

ヒーロー ウォーズ (ネクスターズ) ファーミング ガイド:ゴールド、エメラルド、ソウル ストーン、レア装備をさらに入手する方法

Nexters の Hero Wars は、昨年から iOS と Android の両方のプラットフォームで大成功を収めており、その理由は驚くことではありません。習得しやすいゲーム メカニクス、収集しやすい数のヒーロー (50 人近く)、幅広い機能を備えたこのタイトルは、一部のカジュアル ゲーマーにアピールできるものであると言えます。 RPG やアドベンチャー ゲームのハードコア ファンに。ただし、13 チャプターのキャンペーンを完了する可能性を最大限に高めるには、さまざまなゲームモード全体で多くのグラインドが必要です。グラインドと言うとき、それは自動的に多くのファーミングも意味します。言い換えれば、 、より多くのリソースを獲得するために特定のアクションを繰り返すプロセス。

このゲームには多くのファーミングが必要であると言っても過言ではありません。特に、ゲームで収集できるリソースが非常に多いためです。しかし、最新の Hero Wars 戦略ガイド (利用可能なすべての主要な種類のリソースをファーミングするための完全なガイド) を提示するので、座って参加していただけることを願っています.必ずしも簡単ではなく、時間がかかる場合もありますが、このガイドで説明するヒントを参考にして、少なくとも時間、お金、労力を節約できることを願っています.


技術的には一般的な通貨であるにもかかわらず、ゴールドは間違いなくゲームで最も有用で重要なリソースです。エメラルドは、進行を早めるために多くの目的を果たしますが、ゴールドは、ヒーローのスキルをレベルアップしたり、ある星評価から次の星評価に進化させたりするために利用できる場合はいつでも使用できます。ヒーローを 3 つ星から 4 つ星に進化させるには、最初はかなりのコストがかかるため (正確には 300,000 ゴールドが必要です)、すべてのゴールド コインが重要です。アリーナで通常フィールドに配置する 5 人から 10 人のヒーローで満足するべきではありません。特にグランドアリーナのロックを解除した後は!同様に、ヒーロー、特にバイオレット ランク以上のヒーローを昇進させるために必要な、より複雑な装備を作成する場合、ゴールドは重要です。

Hero Wars でゴールド コインを獲得するには、いくつかの方法があります。もちろん、最も明白な方法は、以前に完了したミッション/キャンペーン ステージをレイド チケットでリプレイすることです。または、ゲーム内購入を行い、すでに VIP プレイヤーである場合は、これらの完了したミッションを持っている限りレイドすることです。十分なエネルギー。これは、特定のヒーローをあるランクから次のランクに昇格させようとしている場合、一石二鳥の良い方法かもしれませんが、考えてみると、グラインドでそれほど多くのゴールドを獲得することはできません。キャンペーンのこれらの前の段階を通して。

代わりに、最も効果的なファーミング テクニックは、1 日 1 回タワー モードをプレイし、できるだけ遠くまで移動しようとすることです。最近、タワーに焦点を当てた詳細な戦略ガイドを公開しました。その中で、報酬のチェストを開くときに問題が発生する可能性があることを説明しました。理論的には、ゴールド コイン、タワー コイン、ヒーローのレア アイテムを獲得できる確率は 33% ですが、3 つの宝箱にはそれぞれ異なる報酬が含まれています。最初のチェストを開くとゴールドを獲得できます。実際、タワー モードでチェストを開けてゴールドを獲得する場合の打率は 20% のようです。

それでも、その 20% の確率は私たちの観察に基づいており、20% は、Hero Wars で間違いなく最も有用で不可欠なタイプのリソースを取得する 1 桁の確率よりもはるかに優れています.そして、それが慰めになる場合は、タワーショップで余分なタワーコインを使用して(大量のタワーコインを獲得したと仮定)、1日1回100タワーコインで100,000ゴールドコインを獲得できます.エメラルド 50 個を使ってショップを更新し、さらに 100 タワー コインを使うこともできますが、余った宝石をエメラルド交換スピンに使ったほうがよいでしょう。

