

ヒーロー ボール Z ビギナーズ ガイド:ヒーローをパワーアップしてすべてのステージをすばやく制覇するためのヒント、裏技、戦略

Hero Ball Z は Joycity の最新のモバイル タイトルで、現在 iOS および Android プラットフォームでリリースされています。同社が発行するほとんどのゲームとは対照的に、Hero Ball Z はアイドル RPG/シューティング ハイブリッドであり、両方のジャンルのファンに対応する多くの楽しさとユニークな要素が混在しています。

まず、ヒーロー ボール Z は、ヒット ボード ゲーム、ゲーム オブ ダイスのちびキャラクターを特徴とし、後者のファンだけでなく、ちびスタイルのマンガ アートを愛するプレーヤーのために、これらのキャラクターが従来の代わりに空に浮かぶのを見ます。宇宙船、おそらくさらに大きな御馳走。ヒーローの収集、アイドル RPG、シューティングが好きなら、Hero Ball Z はあなたにぴったりのゲームかもしれません。

『Hero Ball Z』は、集めるべき多数のヒーローに加えて多くの追加機能とメカニクスを詰め込んでいるが、パッケージ全体を、ほぼ誰でも手に取ってプレイできるほどシンプルで簡単なものにまとめることに成功している。画面に表示される残りの部分に加えて、利用可能なすべてのメニューを展開することは、初心者を圧倒する可能性がありますが、確かに、アクションの中心にすぐに飛び込むことと簡単なチュートリアルでさえ、始めるのに十分です.

特定の障壁を突破できない場合、またはヒーローをパワーアップしてすべてのレベルをクリアするためのより迅速かつ効率的な方法を探している場合は、以下のヒーロー ボール Z のヒント、チート、および戦略をお読みください!


Hero Ball Z を使用すると、ステージを簡単に進めることができます。基本的なコンセプトは、敵に対して使用するヒーローを継続的に生成するヒーロー ボールを中心に展開しています。同様のティアのヒーローを一緒にドラッグして次のティアにアップグレードするか、複製の 1 つをダブルタップすることもできます。レベル 10 の初心者を 2 人融合させると、R、SR、または SSR ヒーローが得られます。一方、報酬と購入によってのみ入手できる 2 人の専門家を融合させると、SR または SSR ヒーローのいずれかを獲得できます。

ユニークなヒーローは 6 人しかプレイできず、初心者の数も限られています。各ヒーローは自動的に射撃しますが、数を最大にすると、ヒーローボールから新しい初心者が出現することはありません。ここで自動再生が役に立ちます。

敵を撃つヒーローは本質的に自動再生の形式ですが、画面の右側にあるアイコンから機能を有効にすると、同様の初心者が自分自身で融合することができます.つまり、デバイスをアイドル状態のままにしておくと、初心者は初心者ティア 10 に到達するまで強くなり続けます。

どのステージでもプレイすると、HQ はヒーロー ボールの左側にあるパッケージを介して物資を送り続けます。自動再生が有効な間は、パッケージをクリックしなくてもサプライ品が届き続けます。自動再生を有効にする方法は 3 つあります。

1 つ目は、15 ~ 25 秒の動画広告を見て、15 分間自動再生を有効にすることです。これは 1 日 12 回までしかできず、一度に 1 時間まで蓄積できます。 2 つ目は、リワードで獲得したチケットを使用する方法です。最後のオプションは、本物のお金を使ってオートプレイを永久に有効にすることです.

