

Calibria:Crystal Guardians ティア リスト:ゲーム内のベスト ヒーロー

Calibria:Crystal Guardians は、iOS および Android デバイスで利用できる最新のチームベースの RPG の 1 つです。 Mars Game Hong Kong によって開発された Calibria:Crystal Guardians は、人気のカードベースの要素とアイドル要素を組み合わせてユニークなゲームプレイ体験を提供する魅力的な新しいモバイル タイトルです。大量のコンテンツと 200 人以上のヒーローをプレイヤーが募集、訓練、装備できる Calibria:Crystal Guardians は、繰り広げられるのを待っている壮大な冒険です。

Calibria:Crystal Guardians では、プレイヤーは、カリブリア クリスタルの力を狙う悪と悪魔の勢力と戦うために、伝説のヒーローの部隊を編成する任務を負っています。これらの各ヒーローは、独自の能力レパートリーにアクセスでき、世界の派閥を表しています。挑戦的な遭遇と圧倒的なオッズに直面するために、プレイヤーは敵を克服するための独自の戦略を実行する必要があります。 Calibria:Crystal Guardians は、世界中の 100,000 人以上のプレイヤーが楽しんでおり、壮大なキャンペーンに向けて協力したり、アリーナで互いに競ったりしながら、それぞれが名声と栄光を求めて争っています。

Calibria:Crystal Guardians は、さまざまな特徴と能力を持つ 200 人以上のヒーローから選択できる壮大な RPG であり、少し圧倒されることもあります。ゲームの奥深いメカニズムと戦闘システム (派閥の優位性や特性ベースのスキルなど) を投入すると、経験豊富なゲーマーでさえ混乱する可能性があり、初心者は言うまでもありません。ヒーローのアップグレードにも時間と労力がかかります。役割を十分に果たさないヒーローにすべての材料を費やしたことに気付くほど落胆することはほとんどありません.

あなたが、a) どのヒーローの改善に時間と労力を費やすのが最適かを知りたい、b) 最適な戦闘効果を得るためにヒーローとチームを最小化するのが好きな、c) 独自のスキルと組み合わせを探す、というタイプのプレイヤーの場合プレイスタイル、または d) 上記のすべての場合、この Calibria:Crystal Guardians ティア リストを用意しました。

カリブリア:クリスタル ガーディアン ティア リストの概要

詳細に入る前に、注意すべき点がいくつかあります。まず、Calibria:Crystal Guardians では、多くのことがヒーローのパワーと有効性に影響を与える可能性があります。レベル、装備、ルーン文字、スキル、さらには陣営までもが、戦闘の勝者と敗者を決定する上で大きな役割を果たします。この Calibria:Crystal Guardians ティア リストは、ゲームで利用可能な最も強力なヒーローの一部を分類していますが、これらのヒーローの存在または参加だけで戦闘を決定するのに十分なほど完全に壊れているという意味ではありません。もちろん、経験、スキル、相乗効果、さらには運によって、弱いヒーローのチームが純粋に S 評価のヒーローで構成されたチームに勝つことができます。

とはいえ、このカリブリア:クリスタル ガーディアン ヒーロー ティア リストで採用しようとした分類システムは、各ヒーローを最初に入手したときのベース パワー レベルではなく、潜在的なパワー、つまりパワーのレベルに基づいてランク付けしようとしています。十分な努力と投資をすれば、より強力になることができます。たとえば、一部の S ティア ヒーローは、最初は他の下位ティア ヒーローよりもパフォーマンスが低い場合がありますが、後の段階で衰退する可能性のある他のヒーローと比較して、エンドゲームの可能性がはるかに高くなります。

Calibria:Crystal Guardians では、プレイヤーはメインの PvE キャンペーンやイベントだけでなく、PvP アリーナ、ギルド ミッション、チャレンジ レベルなどを含むいくつかのゲーム モードを楽しむこともできます。これらのゲーム モードはそれぞれ大きく異なり、それぞれ異なる戦略が必要です。と能力の組み合わせ – したがって、あるゲームモードでハイパフォーマーであるヒーローは、別のゲームモードでは貧弱または平均的である可能性があります.

