

Cookie Run:Kingdom Tier List:A Complete Ranked List of Cookies

総合的な Cookie Run:Kingdom Cookie 層リストへようこそ!すべてのクッキーは愛らしく、収集する価値がありますが、すべてが特に戦闘に役立つわけではありません。 Azur Lane、Arknights、このゲームのパパ Cookie Run:Ovenbreak などのガチャ ゲームと同様に、特定の Cookie は他の Cookie よりも効果的です。

残念ながら、エピック、レア、コモンの実際の層は、クッキーがどれほど効果的であるかについて漠然とした考えを与えるだけであり、通常は生の統計に関係するだけです.一部の叙事詩はかなり悪いです。一部のレアは、特定のエピックを倒すのに十分なほど強力です。コモンズの一部でさえ、序盤のゲームを過ぎて奇妙なニッチをつかむことができます.そしてもちろん、一部の Cookie は完全に破棄されます。

この層リストは、Cookie Run:Kingdom を少しの間プレイしていることを前提としています。初心者の方は、Cookie Run:Kingdom の初心者向けガイドにアクセスして、ぜひお読みください。また、ゲーム内の強力なチーム ビルドが明らかになるため、分隊構成ガイドもチェックしてください。進行、王国の管理、戦闘、および関連トピックに関するアドバイスをお探しの場合は、専用の記事を読むことをお勧めします!


Xティア – グルメ

キャプテン キャビア クッキー
ブラック パール クッキー
クリーム ユニコーン クッキー
エスプレッソ クッキー
クロテッド クリーム クッキー
ワイルドベリー クッキー
キャラメル アロー クッキー
エクレア クッキー
ダーク カカオ クッキー

ヴァンパイア クッキー
ホリーベリー クッキー
フィナンシェ クッキー
フロスト クイーン クッキー
シュークリーム クッキー
ソルベ シャーク クッキー
ピュア バニラ クッキー
ブラック レーズン クッキー

これがメタ隊です。彼らは PvP では絶対的なモンスターですが、ゲームのすべての段階で、PVE でも非常に信頼できます。彼らは世界地図の大部分を平らにします。アリーナのいたるところでそれらを見ることができます。彼らと一緒に戦ってあなたは気性を失うでしょう。それらを持っている場合、PVE 全体で転がるのを止める唯一のことは、タイミングの感覚と、それらのスター ゼリーを与えるのを忘れた場合です。コア Cookie であるため、取得したら少なくとも 3 つのスロットを埋めるために使用します。特に AOE ダメージ Cookie は、所有していて投資したものに応じて使用されます。



エピック、チャージ、フロント、AOE オートアタック、オートアタックで気絶のチャンス、AOE ダメージ、ハンマー タイム


トッピング:ソリッド アーモンド

ワイルドベリー クッキーは、彼の仕事をめぐって競合しているようです。 Schwarzwalder はかなり致命的なクッキーです。ちょっと待って、彼らはケーキです、間違いなくケーキです。それらは PVE と PVP の両方にとって非常に強力なケーキであり、AOE だけでなく、スキルのおかげで非常に迅速にスイングするかなり厄介な自動攻撃を 50% の確率で気絶させます。

もちろん、BTS Cookies のすぐ隣にリリースされ、その気絶を​​無効にするシェナニガンは、この大きな分厚い黒い森のケーキの雷鳴を PVP でいくらか弱めますが、そうでなければ、特に司書のローブの宝物を持っている場合は、敵をシャットダウンするためにそれらに頼ることができます装備。 Schwarzwalder のスキルは、自身の ATK SPD を 35%、ATK を 15%、ダメージ耐性を 30% 上昇させ、大きなハンマーを敵の顔面に叩きつけます。

このハンマー スラムは、敵の攻撃力を 5.5% 減少させ、スキル スラムが当たったときの最初の 400+% のダメージに加えて、さらに 200% の攻撃力ダメージを与えます。このデバフは 3 回スタックし、40 秒間持続します。素早い攻撃かどうかは別として、Destiny のアバターには使用しないでください。確かに、Schwarzwalder は墓石のバリケードをかなり素早く粉々に打ち砕くことができますが、アバターが非常に怒ってチームを核攻撃するたびに、チームを殺してしまいます。 Schwarzwalder が何百万もの気絶を与えようとするようなデバフを受けます。

キャプテン キャビア クッキー

エピック、ボンバー、ミッド、DEF 減少、AOE 攻撃、スローアニメーション、離れた魚雷

PVP/PVE デバッファ/AOE ダメージ

トッピング:ソリッド アーモンド、スイフト チョコレート

キャプテン キャビア クッキーは、ボス討伐に関しては、ダーク チョコ クッキーに代わる新しい、より破壊的な代替手段です。彼らは同じ仕事を持っています:敵の防御を下げて、本当のボスのスナイパー (通常はヴァンパイア クッキー) が 1 回のスキル攻撃でボスの HP バーから巨大な塊を吹き飛ばすことができるようにします。

ダーク チョコ クッキーはかさばるフロント クッキーなので長持ちしますが、キャプテン キャビアは優れたダメージ軽減 (40+% の DEF 軽減は、いずれかの敵に対して合計 80+% を 1 回スタックすることができます) で彼のぎこちなさを補って余りありますサイズ、vsダークチョコの20×3 =60%は、ターゲットが彼のスキル全体を食べるのに十分な大きさの場合にのみ発生します)ボンバークッキーとしての彼のはるかに高いATK統計のおかげで、実際のダメージ能力と混ざり合っています.