関連: ヒーロー ウォーズ (ネクスターズ) タワー ガイド:タワー モードの完全ガイド (チームの選択、より多くのレベルの完了、報酬の獲得)

そうです - プレミアム通貨が揃っていると仮定すると、20 個のエメラルドで 40,000 コイン以上 (マルチプライヤーに応じて) のチャンスを得るためにルーレットを回すことができます。ご存知かもしれませんが、ルーレットを回すコストは 5 回のスピンごとに増加しますが、たとえば 1 回のスピンでエメラルドを 25 個または 30 個使用している場合、それに応じて基本報酬も増加します。


ヒーローの新しいスキルをアンロックするには、さまざまなモードでのさまざまな戦闘でチームを救済できる最終的な、通常は受動的なスキルを含むがこれらに限定されないため、それらを昇格させる必要があります。また、昇格に必要な 6 つのアイテムがすべて揃っていない限り、Hero Wars で誰も昇進させることはできません。ヒーローが緑から青、紫、オレンジ (そして最終的なランクである赤) に進むにつれて、必要な装備はますます複雑になり、その多くは作成するのに最大 3 つの別個の装備を必要とし、それ以上の装備を必要とするものも少なくありません。

もう一度言いますが、ヴァイオレット ヒーローやその他のヒーローに必要なレアな装備を手に入れたい場合は、タワーが最適です。 Items such as the Flaming Heart, Pastor’s Seal, Throwing Knives, and many others are all commonplace rewards in the Tower – assuming you’re at team level 80 or greater – and while you may not need all this equipment right away, the items will certainly come in handy once your Heroes get to the appropriate rank and level. As we said above, Tower Coins and rare items are usually more common than Gold, based on our observations from recent Tower playthroughs – if you’re farming in order to promote one of your better Heroes, this should give you additional incentive to play this game mode on a daily basis!

As for some of the more common pieces of equipment, meaning those required by Green or Blue or even Violet/Violet +1 Heroes, grinding through previously completed stages is a good way to go about this, especially if you have VIP status. You can also complete missions in the Airship menu or defeat the Highwayman in Outland, among other ways to earn those small chests that contain equipment.

And while it doesn’t constitute as farming, the different in-game stores sell various items that change on a day-to-day basis – if you don’t really have a need to purchase Soul Stones to get a certain Hero closer to evolution, you might as well use your various currencies on equipment!

3. Grind Campaign Stages For Big / Great Energy Potions / Soul Stones

Replaying those Campaign stages via raids, even with VIP Mode activated, may not do you much good as a source of Gold, but they can sure be of help if you’re trying to load up on Energy Potions and Soul Stones of some of the more common Heroes. Usually, it’s the missions that cost 8 Energy (as opposed to the usual 6) that give you a better chance at Big or Great EXP Potions, so you’ll want to focus on these ones if you’re at a point where most of your Heroes are at level 50 or greater and leveling them up becomes of greater importance, regardless of the mode you’re playing.

Heroes such as Galahad, Aurora, Thea, Astaroth, Phobos, Artemis, and others have their Soul Stones available among the possible rewards in those so-called Heroic Missions, which are Campaign stages designated by a specific Hero’s avatar and three stars instead of the usual small circular button – Pirate’s Den (Chapter 9, Mission 10), for instance, features a Daredevil avatar, so you’ll need to complete this mission if you want a chance at her Soul Stones. These Heroic Missions cost more Energy (12 units or more) than the standard ones and can only be played three times a day unless you pay some Emeralds for additional chances. Also, you wouldn’t be guaranteed Soul Stones for each time you grind through these stages. Still, this is a good way to spend your Energy if you’re particularly intent on evolving the Heroes featured in these missions!