ただし、一般的に経験則として、強力なヒーローはゲーム モードに関係なく強力ですが、ヒーローとゲーム モードによってはマイレージが異なる場合があります。この層リストは主にゲームの PvE 要素に基づいていますが、Calibria の他の側面であるクリスタル ガーディアンの強さも大まかに反映されているはずです。

関連: Calibria:Crystal Guardians 初心者向けガイド:栄光を達成するためのヒント、チート、戦略

最後に、カリブリア:クリスタル ガーディアンのティア リストには、いくつかの 3 つ星ヒーローを除いて、ゲーム内で最も希少度の高い上位 2 つの 4 つ星と 5 つ星のヒーローのみが含まれることを明記したいと思います。見逃すにはあまりにも多くのユーティリティを提供します。これらのレア度レベルのみを含めるという選択は、特にアリーナでの高ティアのゲームプレイでは、エピックレア度より低いヒーローを採用する人はほとんどいないという観察に基づいて行われました.代わりに、レア、アンコモン、コモンのヒーローは、他のよりレア度の高いヒーローが能力を向上させるための燃料として使用されることがよくあります.

Calibria:Crystal Guardians について詳しく知りたい場合や、ゲームを始めて上達するための便利な戦略、ヒント、コツについて知りたい場合は、Calibria:Crystal Guardians 初心者向けガイドを忘れずにチェックしてください。と中間プレーヤー。

それでは早速、カリブリアで最も価値のある最高のヒーロー、クリスタル ガーディアンをご紹介しましょう!

S ティアのヒーロー

ゲームを変える能力とほとんど神のような統計を持つヒーローは非常にまれですが、ほとんどの場合、どのパーティーやチームにも歓迎されます.これらは、ゲームに最も強力な能力をもたらし、利用可能な最高のダメージ数を出力する S ティア ヒーローです。 S ティアのヒーローは、ゲームで利用できる究極のヒーローとして広く認識されていますが、「壊れた」または「圧倒された」という理由で高評価を受けることがあります。

S ティア アタック ヒーロー

イブ – 5つ星のヒーロー

イブは間違いなく、ゲーム内で最強ではないにしても、最強の ATK ヒーローの 1 人です。強力なチーム バフと敵のデバフを持つイヴは、カリブリアで最も効果的なチーム編成の中核となるヒーローです。 ATK、CrDmg、および ATI で彼女を構築します。

ハデス – 5つ星のヒーロー

ペイウォールの後ろに閉じ込められた Hades は、戦場で絶対に壊れた獣であることでプレイヤーの間で悪名高い.ハデスに大金を払ったとしても、心配はいりません。 He’s God-tier in just about every single game mode, and if you like steamrolling the competition, then he was worth every cent.

Joan – 4-Star Hero

With a powerful AoE nuke and ATK Down debuffs, Joan is an excellent farming Hero that excels in PvE as well as in the PvP Arena. For maximum effectiveness, build her around ATK, CrDmg, and ATI.

Lich King – 5-Star Hero

Hands down the best farmer in the game, the Lich King is equipped with a variety of abilities that make him a welcome addition to any party. His unrivaled AoE damage makes him the best option for farming even the most challenging levels with unmatched speed. His third-tier abilities also make him useful in the Arena, particularly when it comes to defending and keeping his team alive. Build him with ATK, CrDmg, and ATI.

Loki – 5-Star Hero

With his Mind Control abilities, powerful ATK Up buffs, and access to Freeze and Untargetable, Loki is highly regarded as one of the best ATK heroes in the game across every single game mode. If you want a hero that can carry you through all of the game’s content – be it PvE or PvP – then Loki is the way to go. Build him with ATK, CrDmg, and ATI.

Lucifer – 5-Star Hero

Another Hero that excels in just about every game mode, Lucifer shines because of his powerful ability to reduce an enemy team’s Max HP. Particularly useful against boss fights and in the Arena, Lucifer can make quick work of even the tankiest team compositions. Build him with ATK, CrDmg, and ATI.

Spider Queen – 5-Star Hero

Outclassed only to the Lich King in terms of farming ability, the Spider Queen is an extremely versatile ATK hero with AoE damage and the unique ability to ignore enemy defenses. Build her with ATK, CrDmg, and ATI, and pair her up with a team that makes full use of Cleave to maximize her potential.