そうは言っても、キャビアのスキルはプレイヤーがより良いタイミングを必要とします。彼のスキルの基本クールダウンは 15 秒と適切ですが、実際のスキルのアニメーションはダーク チョコ クッキーの雷攻撃に比べて非常に遅いからです。彼の潜水艦が発射した魚雷が命中するのを待ってから、スリングショットを使用してヴァンパイアを呼び出して仕事を終わらせる必要があります。

レッド ベルベット ドラゴン ギルドのボスと戦う特定の状況では、低いスター レベルのキャプテン キャビアは、ドラゴンの DMG 反射のために彼自身のスキルで核攻撃を受けるのに十分なほどスクイーズであるため、通常は低いレベルでダーク チョコを使用することをお勧めします。 、しかし、チームの残りの部分は長く続く可能性があります。しかし、より高いレベルでは、ドラゴンがチーム全体を数秒でオーバーベークしている場合は、ダークチョコでもスキル弾幕が1つまたは2つしか得られないため、キャプテンキャビアがより良い選択です.クッキーがドラゴンの前菜を巻き上げる前に、これらのいくつかの弾幕をできるだけ強く打つ必要があります.

ブラック パール クッキー


PVP/PVE AOE ダメージ、デバッファ

トッピング:ソリッド アーモンド/スウィフト チョコレート/焼きラズベリー

ブラック パール クッキーは、ストーリーと同じようにゲームプレイでも恐ろしい存在です。この完全にマニアックな海上大量殺戮者は、敵のMOV SPD、ATK SPD、およびAbyssの恐怖デバフを介してATKを低下させる能力を持っているだけでなく、それが消えると敵をひどく傷つけます.彼女はまた、待ち伏せクッキーでもあります.スキルにより、ヴァンパイア、ブラックレーズン、および他のすべての待ち伏せクッキーと同様に、彼女は攻撃をかわすことができます。

これにより、完璧なタイミングが必要になるため、Stun Cookie を使用しても彼女のスキルを中断することは非常に難しくなります。 PVP は Auto で行われるため、彼女の敵にとっては悪臭を放ちます。彼女が与える実際のダメージに関しては、レベル 1 での彼女のスキルは中程度の 240.8% のダメージから始まり、特にクッキーに対して 6.3% のヒットあたりの真のダメージ (ターゲット HP に基づく) を持つ 10 ヒットの渦は明らかに中程度ではありません。すべて、彼女は敵の DMG 減少の 40% をバイパスできます。

そうですよね、防御じゃなくてダメージ軽減!つまり、アーモンドは、クッキーが使い終わるまでに、クッキーがねっとりとしたビスケットのスラッシーに変わるのを防ぎません.ブラック パールはとても厄介なので、彼女が少しレベルが低くても気をつけなければなりません。

クリーム ユニコーン クッキー

EPIC, REAR, HEALER, Team Healer, Silence, Damage Reduction, Slow Cooldown, Friend To All Children?


トッピング:ソリッド アーモンドまたはスイフト チョコレート

ピュア バニラ サーバーのすべてのトップ PVP チームにリリースされたミリ秒単位で登場した強力なヒーラー、Cream Unicorn Cookie は強力なヒーラーですが、彼らの回復のためではありません。彼らの回復は奇妙です:クリーム ユニコーンのスキルは、クッキーが失った HP の 1% ごとに ATK の 1.2% を回復し、加えて最初の 60%+ を回復します。クッキーが大きなダメージを受けた後に使用すると非常に強力ですが、Cream Unicorn のヒールはキャスト直後ではなく、スキル アニメーションの最後に適用されるため、誰かが崩れ落ちるほど遅くなります。そして、それは彼らの恐ろしい17秒のベースクールダウンを考慮に入れていません.

しかし、彼らの本当の強みは、スキルで敵を沈黙させることができるだけでなく、チームにスタックする DMG 減少バフを与えることもできます。 Oh and Silence は最近強化され、完全な固定化になり、より高度なスタンのようにスキルのクールダウンを停止できるようになりました。

クリーム ユニコーンはほとんどのチームでうまく機能します。これは、ほとんどの状況で DMG 削減が非常に強く必要とされているためです。特に PVP では、チームが高ダメージ攻撃から回復しているときにヒールがより役立つためです。これは、Cream Unicorn を、Hollyberry や砂糖漬けの Purple Yam などのダメージ軽減能力を持つ他のクッキーと組み合わせた場合に最も気付くでしょう。分隊ダメージディーラーを徹底的に守るフィニアンシェクッキー。

エスプレッソ クッキー

EPIC、MID、MAGIC、AOE ダメージ ディーラー、レイトゲーム AOE スタン、レイトゲーム エクストラ ダメージ vs スタン耐性ターゲット、マジック キャンディーあり、オーバーカフェインによる死亡

PVP/PVE AOE ダメージ、中央への引き寄せは、シャーベット シャークやその他の小さな AOE 攻撃者に役立ちます


ゲームのリリース中にメタになった最初のアタック クッキーであるエスプレッソ クッキーは、チームまたはトレジャー セットの敵の防御力を下げる何らかの方法がある限り、PVE で依然としてかなり効果的でした。しかし、PvP での彼の支配はとうの昔に過ぎ去り、Sea Fairy、Frost Queen、Clotted Cream、Eclair、Caramel Arrow などが彼の地位を占めました。もう違います!彼は新しい Magic Candy で力を取り戻すように設定されています。これにより、Sea Fairy のようなダメージの面で彼は同等になり、より多くのユーティリティを提供し、Sorbet Shark のような AOE がよりタイトな他の攻撃者とのペアリングが向上します。