よく見ると、ヒーロー ボールの下にバーがあり、徐々にいっぱいになります。これは基本的に、ティア 1 の初心者を生成するのにかかる時間です。 3つの異なる方法を使用して高速化することもできます. 1 つ目は、別の短いビデオ広告を見て、生産を 15 分間 1.5 倍にすることです。これは無期限に行うことができますが、期間を積み重ねることはできません。 180 ルビーを消費して、1 時間生産量を 2.5 倍にすることもできます。これも必要に応じて何度でも行うことができ、5 時間まで積み重ねることができます。

最後のオプションでは、クエストや成果からの報酬として獲得できるチケットが必要です。これらのチケットを使用すると生産量が 4 倍になりますが、持続時間は 20 分です。このオプションは 1 時間スタックできます。


Hero Ball Z には十分な数のユニークなヒーローがいて、各プレイヤーが独自のお気に入りの名簿を持つことができます。戦場には 6 種類のヒーローを配置でき、使用するヒーローを自由に選択できます。ヒーローを選択する際に考慮すべき要素がいくつかありますが、それぞれにレアリティ グレードが付けられているため、当然ながら、最もレアリティの高いものを選ぶのが最善です。

ヒーロー ボール Z のユニーク ヒーローは、R グレード、SR グレード、SSR グレードのいずれかです。レアなヒーローは、より高いティアのヒーローと比較して、はるかに入手しやすく、火力の点で遅れをとっています。問題は、SSR ヒーローを入手できるようになるまでに時間がかかる場合があるため、最初に R グレードと SR グレードで構成されるチームを配置する必要があることです。

ただし、アップグレードにはヒーローの追加のコピーが必要になります。これについては、引き続き説明します.この意味で、一部の SR ヒーローまたは R ヒーローでさえ、ある時点で SSR を凌駕する可能性があります。

もう 1 つの考慮事項は、元素の親和性です。ヒーロー ボール Z のユニークなヒーローは、4 つの異なる要素のうちの 1 つに分類されます。ゲーム内のエレメンタル アフィニティは、バトルでダメージ ボーナスを適用する通常の「じゃんけん」方式に従います。風は木に強く、木は水に強く、水は火に強く、火は風に強い。エレメンタルアドバンテージにより、ヒーローは不利な要素に 120% のダメージを与え、80% のダメージしか受けません。

4 つの要素の親和性と 6 人のヒーローを展開するため、最初は 4 つの要素のそれぞれをチームで表すのが理想的です。チーム内の要素に基づいて、考慮すべきチーム ボーナスもあります。メニューの下部にある最大のヒーロー パネルをクリックすると、展開するヒーローのチームの編集を開始できます。

チーム ボーナスは、ページ上部のチーム パワーのすぐ横で確認できます。チームに存在する要素の数に基づいて獲得できるさまざまなボーナスがあり、単一の要素に属する堅実なチームを持つことで最高の特典が提供されますが、多くのヒーローをアップグレードして強化する余裕がある場合にのみ目的とする必要があります要素ごとにチームを編成できる


さまざまな要素の親和性を持つチームを選ぶことが最善である主な理由の 1 つは、あらゆる要素タイプの敵に対して強力であり続けるために、少なくとも 1 つのユニットを確保する必要があることです。自由に使えるリソースが限られているため、使用しているメイン ヒーローを最大限に活用するのに十分なリソースが常にないことになります。通常、この苦境の引き金となるのは、ゲームの早い段階で常により優れた相手を獲得することです。

同様に、特定の時点で、前述の余分なコピーがヒーローの全体的なパワーと効率に変化をもたらします。安全のために、最初に R グレードのヒーローのアップグレードを区切る必要があります。そのヒーローの複数のコピーを持っていない限り、SR ヒーローにも同じことが言えます。ほとんどの場合、SSR ヒーローは確実な賭けです。そのため、SSR ヒーローに遭遇した場合は、できる限り自由にリソースを投資してください。


スターグレードまたは進化レベルに基づいて、ヒーローをある程度までしかレベルアップできません。ここで、ヒーローの追加のコピーが必要になります。 The process basically works like how novice heroes work, which means that as the star grade rises, the more copies of the hero you will need.

Likewise, the process of evolution unlocks more stats of the hero available for upgrading, essentially giving the hero more avenues to raise his or her power. Evolution not only require extra copies of the hero, though, as lots of coins as well as evolution stones are needed as well.

