

ドーン オブ アイルズ ガイド、ヒント、チート、戦略!

Dawn Of Isles は、NetEase Games による Android および iOS 向けの人気の MMO アドベンチャー ゲームです。 Dawn Of Isles のガイド、ヒント、チート、戦略を見てみましょう

ようこそ、島民の皆さん!本日の投稿では、NetEase Games によって App Store と Google Play Store で公開されている Dawn Of Isles ゲームのすべての基本的な側面について説明します。このゲームには、4 つのキャラクター クラス、多数のゲーム モード、楽しくて冒険的なゲームプレイがあり、探索、狩り、製作、構築するものがたくさんあります。ゲームの開始時に、ゲーム内のキャラクターであるググが、操作、クラフト、クエスト、戦闘などの非常に基本的な操作をガイドします。ゲームを進めていくと、新しい機能がアンロックされ、手動でやるべきことがたくさんあります。 Dawn Of Isles ガイドに行きましょう そして Dawn Of Isles のヒント、チート、戦略 マスターするために!

ドーン オブ アイルズ ガイド⇓

基本 – キャラクター ガイド – クラス、レベルアップ、戦闘力、ステータス、称号など

⇒前述のように、Dawn Of Isles ゲームには 4 つのキャラクター クラスがあります。ファイター、レンジャー、ダンサー、ウォーメイジ。最初に行う必要があるのは、文字クラスの選択です。キャラクターの役割は非常に重要です。キャラクター クラスを選択する前に、そのステータスに注意を払い、その役割を理解する必要があります。


  • ファイター クラス – ファイターは格闘タイプのキャラクターです。彼は斧、剣を武器として使用します。味方を守るだけでなく、ダメージを与えることも得意です。彼の攻撃統計はかなり良く、防御は他のどのクラスよりも優れています。したがって、このキャラクターを選択すると、タンク (前線からのリード) または DPS (近接) としてプレイできます。
  • レンジャー – クラスの名前がす​​べてを物語っています。彼女はロングボウ、クロスボウなどの遠距離武器を使用して、敵にダメージを与えます。ファイターと違って、レンジャーは味方を守るのが苦手です。彼女の役割は、できるだけ多くのダメージを与えることです。もう 1 つの大きな利点は、彼女の敏捷性の統計が優れていることです。彼女はファイターに比べて速く動くことができます。
  • ダンサー – Dancer は Dawn Of Isles で最高のキャラクター クラスの 1 つです。味方を回復できるキャラクターや回復能力のあるキャラクターでプレイしたい場合は、これが最適です。しかし、彼女は良い防御統計を持っていません。そのため、ダンジョンや他のゲーム モードでチームとしてプレイする場合は、タンク ユニットの助けを借りたほうがよいでしょう。攻撃ステータスは平均的です。平均的な攻撃統計を持つ優れた支援ユニット。武器 – スタッフ、ツインファン
  • ウォーメイジ – 敵を粉砕するための主な武器としてブレード、ランスを使用する別の近接キャラクター.彼の攻撃統計と敏捷性統計は、レンジャー クラスと非常に似ています。
  • 各キャラクター(4/アカウント)を試すことができます。スタートボタンを押してログイン後、キャラクターを選択するだけ。すべてのクラスは異なる武器を使用し、独自のスキルと統計を持っています。あなたに合ったキャラクターを選んでください。サポートユニットになりたい場合は、ダンサーを選択してください。大きなダメージを与えるには、レンジャーまたはウォーメイジを選択してください。戦車または防御ユニットの場合は、ファイターを選択します。それはあなた次第です。

    レベルアップ – ドーン オブ アイルズ⇓

    At the bottom of the game screen, pay attention to the yellow color EXP bar. It displays your progress to the next level. To grind EXP, we would recommend you to complete the main quests, side quests, taskboard quest, gather RSS, kill beasts. It’s a good idea to follow the quests from the beginning. But, as you progress, main quests will require a certain level to do. In this case, you will have to rely on other EXP sources such as task board quests, gathering RSS, killing the enemies, side quests.

    Combat Power Increasing Tips⇓

    You will need to increase the combat power as you progress through the game. The combat power shows how good is your character in the combat/battles. At the upper-left corner, tap the character name -> here you can see the combat power. Combat Power is determined by a number of factors:–

    • Character Level
    • 装備
    • Skill Level
    • Attributes
    • Training Level

    You can obtain a high-quality weapon from the world boss mode(tap the adventure button at the top-right -> daily -> world boss), from the dungeons. Or as you progress through the quests, you will get free equipment/gears; weapon, helmet, armor, pants, boots, ring, and pendant.

    Skills -> Tap the menu button at the top-right corner of the game screen -> skills -> here you can upgrade the weapon skills. It will cost you feat and a certain amount of coins. You get feat from the feat scrolls. Feat scrolls can be obtained from the market, from the game modes; elemental realm, sage trials, time-limited events, pier loading, task board quests, tribe modes.

    Training -> Menu -> skills -> training. Here you can spend coins, honor points, training scrolls to train the character.

    Title Guide⇓

    The title displays above the head of the character. You can earn more titles by completing the achievements. Tap the character name at the upper-left corner -> tap the feather type button next to title box. There you can find all the titles and unlock requirement.

    Hotbar Adjustments⇓

    At the bottom of the game screen, you can access to the items in the Hotbar. You can adjust it according to your need. There are two Hotbars, tap the 1/2 numbers to switch. To adjust the items, go to the character profile (tap the name at the top-left)-> warehouse -> tap the Hotbar button ->tap the item -> add. To remove the item, tap the (-). And, to switch from one Hotbar to another; tap+hold and drag.

