

Trials of Mana – Black Rabite Guide (戦略と戦術)

Black Rabite とのハードの戦いと打ち負かし方のガイド (各キャラクターの能力の分析付き)。


Black Rabite は、最後のボス戦の前に、最後のダンジョンの終わりに向かって遭遇できるオプションのボスです (どのダンジョンかは、メイン キャラクターが誰であるかによって異なります)。これは難しい戦いであり、ゲームは戦う前に 2 つのプロンプトで警告します。これにより、このかわいくて危険な生き物に直面する前に引き返して正しく設定することができます。

ファンが翻訳した SNES 用のオリジナルの聖剣伝説 3 に精通している場合、ほとんどの点で、このゲームでは Black Rabite の方が少し簡単であることがわかるかもしれません (自分自身を直接回復せず、呪文に対抗しません)。 / 多くのダメージを与えるクラス ストライク)、現在は闇と光の両方の要素によって回復されています (したがって、ルミナ セイバーがここで役立つとは思わないでください)。



  • これ以降、Black Rabite を BR と省略します。
  • キャラクターのアビリティについて言及するときは、通常、[アビリティ名] ([ステータス] [必要なトレーニング ポイント]) と言います。たとえば、デュランはプロヴォーク (LUCK 4) を持っています。
  • 「フォーカス キャラクター」という用語は、この戦闘であなたがコントロールする主要なダメージ ディーラーを指し、「サポート キャラクター」という用語は、AI が制御するパーティ メンバーを指します。あなたは生きています。



Hawk/Riesz のプレイスルーでは、ダーク キャッスルで BR を見つけることができます。


Kevin/Charlotte のプレイスルーについては、私がスクリーンショットを見るまで待ってください。

最後のダンジョンをクリアすると、ダンジョンの入り口にウサギの像があり、BR の戦いの直前にテレポートします。

Hawk/Riesz については、Flammie を Night Cavern に連れて行ってください。これが表示されます:


Kevin/Charlotte のプレイスルーについては、私がスクリーンショットを見るまで待ってください。



  • BR がチャネリング スペルを完了できないようにする
  • Jumbonk、Dark Force、Dark Rain、Stone Cloud は避けてください。これらはおそらくあなたを殺して石化させます。他の攻撃は痛いですが、これらは最も危険なものです。
  • 攻撃者からダーク セイバー (スターダスト ハーブまたは別のセイバー スペル) を取り除きます。
  • 召喚された悪魔を倒す
  • BR の体力を減らしながら生き残る。
  • BR の背後に回り、クリティカルで攻撃します。
  • クラス ストライク、リースの召喚、アンジェラの無属性呪文を使用して、BR の攻撃を短時間無敵にすることができます。
  • BR をロックオン (右ジョイスティックでクリック) して、彼がテレポートしたりジャンプしたりしているのを追跡してください。

BR が彼の 3 つの呪文の 1 つをチャネリングし始めるときはいつでも (1 ~ 4 つのチャネリング ノードが紫のヘルス バーで表示されるのでわかります)、他の何よりも各ノードを破壊することを優先します。


2 番目のチャネリングされた呪文 (巨大な月) は最も危険で、パーティの体力が 20 未満になります (防御を無視しているようです)。 BR がこれに Eye Beam を追加すると、完全なパーティ ワイプになる可能性があります。

3番目のチャネリングされた呪文自体はそれほど大きなダメージを与えていないようです(おそらく、殺したノードの数に基づいてダメージが低下します)が、4つのノードはミニチュアBRであり、彼の攻撃のいくつかを使用できます(危険なジャンボンクのように) )。殺すときは気をつけてください。

悪魔がいる場合は、それを殺して、AI に騒乱を引き起こす余分なダメージ源がないようにします。召喚の間に十分な時間があるため、一度に複数の悪魔に遭遇することはおそらくありませんが、可能性はあります.

バラージ スティングは、ダメージを与える長いつるを残し、それを通り抜けるとよろめきます。 BR と彼の悪魔の両方からキャストされることに注意してください。

ダーク フォースとブラック レインの両方が、大きな AoE で複数回ヒットします。ターゲットにされた場合は、照準サークルが追跡を停止するまで動き続け、すぐにかわします。

ジャンボンクはおそらく彼の最も強力な攻撃です。完全にバフされ、オーバーヒールされ、4 番目のクラスでは、まだこれで 1 ショットを取得していました.

ストーン クラウドは、与えるダメージではなく、石化する可能性があるため危険です。彼は溶岩波の直後にこれをたくさんキャストするようです.

Evil Gate はある程度のダメージを与えますが、脅威的な量ではありません。 CSをかわすか使用するようにして、攻撃中にBRが一時的に動かなくなるという事実を利用してください.

Endless Chomp はわずかなダメージしか与えないため、BR が味方をむしゃむしゃ食べようとしている場合は、危険を冒して BR を攻撃しても安全です。これを回避するために CS を使用しないでください。

アイビームはダメージは少ないが、フィールド全体にヒットする。必ずジャンプする (ジャンプのタイミングが難しい場合は空中での弱い攻撃を使用してジャンプを長引かせる) か、CS を使用してかわします。


ルーセント ビームは、3 つの連続したライン攻撃です。彼が味方の 1 人をターゲットにしている場合、自由に攻撃できます。彼があなたを狙っている場合は、3 回すべての攻撃をかわすようにしてください。

サイキック ブラストとスーパーソニックはエリア内にある程度のダメージを与えますが、それを使い果たす時間があるはずです。

  • 戦闘中、BR は定期的にノーマル、ハード、スペル モードに切り替わります。
  • ハード モードでは、アーマー、攻撃力、防御力がアップします。
  • スペル モードで魔法攻撃/防御アップ
  • 通常モードでは何も起こらないと思います.

これらのヒントを超えて、この戦いの難しさのほとんどは適切な戦略を準備することにあると思います. P>


BR との最初の数回の戦いでの最大の問題は、AI が BR の攻撃を攻撃することも回避することもできないという事実でした.