いつものように、エスプレッソの渦は敵を引き寄せながらダメージを与え、続いて爆発します。ただし、彼の Magic Candy を使用すると、いくつかのことが追加されます。まず、渦は、スキル中のキャラメル アロー、スキル中のマドレーヌ、および彼がすべて洗い流されたと考えるほど愚かな人など、割り込み耐性のあるクッキーを引っ張ることができるようになりました。第二に、爆発には小さなスタンがあり、スキルのキャスティングを中断できるようになりました。 3 つ目は、古き良き追加ダメージです。今度は 3% の True Damage vs Cookie と、より一般的なダメージ ブーストがあります。

ボスなどの気絶耐性のある敵に対してはそれほど強くないと思うかもしれませんが、彼には最後に面白いトリックがあります。敵が気絶耐性を持っている場合、爆発はターゲットに 300% 以上の追加ダメージを与えます!これにより、砂糖漬けのエスプレッソはボスに対しても有用なオプションになります。ボスは例外なくスタン耐性があり、追加のダメージを受けることになるからです。

クロテッド クリーム クッキー

SUPER EPIC、MID、MAGIC、Disabler、AOE ダメージ、フロント スナイパー、2% Connivingness

PVE ダメージ ディーラー、PVP スーパー ディスエイブラー、タンクバスター

トッピング:焼きラズベリーまたはスイフト チョコレート

作家は当初考えていたほど強くなかったので、クロテッドクリームをティアダウンしようとしていましたが、その後、彼をここに維持するのに十分な速さでバフされました.巧妙に計算するクリーム共和国の領事クロテッド クリーム クッキーは信じられないほど強力な無効化ツールであり、スーパー エピック ティアの最初のものであり、基本的にはエピックとエンシェント/レジェンダリーの中間に位置します。後者と同様の力を持っていますが、古代の英雄 (古代) や神話の存在 (レジェンダリー) とは対照的に、現代のクッキーであるため、テーマ的にエンシェントまたはレジェンダリーのいずれにも適合しません。 /P>

クロテッド クリームには、ココアのような気絶耐性バッファー クッキーや、スキル中のキャラメル アローのようなすべての無効化を無視するものからの割り込み防止を無視して、止められない無効化があります。これは、彼らの壊滅的な AOE ダメージ、および最も近い敵 Cookie を優先して、たまたま無力化した相手に与えるさらに恐ろしい単一ターゲットのダメージは言うまでもありません。彼らは犠牲者の最大 HP に基づいて 89.9% の DMG (敵の防御によって減少する可能性があります) を与え、さらに同じに基づいて固定ダメージの 20% を与えます。シャーベットシャークに似ています。

ただし、クッキーでない場合、合計 HP ダメージは 1.9% しかありません。次に、ケージ自体は領事の攻撃の 189% を行い、AOE 攻撃は合計で領事の攻撃の 308.5% を行います。全体として、彼のリリースメイトや、たまたま彼のスキルの視界に入った他のフロント クッキーに対する大きな脅威です。彼の独善的な疑わしい政治家の顔を殴りたいという衝動を抑えて、彼をチームに入れましょう!

ワイルドベリー クッキー

エピック、フロント、ディフェンス、バーサーカー、重戦車、ノックバック スパマー、ナギンベリー クッキー

PVE タンク、PVP アンチスピード/アンチ サモナー ダメージ ディーラー/タンク チーム イネーブラー

トッピング:ソリッド アーモンド (ワイルドベリーのダメージは、彼がたくさんの攻撃を受けるかどうかによって異なります)

Hollyberry の望ましくないベビーシッターである Wildberry Cookie は、現在活動中の現在の PVP メタ チームと戦うために構築された、かなり危険な戦士のようです。スキルの説明は複雑ですが、実際に機能する方法は単純です。有効になっている間、Wildberry がチームに与える打撃が多いほど、最後のパンチが強くなります。彼の最後のパンチは、受けるヒットごとに攻撃力の 35.3% ずつ追加で上昇し、最大 30 ヒットで最大 1059% の追加ダメージを与えますが、通常の敵チームでは、大きなパンチの前に約 15 スタックします。彼の敵が彼と等しい場合。これは 1.3 秒の気絶に加えてです。

今日の一般的な敵チームには、通常、キャラメル アロー クッキーが含まれます。このクッキーは、彼女のスキルが強力な矢をたくさん放つことができます。コットン クッキーは、羊が敵の正面のクッキーを素早く攻撃するサモナーです。計算を行うと、Wildberry Cookie の攻撃力は悪くない (トッピングなしの lv60 で、23k ATK に達し、防御エピックの標準は約 15-20k トップになる) から、真のダメージディーラーに彼らのお金のために実行を与えるまでになります,彼はかさばる防御 Cookie 統計を維持しています。

最良の部分は、前にいることで、理論的には彼の弱点となるクッキーを簡単に回避できることです。後部をターゲットにするヴァンパイアやレッド ベルベットのような高ダメージのシングル ヒット クッキーです!彼のリリースメイトのクロテッド クリーム クッキーは特に彼に対抗しているように見えますが、キャラメル アローの DPS、マドレーヌの AOE スパム、ダーク カカオの非常識な切断スイングとデバフ バラージに加えてワイルドベリーの存在は、かさばる 4-フロント 1 サポート チームが実行可能です。これは、共和国領事のために狙撃するための 1 台の戦車だけではありません。

