

Phasmophobia – すべてのアイテムのガイド (仕組み)

Phasmophobia のアイテムの説明と、それらがどのように機能するか。



これは小さな白いリモコンのようなものです。真正面数フィートの領域を検出します。この領域にゴースト アクティビティがある場合、EMF リーダーはビープ音を連続して鳴らし、LED ライトで強度を読み取ります。幽霊が物と相互作用しているのを見たら、EMF リーダーをその上にかざして読み取りを行うことができます。

EMF 5 の読み取り値を出すゴーストは、常に 5 を出すとは限りません。5 の結果を得るには、しばしば挑発する必要があります。 EMF 5 を受け取ったとしても、それは必ずしもゴーストが攻撃しようとしているという意味ではありませんが、多くの場合、その時点でかなり動揺しており、それ自体が現れる可能性があることに注意してください.


懐中電灯は一目瞭然です。強力な懐中電灯は、直接アップグレードするだけです。お一人様4個までお持ち帰りいただけます。 KB+M プレーヤーの場合、アクティブ スロットにないときに懐中電灯をアクティブにするデフォルトのボタンは「T」です。これは、懐中電灯がインベントリにある場合にのみ機能します。







スタンダードなデジタルフォトカメラ。各カメラには 5 ショットのフィルムがあります。 3つまで持ち込めます。



一人で指紋の写真を撮ろうとしている場合は、UV ライトで照らし、すぐにフォト カメラに切り替えて写真を撮るだけです。ゲーム内で指紋を見たときのクールダウンがあるので、写真として登録できます。


  • 指紋。
  • 足跡。
  • 相互作用 (電話を鳴らしたり、ドアを閉めたりするなどのゴースト アクティビティ)。
  • Oujia Boards。
  • ブードゥー人形 (これらは農家に表示され、相互作用としてラベル付けされます)。
  • Dead Body (幽霊に殺されたプレイヤー)
  • ゴースト (ゴーストの影で十分です)。
  • 骨。
  • 汚れた水。












UV ライトは懐中電灯のように機能しますが、白ではなく紫の光を放ちます。通常は暗闇をナビゲートするのに十分ですが、通常の懐中電灯とは異なり、「T」を使用してショルダー ライトとして使用することはできません。


UV ライトもハンティング中にちらつきますので、通常の懐中電灯のように警告システムとして尋ねることができます。


十字架の主な目的は、ゴーストがハンティング フェーズに入るのを防ぐことです。


狩りが始まった場合 (ライトのちらつき、幽霊の踏み鳴らし/飛行/あなたに向かってくる)、十字架はあなたを保護するために何もしません.一部の人々はそれが助けになると主張していますが、彼らはしばしば狩りを恐怖のために現れる幽霊と混同しています.


  • 十字架の射程は、ほとんどのゴーストで 3 メートル、バンシーで 5 メートルです。
  • 幽霊は常に家の中をランダムに歩き回っていますが、通常は幽霊の部屋の近くにいます。
  • ゴーストが狩りを開始すると、十字架の範囲内にいるかどうかを確認します。はいの場合、ハントは開始されず、ゴーストは何をしていてもそのまま続けます。
  • ゴーストが十字架の範囲外にある場合 (おそらく隣の部屋で身も凍るような場合)、狩りを開始する可能性があるため、回避または非表示にする必要があります。

十字架を使用する最良の方法は、ゴーストルームの中央の床にドロップすることです.部屋が大きすぎる場合 (高校など) は、部屋に 2 つの十字架を落として間隔を空けて、最大の範囲をカバーすることができます。


十字架を差し出すということは、スマッジ スティックやフォト カメラなどのより便利なものを保持する手が 1 つ少なくなることを意味します。

ゴーストは技術的には 1 つの場所に根ざしているわけではなく、おそらく常に歩き回っているので、ゴーストが十字架の範囲外で狩りを開始するのはかなり簡単です。繰り返しになりますが、狩りが始まると、十字架はそれを止めるために何もしません.ゴーストがその場所にスポーンしないように、特定のエリアを拒否する方がよいでしょう。

十字架はそれぞれ 2 回の狩りしか防ぐことができません。つまり、2 つの十字架を持っていれば、最大 4 回の狩りを防ぐことができます。十字架が完全に消費されると、それは消えます。十字架が消え、誰もそれを拾っていないことを確認したら、立ち去るか、隠れる準備をします。

ビデオ カメラ (および三脚)

ナイトビジョン機能を備えた標準ビデオカメラ。三脚(別売)に取り付け可能。最大 6 台のビデオ カメラと 5 台の三脚を持ち込むことができます。


ビデオカメラを配置したら、ビデオカメラを左クリックするか、F キーを押しながら電源を入れることを忘れないでください (赤色のライトはオフを意味し、緑色のライトはオンを意味します)。


Place it in corners or on cabinet shelves for a good angle of the room you want to monitor. Ghost Orbs will only show up in night vision. Make sure to turn off the lights when you leave or are monitoring.