4. Farming For Emeralds And Energy:This May Take A Little Patience…

Emeralds are Hero Wars’ premium form of currency, and as anyone who’s paid for Emerald packages will tell you, they’re very useful for taking part in special events. Many Hero-centric events will require you to spend a certain amount of Emeralds in order to get so many Soul Stones of a Hero; in other cases, big-time Emerald spending will be necessary if you want to qualify for those Titan Chests that contain precious soul stones for Araji, Hyperion, and Eden, or other rare goodies you won’t expect to find through the normal means.

When talking about farming for Emeralds, we strongly suggest playing one Arena or Grand Arena battle per day in order to qualify for the daily ranking rewards. These rewards include Gold, Arena Coins, Big EXP potions, and most importantly, Emeralds – if you’re ranked in the top 600, for instance, you’re guaranteed at least 60 Emeralds per day as long as you take part in the Arena battles at least once a day. If you forgo the Arena on any given day, you do not get any rewards! But 60 Emeralds per day for a high ranking isn’t that bad if you come to think of it, and it could really add up if you’re prudent and don’t spend that premium currency carelessly.

関連: Hero Wars (Nexters) Beginner’s Guide:Tips, Cheats &Strategies to Win Epic Battles

As for Energy, it’s a very basic resource that you’ll need to complete new Campaign stages and grind through older ones, but we have to admit that waiting five minutes for each Energy point to replenish could be quite frustrating. That’s why we’re including it in this farming guide as well, and suggesting that you log back into the game during the intervals specified, e.g. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. local time. This will allow you to get 60 free Energy instantly, though if you’re less patient and have the premium currency to burn, you can also pay 50 Emeralds for the first two purchases of Energy in a day, simply by tapping on the plus button next to your Energy. (Subsequent purchases, of course, will be more expensive and are not recommended unless you’re trying to maximize your rewards during a special event!)

5. Watch Videos At The Theater To Farm For Various Resources

So far, we’ve covered Gold, Emeralds, and Energy, and we’ve also touched a bit on Raid Tickets. There is a way to farm for all of these resources, and while it may take even more patience, we strongly recommend this if you’re trying to play Hero Wars without parting with a cent of your hard-earned money. The Theater can be accessed by tapping on the plus button next to your Energy, then hitting the “To Theater” button, where you can get tickets by watching ad videos.

The game only allows you a certain number of ad videos per day for these tickets, but we recommend saving them up so you could exchange them for various rewards. 12 Energy costs 1 Ticket, 2 Raid Tickets costs 1 Ticket as well, while 5 Tickets could either buy you 30 Emeralds or 75,000 Gold. Bear in mind again that you can only watch so many videos per day, but if you save your tickets wisely, you could easily replenish any of the four aforementioned resources in a pinch.

6. How To Farm For Special Coins / Friendship Chips

Farming for the special types of coins – Arena Coins, Grand Arena Coins, Tower Coins, and Outland Coins – requires you to play the corresponding mode at least once per day. These coins, as well as Friendship Chips, can be used to purchase Soul Stones of certain Heroes, and we’ll tell you just how you could get more of them with as little effort as possible.

We’ve already talked about Tower Coins in depth, and we did mention that you can earn lots of Arena Coins per day, depending on your Arena/Grand Arena combined ranking, if you fight at least one battle in these modes on a daily basis. That leaves Outland Coins, which you can earn by defeating all three bosses under Outland/Masters (Vadjar the Incinerator, Ilyssa the Weaver, Brog the Conqueror) at least once a day and complete all your five daily Outland battles in order to earn Outland Coins or Skin Stones, plus bonus Outland Coins for completing certain Daily Quests.

As for Grand Arena Coins, you don’t actually need to fight in the Grand Arena once per day (unless you did that for your ranking reward) – you earn coins automatically and progressively based on your ranking. For example, if you’re ranked in the top 500, you will earn 18 Grand Arena Coins per hour, so it’s technically the game doing the farming for you when it comes to this special currency.