最終的に、AI の戦術 (戦略ページで) を「排他的に保護する」に設定すると、かなりになることに気付きました。 特定のサポート ムーブ (ステータス ブースト、ヒーリング ライト、トゥインクル レイン) を使用しながら生き残るのが得意です。

また、AI が攻撃を停止すると、AI の生存率が非常に高くなったので、フォーカスに Enigma (Hawk LUCK 2) を使用して、自分に向けられていない攻撃をかわすのに多くの時間を費やす必要がないようにしました。 Guard (Duran L-L STA 27) などの他の能力は、特定のパーティー メンバーに注意を向け直すために同様に機能する可能性があります。

フォーカス (プライマリ DPS) またはサポート ロール (ライト デュランやライト ケビンなど) のいずれかを満たすことができる複数のキャラクターでパーティーを運営しており、他のキャラクターが受動的に CS ゲージを埋めることに基づいてキャラクターを切り替える場合は、次のことを確認してください。 3部構成員全員のAIを「専属プロテクト」に設定する。

一般的に、A) 回復を増加させる、B) 防御を増加させる、C) フォーカスの CS ゲージを補充する、D) フォーカスのダメージを増加させる能力を選択したいと考えています。

私は通常、最悪の呪文 (Black Rain など) を回避できましたが、AI が時々スタックして死ぬことがあることがわかりました。そのため、ライトとダークのダメージを半減するためのアクセサリーをサポートに与えてください。 Black Rain と Evil Gate は、Flash や Light Beam よりもサポートを殺す可能性が高いと思うので、Dark アクセサリをプライマリ ヒーラーに渡してください。

便利なアイテム (一部は呪文によって複製されるため、呪文にアクセスできる場合は必要ありません):

  • チョコレート / ハニーエリクサー / ポトオイル ・いざという時の癒しに。サポートに Healing Light+ がある場合、おそらく 1 つまたは 2 つのアイテム スロットを使用するだけで済みます。
  • フェアリー ウォールナット – MPを回復する。
  • メディカル ハーブ / マルポト オイル – やけど、モーグリ、シュリンク、石化の除去用。パーティーにトゥインクル ライト+がある場合は、おそらくマルポト オイルが必要です。
  • スターダストハーブ – ダーク セイバーを削除するには (これにより、攻撃で BR が回復します)。 BR はすべての属性を回復、無視、または吸収するため、ダメージを与え続けるために属性サーベルに頼らざるを得なくなります。
  • ムーンコイン (?) – ムーン コインが実際に BR に作用するかどうかはわかりませんが、作用する場合は、彼の最大 HP を減らすことができれば、戦闘を短縮するのに役立ちます.
  • ちょびん油 / トン油 / ドライアド アイコン – 生存率を高めるさまざまなサポート アイテム
  • テズラ オイル – CS ゲージがいっぱいになる速度が上がります。これは、それを行う一連の能力がない場合に役立ちます。
  • シャドウアイまたはビーアイ + ゴーストアイ + バトモアイ – BRのステータスを下げて、与えるダメージを増やし、受けるダメージを減らします。これらは時間の経過とともに失効し、BR はモード移行中に時折自分自身をバフするので、完全なスタック (またはダーク ホーク) があることを確認してください。
  • 弾丸の鱗 + サハギンチップ + ドレイクの鱗 – チームの攻撃力と防御力を高めます。戦闘中にこれらを数回適用する必要がある可能性が高いため、Light Riesz はより魅力的なオプションになります。

デュラン ライト-ライト (パラディン)


  • 彼のロックされた能力は、受ける光/闇のダメージを減らします (ただし、それが彼だけに適用されるのか、パーティー全体に適用されるのかはわかりません)。これは、私が BR からダメージを受けた主な要素のようです.
  • シールドへのアクセスと高い STA および SPRT の間で、彼はおそらく、サポートを提供するだけでなく、実際に彼が攻撃できる設定に AI を残すことができる十分なヒットをタンクに入れることができます.
  • ブレイク アーマー (STR 4) は、通常の方法で簡単に突破できるはずですが、フォーカスが BR のアーマー フォームを通過できるようにするチェーン アビリティです。
  • ガード (STA 27) は、BR のチャネリング スペルの 1 つを止められなかった場合、スペル ダメージやパーティ全体を攻撃する攻撃に有効であると仮定すると、パーティ タンクを強化するのに役立つようです。それが私の思うように機能するなら、それは彼を素晴らしいサポートにするでしょう - ガードとプロボークの間 (運 4)、ダメージのほとんどは彼にやってくるはずです.これは、パラディンが単一ターゲットのヒーリング ライトしか持っていないという事実を補うものです。
  • Auto-HP Heal II (INT 21) と Heal (INT 27) は 2 つのチェーン アビリティで、最も不機嫌なキャラクターに戦闘中の持続性を与えることができます。または、Provoke (LUCK 4) を使用している場合は彼
  • Damage CS Boost III (SPRT 27) は、特に戦闘中に交換する 2 つのフォーカス/サポート ハイブリッドを持つパーティーを実行している場合、CS ゲージを埋めるのに役立ちます。彼は攻撃していません。
  • ラッキー ブレイク (LUCK 2) は、特定の危険な呪文によるスタンロックを回避して、戦い続けるか、(AI の場合) 回復を続けるのに役立ちます。
  • サバイブ (幸運 12) は、最も不機嫌なキャラクターを助ける連鎖能力です。または、攻撃するように設定して 挑発するように設定している場合は、彼。
  • Cure (LUCK 27) は、リストされている説明を信用できないゲーム内の多くの能力の 1 つです。デュランが実際に治癒したキャラクターではなく、デュランが治癒したときに状態異常のみを治癒すると思います(セーフガード(シャーロット ライト ラック 9)でのいくつかの実験に基づいて、彼女のステータス デバフのみを削除することが示されました)。 (Could someone confirm or deny this?)
  • Miracle (LUCK 27) will help to keep Duran alive in some of the nastier situations, as long as you’re able to keep his HP moderately topped off.

Focus Rating: 7/10 – He’s Duran, he bashes things in the face with a sword.

Support Rating: 7/10 – Guard + Provoke + Heal + Lucky Break + Survive + Miracle allow him to both draw aggro away from your Focus (enabling easier crits from back attacks), and Healing Light gives him something to do beyond just dodge all day.

Final Thoughts :The Paladin is the perfect image of a hybrid Focus/Support. Pair him with another hybrid Focus/Support and you can swap between the two as their CS gauges fill from their passive abilities.

As I said above, he should be able to shrug off a fair amount of abuse, so the AI should be able to fight as him pretty decently.

Compared to the Lord (a very similar class), the Paladin’s main draws are Guard, Heal, and Miracle, which effectively reduces the total damage taken by allies, and allows single-target heals to be worthwhile.