If you are wondering about the 4 different regions you can play on in Hero Ball Z, each region represents an element that can earn you more cells for that particular element. Elemental cells are needed to upgrade your heroes stats, which means that you will need a lot more of it as you evolve your main heroes. The number of cells you earn from a region can be obtained after you return to HQ, and at that point, you will be able to select any unlocked region to venture into.

Note that other regions unlock based on your level and your level is based on your stage progress in any region. As such, it is best to strive unlocking each region first before focusing on maximizing upgrades for your favorite heroes.

4. Strategize On Your Team’s Formation

Every Hero In Hero Ball Z is unique in terms of stats but more importantly, in their skills. To see more critical aspects of their abilities, you should tap on the details icon above the portraits in their page. This is where you will see their attack pattern, which changes based on their evolution level.

Their attack range can be a crucial part of their ability as you would typically want heroes that can reach farther. There are also unique abilities such as auto aim and pierce, which can be very useful in battle.

Do note that these aspects can improve as the hero’s star grade increases. To be certain that you are investing in the right hero useful until you reach the end game, be sure to check the hero’s capacity on their max star grade.

The attack pattern is key to utilizing the hero as far as formation is concerned.Typically, the strongest one may be at the front of the formation but you can also opt for heroes with strong attack power but short range to stay ahead of the pack. Note as well that enemy mobs can appear behind your heroes, making those with auto aim and long range capacity, viable for the back row.

5. Expend Research Coins Carefully

One of the most important features of Hero Ball Z lies in the upgrades you can obtain via research at the Academy. You need research coins to perform upgrades but you will practically earn a lot of it as you progress through the levels, especially on auto mode. Research coins are generated whenever you fuse novices together.

Researches are classified into Skill Research, Leadership Research, and Adventure Research. Skill Research is focused on upgrading the Hero Ball performance and the number of novices you can deploy on the field. Leadership Research revolves around offline rewards. Adventure Research impacts the distance you can skip after returning to HQ and restarting on any region and the efficiency of the rush ability that you can maximize by tapping on the appropriate icon at the lower right side of the screen.

Research levels are capped based on the academy level. Every research item you invest in earns you experience points for the academy. As far as prioritization is concerned, it is all based on your play style, most particularly how often you play online and how long you stay away from the game. In any case, a lot of the choices for research will be capped before you reach the next minimum academy level needed to upgrade them again.

6. Know When To Make A Return

Another essential feature available in Hero Ball Z is constantly having a need to return to HQ and restart your journey again with more resources to strengthen your heroes. While coins are earned gradually as you progress through the stages, the bulk of it, along with the elemental cells you need to upgrade your heroes stats are earned every return.

One strategy to go with is to push your heroes as far through the stages as possible. This is most important until you have unlocked all the regions. Naturally, it would be impossible on your first go, so for starters, the best option to return is when you are no longer able to finish a stage, potentially a boss battle that proves too challenging for your heroes’ current levels and power.

Once you unlock all regions, you should prioritize farming for the cells you mostly need. Suppose your top hero is a water element, then you should traverse the water region and as many cells as you can for that hero. Note that you can obtain all types of elemental cells regardless of which region you battle through. You get 3 times as much of an elemental cell from the region with the same element, though, which makes one region more important for you relative to your top hero.

Keep in mind as well that you should look into your heroes’ upgrade needs first before choosing to return as you will have to decide on which region to select immediately after.

7. Participate In All Other Game Modes

The Adventure Mode in Hero Ball Z stands as its main game mode, but there are other contents to engage in for you to earn additional rewards. Some of the game’s other features and game modes may take a while to become available as some are locked behind minimum level requirements that you can meet based on how far you have progressed on any region.

In any case, be sure to look into each available game mode. There will be noticeable indicators on their icon at the main menu. Partaking in any of these features can be done while your heroes battle through the adventure mode.

Type Battle is among the fastest game mode you can complete. You are provided 3 attempts each day to challenge a boss that grows tougher as you progress further up the levels. Initially, your adventure team should breeze through the levels easily but later on, you will have to take advantage of elemental affinities to be able to win. You can earn elemental cells and coins from each battle and you can complete previously beaten stages with a click of a button.