Zeus – 5-Star Hero

The ultimate Boss fighter, Zeus’s repertoire of abilities makes him one of the best picks if you’re looking to take on the most challenging levels in the game. While his versatile kit makes him effective in just about anything, his capacity to deal increased damage to enemies the less HP they have makes him a must-have for fast boss-fight runs. Build him with ATK, CrDmg, and ATI.

S-Tier Tank And Defense Heroes

Asura – 5-Star Hero

Asura boasts the highest damage output out of every other tank in the game, and his ability to withstand damage also outperforms quite a few of them. Hard-hitting and hard-to-kill, Asura is the go-to Tank hero for any composition. Build him with SPD, DEF, and HP.

Valkyrie – 5-Star Hero

Great damage and even better survivability. Valkyrie is a popular Tank hero that can carry teams through almost all of the game’s content. While her abilities are strong enough as they are, what makes Valkyrie truly shine is her unique Revive ability, which lets her bring fallen allies back to life in the midst of battle. Build her with SPD, DEF, and HP.

Monkey King – 5-Star Hero

Tanky and versatile, the Monkey King achieves god-tier status thanks to his 100% chance to proc stun. In many cases – PvE, Arena, challenge levels, Catacombs, what have you – that 100% stun could mean the difference between victory and defeat. Build him with SPD, HP, and CrDmg.

S-Tier Assist Heroes

Dao Lord – 5-Star Hero

Dao Lord is one of those Heroes that excels no matter what game mode you put him in, and no matter how you build him. Unlike other Heroes that shine thanks to one or two of their available abilities, Dao Lord kicks ass with any of his abilities equipped. No min-maxing needed, but if you want to see just how effective he can get, build him with SPD and HP.

Elven Queen – 5-Star Hero

Arguably the best buffer-type Assist hero in the game, Elven Queen is a good addition to any team composition. With team buffs, shields, immunities, and even Invincibility, Elven Queen works well with just about every other hero in the game. Build her with SPD and HP.

Medusa – 5-Star Hero

Versatile and effective, Medusa’s abilities make her an excellent choice in just about all aspects of the game. Focusing on weakening the enemy instead of buffing allies, Medusa can help make even the most difficult levels achievable even without an optimized team or fully-leveled heroes. Build her with SPD, HP, and Hit.

Mikhael – 5-Star Hero

Perfect for farming teams, but also the ideal Leader Hero for when you want to get in as many skills and hits in as possible before your enemy even as a chance to react, Mikhael drastically ups the effectiveness of any team he’s on thanks to the 33% SPD buff when he’s the leader. Build him with SPD, CrDmg, and HP.

Selene – 5-Star Hero

One of the best healers with a great Revive ability, Selene is the ultimate defensive assist hero with big abilities geared towards keeping the team alive. Build her with SPD and HP.

Succubus – 5-Star Hero

With ATK Up for the team and DEF down for the enemy that lasts three turns, the Succubus makes even the hardest levels a little trivial, particularly when she’s built optimally. Build her with SPD, HP, and Hit.

A-Tier Heroes

S-Tier Heroes may be in a league of their own, but due to their relative rarity and steep upgrade curve, most players will have compositions made up of A-Tier Heroes. Excelling in their respective roles of Attack, Defense, and Assist, A-Tier Heroes are some of the most powerful Heroes in the game, and with enough time and resource investment, they can carry players through the most difficult content with ease.

A-Tier Attack Heroes

Angel of Death – 4-Star Hero

If you don’t have access to the legendary Lich King, then the Angel of Death will see to your farming needs. One of the most popular AoE farming Heroes, the Angel of Death is a great farming option for newer players. Build her with ATK, CrDmg, and ATI.

Archmage – 5-Star Hero

The Archmage’s unique Reflect ability makes him one of the best counter Heroes to take into just about any game mode. Build him with SPD, CrDmg, and ATI, and take him to the Arena to see if you can turn other players’ most powerful abilities against them.

Enchantress – 5-Star Hero

Enchantress has some of the highest base stats in the game and coupled with her strong energy reduction abilities, she can turn even the most well-thought-out enemy team compositions into cattle for her allies to play with. The energy reduction doesn’t work in some game modes like Lair or Catacombs, but she’s still a top-tier pick in every other game mode. Build her with SPD, CrDmg, and ATI.