It looks like it would work well when paired with Charlotte (Recovery Break (INT 21) also effectively increases the party’s max HP), one of Kevin’s Light classes (which can also heal), and/or Ton Oils or whichever of Hawkeye’s Light classes gets the spell to increase max HP).

Duran Light-Dark (Lord)

Light-Dark (Liege/Lord):

  • His Locked Ability increases healing, which can make him a primary healer, particularly with Healing Light+ and Twinkle Rain. Additionally, Heal Upgrade (INT 27) helps him survive (from the description, I think it only applies to healing he receives, not how much he heals others).
  • Between access to a shield and high STA and SPRT, he can probably tank enough hits that you can leave the AI on a setting that actually allows him to attack, rather than just provide support – and while he does trade some of the Paladin’s defenses for more attack, I think the Lord should be able to stand his own ground as the AI.
  • Break Armor (STR 4) is a chain ability that lets your Focus get through BR’s armored form, although it should be easy enough to break through normal methods.
  • Attack Boost All II (STR 21) and Defense Boost All (STA 27) help your whole party.
  • Heal CS Boost II (SPRT 27) can help some to fill his CS gauge, particularly if you’re running a party with two Focus/Support hybrids that you swap between during the fight, as it lets his gauge fill even if he’s not attacking.
  • Provoke (LUCK 4) lets him draw aggro to himself, enabling crits from your Focus. As I said above, he’s got enough tankiness that he should be able to take that while still attacking and be golden.
  • Lucky Break (LUCK 2) should help you avoid stunlocks from certain dangerous spells, to either keep on fighting or (for the AI) to keep healing.
  • Survive (LUCK 12) is a chain ability to help out your squishiest character. Or him, if you have him set to attack and give him Provoke.
  • Critical Smash II (LUCK 21) is a chain ability that gives some debuffs to your main Focus’s crits (which shouldn’t be him, because he’s well suited to using Guard to draw aggro). Sadly, its spell damage that is the bigger issue with BR (except for his body slam, but that’s likely to 1-hit KO you regardless), but he does have some attacks that this helps with.
  • Cure (LUCK 27) is one of the many abilities in the game that I don’t trust the listed description of. I think that it would only cure status ailments on Duran when he heals, not on the entire party (based on some experimentation with Safeguard (Charlotte Light LUCK 9) that showed that it only removes her stat debuffs).

Focus Rating: 7.5/10 – He’s Duran, he bashes things in the face with a sword, but doesn’t have anything fancy to contribute. Slightly stronger than the Paladin.

Support Rating: 9/10 – Provoke + Lucky Break + Survive + Attack Boost All II + Defense Boost ALL + Heal Upgrade allow him to both draw aggro away from your Focus (enabling easier crits from back attacks), and Healing Light+ and Twinkle Rain make him a full healer, while Critical Smash II can be put on another character to provide some debuffs to crits.

Final Thoughts :The Lord is the perfect image of a hybrid Focus/Support. Pair him with another hybrid Focus/Support and you can swap between the two as their CS gauges fill from their passive abilities.

As I said above, he should be able to shrug off a fair amount of abuse, so the AI should be able to fight as him pretty decently.

Compared to the Paladin, the Lord’s main draws are Healing Light+, Twinkle Rain, Attack Boost ALL II, and Defense Boost ALL. It looks like the Lord could either serve as your only needed healer (with fewer synergies than the Paladin has) alongside a pure Focus or a hybrid Focus/Support.

Duran Dark-Dark (Swordmaster)

Dark-Light (Edelfrei / Swordmaster):

  • His locked ability says “Weapon efficiency increased by 15%”, which sounds like it simply makes him deal more damage with attacks. Helpful!
  • He gets Stone/Lightning/Ice/Flame Saber+, which you can use to overwrite Dark saber when BR casts it on you (for 50% damage, instead of -100%) if you don’t want to use / run out of Stardust Herbs. He also has Leaf and Moon Saber, which aren’t useful vs BR (he’s immune), but maybe they’re worth it against the summoned demons? (Probably not)
  • Counter (STR 2) helps him fill the Focus role better.
  • Break Armor (STR 4) is a chain ability that lets your Focus get through BR’s armored form, although it should be easy enough to break through normal methods.
  • Lucky Break (LUCK 2) should help you avoid stunlocks from certain dangerous spells to keep on fighting.
  • Provoke (LUCK 4) is helpful if you want a second Focus to deal more crits, but Duran’s Dark classes might not have the defenses to take the hits this will cause while still fighting. It works much better on his Light classes.
  • Guard Saber (INT 12) is a chain ability with a confusing description (“Opponent’s saber magic and corresponding elemental damage decreased by 15%”). Does that mean that the character with this ability takes 15% less elemental damage (from spells and sabers)? Does it mean that the entire party gets that benefit? Does it only reduce spell damage taken if the enemy has a saber cast on them? (Could someone provide some info on what this actually does?)
  • Attack Saber (STR 9) and Attack Saber II (STR 21) offset the penalty of using his elemental sabers to overwrite Dark saber when BR casts it on him, but I think you’ll still be doing a little less than full damage (just Attack Saber II makes you do about 75% of normal damage, I haven’t tested with both). Fraction (INT 21) is a chain ability that has to do something, and the description (“Damage to enemy with moderate Elemental Resistance increased by 150%”) makes it sound like it increases elemental damage to either neutral targets (in which case, it’s not helpful here) or resistant targets (like BR). If it works with resistant targets, then these three ability combined should give something like +20% to +50% damage with an elemental saber, compared to normal attacks. (Could someone let me know if they figure out what this actually does?)
  • Concentrate (LUCK 21) and Flourish (LUCK 27) can help his damage. But since you still need to hit the target from behind to get a crit (could someone correct me if I’m wrong on this?), these are only moderate damage buffs. Since Flourish is a Chain ability, it could work if you had a second Focus to take advantage of the increased crit rate provided by Provoke on Duran.
  • Offensive Stance (STR 27) is either really good or really bad, depending on a variety of factors that I’d have to test with to determine (Does it lower just DEF, or also MDEF? Can he still survive a hit from various spells with this on?, etc)
  • Broken Lines (LUCK 9) helps up your damage if you don’t have Dark Riesz / Dark Hawkeye / the correct item to cause a Defense debuff.

Focus Rating: 8.5/10 to 10/10 – He’s Duran, he bashes things in the face with a sword. He doesn’t have enough ways to fill his CS gauge or quickly eliminate summoned demons for me to rank him at a 9 (see the notes below about potential things that might change that).