The Training Mode pits your team of heroes against a team of other heroes. Each stage offers a unique reward and you can push to progress as much as you want provided that you can beat the stage. It is a good source of extra resources most especially tier 10 novices and experts.

The Missions is an added feature as well that can earn you extra rewards. You receive 5 missions each day and each one will have a unique set of requirements as far as elemental affinity and evolution levels of heroes are concerned. You can deploy all heroes, including those that are battling through the adventure mode and rewards are based on the mission difficulty. There are mission items you can earn from rewards as well that can be consumed to unlock extra missions.

You can also obtain drones as rewards from quests and events. These drones, much like your heroes in the Mission Mode, can earn you idle rewards. Drones vanish after searching for goods within a limited number of attempts based on the drone’s rarity grade. Drones also have a chance to find unique heroes. In any case, it is best to deploy drones to search for items as soon as you obtain them.

8. Join A Union As Soon As You Can

Although Hero Ball Z is largely a single player adventure game, it still exhibits social features like the chat and the union function. If you have played multiplayer games before, then the union in Hero Ball Z is more like a guild, an alliance, a clan, or a faction. As such, there are only advantages in being a part of one and it comes with neither price nor any negative impacts.

There are rewards you can immediately earn as soon as you join a union and once you do, you should check in immediately. Being in a union unlocks the raid feature, which houses a powerful boss that you cannot hope to beat on your own.

Be sure to expend your attempts to battle the raid boss and help your guild earn rewards for everyone. For best results, make an effort to save the raid boss battle towards the latter part of your playing time within the day as you will need every bit of power you can acquire to deal heavy damage to the boss.

9. Upgrade Your Commander Whenever Possible

Sora, who will guide your through the tutorial session, actually serves as the commander of your team. After breaking through a certain level, you will unlock the Commander feature in Hero Ball Z and be able to increase the stat boosts that the commander provides. You need star coins and super star coins to level up and limit break your commander, respectively. You can earn both by completing quests and playing daily.

As far as star coins are concerned, feel free to expend them as soon as you obtain them. Costs to boost the commander XP will always be 10 coins and while more commanders may become available soon, there are no details yet as to how to obtain more.

The commander feature can be accessed through its icon just between the academy and union features. Whenever you have star coins that can be spent, there will be an indicator on it so be sure to keep a good lookout.

10. Help Your Team By Manually Controlling A Hero

Hero Ball Z, as we mentioned earlier, is a type of game that allows you to make good progress even if you stay idle, even without enabling speed boosts and the auto mode feature. What would typically happen is that you will arrange your heroes in formation and leave them at that unless there are roster changes that you implemented.

For the most part, you can pass an adventure stage or a battle in most game modes without having any difficulties at all. For boss raids or harder challenges, though, it is essential to switch to general tactics fit for shoot ‘em up games. This means that you have to exert some effort to dodge enemy fire. Although you will not be able to do so for each hero in your team, you should at least pick one to hold on to and drag manually to avoid getting hit.

The Boss Raid within the union is the best way to try this out. You will notice a huge difference in the damage you can dish out by dodging enemy attacks and staying longer in play, even if it is just a few seconds longer.

11. Accomplish Quests And Achievements For Extra Rewards

Playing Hero Ball Z certainly earns you more than enough rewards to continuously enhance and upgrade your heroes. Beyond the outright rewards you receive as you play through the adventure as well as the huge resources you obtain after every return to HQ, there are more rewards to be earned from quests and achievements that you accomplish.

Hero Ball Z holds a wide variety of quests and an achievements system that can help boost your overall progress in your journey. For the most part, you will clear several quest and achievement objectives without even knowing given that all quests and achievements relate to the activities you should engage in as you venture through the game.

In any case, it is best to browse through the list of objectives on each quest type and achievements. The list should serve as your guide to identify which ones can be accomplished following your basic routine, and which ones will take you through other aspects of the game you hardly spend time on.

