

Desperados III – Character Guides and Tricks

それぞれのキャラクターについて知っておくと便利な裏技がいくつかあります。これらは難易度 Desperados でプレイして見つけたものです。



  • クーパーはなんでも使える
  • イザベルはなんでも使える
  • ケイト、マッコイ、ヘクターははしごしか使えません。
  • マッコイとケイトはしゃがんで死体を運ぶ。これにより、タイトになる可能性がある場合に最適なオプションになります。
  • ヘクターは 2 つの死体を立ったまま運ぶことができ、その後も走ることができます。
  • イザベルとクーパーは 1 体を立ったまま運ぶことができます。
  • イザベルが圧倒的に速く、クーパーが 2 位です。
  • さらに後ろにいるのはケイトです。マッコイとヘクターはかなり遅く、疾走することさえあります。
  • イザベルとクーパーは泳げます。一部のマップではかなり便利ですが、通常は非常に数が多いことを意味します.幸いなことに、どちらも数が多いことに対処できます。


ジョン・クーパーは、ゲーム内で最も用途の広いキャラクター、または 2 番目に多才なキャラクターです。


ここで特別なことは何もありませんが、かなり速いキル/ KOです.クーパーが直面する問題は、彼が体を立てて運ぶことです。そのため、気を散らして警備員や死体を取り除くのは難しく、通常は警備員だけです。ほとんどの場合、これで十分です。




コンボ:投げナイフ + 近接。これにより、クーパーは警報を鳴らさずに 2 人の敵を倒すことができます。片方の警備員に近づき、もう一方の警備員にナイフを投げるだけで、一方を殺し、もう一方を縛ることができます.ロープやつるを登る彼の能力は、そのような状況で彼をしばしば着陸させるため、クーパーにとって非常に便利です.




クーパーは 2 つの銃を持っています。独立してリロードされ、どちらも射程が長く、対決モードで使用できます。これをナイフと組み合わせると、クーパーは 1 回の対決攻撃で 3 人の敵を倒すことができます。

対決モード以外では、クーパーの素早いキルと 3 回の遠距離攻撃により、HP が 2 つしかないにも関わらず、数で圧倒されたときに多くの銃撃戦に勝つことができます。






ロングコートでない敵は、このトラップを発見しません。彼の次の能力であるホイッスルと組み合わせると、ポンチョやロング コートではない敵をビアンカに誘い込み、かなり静かに倒すことができます。

口笛を初めて使用すると、警備員は口笛を吹いた場所まで歩いて調査します。その場所に行く途中の茂みの中にいる場合、彼らがそこを通り過ぎたり近くを歩いたりすると、茂みの中を見るので注意してください. 2 度目の口笛を吹くと、警備員は口笛を吹いた場所に駆け込みます。








彼女の近接攻撃はキックで、速くはありませんが、極端に遅くもありません。ノックアウトしかできません。ケイトはロープを持っていないので、単純に敵を縛って立ち去ることはできません。これを回避する 1 つの方法は、敵を水中に放り投げて溺死させることです。高いところから落とす方法もあります。彼女は体をしゃがんで運ぶので、ケイトがあなたのために体を動かすことがよくあります.遅いですが、はるかに安全です。





Naturally, this is very useful as the nature of her disguise means she can move into areas that the rest of the crew cannot. The issue is that longcoats see through her disguise, and she gets attacked by dogs. In most missions, this will not be necessary, but in some situations she may have to avoid a longcoat patrol, and distract an enemy at the same time, as long as your keep track of your characters, this should be do-able without too much trouble.

Her gun is a short range, quiet derringer. It seems underwhelming, but she does not leave disguise when firing, and if she avoids the initial discovery window after firing, she will never be discovered unless there is a longcoat. It is also very useful for stunning longcoats, since it’s by all means not an exceptionally valuable ammo.

The gun can also be used to kill an enemy that she has isolated using her disguise.


