

[ガイド] Nikke:Goddess of Victory – ティア リスト

NIKKE:Goddess of Victory がグローバルで利用できるようになりました。ここでは、ゲームで転がる各 NIKKE をランク付けするティア リストを用意しています。

NIKKE が最大限の可能性を発揮するには複数の重複が必要であり、この層リストはそれを念頭に置いて作成されていることに注意してください。そのため、特定の SSR NIKKE が特定の SR NIKKE よりも上位にランク付けされているのは、後者がベースでより優れたパフォーマンスを発揮しているにもかかわらずです。

これは、R レア度 NIKKE が最大のデュペでもリストに記載されていない理由でもあり、それらはより高いレア度 NIKKE と同じパワー レベルに達することができませんでした。

また、このティア リストは参考用であり、ゲームのプレイ方法を制限するものではありません。より高いレベルのコンテンツではメタに合わせて構築する必要がありますが、レアリティに関係なく、利用可能なすべてのユニットで全体的なゲームプレイを楽しむことができます.

ニッケ ティア リスト

評価 文字 クラス 要素 武器 コメント
SS リットル サポーター SMG バースト スキルのクールダウンを下げることができ、カバーを修理できる唯一の NIKKE
リュドミラ ディフェンダー SMG 挑発には、受けるダメージを軽減する自己バフが付属しており、タンキングに最適です
スカーレット 攻撃者 電気 アサルトライフル 低HPで攻撃力、クリティカル率、クリティカルダメージを強化できる高リスク高報酬キャラクター
S ハラン 攻撃者 電気 スナイパーライフル 敵を貫通する能力があり、完全にスタックされたバーストにはほぼ 1000% の乗数があります
ノア ディフェンダー ロケットランチャー 挑発する複数の方法があり、挑発時に無敵とチーム全体の防御バフを提供します
小説 ディフェンダー SMG 敵が受けるダメージを増加させる最高のデバッファ
コショウ サポーター 散弾銃 治癒力に優れ、既存のバフのスタックを 1 つ増やす独自のバフを提供します
プライバシー 攻撃者 アサルトライフル 敵を気絶させ、味方に攻撃バフとリロード速度バフを提供するバースト
ボリューム 攻撃者 SMG チームにクリティカル レートとクリティカル ダメージ バフを提供する能力があります
アドミ サポーター スナイパーライフル リロード速度とチャージ速度を強化できますが、ダメージを軽減できるのは味方 2 人のみです
ブリッド 攻撃者 アサルトライフル バーストダメージが高く、自身の攻撃力がアップする身勝手なアタッカー
ドラ サポーター スナイパーライフル チーム全体の攻撃力、クリティカル レート、クリティカル ダメージが増加しますが、プレイスタイルはより防御力の高い敵に重点を置いています
ドレイク 攻撃者 散弾銃 チームの武器の射程と攻撃を増加させることができます
エクシア サポーター 電気 スナイパーライフル 敵の防御力と攻撃力の両方をデバフする能力を持つ
ギロチン 攻撃者 電気 ミニガン ミニガンの連射速度が速いため、レイドでの効果が高く、HP が低いほど効果的です
ヘルム 攻撃者 スナイパーライフル Solid Support Skills that are easy to trigger but does not provide much damage outside of burst as an Attacker
Julia Attacker Iron Assault Rifle Can buff self with increased Crit rate and Crit Damag
Milk Attacker Water Sniper Rifle Can provide ATK buffs to only 2 NIKKE and has a permanent Crit Damage buff for the team so long as her HP is above 80%
Poli Defender Water Shotgun Provides a shield for the team and can share the damage taken with allies that has the lowest HP
Signal Attacker Fire SMG Solid DEF and ATK debuffer that can also self heal
Snow White Attacker Iron Assault Rifle Has Burst that can penetrate enemies and can provide self with ATK and Crit Rate buff
Sugar Attacker Iron Shotgun Shines more as a supporter that can provide more ammo to other shotgun users
Yuni Defender Fire Rocket Launcher Her Full Burst can give allies increased charging speed and each charged shot from her gives Lifesteal and DEF buff to the team
Rapi Attacker Fire Assault Rifle The Top SR NIKKE that can significantly buff her ATK and can taunt enemies. She's also free
Neon Supporter Fire Shotgun Synergies well with Shotgun teams as she can increase their max ammo capacity with her Burst and buff the Crit rate of her allies
B Alice Attacker Fire Sniper Rifle Can penetrate enemies but needs her HP to be above 80% and comes with self heal
Centi Defender Iron Rocket Launcher Has a high DEF debuff value but can only target 5 enemies and can provide shield for the team
Crow Defender Fire SMG Can buff self DEF and ATK but lacks taunt to fully make use of buff. She shines more in debuffing enemies ATK
Emma Supporter Fire Minigun Provides a unique buff that increase healing potency but has no offensive capabilities.
Frima Supporter Fire Sniper Rifle Has a high DEF debuff value but lacks offensive capabilities to make use of the debuff
Maiden Attacker Electric Shotgun Full on offense with Crit Damage and ATK buff but lacks the ability to defend herself