The Daily Quests are relatively easy to accomplish. There are 16 objectives to complete each day for some rewards and completing 8 daily quests will earn you a production boost ticket. Weekly quests seem more like buffed up versions of the daily quests and are classified into 4 categories. Every quest you accomplish daily contributes to your goals lodged under the weekly quests, more or less.

One of the more engaging quest lists available is the Chain Quest. This is a unique feature in Hero Ball Z that provides you with a simple feat to accomplish for a reward and then unlocks the next quest to take on. After completing 14 quests, a special reward will be provided and the chain resets. You can complete as many chain quest objectives as you want per day and your progress continuous on the following day.

Achievements are on a separate consideration as the tasks outlined within the list are milestones you accomplish across all aspects of your journey. These objectives typically offer one-time rewards in the form of evolve stones or rubies but a similar yet harder feat to accomplish unlocks once you achieve the current one.

12. Take Advantage Of Events

Progression in Hero Ball Z is very rapid at the initial stages. This is naturally because of quicker level increases that earn you level up rewards and meeting achievement objectives. Beyond all that, Hero Ball Z provides various events to help players, especially newbies to jumpstart their progression.

In essence, these events are tied up to quests and achievements and relate as well to the usual activities you engage in. As some of these events are only available for a limited period of time, it is best to strive getting the most rewards out of these events. Like the quests and achievements as well, looking into the accomplishable objectives for each event is highly recommended.

There is a Newbie Event Banner you can access via the top right of the pop-up menu. This houses a lot of freebies you can collect with little to no effort. The Event Icon also contains several features you can claim rewards from but your attention should initially be focused on the seasonal quests that can earn you great rewards if you can accomplish objectives within the limited time period provided. One event that seems permanent is the Alphabet Collection Bonus.

This feature lets you earn random letters as you progress through stages in any region to form the game’s title. Once you collect all the letters, you can claim very valuable rewards. The sooner you claim the rewards, the sooner the collection spree will recommence, so be sure to keep a good eye on the upper right side of the screen until you claim all the rewards.

13. Spend Your Rubies Wisely

Hero Ball Z holds various means for you to earn free rubies. As these serve as the premium currency in the game, any means of getting more for free should be taken advantage of. You can see the number of rubies you have at the upper right corner of the screen. If you see the red “N” indicator, it means that you can watch a short video ad to earn 20 rubies. You can play video ads for 10 straight times and the chances of earning free rubies will regenerate over time.

Given that rubies are much harder to earn than coins and despite obtaining some for free, being a premium currency means that rubies can be used in a wide variety of ways. For the most part, these can be used to make it more convenient for you to play or boost your progress through shop purchases. Be sure to check out what the shop has in store for you as there are various limited packages available that you should save your rubies for. Note that there are more freebies in the shop that you can claim after playing a video ad for each of them.

14. Always Check Your Inventory

Most rewards you earn from your adventures and accomplishments wind up in your inventory. Some of these rewards, however, are not immediately usable and would have to be opened up first before you see the actual reward. After bringing up the main menu, you may notice that there is an indicator on the inventory icon. This simply means that there are packages in your inventory waiting to be opened up.

Packages may contain coins, rubies, artifacts, novices, or even heroes and for most of these packages, unlocking them is best done sooner than later. The only package worth holding on to is the elemental cell package but if you already know which elemental cell you need the most, then you should open it up immediately as well.

In addition to packages that are considered as consumables in your inventory, take time to browse through the other unfamiliar items as well as Hero Ball Z is packed with a lot of events that hold unique currencies you may miss out on.

Hero Ball Z certainly holds a plethora of features and game modes that can keep any avid player busy for a lot of hours, despite the idle option. While we have delved into most of its features but not all in its entirety, we are confident that the simple tips and strategies we shared will suffice to boost the rate of your progression in your adventure.

As such, this is where we will end our guide with a last reminder that while Hero Ball Z is an idle game, how you make progress is highly dependent on how active you are while you play. We hope that you have learned a lot from the topics we discussed. If you have any questions about the game or would want to share your very own tips, cheats or strategies, then be sure to drop us a line!