Kate’s disguise allows her to draw no suspicion from anyone but longcoats when disguised, but it must first be found somewhere in the mission. Usually a tough endeavor, but very worthwhile, as her disguise will open up the map greatly.


While disguised, Kate can lure a male guard to follow her, provided it’s not a poncho. They will turn back after some time, but this can usually be enough to get them killed, since you can move them out of their allied viewcones. Combines well with another teammate, Bianca, or just a good kick. Sometimes you may choose to use this along with the derringer to take out an annoying guard.

Keep in mind that while holding a body, it will not awake.


isabelle is by far the most complicated and hard to perfectly utilize character out of the five, besides for possibly McCoy.

I will give some examples on how to use her abilities effectively, but this barely scratches the surface of what is possible.

Isabelle’s melee is average speed. Not fast, not too slow. Nothing particularly special here.

Isabelle’s connect ability allows her to choose two targets, friendly or enemy to share health, damage, and more. Two enemies can be killed at once with this, that is the most common use. An accident kill with one of the connected targets will cause an accident kill on the connected target as well. This can be useful to thin out the pack without raising alarm.

DIstractions such as her cat will be applied to both targets. Same goes for whistle, coin, etc. If she uses the cat on a Poncho, the connected targets will both be distracted for a Poncho amount of time, if she uses it on a gunman, both will be distracted for a gunman amount of time.

Her cat cannot distract Long Coats

Remember that connect does not transfer damage directly. For example, dropping a rock on someone always kills them, but if the connected target is a longcoat, they will only take 1 damage and be stunned. Though this will not raise the alarm.

Mind control is her second last skill, this is very complicated, but the gist of it is, that you want to use it to shoot two connected targets, and then get the mind controlled target shot. Even if they are not shot, they will probably be tied up, So don’t sweat that. If she performs any action, the mind control ends. if someone sees them raise their gun to shoot, they will be shot preemptively. If you kill someone in this way, it does not raise the alarm.

Alternatively, you can link someone to the mind controlled target, while this will not let you mind control two people, it will allow you to guarantee that they will take both of the connected people down, or at least knock them out.

She also has a heal that can restore 1 health to her to one of her allies.

Isabelle requires a lot of thought to utilize properly, but mind control can be used to dig yourself out of many impossible seeming situations.

She has no firearm, which makes her rather poor in a firefight, you should avoid them. She can set up good showdown kills using her connect though.


McCoy is unlike Cooper, as he cannot take out many opponents easily, nor can be deal with big targets. However, his advantage is extreme range. McCoy can take out opponents from so far away that there is no chance to fight back.


His melee is pretty unexceptional. Very slow, he does have a crouching carry, so he can often take bodies off the map as soon as he takes them out.


His gun is part of what makes him so powerful. There will often be patrols in high places. Sometimes, they won’t be guarded by people below, since they are too far up. McCoy can take out these patrols easily, and rid you of an annoyance. To get an idea how effective this is, there are many challenges that ask you not to snipe with McCoy.

Gas Vial/ Gas Bomb

This can stun longcoats, and put all others to sleep. Exceptionally powerful, only one use a mission. To be honest, I find I often don’t use this, because it’s so powerful I’m always trying to save it. It’s an incredibly powerful ability. Doc can indeed tie people up, so this can actually allow him to take out a bunch of people on his own if he needs to.

Doctor’s Bag

Its a lure, a very good one, if a guard that isn’t a poncho or longcoat sees it, they will go for it, and be blinded if they open it. It narrows their viewcone and focuses it.

Very versatile, a blinded enemy does not raise alarm, nor are they paid any special attention by other guards. This is best paired with another fast killer, as McCoy’s Melee kill takes a long time.


McCoy is a doctor, after all. He can heal an ally for two hp as many times as you want. It’s useful for keeping yourself topped off after a firefight.

Ending Note

Be sure to experiment, there is almost always a better way to do something than what you first imagined, and do not forget about the more mundane abilities, like the coin and the perfume, they are be very powerful combined together.

Remember that abilities in showdown can be used individually by the indicated buttons.