Support Rating: 0/10 to 7/10 – There are enough factors about the Swordmaster that I’m not confident on the workings of that you’ll need to read my caveats below.

*Note:His Support Rating might be higher (+5/10 or so) if the combination of Attack Saber I &II + Fraction actually increases damage dealt above base damage. That would also increase his Focus Rating by +1/10, as it would allow him to constantly have Ice Saber up to quickly cut down the demons.

*Note:His Support Rating might be higher if Guard Saber works to protect one character (+1/10) or the whole party (+2/10) against BR’s spells.

*Note:His Focus Rating would be higher (+0.5/10) if Offensive Stance gives him enough of a boost in physical damage (without making him too flimsy) to make a noticeable difference in the fight.

Final Thoughts :His ratings fluctuate a lot, based on how little I currently understand about how the Swordmaster’s abilities work. Hopefully, someone can fill in some gaps.

Compared to the Duelist, the Swordmaster’s main draws for the BR fight are (assuming the Attack Saber I &II + Fraction combo works well) the ability to use elemental sabers for increased damage. It doesn’t appear that BR puts Dark Saber on your whole team, so the difference between Swordmaster’s multi-target and the Duelist’s single-target versions doesn’t seem particularly relevant.

Pairing the Swordmaster with Dark Hawkeye lets Hawkeye take advantage of Duran’s Provoke and Enigma (LUCK 2) + Flourish to get easy, high-damage crits. Hawkeye fills the gaps in the Swordmaster’s worst-case suite by using Water Diversion to kill the demons in 2 casts (which comes out pretty fast), and debuffing BR the whole fight.

If the Swordmaster’s full support suite works, then pairing him with any Focus or hybrid Focus/Support would make the fight go by pretty dang fast.

Duran Dark-Dark (Duelist)

Dark-Dark (Duelist):

  • His Locked Ability increased his Attack after defeating an enemy, which should work nicely with the demons BR summons. It’s really good if this stacks with Attack buffs from Light Riesz / items, but still OK otherwise. The Duelist also has a higher STR than the Swordmaster, but I’m not sure who deals more damage per hit between their raw stats, Locked Abilities, and class equipment.
  • He gets Stone/Lightning/Ice/Flame Saber, which you can use to overwrite Dark saber when BR casts it on you (for 50% damage, instead of -100%) if you don’t want to use / run out of Stardust Herbs.
  • Counter (STR 2) helps him fill the Focus role better.
  • Break Armor (STR 4) is a chain ability that lets your Focus get through BR’s armored form, although it should be easy enough to break through normal methods.
  • Lucky Break (LUCK 2) should help you avoid stunlocks from certain dangerous spells to keep on fighting.
  • Provoke (LUCK 4) is helpful if you want a second Focus to deal more crits, but Duran’s Dark classes might not have the defenses to take the hits this will cause while still fighting. It works much better on his Light classes.
  • Guard Saber (INT 12) is a chain ability with a confusing description (“Opponent’s saber magic and corresponding elemental damage decreased by 15%”). Does that mean that the character with this ability takes 15% less elemental damage (from spells and sabers)? Does it mean that the entire party gets that benefit? Does it only reduce spell damage taken if the enemy has a saber cast on them? (Could someone provide some info on what this actually does?)
  • Attack Saber (STR 9) offsets the penalty of using a saber somewhat, but wit
  • Attack Saber (STR 9) somewhat offsets the penalty of using his elemental sabers to overwrite Dark saber when BR casts it on him, but you’ll still be doing a little less than full damage (I think it comes out to about 65%, but I’ve only tested with Charlotte’s Attack Saber II (Light-either STR 27)). Fraction (INT 21) is a chain ability that has to do something, and the description (“Damage to enemy with moderate Elemental Resistance increased by 150%”) makes it sound like it increases elemental damage to either neutral targets (in which case, it’s not helpful here) or resistant targets (like BR). If it works with resistant targets, then these two ability combined should give something like in the range of -10% to +15% damage with an elemental saber, compared to normal attacks. (Could someone let me know if they figure out what this actually does?)
  • Broken Lines (LUCK 9) helps up your damage if you don’t have Dark Riesz / Dark Hawkeye / the correct item to cause a Defense debuff.
  • Wound (STR 21) is a risky tradeoff, but probably works in your favor if you have a good healer (or two). Assuming, of course, that there isn’t some stupid interaction with his tier 4 power attack (the basic combo you get when unlocking his 3rd class) making multiple attacks that each cost 5% of your HP. (Could anyone clarify how this works?)
  • Rage (STR 27) means that you’ll be dealing max damage by the end of the fight.
  • Victory Heal II (STA 27) gives the Duelist the ability to heal a sizeable 20% HP each time he kills a demon, which might allow you to go without a healer altogether (granted, your allies will die, but eh. Embrace the dark side.), or make up for the extra damage he’s causing himself with Wound.
  • Flourish (LUCK 21) is a chain ability that would let a second Focus to take advantage of the increased crit rate provided by Provoke on Duran. Or slap it on the Duelist (without Provoke) and try to use normal maneuvering to get crits.
  • Forsake II (LUCK 27) gives the Duelist an impressive 20% chance to take 0 damage from any source. Helpful!

Focus Rating: 9/10 – He’s Duran, he bashes things in the face with a sword. Wound and Rage might actually bump his damage up enough that he can quickly dispatch the summoned demons, (which is my criteria for a 9/10 Focus Rating), while Victory Heal II and Forsake should help make up for the extra damage he’s causing himself (alongside your government sanctioned healer, of course).

Support Rating: 1/10 to 3/10 – If Guard Saber works to reduce damage taken from BR’s spells, then he can help protect someone else a little (giving +2/10). Otherwise, having Provoke lets another Focus get some more crits, so he’s not absolutely worthless at supporting your party. Just… mostly worthless.

Final Thoughts: The Duelist looks to be a melee power-house. He’ll deal damage fine, and actually has some good self-healing / damage avoidance.

Compared to the Swordmaster, the Duelist’s main draws for the BR fight are Wound, Victory Heal II, Forsake II, and (if it works for BR’s magic) Guard Saber II on himself. Unlike the Swordmaster, there isn’t an interpretation of Attack Saber that makes it work with Fraction to be better

Pairing the Duelist with Dark Hawkeye lets Hawkeye take advantage of Duran’s Provoke and Enigma (LUCK 2) + Flourish to get easy, high-damage crits. Hawkeye fills the gaps in the Duelist’s suite by using Water Diversion to kill the demons in 2 casts (which comes out pretty fast), and debuffing BR the whole fight.

