is not the case for you, check to see which ones are left. Like I said, there will be some luck involved, especially with those islands. We can nudge things one way or another and increase probabilities, but the random number generator ultimately has us at its mercy.

If you’re a lucky bastard and all countries are infected, a bucketload of infectious symptoms should have evolved by this point. Once you feel that your disease is spreading quickly enough, let all hell break loose.

Septicemic Plague

Make sure you have a solid, reliable foothold in every country before you evolve the following, otherwise you might kill people faster than you can infect them:

Total Organ Failure

Internal Hemorrhaging

Hemorrhagic Shock

You likely will not be able to evolve all three of these without devolving other things. When you feel comfortable with how far your disease has spread, start devolving your transmission vectors. You’ll get refunded two points for each one, and that should allow you to evolve all three of those lethal symptoms. Depending on what may have mutated, Dysentry may be a viable option as well. Basically you just want everyone dead before a year has gone by.

I tested this method multiple times. I got all three biohazards on each try, but it only worked on casual. That counts for the achievement.