キャラメル アロー クッキー

エピック、レンジャー、フロント、ダメージ ディーラー、HP 割合ダメージ、複数ターゲット攻撃、ダメージ スタッカー、デバフ耐性、ボバティー ベースのボウ オブ ブーム

PVE アンチ Cookie、PVP 大ダメージ

トッピング:アロー マーク スタッキング用の弾むキャラメル、または彼女の優れた攻撃ステータスを利用するための焦げたラズベリー、混合物が実行可能です

Caramel Arrow は、「ディーラーに前ではなく後ろにダメージを与える」というルールをあからさまに破った最初のゲームですが、最近の Charge Cookie は事実上、そのルールの端をすくい取っているだけだと主張する人もいるかもしれません。レンジャーが前にいるとどうやってダメージを与え、2秒で死ぬので、これは彼女をかなり価値がないと思うでしょう?

ありがたいことに、彼女のスタッツラインは非常に攻撃的なチャージ クッキー (チャージ クッキーと比較して異常に高い ATK、優れているが特に印象的ではない HP とまずまずの防御) に似ており、実際のクッキー タイプを考慮すると異常に長く持続することができます。彼女を真に輝かせるのはスキルである。彼女はマドレーヌのように本業に嘘をつかないことを除けば後方に飛び降り、敵を矢で叩き始める。各ショットは、ターゲットにアロー マーク (「粘着爆弾」のファンシーな名前) を積み重ねることができ、発射を停止すると爆発します。

彼女が射撃をやめた後、彼女は敵に向かってダッシュし、ターゲットの HP に基づいて追加の初期ダメージを与えます。ダッシュのパーセンテージ ダメージはソルベよりも高い (少なくともクッキーに対して使用した場合、ソルベの 30% と比較して最大約 38%) が、真のダメージとしてカウントされないため、DEF とダメージ レジストによって減少させることができます。また、彼女のスキルは 8 秒間デバフの影響を受けず、フロスト クイーンなどを暗殺することができ、海の妖精が津波を彼女に落とした後でも一貫したダメージを維持することができます。

何よりも、彼女のスキルには自然な 10 秒のクールダウンが付属しており、15 秒が適切または少なくとも平均的であると見なされるゲームでは.彼女のダメージの大部分は矢のスパムとその後の矢マークのスタックによるものなので、彼女をスピード コンプ (ライラック クッキーのマシンガン部隊、ペストリー クッキーのスロットを使用するか、スロットを使用) に配置することをお勧めしますが、彼女は間違いなく十分に強力です。メインラインの汎用チームを強化します。

エクレア クッキー

エピック、「サポート」、MID、ATK ターゲット優先度、ダメージ ブースター、ヒーローを死亡記事に掲載

PVP アンチアタッカー、PVE 一般ダメージ ディーラー、アンチ ボス サポート、フォース マルチプライヤー、アンチ スペルキャスター

トッピング:焼きラズベリー/スイフト チョコレート

壊れた、チーズ、不公平、純粋な悪、この控えめな歴史家を表す言葉はたくさんあります。ボスファイトの形をしたラズベリー クッキーを想像してみてください (まだそこに到達していない場合、彼女はあなたのダメージ ディーラーをワンショットするのが大好きです)。

これにより、エクレア クッキーがいかにナッツであるかがわかります。彼らは、ほぼマジック クッキー レベルの ATK を持つスタットライン、敵チームの中で最も ATK が高い人に基づくターゲットの優先順位、スキルの恐ろしく高いダメージ パーセンテージの完璧な組み合わせを持っています (最大で、彼らは 1 回の攻撃で約 800% をヒットします)。攻撃力の高い 3 人のターゲットに対して強烈な打撃を与える)、最初のヒットで死亡していない場合、犠牲者が他の全員からさらに多くのダメージを受けるようにするスタック可能なデバフ。

敵チームのダメージ能力を中和したい場合は、エクレア クッキーを展開します。この完全なオタクは、数回のデバフ スタックの後、Sea Fairy や Frost Queen などと互角に戦うことができます。これに加えて、彼らはサポートとしてカウントされるため、他のダメージ ディーラーと一緒に展開するのは簡単であり、待ち伏せ、遠距離、およびマジック パウダーをめぐって他のダメージ ディーラーと戦うことはありません。彼らが殺したときに与える盾に違いない。

PVEに関しては、危険なミッドターゲティングスペルキャスターが存在するチャプター9と12で最適に機能し、指定されたボスバスターが(チーム全体とともに)大量の追加ダメージを与えるため、一般的なボス戦に最適です.焦げたラズベリーはエクレアでうまく機能しますが、スイフト チョコレートは他のダメージ ディーラーを簡単に助けるのに役立ちます。

ダーク カカオ クッキー


PVE 汎用デバッファ、PVP ヒーラー拒否、AOE ダメージ

トッピング:アーモンド、スウィフト チョコで負傷をすばやくスタック

助言の乏しい王様、ひどいお父さん (当然のことながら、彼の息子は息子になるのが得意ではありません)、そして素晴らしいフロント クッキーです。類似の AOE と美貌に惑わされないでください。ダーク カカオ クッキーは、息子のダーク チョコ クッキーと比較して、より一般的な役割を果たします。

どちらもスキルにDEF減少がありますが、ダークチョコのほうがはるかに強力です。息子は20%の防御減少をターゲットのヒットボックスサイズに応じて最大3回、合計で最大60%、お父さんは15%の防御減少を与えます。 、彼のスキルの2番目のヒットで。これにより、ダークチョコは父親に比べて大きなボスを倒すのに適しています.