Angela Light-Light (Grand Diviner)

Light-Light (Grand Diviner):

  • Her 2nd class’s locked ability is of questionable utility in this fight, and her 3rd does nothing.
  • Magic Recoil (STR 4) give a higher chance to stun enemies with spells. I don’t know if that works on BR, but it could help with the demons.
  • Spell Guard (STA 6) makes you take less damage if you get hit while casting.
  • Cast Resist I and II (STA 12 and 27) give a combined 50% damage reduction when casting. Which might mean she takes 50% less damage from all spells, or it might mean she takes 50% less damage while she is casting. I’m not really certain.
  • Limit Break I and II (INT 4 and 27) give her a combined +30% damage (or +25% for just Limit Break II).
  • Doppelganger (INT 33) is less powerful than the Archmage’s Glitter Dust (INT 33).
  • Move MP Saver (SPRT 12) reduces her mana cost by 30%, which combines with some combination of Reclaim I and II (STR 6 and 12) to let her use power attacks to recover a lot of MP rather than relying entirely on Faerie Walnuts. Bless (LUCK 9) also works, but has diminishing returns with Move MP Saver.
  • Elemental Reduction (SPRT 27) says “Opponent’s elemental damage decreased by 20%”, which should apply to most damage you take from BR.
  • Enigma (LUCK 4) means that the enemies will target her less, giving you more time to cast spells, and an easier time getting back attacks to crit with. Offense and defense in one package! Combine with Provoke (LUCK 4) on Duran to double that effectiveness (probably).
  • Pinpoint II (LUCK 27) gives her a good crit chance, which combines with Enigma for better damage.

Focus Rating: 5/10 – She can kill the demons easily, but will likely go through a decent number of Faerie Walnuts even with all of her MP reduction abilities, or will have to spend a good chunk of time spamming power attacks just to cast more spells.

Support Rating: 4/10 to 6/10 – She doesn’t have anything to give under AI control, but you can always cast her spells from the menu while controlling your Focus character to either kill of the summoned demons, or to just aid in your BR smackdown (although that does get into a bit of a micromanagement headache). If Elemental Reduction actually reduces the damage BR does with his spells to your entire party (rather than just her), that bumps her up to a 6/10.

Final Thoughts: This is just not the class to fight BR. Anything in here that is good is done better by either the Archmage or the Magus, unless Elemental Reduction applies to the whole party. Out of the context of fighting BR, this is a good class, though. At the very least, it’ll make getting to BR pretty easy.

Compared to the Archmage, the Grand Diviner’s main draws for the BR fight are Elemental Reduction and Pinpoint II – although the extra crit chance probably won’t add up to the same amount of damage the Archmage gets from Judge (STR 27).

Angela Light-Dark (Archmage)

Light-Dark (Archmage):

  • Both her 2nd and 3rd class’s Locked Abilities aren’t particularly helpful during the fight, but will occasionally make one spell deal more damage if you’re casting spells from full MP, or give you back a chunk of MP if you almost die. If only the two abilities had any synergy…
  • Magic Recoil (STR 4) give a higher chance to stun enemies with spells. I don’t know if that works on BR, but it could help with the demons.
  • Judge (STR 27) is a chain ability that gives +20% damage to boss monsters, like BR.
  • Spell Guard (STA 6) makes you take less damage if you get hit while casting.
  • Cast Resist I and II (STA 12 and 27) give a combined 50% damage reduction when casting. Which might mean she takes 50% less damage from all spells, or it might mean she takes 50% less damage while she is casting. I’m not really certain.
  • Limit Break I and II (INT 4 and 27) give her a combined +30% damage (or +25% for just Limit Break II).
  • Glitter Dust (INT 33) deals non-elemental damage, which should actually hurt BR. It might even interrupt BR’s spells (other than the channeled spells).
  • Move MP Saver I and II (SPRT 12 and 27) reduces her mana cost by 70%, which combines with some combination of Reclaim I and II (STR 6 and 12) to let her use power attacks to recover MP rather than Faerie Walnuts, potentially letting you go into battle with a different item. Bless (LUCK 9) also works, but has diminishing returns with Move MP Saver.
  • Magic Armor (LUCK 2) gives her a 15% chance to avoid most of what BR throws at her.
  • Enigma (LUCK 4) means that the enemies will target her less, giving you more time to cast spells, and an easier time getting back attacks to crit with. Offense and defense in one package! Combine with Provoke (LUCK 4) on Duran to double that effectiveness (probably).

Focus Rating: 7/10 – She has enough MP reductions that she should actually be able to cast Glitter Dust a bunch, and can easily kill the demons with Spike Freeze (INT 21).

Support Rating: 4/10 – If you leave her on “Exclusively Protect”, you can just have her fire off a spell whenever you need to kill a demon. Otherwise, she doesn’t provide any support.

Final Thoughts: This is the most mana efficient of Angela’s classes, meaning that it should be the least headache to pilot through the fight. It’ll serve you well in getting to BR, as well. She still probably isn’t as useful as a Focus character as a Duran or Hawkeye would be.

Compared to the Grand Diviner, the main draws for the BR fight are Move MP Save II, Glitter Dust, and Judge.

Angela Dark-Light (Rune Seer)

Dark-Light (Rune Seer):

  • Her Locked Ability gives her a 30% chance to avoid status effects, which is helpful in this fight (unlike most of her other class’s Locked Abilities).
  • She doesn’t have a non-elemental spell, and I’m pretty sure that BR is immune to status effects, so you don’t have much going for you here.
  • Magic Recoil (STR 4) give a higher chance to stun enemies with spells. I don’t know if that works on BR, but it could help with the demons.
  • Cheat (STR 27) increases damage by 20% if she’s over level 87.
  • Total Resistance (STA 27) is a chain ability that makes one character immune to status effects. Give this to someone with Twinkle Rain, since she already has 30% resistance.
  • Limit Break (INT 4) increased magic damage slightly.
  • Special Effect II (INT 27) deals 40% more damage to enemies with status effects. However, BR seems to be immune to them. If he wasn’t, you’d want to combine this with something like the chain ability Toxic (Hawk INT 4) that lets you poison enemies with power attacks.
  • Magic Armor (LUCK 2) gives her a 15% chance to avoid most of what BR throws at her.
  • Enigma (LUCK 4) means that the enemies will target her less, giving you more time to cast spells, and an easier time getting back attacks to crit with. Offense and defense in one package! Combine with Provoke (LUCK 4) on Duran to double that effectiveness (probably).