Mountain King – 5-Star Hero

With his abilities, the Mountain King is capable of dishing out strong burst damage or cycling his turns to give him extra utility on the field. Build him with ATK, CrDmg, and ATI.

A-Tier Tank And Defense Heroes

Dragoon – 5-Star Hero

A powerful Hero in his own right, the Dragoon truly shines in combat encounters where he can basically disable an enemy’s ultimate abilities. Most useful in boss levels and in the PvP Arena, the Dragoon is a capable fighter that can Dispel debuffs and render even the most powerful enemies useless. Build him with DEF and HP.

Popo – 5-Star Hero

When it comes to damage over time abilities, Popo is King. With his abilities revolving around dangerous amounts of Bleed, Popo is best used in the Arena where his damage potential is incredible. Build him with a mix of SPD, DEF, and HP.

A-Tier Assist Heroes

Athena – 5-Star Hero

With a powerful ability to lower team cooldowns, as well as the ability to command her allies to cast their first-tier abilities all at once, Athena is a powerful combatant and support hero. Build her with SPD and HP.

Druid – 4-Star Hero

While other heroes are “well-rounded”, the Druid is best described as just having so much of one kind of utility – defense. With DEF Up, Cleanse, Heal, Dispel, and Energy gain, the Druid excels in parties with lots of DEF Heroes who are made considerably more durable thanks to his kit. Build him with SPD and HP.

Una – 4-Star Hero

With excellent team buffs all around, Una is an excellent starter choice for increasing the effectiveness of your entire party. Build her with SPD and HP.

Windwalker – 3-Star Hero

One of the few 3-Star heroes to make it to this list, Windwalker has the unique ability to give extra turns to your best heroes. Essential for most farming builds, pair Windwalker up with heroes like Lich King, Spider Queen, or Angel of Death to speed-farm levels in Calibria. Build her with SPD and HP.

B-Tier Heroes

Although statistically on-par with A-Tier Heroes in terms of raw numbers and power levels, B-Tier Heroes find themselves outclasses because of their situational nature. Although, in theory, they could equal or even outperform other Heroes, the situations in which they achieve this performance are rare and easily countered. Still, in the right compositions, these B-Tier Heroes are still entirely capable of pushing through the game’s most difficult levels. However, unless these Heroes fit into unique strategies for your team composition, we recommend investing your resources towards A-Tier Heroes instead.

B-Tier Attack Heroes

Boxer Mui – 3-Star Hero

Tanky enough for even the most challenging content, Boxer Mui’s abilities make her an excellent choice for boss-fights and encounters with powerful enemies. Use her ATK Down and DEF Down abilities to make enemies vulnerable, and clean up with the rest of your team. Build her with SPD and HP.

Flame Spirit – 4-Star Hero

Although not as innately powerful as other attack heroes on this list, the Flame Spirit, when used effectively, can surpass even S-Tier heroes. In unoptimized team compositions, the Flame Spirit underperforms. However, in the right team, Flame Spirit can dominate PvE and the Arena. Try building a team composed of Windwalker, Una, a Tank/Healer, and two Flame Spirits to see this hero’s full potential. Build her with ATK, CrDmg, and ATI.

Holy Swordsman – 4-Star Hero

Holy S.Man is an effective B-Tier Attack Hero under the right circumstances but is typically outclassed by other, more versatile heroes. Holy Swordsman shines against high-DEF heroes and is arguably the best counter to enemies stacking defense. Build him with ATK, CrDmg, and ATI.

Lumi – 4-Star Hero

With a chance to proc Freeze, Lumi could have been A-Tier thanks to her stats and abilities. However, due to the relative unreliability of her Freeze debuff, we consider her a B-Tier Attack hero with niche capabilities. Build her with SPD, ATK, and HP.

B-Tier Tank And Defense Heroes

Abyss Lord – 5-Star Hero

While generally not an ideal pick as Defense hero, the Abyss Lord is exceptionally effective at dealing with enemy Dragoons in the PvP Arena. In PvE, Abyss Lord deals moderate damage and has strong enough survivability to make him viable, but he’s widely regarded as the best way to deal with pesky Dragoons in the Arena. Build him with SPD, DEF, and HP.