ダーク カカオは、被害者に他のデバフを大量に投下することでこれを補います:彼は負傷デバフで敵の最大 HP を一時的に減らすことができ、敵のヒーラーの効果を低下させます:その間どれだけ頑張っても、海の妖精のようなものからのフォローアップ攻撃に対してmはより脆弱になります.

負傷デバフは、敵の最大 HP の 25% までスタックすることもでき、スキルで特に言及されていない限り解除できないため、ハーブも解決しません。彼はまた、スキルの最初のヒットで Twizzly の Zap デバフを持っており、時間の経過とともにダメージを与えながら、Eclair、Pure Vanilla、Custard Cookie III などのシールドを即座に無効にします。また、ダークカカオは敵の攻撃力を10.8%減少させます。

これに加えて、彼の非常に遅いが強烈な基本的な剣の攻撃には、敵チームの5つのクッキーすべてを攻撃できる、絶対に狂った切断領域があります.皮肉なことに、息子やエクレアのような単一の強力なデバフと比較して、ダーク カカオの幅広いデバフへの依存は、彼自身のリリース チャプターである第 13 章 Snow On The Black Gates で苦しめられます (すべての敵は 40% 以上のデバフ耐性があります)。彼はまだ他のどこでも素晴らしいですが.ダーク カカオ クッキーは、アフォガート クッキーとの相性が良いため、彼はアフォガートの有毒なアドバイスに耳を傾けています。


EPIC、FRONT、CHARGE、AOE Debuffer、中戦車、死の闇のシャワーカーテン

PVP DEF 減少、PVE トリプル スタック デバフ ヒット vs 非常に大きなボスとギルド ボス

トッピング:ソリッド アーモンド

ダーク チョコ クッキーの良い点は、クールな黒い鎧、素晴らしい絹のような髪、堂々とした姿だけではありません。彼のダメージの可能性はそれ自体では印象的ではありませんが、彼のスキルが群衆全体に与える 20% の DEF ダウン デバフは深刻なものです.

彼は、PVP と PVE の両方で使用されることがよくあります。彼を丈夫に保つために、彼に固体アーモンドまたはハードクルミを与えてください.何度も更新された後でも、彼がまだ現在のメタで最も必要とされているクッキーの 1 つであることを思い出して、彼が元気づけてくれればいいのですが。

Cookie Run Discordサーバーで素敵なプレイヤーが行ったさらなる調査により、彼のスキルは非常に大きなターゲットを3回攻撃し、不幸な犠牲者にD​​EFダウンデバフを3回スタックできることが判明しました.これは、AOE クッキーであるにも関わらず、特定のボス戦には非常に適していることを意味します。


レジェンダリー、ミッド、ボンバー、マルチターゲット バースト ダメージ、マルチターゲット ヘビー スタン、ウォーキング ネイバル ディザスター ゾーン


トッピング:ラズベリーを焼いてダメージを与えるか、スウィフト チョコレートで長いクールダウンを緩和

海の妖精の登場で、溜め込んでいたボンバーパウダーが一気に使えるようになりました。彼女が到着すると、海の妖精のクッキーは、彼女の非常識な力でトップレベルの PVP メタを独力で沈めました。彼らは、ゲームで最も重いスタンの 1 つを 3 秒で実行し、合計 5 つのターゲットを攻撃します。 Red Velvet は 5 秒間の気絶を行うことができますが、これは後方からの 1 つのターゲットのみに制限されています。

その上、彼らは恐ろしいほど強力なバーストダメージを与えることができます.彼女は PvP で恐ろしく致命的になるように作られています (チームに 5 つのターゲット、5 つのクッキーがあり、これは偶然ではありません) が、PVE、特に敵が量よりも質を重視する後半のゲームでは、依然として恐ろしく効果的です。彼女にラズベリーを与えて、ウェーブから 5 人の敵を即座に削除できるようにするか、スイフト チョコを与えて、17 秒のクールダウンが非常に遅い (しかし当然のことです) 緩和します。


ヴァンパイア クッキー


PVP アンチヒーラー、PVE アンチボス、アンチ スペルキャスター、ムックスパムに弱い、序盤に弱い、終盤に強い、魔法のキャンディーあり


ヴァンパイア クッキーは、新しいチームが 1 つか 2 つのスキル弾幕でヒーラーとリアをノックアウトするのを難しくして以来、PVP メタから滑り落ちていましたが、これまでのところ、危険なリア ライナーを狙撃し、PVE でボスを打ち負かすための有用性を維持しています。彼がレベル 50 未満である限り、その状態はほとんど変わらないでしょう。

ただし、レベル 50 (真のレベル 50、古代の英雄の殿堂に見習いとして配置することによる lv50 ではありません) になると、彼は新しいアップデートのおかげで巨大なパワーブーストにアクセスできるようになり、作成可能な魔法のキャンディーが与えられます。オーブンブレイク!この魔法のキャンディーは、彼のスキルの素のダメージ パワーをブーストするだけでなく、彼の基本攻撃を AOE ライフスティールに変え、一度に 3 つのターゲットを攻撃できます。