Focus Rating: 2/10 – She doesn’t have any non-elemental spells, and most of her damage buffs don’t apply to BR.

Support Rating: 4/10 – If you leave her on “Exclusively Protect”, you can just have her fire off a spell whenever you need to kill a demon. Otherwise, she doesn’t provide any support.

Final Thoughts: This is just not the class to fight BR. Anything in here that is good is done better by one of her other classes.

Angela Dark-Dark (Magus)

Dark-Dark (Magus):

  • Her Locked ability increases Magic attack by 20% for a while if an ally faints, which is, again, helpful, but not proactive.
  • Magic Recoil (STR 4) give a higher chance to stun enemies with spells. I don’t know if that works on BR, but it could help with the demons.
  • Spell Resistance (STA 27) keeps you from getting stunned out of casting (most of the time).
  • Limit Break (INT 4) increased magic damage slightly.
  • Wound Magic All (INT 27) increases her spell damage by 60-90% (depending on if it counts her as an ally) for 2% of each ally’s HP. Combined with a Healing Light+ healer, that’s some decent damage.
  • Ancient Curse (INT 33) is Pwr 600, the strongest spell available to her, and is non-elemental, too.
  • Damage MP Boost (SPRT 27) recovers 2% MP when you take damage. Helpful, but it won’t replace your need for Faerie Walnuts.
  • Magic Armor I and II (LUCK 2 and 27) combine for 45% chance to ignore BR’s spells!
  • Enigma (LUCK 4) means that the enemies will target her less, giving you more time to cast spells, and an easier time getting back attacks to crit with. Offense and defense in one package! Combine with Provoke (LUCK 4) on Duran to double that effectiveness (probably).

Focus Rating: 6/10 – Her spells are going to eat a fair chunk of mana, and they’re going to hurt her a bit, but they’re the strongest of anything Angela has.

Support Rating: 4/10 – If you leave her on “Exclusively Protect”, you can just have her fire off a spell whenever you need to kill a demon (just make sure to take off Wound Magic and Wound Magic All to keep her from being an HP drain). Otherwise, she doesn’t provide any support.

Kevin (W.I.P.)

Charlotte (W.I.P.)

Hawkeye (W.I.P.)

Riesz Light-Light (Vanadis)

Light-Light (Vanadis):

  • Her 2nd class’s Locked Ability gives 1% to CS gauge each time she hits with a normal attack, which is useful if she’s your Focus, but the 3rd class’s Locked Ability doesn’t help here.
  • Counter (STR 4) buffs your strength by 10% (which stacks with buff spells) for a while after you get hit, which means it should be active the whole fight.
  • Attack Boost All (STR 12) gives your party 3% increased attack, which could add up. If you’re using her as support, she probably has the slots to take advantage of this.
  • Light of Guidance (STR 27) gives +7% attack to all allies while they’re above 50% HP (or maybe while Riesz is above 50% HP, it’s not clear from the ability). Regardless of how this works, it’ll be active most of the fight, unless you’re losing badly.
  • Interception (STA 4) reduces the damage BR does when targeting the player by 5%. Probably not enough to matter, since BR’s dangerous attacks are either doing way too much damage, or are stunlocking you.
  • Light of Refuge (STA 33) gives +7% defence to all allies while they’re above 50% HP (or maye while Riesz is above 50% HP, it’s not clear from the ability). The fact that it turns off once you start taking damage makes it a little less reliable, but you should use it anyways.
  • Stat Boost (INT 9) gives 8% increased stat boosts. Since this buffs Offense and Defense for the whole party, it’s useful to have.
  • Freya (INT 21) is basically an AOE CS as a move. It’s non-elemental, which is great, and it can probably cause BR to cancel some of it’s attacks/spells, just like CS’s do.
  • Auto-HP Heal All (INT 27) restores 1% HP to each ally every 10 seconds. That sounds like such a slow recovery rate that I can’t see the point of it.
  • Payback (SPRT 4) gives you 2% CS each time you get hit. Probably not enough to matter.
  • Protection / Mental Boost / Strengthen (SPRT 9) let you buff one ally at a time. You’ll need to cast it 9 times at the start of the fight, and another 3 times each time you have to use a Stardust Herb to remove Dark Saber. That sounds terrible, but if the AI is set to “Exclusively Protect”, it’ll save you the headache of applying those buffs.
  • Damage CS Boost III (SPRT 21) gives 7% to the CS gauge each time she takes damage. That’s a good chunk, but would be better if she had Provoke (Duran LUCK 2), in order to serve as a hybrid Focus/Support you switch to in order to unleash a heavy CS every now and then.
  • Oracle (SPRT 27) increases all stats when you use a CS, which is great if she’s your focus. Or redundant, if it doesn’t stack with the normal buffs she can give.
  • Forsake (LUCK 2) ignores damage 5% of the time. More helpful than Interception.
  • Pinpoint (LUCK 4) is a chain ability that increases one character’s crit chance by 10%, which might be consistent enough with Provoke (Duran LUCK 2) and/or Enigma (Hawk/Angela LUCK 2), if you give it to the Enigma-bearer.
  • Magic Smash (LUCK 9) is a chain ability that gives crits 30% chance to reduce Magic Attack and Magic Defense. Give it to the same person as Pinpoint, and now you don’t have to worry about Sahagin Scales to lower BR’s damage potential.
  • Bountiful (LUCK 12) increases healing item’s effectiveness by 20%, which can help with Poto Oil and Chocolate if you’re relying on those rather than someone with Healing Light+.
  • Extra Potent (LUCK 21) is a chain ability that reads “Also gain the status increase effect yourself”. If it wasn’t a chain ability, I’d be confident in saying that it means that Riesz applies any buff to herself, regardless of who she casts it on. As a chain ability, I’m suddenly hesitant about what it actually does, and I don’t know if the AI would intelligently utilize this ability if you use it. (Could someone help me understand what this actually does?)
  • Random Buff (LUCK 27) reads “Randomized status effect when stat is increased with move”. I briefly played with this (on an alternate save file) and couldn’t figure out what it’s actually doing. (Could someone help me understand what this actually does?)