Maxwell Attacker Iron Sniper Rifle Can buff 2 allies with increased charge rate and ATK buff while her second skill needs at least 5 enemies to be on screen
Miranda Supporter Fire SMG Has the best buffing capabilities but has almost no offensive capabilities herself hence she is very team reliant
Noise Supporter Electric Rocket Launcher Can heal and damage reduction for the team but she is average in doing both compared to others that focus on one part
Rupee Attacker Iron Assault Rifle Very niche as she only synergies with Iron element teams
Yan Supporter Fire Rocket Launcher Full support capabilities that only works with characters that have Full Charge
Rapunzel Supporter Iron Rocket Launcher The only healer that can revive fallen allies with her Burst at the cost of it being a 60 second cooldown skill
N102 Supporter Water Rocket Launcher A superb buffer that is only held back by her SR Rarity limitations making other high rarity supporter outshines her late game
Delta Defender Wind Sniper Rifle Excellent early game tank that can create decoy to taunt enemies away
Belorta Attacker Electric Rocket Launcher DEF debuff she brings requires you to hit the same enemy 4 times and has much lower value compared to better DEF debuffers
Anis Defender Iron Rocket Launcher DEF buffer that can also share the damage taken from allies. She is ranked lower due to her SR Rarity limitations
Laplace Attacker Iron Rocket Launcher A pure DPS with a selfish kit that can Pierce and deal True damage on Burst
C Aria Attacker Water Minigun Works better as a supporter with her skills but as she isn't classed as one, she brings lesser values compared to other supporters
Folkwang Defender Water Assault Rifle Solid Shielder and Healer although the only thing holding her back so badly is her long cooldown on her skills
Mary Supporter Water Shotgun One of the weakest healer and her DEF buffs needs her above 50% HP
Yulha Attacker Fire Sniper Rifle Has a niche support skills that synergies with allies that need to be at low HP
Mica Supporter Wind Rocket Launcher Can increase the ammo and DEF of at most 2 allies and her self DEF buff is pointless without a taunt
Epinel Attacker Wind SMG Requires buffs from her skills to actually deal decent damage
Diesel Defender Wind Minigun Her buff that allows allies to shoot longer requires her to shoot at least 1000 rounds of bullet before it could activate. Her tanking capabilities are also subpar as the taunt she brings only lasts for 5 seconds
Ether Defender Electric Shotgun Very good at keeping the team alive however, that is the only thing she brings to the table
D Eunhwa Attacker Fire Sniper Rifle She specialize in DEF debuffing but even then her values are way too low for it to work
Isabel Attacker Electric Shotgun Has multiple self buffs that she provides that stacks, however, the downside here is that it takes forever for even a single buff to activate
Soline Attacker Iron SMG Most of her more useful kit needs her to be at full health to actually be decent. Otherwise, she is lackluster even in terms of damage
Vesti Attacker Water Rocket Launcher She focuses on buff stacking through her Burst but that would need a team that can constantly reduce the cooldown on Burst skills.
Mihara Defender Water Assault Rifle Much like Vesti, she needs a team that can reduce cooldown to actually be decent

Check out this website here for a more in-depth review for each NIKKE.