さらに、噛み付いたターゲットに命中する次のスキル攻撃を自動的にクリティカルにし、その噛みつきは時間の経過とともにダメージを与えることができます出血デバフ!また、キャンディーがLv10に達すると、彼が崩れたときに彼を復活させ、彼のスキルをもう一度噛む準備ができています. Affogato、Shroomie、Eclair、Dark Choco、Pomegranate、または Pomegranate を含むそれらの組み合わせのようなものとチームを組ませることは、時間の経過とともにダメージを与えるシェナニガンのおかげで、通常、大きなボスの存在ライセンスを失効させる最良の方法です。ヴァンプのとがった歯。

そして、はい、キャンディーを持って、バックライナーをいじめる PVP での通常の仕事にほとんど戻っています。彼は PVP で弱点を持っています:同じチームでキャラメル アローとハーブ クッキーを一緒に。 Caramel Arrow は後ろに飛び乗って Herb を攻撃します。彼女の前の Cookie 統計は、ほとんどの場合、彼女の HP の半分だけを吹き飛ばすだけの十分なタフさを備えています。 Herb はその後、確実にスキル クリティカルを発生させる Bleeding と Vampiric Bite デバフをパッチします。ヴァンパイアは依然として、ボス戦や PVE ソーサラー タイプのスナイピングで最もよく機能する、高度に専門化されたクッキーです。怠惰な酔っぱらいには悪くない!



PVP/PVE フロントライン DPS、サモナー チーム アンカー

トッピング:ソリッド アーモンド

クランチー チップ クッキーは、攻撃的に強力なフロント クッキーというキャラメル アローの現在の傾向を引き継いでおり、今回はサモナーとして使用されます。彼が乗っているクリーム ウルフは別の HP カウントを持ち、スキルを使用する必要はありません。ウルフよりも先にクランチ チップが死亡すると、ウルフは信じられないほど怒ってバフを追加して戦い続けます。 Crunchy Chip 自身は、裁縫師の Pincushion の宝物のようなサモナー バフの恩恵を受けますが、彼のオオカミと比較すると 25% しかありません。

パンプキン パイ、お針子のピンクッション、コットン クッキーがすべて存在し、同時に使用できることを思い出すまで、それは大したことではないように思えます。クランチ チップはサモナー スパムの優れたアンカー フロントとなり、3 つのソースから大量のバフを取得します。 OPスクロール、ザクロクッキー、または彼にダンプされる可能性のある他のバフから得られる可能性が高いものは数えません.

彼のマウントとして別々に戦う彼のクリーム ウルフは、召喚する必要がなく、独自の自動攻撃が付属しています (チップは遠距離で爪の刃を投げ、クリーム ウルフは近接攻撃で噛み付きます)。クリーム ウルフも 25% ではなく完全なバフを得て、世界で最も愛らしいケーキモアに変身します。彼らの実際のスキルについては、Crunchy Chip Cookie は小さなクリーム オオカミを呼び出して敵を群がらせ、顔をより速く食べて、陽気さを増しています。

ホリーベリー クッキー


PVP/PVE 重戦車 (ほとんどのトップ PVP チームに見られ、アンチミッド/リア ユニットに対抗できます)

トッピング:ソリッド アーモンド

Hollyberry Cookie は非常に問題のある更新履歴を持っていました。最初は弱く、その後バフされて比較的大丈夫になりましたが、それでも彼女のエンシェントのレア度にはふさわしくありませんでした。彼女の問題は、彼女自身のスキルを使用して自分自身を殺してしまう傾向があることです。これは、ほとんどのダメージ (継続的なダメージ、デバフ、アーモンドのシャックルを除く) の 20% をチームから離れて自分自身にリダイレクトします。もういや! Moon Rabbit がリリースされたとき、Hollyberry は大きなバフを得て、20% のダメージ リダイレクション スキルを 6 秒から 9 秒に延長し、チームを保護するのにより役立つようになりました。

しかし、それはあなたが尋ねるよりも早く彼女を殺すのではないでしょうか?彼女の HP と DEF のステータスは、それぞれ +25% の HP と +30% の DEF で、バニラ キングダムのゲートに直接バフされたので、もうありません。ホリーベリーはとてもタフで、顔を使ってシャーベットシャークのあごを折ることができます!ピュアバニラやスープアップハーブなどの優れたヒーラー、またはパフェやリコリスなどのDEFバッファーと組み合わせると、ソフト生地のダメージディーラーにとって実質的に20%のダメージ耐性ボタンになります.そうは言っても、パワークリープは再び彼女に多くの競争を与えています。特に、強力なソロフロントを作り、より集中的なバフを持つフィナンシェクッキーのようなものに対して.

フィナンシェ クッキー

EPIC, FRONT, DEFENSE, Healer, Protects Attacker, AOE Attack, Shield Generator, Prioritizes Clotted Cream Cookie, 2% Conniving’s Bodyguard

PVE/PVP Damage Dealer Supporter

Toppings:Solid Almonds, Swift Chocolates

Financier Cookie is a very focused defender, prioritizing whichever cookie you have in the team that has the highest ATK, provided Clotted Cream Cookie is not on your team. Her skill dumps 20% DMG and CRIT Resistance, a 12.7% HP shield along with a 14.7% ATK boost on her favored ally along with a small but noticeable amount of healing. She also applies all those buffs to herself.

On top of this, she does an honestly lackluster AOE attack, turns her boring sword swing into a markedly better AOE swing, and follows up with a definitely NOT lackluster reflect attack based on 50% of what both her and her ally’s shield takes.