Friendship Chips are another special type of currency that, we’d say, is the best type of currency if you want to get a Hero to Ultimate Star rarity and unlock the Soul Store ASAP. For instance, we now have an Ultimate Star Faceless despite the fact he hasn’t been featured in any special event! To farm for this currency, simply allow as many players to add you as possible, and filter out anyone who isn’t actively sending you Friendship Chips on a regular basis.

As for sending the chips, you can do this by going to the Friends menu and hitting on Send Gifts to send everyone on your list 30 chips each. This does NOT eat away into your Friendship Chips total, but once someone sends you some chips, you get 30 each as well. You’ll also get a bonus 100 Friendship Chips for completing one of the daily quests, so as you can see, it’s so easy to load up on this currency with little to no effort!

7. Farming As A Guild Member:Focus On Titan Potion

By mere virtue of your Guild membership, you’re sure to get Summoning Spheres for Titan Soul Stones as long as your Guild is an active one. You will also be picking up Silver or Bronze (or even Gold) Guild War Trophies depending on your guild’s ranking and its performance in its current league, with the weekly trophies promising a much bigger bonus in terms of trophies. But when talking about farming as a guild member, the resource you’ll likely want to farm for is Titan Potion.

You can earn this by going through the Dungeon and crawling through the different stages at least once per day – take note that once you set a certain checkpoint, you will earn some Gold but would not be able to replay the previous levels before that checkpoint! This will also allow you to contribute to your guild’s Titanite totals, thus helping everyone get more Summoning Spheres once a certain amount is reached. However, you will also want to use the Bronze Guild War Trophies you’ve earned to buy as much Titan Potion as possible in order to level up your existing Titans – out of all the things you can buy with this currency, Titan Potion is arguably the most useful.

関連: Hero Wars (Nexters) Character Skills Guide:A Complete Guide to All 45 Heroes

When it comes to farming for Soul Stones (Jhu, Ziri, Nebula, and K’arkh), we had the most success through special events for all these four characters. Of course, it all depends on the success and the strength of your guild, but the stronger your guild is, the greater your chances of winning Silver or Gold Guild War Trophies, with the former mainly going toward Soul Stones and the latter exchangeable for Silver Trophies.

8. Other Miscellaneous Ways To Farm For Resources

Aside from the methods we mentioned in above, there are various other ways to farm for the different resources we have covered so far. Let’s start with the Free Boxes option on the lower left corner of the main menu. Once here, simply tap on one of the five boxes in order to watch a video and get one of the five possible rewards – normally, these would include about 15,000 to 20,000 Gold, 15 to 20 Energy, two Big EXP Potions, 20 to 25 Grand Arena Coins, and one Soul Stone. (Other rewards are also possible, though those five are probably the most common.)

As we’ve observed, Soul Stones are the hardest to get on the first try, and you may have to watch all five videos before finally getting the Soul Stone of the Hero in question. But if your Hero collection isn’t complete, the game will purposely offer ALL Heroes you have yet to summon (except Jet and Cleaver), until you’ve complete your collection (again, with those two being the exceptions), upon which random Heroes will be represented by the Soul Stones.

Additionally, Hero Wars occasionally has limited-time events such as quizzes and – as we saw a few months ago, Keira’s Demon Doll special event – where you can win boxes that could contain resources or even more boxes, with tons of Gold and other resources available once all of those boxes have been opened! You’ll also want to follow Hero Wars on social media and pay close attention to the Newsfeed – on occasion, the game will ask you to complete a certain Campaign stage within a specific timespan in order to earn some bonus Coins or Energy. Keep your eyes peeled for those Facebook and Instagram notifications and the Newsfeed feature – it only happens rarely, but these tasks sometimes could earn you a substantial amount of Emeralds!

And that’s all you need to know as far as farming is concerned. If you have come across any other tips or strategies, don’t hesitate to reach out by leaving a message in the comment section!