Tip:You can place a video camera on the floor in front of an EMF reader or Ghost Writing Book to monitor them safely from your truck. The EMF reader option works but may not be as effective since the ghost may not be doing things next to it.

Spirit Box

The little black radio looking thing. Lets you talk to ghosts.

Technically you can talk to the ghost whenever you want, but you won’t get a verbal response unless you have the Spirit Box on you.

For the Spirit Box to work, you need to meet these requirements:

  • Make sure your Voice Recognition is working in the audio settings.
  • Make sure the lights are off in the room you are attempting to use it in.
  • Check the whiteboard in the truck:does the ghost respond to everyone or people who are alone?
  • Make sure it’s turned on (there are numbers on the screen).

The number frequency on the screen is meaningless. It just shows that the spirit box is scanning every frequency. If you speak into it and the screen changes to “Nothing Detected” that means the ghost has heard your question but did not have an answer. If nothing happens to the spirit box then the ghost did not hear you.

If the ghost responds through the spirit box it will come in the form of a monotone robotic male voice. Generally what it says will not be of importance, just the fact that it talked to you is good enough for evidence.

Only ghosts with Spirit Box as a piece of evidence will respond.


A bottle (can?) of salt. You can bring up to 2.

Each bottle/can of salt lets you place three piles of salt each. Place them at choke points around the suspected ghost room. Ideally at door ways, but if you have extra salt you can set them in hallways too.

If the ghost steps on it, it will create a foot print which you can snap for money. Wraiths don’t leave footprints on salt.

Wraith specific:Salt helps to antagonize the wraith, causing more ghost activity, which will eventually help you get more out of it. (I got this information from a moderator on Phasmophobia discord)

Smudge Sticks

Smudge Sticks are a defensive item against ghosts. You can bring up to 4 of them. You need a lighter in your inventory to activate with the default button of ‘F’

Here is how they work as of the current version:

  • When a hunt begins, if you use the Smudge Sticks, it will briefly *confuse* the ghost for a few seconds, which buys you precious time to find a hiding spot or evade the ghost.
  • It does not end the hunt (this was the function in older versions of the game and is obsolete).
  • Using smudge sticks before a hunt begins might delay the ghost a little bit from starting a hunt, but I have yet to confirm that.

There is also sometimes an optional objective to use smudge sticks near the ghost. You must activate a set of smudge sticks IN the ghost room and walk around a bit (I like to start in the ghost room, wave it around, and hit the adjacent rooms just in case). It’s also a great way to confirm you have located the ghost room.

Motion Sensor

A wall-mounted motion sensor. You can bring up to 4.

If a ghost or player passes in front of it, the light will turn green. When it detects movement, it will notify the truck with a beep, and the indicator on the map will change color briefly. It has the range of approximately a doorway.

I recommend putting it facing inside the room instead of a doorway. It tends to pick up ghosts better if they’re concentrated in the room.

Sound Sensor

These little white boxes are the sound sensors. You can bring up to 4 of them. Place them on a wall and it will cover a large area of the house (You can see the area it covers on the map in the truck).

It can detect sounds through walls, so it will cover the entire area.

It can detect player sounds, so keep in mind if players are messing around in the affected area.

If you place them around the map and one of the sensors is picking up the most noise, you can use that to narrow your search for the ghost room. If none of the sensors are picking up any noise, you can perhaps exclude those areas from your search.

Tip:The Sound Sensor chart will display the name of the rooms that the sound sensor is placed in. This can be useful to identify which room they detecting. However, maps like High School just call all the class rooms “Class Room #” and none of the rooms are actually labeled. Because of this, it may be easier to place some of them in hallways or bathrooms or offices, to help differentiate the labels.


It’s a point and detect thermometer! Just point it where you want to test the temperature and you can see the temps! You can change between Fahrenheit and Celsius in your game settings.

To get an accurate reading, enter the room you want to check, and just point it at a few different surfaces in the room. (Point it around the room a bit because the temps might fluctuate a little)

I personally use Celsius, so normal room temps will be anything around 14C and above. If you can find a consistent reading of 13C and BELOW, you have most likely located the ghost room or are right next to it.