    Dawn Of Isles – Character Stats⇓

    • HP – You can see the HP at the top-left corner(near the name). It displays the health points. If you hit 0, you will die and resurrect.
    • SP – You need SP to use the weapon skills. The blue bar just below the HP bar displays the SP. You can check it in character profile.
    • Vigor – To craft/build/cook items, you need Vigor. You can obtain Vigor recovery items from the event modes or as a sign-in reward.例えば; You can get small vigor Ham from fishing derby mode(event), which restores 50 Vigor.
    • Attack/Total HP/Spell/Crit/Hit/DEF – These stats are determined by the equipment.

    So this is the Dawn Of Isles basic character guide for the beginners. Let’s head to the more guides!

    Dawn Of Isles – Grinding, Exploring, Home Island⇓

    Every player in Dawn Of Isles game gets its own Island where he/she build loads of facilities to craft/build/produce/cook a variety of items.例えば; Lumber Mill produces Breezewood, Quarry produces sand rock. To build/craft/cook the items using these buildings, you need materials/resources, which you gather from other open Islands. Let’s learn in detail:–

    Exploring and Grinding – To gather the resources, you will have to visit the open Islands. At the top-left, tap the mini-map -> at the bottom-left, tap world -> here you can choose an Island where you want to visit. Select an Island -> tap the (i) icon at the bottom-right to learn the map symbol means -> tap on any area to teleport there or move there. Some grinding tools:–

    • Logging AXE – to chop the trees for wood
    • Mining Pick – to mine rocks
    • Sickle – to cut the bushes for fruits
    • Skinning Shiv – to gather the Hide, Shells, and Raw meat from the beasts. Kill the bests -> go close to their body -> tap the skinning shiv tool icon at the bottom-right to gather beast mats
    • Fishing Rod – to fish

    You can craft all these gathering tools at home island, using the crafting bench.

    Home Island – At the top-right -> tap the home button -> tap the map area to teleport to Home Island. Open the mini-map once you reach the home island -> on the map, you can check all the buildings. Tap on anyone to visit there. The main building in Dawn Of Islands is the Deity Altar. To raise the maximum level of buildings, you will need to upgrade it. Go there -> interact with it(tap the message icon at the bottom-right) -> manage deity altar -> tap the upgrade button at the top-right -> upgrade.

    Home Island Buildings/Tools⇓

    • Deity Altar – The main building. Upgrade it to raise the level cap of other buildings
    • Task Board – accept the quests and earn loads of EXP to level up fast
    • Cooking Pot – Cook food items(to get buff)
    • Crafting Bench – Craft tools, flasks, and other things
    • Greenhouse – Produces fruit – upgrade it to produce more
    • Quarry – Produces sand rock – upgrade it to produce more
    • Lumber Mill – Produces Breezewood – upgrade it to produce mode
    • Trading Pier – Trade RSS for EXP, coins, and other items
    • Home Farmland – Buy seed from the NPC -> sow seed -> plant crops
    • Vacant Slot – Build more structures
    • Construction Yard – Produces planks, bricks
    • Furnace – Produces Ingots
    • Textile Mile – Produces glue, clothes
    • Hunter’s Lodge – Produces leather, chitin
    • Crafter’s Hut – Unlocks more crafting items formulas
    • Kitchen – Discover more dishes

    So this is the Dawn Of Isles guide 初心者向け。 Let’s have a look at our Dawn Of Isles tips, cheats &strategies!

    Dawn Of Isles Tips &Tricks⇓

    1.) Grind Loads Of EXP To Level Up Fast

    If you want to level up fast, then gathering RSS, killing beasts would not help you. To level up fast, focus on completing these activities; complete the taskboard quests, play adventure mode, trade items at home Island. Task Board quest – you can accept these quests from the task board at the home Island. Adventure mode – tap the adventure button at the upper-right side -> play these game modes daily to grind loads of amount of EXP. Trade Items -> At home Island, visit the trading pier -> supply the RSS to earn a large amount of EXP. So these are some tips to level up fast in Dawn Of Isles game.

    2.) Farm In The Adventure Modes

    There are a number of things that you will need to make the character more powerful. You should play these modes daily to farm these items:–

  • Elemental Realm – EXP, Coins, Feat, Pet Training Manuals, Map Fragment
  • World Boss – EXP, Gold, Map Fragment, Rebirth Stone, Epic Equipment
  • Sage Trials – Trial Points, Various Gems, Feat Scrolls, Infusion Powder, Epic Equipment
  • Events – Flowers, Tomes, EXP, Feat Scrolls, Vigor Rec., Merit Pts, Infusion Powder, Map Fragment, Arcane Shards
  • Tribe – Training Scrolls, Vigor Rec., Honor
  • Dungeon – Weapons, Gears
  • 3.) Join An Active Tribe

    After joining a tribe, you can access to the tribe modes and earn precious items such as training scrolls, honor, senior tome, and much more. Additionally, you can access to tribe exclusive buildings, which provide more benefits. So it’s better to join an active tribe as soon as possible.

    4.) Make The Character Powerful

    • Find better gears in the adventure mode; dungeon, world boss, sage trials
    • Level up the character
    • Upgrade the character skills
    • Train

    Read the characters guide above for more detail!

    5.) Automate The Recovery!

    When you are out of combat, your character automatically recovers the HP, SP, and same applies to the pet. There is a set amount of reserve that you can fill over time to enjoy this feature throughout the game. Tap the character name at the upper-left corner -> at the bottom-right side, tap food storage -> tap the + button next to HP recovery/SP recovery items to fill the reserve.

    6.) Upgrade The Buildings At Home Island

    Don’t forget to upgrade the buildings at home Island to progress fast.

    So these are some basic Dawn Of Isles tips for beginners. We will cover the guide, equipment, and other things in the next guides. If you have more tips to share, feel free to comment below 🙂