Financier will mostly be best used with Clotted Cream Cookie, as Financier’s heal is a lot stronger when specifically used on him as opposed to any other cookie, which is appropriate to their relationship as bodyguard and consul in the story. They would be useful in levels where enemies focus down the high ATK cookie on your team, such as the majority of chapter 13, and Raspberry Cookie’s bossfight in chapter 11.

Overall, a good bodyguard to have in PVE, especially against those awful, awful enemies who target your attackers first. Solid Almonds or Swift Chocolates can work, depending on whether you want her to last long or focus on buffing and protecting your primary attack cookie. As a side note, pairing Financier Cookie with Pomegranate Cookie, then equipping Old Pilgrim’s Scroll will roughly add up to about +70% ATK, depending on the Scroll’s level, being applied to your main attacker cookie. Might be good for a laugh! We raised Financier a tier because it seems we were underestimating her a bit during her release. Turns out, she’s one of the most reliable front cookies as of this writing simply because she takes forever to put down on top of all her utility.

Frost Queen Cookie

LEGENDARY, MID, MAGIC, All-Range Attack, Disabler, Cold Shoulder

PVP Disabler/Damage/Anti-Cocoa Cookie (Found on most top PVP teams), PVE Weak vs Bosses, Strong vs Mookspam

Toppings:Swift Chocolates to mitigate long cooldown, or Searing Raspberries to maximize damage

An incredibly deadly disabler much like Sea Fairy, but with a far more indiscriminate attack, Frost Queen Cookie is an absolute horror in PVP and PVE alike. Though she has one small yet pretty blatant weakness, which the devs have recently been making heavy use of to make her life harder. Frost Queen’s skill has an incredibly huge AOE (Far larger than most AOE damage cookies, but one that can still miss if she uses it too early when set to Auto in PVE) with a flash freeze that pauses skill cooldowns while immobilizing them. The real pain comes from the thaw, which does far heavier damage than the initial attack itself.

All this is amazing, until you run into a PVE boss. Bosses are usually immune to debuffs, disables, and interrupts, of which her Freeze happens to be all three. Bosses might take only the mildly annoying initial damage from the skill and nothing else. She also has a slightly rough time against Parfait Cookie and Pumpkin Pie Cookie, with Parfait’s debuff resistance skill and Pumpin Pie’s resistance to interrupts while summoning Pompon. Pair her with Sea Fairy to shut the enemy team down completely, and fight her with Parfait Cookie to keep nice and warm.

As a sidenote, she’s immune to her own freeze, so two Frost Queens in a duel will mostly just kill each other with autoattacks. Feed her good ol’ Raspberries and keep her away from bossfights. Or bring her anyway, since she can instantly delete mooks around the boss and open them up to true bossbusters like Vampire Cookie.

Unfortunately, the fact she can’t freeze a target as dangerous (and soon enough, rather common) enemy such as Caramel Arrow will soon make her very difficult to use in PVP, and she is completely useless against chapters 13 and 14, since everyone in there is immune to freeze! That being said, neither weakness is enough to bump her down a tier, especially since she’s likely gonna be on the top list of mookbusters again as soon as a new, non-frozen chapter appears anyway. And she still slaps the rest of the game rather brutally.

Cream Puff Cookie

EPIC, REAR, SUPPORT, Crit-Based, AOE Damage, Burst Healing, Finally A True Wizard

PVP/PVE Crit-Based Healing And Damage

Toppings:Juicy Apple Jellies

Cream Puff Cookie got buffed from being one of the worst Epics in the game, to utterly ripped in the recent Guild update. She’s pretty much able to do everything except tank provided they’re given a crit-build:Her ATK stat was boosted from mildly ticklish to somewhere just below that of what you’d expect from a Magic cookie.

Now their skill does real damage, and insane amounts of it too because of her immensely bloated skill percentages (Around 469.5% when normal, and an utterly maniacal 1166.8% with a crit-triggered success, and that’s before you even give them any Skill Powders). Keep in mind this is an area of effect attack, not many AOE attacks have this kind of bonkers percentage.

Her heal is also affected by the crit stat, since a failed heal gives around a decent 103.5% heal based on her ATK, and a success gives a big fat 238.6% heal, enough to give true healers a heart attack. Since she’s crit reliant, she might work well with Mala Sauce and Twizzly Gummy Cookie, though with Juicy Apple Jellies, she’s good enough to be put in most teams as a healer and damage dealer. Of course, she still has her nightmarishly horrible drop chance from the Guild Gacha, so she better be good.

Sorbet Shark Cookie


PVP-Anti-Front Attack, PVE Strong vs Cookie Enemies

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

An adorably tiny deckswabbing shark who can only make bubble noises and rip tanks open with their cute little jaws. Sorbet Shark Cookie’s skill comes in two hits:The first hit deals normal damage to the two enemies closest to the front. The second blow hits with a linear AOE, causing either normal damage to normal foes, or true damage to Cookies. This true damage is a percentage based on the victim’s max HP, though it cannot exceed 300000 damage in one hit.

This means they’re useful for removing an enemy’s front line and leaving the enemy’s mid exposed, since the more HP the target has, the more damage the skill deals, and it only gets nastier the more Ambush powder you feed them. When paired with Red Velvet, they can also delete Healers with jaw-dropping efficiency, as Healer cookies often have fairly high HP numbers and Red Velvet pulls them to the front where they’ll take the brunt of the damage.