The Thermometer may actually be the best detection tool in the initial search. EMF readers may not initially detect anything if the ghost doesn’t interact, Spirit Box may not respond, and there may not yet be fingerprints for the UV light. Bring an assortment with your team anyways though.

Tip:You don’t need a Thermometer to detect Freezing Temperatures. If you stand in the ghost room for a bit and can see your own breath, that is a solid indicator that you are in freezing temps. (Make sure no one is waving around a smudge stick, because I’ve seen people mistaken that for freezing temps. They have the same smoke/breath effect)

Sanity Pills

Restores 40% sanity when consumed. Disappears after being consumed.

You can bring up to 4 of them.

Ghost Writing Book

A book for ghosts to write in! You can bring up to 2.

Sometimes the ghost won’t immediately write on these, but just place them in the room early on and go about your business. At some point, the ghost may write in it for evidence. What the ghost writes or draws in it is random.

Tip:Place the book somewhere where a video camera can see it. That way you can safely verify ghost writing from the comfort of your truck.

Infrared Light Sensor

Basically a cheaper motion sensor.

It does not relay any information back to the truck. It does not count for the motion sensor optional objective.

It gives a bright blue illumination when triggered by movement near it, by both players and ghosts.

Parabolic Microphone

It’s a long-distance microphone that can hear through walls. When it picks up sound, the number on the screen will rise. The higher the number the louder it is. You can use this on larger maps like High School to catch subtle noises in a direction. This may help you find the ghost room.

It’s no guarantee though. If the ghost isn’t moving stuff around, it’s not going to pick up any noises.


The glowstick doubles as a little bit of illumination and as a UV light. You can only bring 2 of them.

Glowsticks have infinite duration and do not ever burn out.

You can use glowsticks as a UV light to check for fingerprints. You need to get pretty close to the surface to check. While a UV flashlight is easier to use, glowsticks work in a pinch if you happen to have one on/near you.

Glowsticks are very useful in larger maps like Asylum and High School since they do not burn out. You can drop them at certain locations to mark important areas of interest. Here are some ways I’ve used them:

  • Mark the doorway with the power box. When power goes out, this will make it easier to locate the power box in the pitch black.
  • Mark the pathway leading from the ghost room to the truck. Sometimes the ghost room is very far away and you need to make several twists and turns to get there. The glow stick helps ensure you don’t get lost.
  • Mark the ghost room to easily locate it out of all the identical looking rooms.

Head Mounted Camera

It’s a video camera mounted on the wearer’s head. There’s not much to say about this. Works exactly the same as the regular video cameras except it moves with the player. It’s not terribly useful because a moving camera is sometimes hard to watch. Generally a camera and tripod is much easier to watch (and safer).

You can probably have someone wear it and go camp in a room trying to get the ghost to appear.

Still, if you’re overflowing with cash then you can bring these for fun. It is an extra camera after all.

Ouija Board

In-game spawn. Cannot be bought.

Works very similarly to the Spirit Box. If it answers you, it will slowly move from letter to letter to spell out a word.

If it answers you (a successful question) you will also suffer a penalty to your sanity, so be careful.

When it lights up (use it with F) it is ready to hear your question. If the light goes out, then it heard your question but did not have an answer.

Must be used in the house.

Does not need to be in the darkness.

30% chance to spawn in the house. Look for it in cabinets, drawers, closets, corners, etc. Does not guarantee it is a demon.

Voodoo Doll

In-game spawn. Cannot be bought. Specific to farmhouse stages

These can be found on the Farmhouse stages. They usually spawn on tables or footlockers.

They… do things. Everything surrounding these is currently a rumor. The most popular rumor is that carrying it makes you a prime target for the ghost… but once again it is merely a rumor. Feel free to experiment and report back what you find on the Voodoo Dolls.

One thing I do know is that you can snap a photo of them for “Interaction” money. You may have to move them first to get the photo to count (Also they have weird collision when they are dropped on the floor so they might bounce around a lot).


What Happens to My Items at the End of an Investigation?

It depends on the outcome.

If you die:

  • On Amateur:you are refunded 50% value of the items you contributed via Insurance.
  • On Intermediate:you receive 25% value.
  • On Professional:you get nothing back.

If you did not die and leave in the van, regardless of a successful investigation, you keep everything you brought with you.

If you disconnect from the game, you lose everything.