

中世の王朝 – 初心者向けの役立つヒント

Medieval Dynasty を初めて始めたときに知っておくべきこと。



早い段階ではあまり収入が得られず、すべてが必要以上に高価に見えます (注:これはアーリー アクセスの開始時点で書かれています)。すぐに最初のクエストに従ってボールを転がし、土地を要求し、家を建て始めます。これにより、ストレージが提供されます.いくつかのツールといくつかのログをミックスに追加すると、最初に他のものを保管しなければ、多くを運ぶことはできません.


あなたがスポーンする近くの町には、いくつかのクエストがあります。つまり、Alwyn という名前の男です。彼の鎖をたどると、最終的に最初の弓にたどり着きます。さらにそれをたどることが、最初の Longbow を手に入れる最も簡単な方法であり、はるかにうまく機能します。





空腹と喉の渇きの両方に、外出先で簡単に解決できる食べ物としてベリーを摘みます。提供される量は多くありませんが、近くにあるものをすべて選ぶのに 1 分費やすだけで十分に満たされます。




あなたの特定の半径内の緑 (パッシブ) または赤 (攻撃的) で動物を強調表示するツリーの途中にハンティング スキルがあります (これは、地面にある採餌可能な植物を強調するサバイバル スキルに似ています)。黄)


矢で一撃できるウサギを除いて、他の動物は一般的に最初の矢を生き残ることができます.槍を当てることができる場合 (これは矢でも機能します。槍は視覚的に大きくなります)、[Alt] を押したままにして槍を見ることができるため、逃げるときに追跡しやすくなります。少なくとも 66% の耐久性を持つ槍を投げて、接触しても壊れないようにしてください。



ウサギは弓で最も簡単に狩られます。 Because they’re low to the ground, they can be hard to notice in spring and summer when the vegetation is lush. Until you land a bow, you can get lots of practice in throwing your spears. Use Ctrl (default) to sneak, but be aware you’ll still need to stop some distance away or be noticed, and the rabbit will flee.


Similar to rabbits, but easier to spot due to both their color, and the squeaky sounds they make. They can be very erratic with their movements, making throwing the spear difficult sometimes as they dart to and fro.


A headshot with a spear from cover is the easiest way to take the deer down, as they’ll flee with erratic movements if you land your throw anywhere else on the body.

Boar, Wisent, &Bear

攻撃的。 Early game focus on headshots with your spears . Carry plenty of spears.

There is another guide as of this writing that highlights areas on the map to find these animals.

Your Constitution


You heal when you sleep at night.

You can also heal with plantains, a green-leaf, brown-flowered plant found close to the ground. It can be hard to see. Keep a stock on hand, and the rest you come across can be used for early-game cash-flow.

Don’t eat raw meat, or poisonous mushrooms. They will give you food poisoning. If you contract food poisoning, St. John’s Wart can be consumed to help cure it. St.John’s Wart are small yellow flowers found all over. Keep a stock on hand, and the rest you come across can be used for early-game cash-flow.


Once you’ve hunted and have some raw meat, you’ll need to cook it. You can cook meat at a campfire, your cooking fire inside your home, or the always-on fire in a Tavern, once you’ve advanced far enough to build one.

To light your campfire or cooking fire, first craft a torch. You will only be able to light a fire if you’ve got a torch in your inventory.

Skills &Tech Trees

Both Skills and Tech are advanced by doing things associated with them. Highlighting various areas of the trees will show you on the right what you need to do in order to advance.

The easiest way to increase farming early on, is to craft a hoe, plot some farmland, and cultivate it. Over and over, until you unlock the Barn building. After that, hoeing is a bit slow.

As of this writing (Early Access launch), farming is not yet well-balanced. A lot of farming requires manure, which cannot be easily acquired as early in the game as you start your farming, and need to level the tech tree for. I imagine this will be addressed as the game continues to be developed.

Marriage &Villagers


The main character is male and one of the gameplay mechanics is to marry and create an heir that can continue running the village when the main character is too old. It can take a significant amount of time to court a prospective woman and your dialog choices will determine their affection level toward you. You will want that affection level to be as close to 100 as possible before asking for their hand in marriage. Some dialog options will increase affection level, others will decrease it.

If you choose a dialog option that increases affection, you can continue the conversation up to two more times, at which point you will need to wait until the next day to pursue more.

If you choose a dialog option that decreases affection, no further courtship dialog is possible until the next day.

Because it can take an entire year (or more, depending on whether you choose poorly during dialog), it is worthwhile to start the process early and devote a little bit of each day to courtship dialog.

Once married, your wife can provide healing as well as help you reset your skill points.


Once your village has enough Dynasty points and buildings, you’ll want to invite villagers to move there. Villagers require a house, a constant supply of wood via the Resource Storage building, and food via the Food Storage building.

Much like courtship dialog, villagers seeking a new home will require their opinion of you be at least 70% Approval (default upon meeting them is usually 50%). You will want to begin talking to them early on, even before you’re ready to invite them, as like courtship dialog, you can at most have 3 successful dialog attempts with a person before having to wait until the next day.

Once you meet or exceed 70% in their opinion of you, you can invite them to your village. Provided you have enough Dynasty points, they’ll agree. Then on the Management tab, you can assign them a House and a Profession.

The chest in whatever building you assign them to will need to have the proper tools for them to do their job. For instance, the lumberjack needs axes. The farmer needs a hoe, a scythe, and a sack for seed (they seem to magically manifest their own seeds at this time). The hunter needs a bow, arrows, and a knife.