Focus Rating: 5/10 – She doesn’t have anything in particular here that makes her a good Focus, but Magic Smash makes whoever your Focus character is better. I actually down-rated her from a 7/10 to a 5/10 simply because, as your Focus, you’d have to manually cast all of the 7 – 9 single-target buffs every so often just to keep them active, since they have an expiration timer.

Support Rating: 8/10 – She provides a lot of support from the buffs, and the AI should be pretty good about keeping them active (although you might need to toss her some Faerie Walnuts to keep her mana up).

Final Thoughts: I’m trying to think of something good to say about the Vanadis, but I can’t. Everything I want from it is handled so much more elegantly in the Starlancer.

Compared to the Starlancer, the Vanadis’ main draws are Damage CS Boost III, Oracle and Random Buff. If you weren’t required to spend so much time casting buffs and keeping them active, this would help make the Vanadis a hybrid Focus/Support. But the combination of single-target buffs and the fact that they expire just sinks that ship.

Riesz Light-Dark (Starlancer)


  • Her 2nd class’s Locked Ability gives 1% to CS gauge each time she hits with a normal attack, which is useful if she’s your Focus. Her 3rd class’s Locked Ability makes her buffs last until you have to use a Stardust Herb, which is nice – but would be MUCH more useful on the Vanadis, and apply some kind of balance (cast 3x the spells at the start, but never have to reapply them vs being able to apply buffs quickly but needing to reapply them). It confuses me, like many other things when comparing the two classes, but I’ll stop editorializing (unless someone can give me a good reason for why this is, in which case I’ll give you lots of internet points and eat my crow – and no, I don’t think having an AOE CS is a good reason; in fact, that feels misplaced to me as well, since it implies that the Vanadis is better against multiple opponents, which would make sense to apply to the class with the speedy buff application. Ok, now I’ll stop rambling. But I shudder to think what I’ll say in the Final Thoughts below..).
  • Counter (STR 4) buffs your strength by 10% (which stacks with buff spells) for a while after you get hit, which means it should be active the whole fight.
  • Attack Boost All I &II (STR 12 and 27) gives your party a combined 10% increased attack without any preconditions, which helps your Focus do more damage. If you’re using her as support, she probably has the slots to take advantage of this.
  • Interception (STA 4) reduces the damage BR does when targeting the player by 5%. Probably not enough to matter, since BR’s dangerous attacks are either doing way too much damage, or are stunlocking you.
  • Defense Boost All (STA 27) increases all allies’ defense by 7%, without any preconditions.
  • Stat Boost (INT 9) gives 8% increased stat boosts. Since this buffs Offense and Defense for the whole party, it’s useful to have.
  • Seraph (INT 21) is basically an AOE CS as a move. It’s non-elemental, which is great, and it can probably cause BR to cancel some of it’s attacks/spells, just like CS’s do.
  • MGC Boost All (INT 27) increases your party’s magic damage by 5%. Useful if you’re casting her summon or using Angela / Hawk.
  • Payback (SPRT 4) gives you 2% CS each time you get hit. Probably not enough to matter.
  • Protection+ / Mental Boost+ / Strengthen+ (SPRT 21) are the reason you picked Light Riesz to start with. They apply to the whole party at once, and never expire – so they only need to be recast if you use a Stardust Herb to remove Dark Saber.
  • MGC DEF Boost All (SPRT 27) Increases all allies’ magic defense by 5%.
  • Forsake (LUCK 2) ignores damage 5% of the time. More helpful than Interception.
  • Pinpoint (LUCK 4) is a chain ability that increases one character’s crit chance by 10%, which might be consistent enough with Provoke (Duran LUCK 2) and/or Enigma (Hawk/Angela LUCK 2), if you give it to the Enigma-bearer.
  • Magic Smash (LUCK 9) is a chain ability that gives crits 30% chance to reduce Magic Attack and Magic Defense. Give it to the same person as Pinpoint, and now you don’t have to worry about Sahagin Scales to lower BR’s damage potential.
  • Bountiful (LUCK 12) increases healing item’s effectiveness by 20%, which can help with Poto Oil and Chocolate if you’re relying on those rather than someone with Healing Light+.
  • Good Luck (LUCK 21) has a 30% chance of a buff increasing a stat by +15%. Which is one of the many things that’s weird about this class, ‘cause you’d think the thing that happens sometimes when you cast a buff would be on the class that’s casting lots more buffs… But otherwise, sure, if you have room, use it. I don’t have any idea how to tell if it’s working or not.

Focus Rating: 7/10 – She has nothing particularly noteworthy to add here, other than her decent attack (particularly once buffed). She isn’t tough enough to let the AI attack with her, but she’ll be fine if you’re controlling her yourself.

Support Rating: 8/10 – She provides a lot of support from the buffs, and the AI is pretty good about keeping them active, for when you have to wipe them to remove Dark Saber.

Final Thoughts: This is a great class, and provides a lot of power, either as a Focus or a Support.

Compared to the Vanadis, the Starlancer has everything going for her, other than the lack of a full-screen CS (which isn’t too big a problem, since she still has summons, and hers doesn’t delete your XP and lucre). Starlancer buffs only need to be cast once per fight, rather than 3 times every time they expire. Attack Boost All II and Defense Boost All don’t turn off when you take damage, unlike the Vanadis version, and the Starlancer has the MGC Boost All and MGC DEF Boost All, which Vanadis lacks entirely. Starlancer also has a chance to have better buffs (Good Luck) and to reflect debuffs which would wipe your buffs (Down Side), both of which the Vanadis compensates for with the poor-man’s version of multi-target buffs (Extra Potent) and whatever the heck Random Buff is supposed to do.