Arthur – 4-Star Hero

Arthur’s excellent stats make him the ideal choice for controlling the battlefield in your favor. With abilities that proc Taunt, ATK Down, and DEF Down, Arthur would be a great choice if he wasn’t outclassed by other DEF Heroes higher up on this list. In any case, Arthur is particularly effective in the Lair game mode. Build him with SPD and HP.

Pharaoh – 4-Star Hero

A very well-rounded Tank, Pharaoh doesn’t excel in any particular situation and has average stats and abilities. However, he still sees lots of use in almost any game mode thanks to his Shield. If you need a little extra survivability, bringing Pharaoh onto your team could achieve precisely that. Build him with full HP runes.

B-Tier Assist Heroes

Holy Cleric – 3-Star Hero

You get this Hero at the start of the game, and for new players, she makes excellent support. Due to her rarity level (3-stars) she’s pretty easy and straightforward to upgrade, and her utility can take players all the way through to mid-game. You’ll be keeping Holy Cleric for a while, but don’t be afraid to replace her once you have stronger Heroes available to fit her role. Build her with SPD, HP, and Hit.

Necromancer – 5-Star Hero

The Necromancer is an assist hero that’s a great choice for beginners. He performs pretty well in most game modes, and although his damage output isn’t something to clap about, he’s a relatively safe option that gives players steady progress. Build him with SPD, ATK, and HP.

Whisp – 4-Star Hero

With her very versatile ability kit, Whisp is a worthwhile hero to invest in. With moderate damage abilities, and the capacity to heal, shield, boost, and dispel debuffs on her allies, Whisp fits into any team composition. Build her with SPD and HP.

C-Tier Heroes

These C-Tier Heroes, while technically still powerful as higher-rarity Heroes, are simply outclassed by other Heroes in their rarity-level, making them not the ideal choice for devoting valuable materials and resources to upgrade. However, they’re still 4-5 Star Heroes, so they’re still powerful in their own right and will most likely perform better than lower-rarity options. With enough investment and proper synergies, C-Tier Heroes are more than capable of getting past even the most challenging levels.

C-Tier Attack Heroes

Fallen Angel – 5-Star Hero

We wish Fallen Angel was a little higher-up on this Tier List. He’s not necessarily weak, but his abilities are definitely situational. He’s S-Tier when it comes to Levi 10, but most players will find that he severely underperforms in just about every other game mode, save maybe for Arena where he’s only okay. For Levi 10, build him with SPD, CrDmg, and HP, but if you insist on taking him into other game modes, make sure you focus your team composition on SPD which he benefits from greatly.

Vampire – 4-Star Hero

Powerful in some situations, and practically useless in others, the Vampire is definitely a niche pick and performs differently depending on your team as well as your enemy’s. Build him with SPD, ATK, and HP.

C-Tier Tank And Defense Heroes

Destruction Idol – 5-Star Hero

Take him into high-level PvE and you’ll notice that Destruction Idol isn’t nearly as good as the other tanks in the game. However, in PvP, Destruction Idol is one of the most difficult heroes to deal with. Used by a lot of players to climb the leaderboard and maintain their rank, a well-built Destruction Idol is god-tier. However, if you don’t plan on playing PvP, there’s no reason to choose him over the other tanks mentioned in this list. Build him with full HP runes.

Iron Heart – 5-Star Hero

This situational tank excels in the Arena and Lair game modes but performs poorly everywhere else. If you’re struggling to get past the lair or want an advantage in PvP, an effective Iron Heart can get you there. Build him with full DEF runes and see the difference.

C-Tier Assist Heroes

Cupid – 3-Star Hero

For a 3-Star Hero, Cupid is capable of ridiculous heals that can bring a party back from the brink of death. However, with the very high cooldown on his most useful ability, it’s often more practical to go with heroes that have more reliable heals. Build him with SPD and HP.

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding our Calibria:Crystal Guardians tier list, we’d love to read about your ideas, so leave a message in the comment section below! Your favorite Hero not listed? Tell us why you think he deserves to be included in the list and we’ll make it happen.