Riesz Dark-Dark (Fenrir Knight)

Dark-Dark (Fenrir Knight):

  • Her 2nd class’s Locked Ability is irrelevant to the BR fight, while her 3rd class’s Locked Ability means you don’t have to recast debuffs very often, which is only marginally useful.
  • Counter (STR 4) buffs your strength by 10% (which stacks with buff spells) for a while after you get hit, which means it should be active the whole fight.
  • Attacker (STR 27) is a chain ability that increases her attack by 30, and lowers her defense by 30. If you’re controlling the recipient, that’s probably a trade you can live with.
  • Interception I &III (STA 4 and 27) (the later version is a chain ability) reduces the damage BR does when targeting the player by 5% and 20%, respectively. While Interception I probably isn’t worth it, Interception III looks like it would pair well with one of Duran’s Light classes using Provoke.
  • Defense Help (STA 12) increases her defense by 20% when she’s almost dead, which is helpful.
  • Super Stat Down I &II (INT 9 and 27) increases the potency of your debuffs by 5% and 7% respectively. I don’t know why they’re chain abilities, though.
  • Hexas (INT 21) is basically an AOE CS as a move. It’s non-elemental, which is great, and it can probably cause BR to cancel some of it’s attacks/spells, just like CS’s do.
  • Down Time (INT 12) increases the duration of your debuffs by 50%, which is nice, but I could also live without it (since you’re only debuffing BR).
  • Payback (SPRT 4) gives you 2% CS each time you get hit. Probably not enough to matter.
  • Defenseless+ / Enfeeble+ / Weaken+ (SPRT 21) are your debuffs. They’re helpful, but probably not as useful as Dark Hawk’s debuffs. You can also reproduce these with items. The fact that they’re multi-targetted doesn’t matter in the BR fight, except for use with Stat Down CS Boost (SPRT 27) which makes each debuff give her 30% CS gauge if a demon is out (15% if only BR is on the field). (Again, I question why this is on the class that has non-expiring skills, but at least this works fine for filling up her CS gauge really fast during non-boss fights.)
  • Forsake (LUCK 2) ignores damage 5% of the time. More helpful than Interception.
  • Pinpoint (LUCK 4) is a chain ability that increases one character’s crit chance by 10%, which might be consistent enough with Provoke (Duran LUCK 2) and/or Enigma (Hawk/Angela LUCK 2), if you give it to the Enigma-bearer.
  • Magic Smash I &II / Critical Smash (LUCK 9 and 21 / 12) – Magic Smash I is a chain ability, but all three reproduce her debuffs, and thus aren’t important. (Unless someone can point out that they stack with Enfeeble / Weaken or with each other, in the case of Magic Smash I &II).
  • Bad Luck (LUCK 27) gives a 30% chance of decreasing a stat by an additional 7%. (Again, I question why this is on the class that with AOEs)

Focus Rating :8.5/10 – Attacker gives her a leg up on her other classes, but at it’s heart, she’s a no-frills attacker after the first few moments of debuffing.

Support Rating :6/10 – Given that you can reproduce her stat downs with items, and you only need single-targetting in the BR fight, she doesn’t provide as much support as her Light classes. Also, I’m not certain if the AI will automatically apply the debuffs (for the couple of times where BR buffs his magic during the fight).

Final Thoughts :Overall decent, although I would rather have a Starlancer and/or Dark Hawk, or even a Dragon Master.

Compared to the Dragon Master, the Fenrir Knight gets Attacker, Interception III, and Bad Luck. Given that I don’t know how to determine if Bad Luck applied (and thus when to recast the debuff if it didn’t), I don’t think the Fenrir Knight has much going for it (unless you want to use the higher INT and Hexas).

Riesz Dark-Light (Dragon Master)

Dark-Light (Dragon Master):

  • Her 2nd class’s Locked Ability is irrelevant to the BR fight, while her 3rd class’s Locked Ability gives her +20% attack while at full health. With a little prodding, your AI healer should be able to keep you topped off.
  • Counter (STR 4) buffs your strength by 10% (which stacks with buff spells) for a while after you get hit, which means it should be active the whole fight.
  • Interception (STA 4) reduces the damage BR does when targeting the player by 5%. Probably not enough to matter, since BR’s dangerous attacks are either doing way too much damage, or are stunlocking you.
  • Defense Help (STA 12) increases her defense by 20% when she’s almost dead, which is helpful.
  • Super Stat Down I &II (INT 9 and 27) increases the potency of your debuffs by 5% and 7% respectively. I don’t know why they’re chain abilities, though.
  • Down Time (INT 12) increases the duration of your debuffs by 50%, which is nice, but I could also live without it (since you’re only debuffing BR).
  • Jormungandr (INT 21) is basically an AOE CS as a move. It’s non-elemental, which is great, and it can probably cause BR to cancel some of it’s attacks/spells, just like CS’s do. It could apply poison, which is the only status effect that I could imagine working on BR (but I don’t think it does). (Could someone verify if any status effects work on BR?)
  • Payback (SPRT 4) gives you 2% CS each time you get hit. Probably not enough to matter.
  • Defenseless / Enfeeble / Weaken (SPRT 9) are your debuffs. They’re helpful, but probably not as useful as Dark Hawk’s debuffs. You can also reproduce these with items.
  • Stat Down CS Boost (SPRT 27) makes each debuff she applies her 15% CS gauge.
  • Summon CS Boost (SPRT 27) gives her 25% of her CS gauge when she casts Jormungandr, which seems pretty nifty.
  • Forsake (LUCK 2) ignores damage 5% of the time. More helpful than Interception.
  • Pinpoint (LUCK 4) is a chain ability that increases one character’s crit chance by 10%, which might be consistent enough with Provoke (Duran LUCK 2) and/or Enigma (Hawk/Angela LUCK 2), if you give it to the Enigma-bearer.
  • Magic Smash / Critical Smash (LUCK 9 and 12) – the first one one is a chain ability, but both reproduce her debuffs, and thus aren’t important. (Unless someone can point out that they stack with Enfeeble / Weaken).
  • Random Debuf II (LUCK 21) gives a 20% chance for a random debuff on each power attack hit. It would be nifty on any other class.
  • Opposite Effect (LUCK 27) is a chain ability that reads “Triggers opposite effect when stat is decreased with move”, which I believe means that if she debuffs attack, she’ll also buff her own attack. This works out pretty well to make her a good Focus character.

Focus Rating: 8.5/10 – Opposite Effect isn’t quite enough to kill demons fast enough for my liking to rate her at a 9, but it does it’s duty.

Support Rating: 6/10 – Given that you can reproduce her stat downs with items, and you only need single-targetting in the BR fight, she doesn’t provide as much support as her Light classes. Also, I’m not certain if the AI will automatically apply the debuffs (for the couple of times where BR buffs his magic during the fight).

Final Thoughts: Overall decent, but I would rather have a Starlancer and/or Dark Hawk.

Compared to the Fenrir Knight, the Dragon Master has Summon CS Boost and Opposite Effect, which means A) you get more benefit from casting your summon than the Fenrir Knight, and B) you get more from Opposite Effect than the Fenrir Knight does from Attacker.