Another PVP hazard much like Sea Fairy, though if you’re using them in PVE, you better make sure to turn off Auto and wait until you see the whites of the enemy’s eyes before popping their attack off. Add to that their Ambush Cookie statline (Ambushers often have really high ATK) and they’re one of the worst tiny terrors you’ll find in the Arena. Licorice Cookie may be used to blunt their front-targeting attacks, but even then it’s a gamble. As usual, give ’em a set of Raspberries for sharper teeth.

Pure Vanilla Cookie

ANCIENT, REAR, HEALER, Team Healer, Team Shield, Custard After Vitamin Gummies

PVP/PVE Healer and Shield

Toppings:Swift Chocolates to maintain Shield

A gentle, familiar face from the tutorial. Pure Vanilla Cookie is the first released of the Ancient Tier cookies, and he certainly earns his spot above Epics. He has a very simple, easy to understand ability:He instantly heals the whole party for a minimum of 100% of his ATK stat. He also gives a shield to the whole team that adds up to 20% of the individual target cookies’ HP. While theoretically, Herb’s roughly 40-50% ATK instant heal mixed with his area heal over time provides more health over a longer time, that’s only if your cookies stand still.

Pure Vanilla’s skill is much more reliable, and that shield on top of the powerful heal can make the difference between a total party kill, and a game-winning counter-attack. Give him some Raspberries to make his heal more powerful, or Swift Chocolates to mitigate his admittedly abysmal 19 second skill cooldown. Now we just gotta wait for his buddies!

Black Raisin Cookie

EPIC, MID, AMBUSH, Area DPS, Supersonic Blackbird

PVP Anti-Mid Damage, PVE AOE Damage

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

It’s easy to mistake Black Raisin’s skill as a similar choice to Chili Pepper until you see a high level one beat your team down. She uses a multihit AOE strike that looks like a binch of linear slashes. Whereas Chili Pepper Cookie strikes the rearmost line of enemies, Black Raisin Cookie attacks wherever the heck she wants, and usually picks her central target well. Her linear strikes also criss-cross all over the place, giving her superior coverage, making a comparison with Espresso more apt.

She can be used as both an AOE damage dealer or to beat down a boss with DPS. She lacks the vacuum effect of Espresso’s vortex or the silence of Latte’s glyph. She makes up for both by being an Ambush cookie though, which means she doesn’t fight with either Latte or Espresso for Magic skill powder.

Cotton Cookie

EPIC, REAR, SUPPORT, Summoner, Summon ATK Buffer, Heal Over Time, Area Stun, Not Cotton Candy

Found on most top PVP or stun-heavy comps, PVP/PVE Summoner/Healer/Stun

Toppings:Swift Chocolates for stun and Sheep spam

Now this is how you bake an aggressive healer. The warm-hearted yet inedible Cotton Cookie has more in common with Licorice Cookie than other Supports, considering her skill is an AOE stun attack that summons a mob of adorable sheep to act as cannon fodder. But this time, it comes with a heal over time. While her heal takes a while just like with most Support Cookies, her sheep protect the front and make sure your cookies get the most out of it safely.

On top of this, they buff other Summons’ attack power by 75%, making them pair with Licorice, Snow Sugar, and Pumpkin Pie very well. As with any summoner, give her Swift Chocos so she can keep the sheep marching forward, and her heal running constantly.


BTS Cookies, All of Them!
Rye Cookie
Oyster Cookie
Latte Cookie
Pomegranate Cookie
Cocoa Cookie
Tea Knight Cookie
Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Herb Cookie
Almond Cookie
Poison Mushroom Cookie

Milk Cookie
Moon Rabbit Cookie
Twizzly Gummy Cookie
Affogato Cookie
Red Velvet Cookie
Parfait Cookie
Licorice Cookie
Lilac Cookie
Raspberry Cookie

Purple Yam Cookie
Mango Cookie
Mint Choco Cookie
Sonic Cookie
Kumiho Cookie
Pastry Cookie
Squid Ink Cookie
Macaron Cookie
Werewolf Cookie

If Gourmet tier forms the core of your team, then Specialist tier determines what specific tactic you are going for. Mixing these guys in with the core Gourmet tier cookies in such a way to either defeat a certain enemy map composition or hostile PVP team is often key to victory.


BTS Cookies, All of Them!

RM Cookie, SUGA Cookie, Jimin Cookie, Jin Cookie, j-hope Cookie, V Cookie, Jung Kook Cookie

SPECIAL, HEALER [listed as BTS], REAR, Safeguarded, Healing Over Time, Debuff-Counter, Stun Immunity, No Powders Needed, Permission To Dance… Through Stuns

PVE/PVP Total Stun Shutdown, Can be used even when underleveled

Toppings:Swift Chocolates, Avoid Defensive Toppings Entirely

Raise your ARMY Bombs, it’s BTS! The BTS Cookies ability and stat-wise are all the same with each other. They are all healer cookies that provide a shield if the team suffers too many debuffs, are Safeguarded and therefore unkillable like Candy Diver Cookie, have utterly terrible (but not terrible enough as we’ll see later) 19 second base skill cooldowns, and provide stun immunity for 10 seconds.

The mix of 10 second stun immunity and Safeguarding are of particular note:A max level Jelly Watch treasure and full Swift Chocolate topping build allows them to have a 10 second skill cooldown, allowing them to refresh the team’s Stun immunity immediately. With Safeguarding, this stunproofing becomes nigh impossible to disrupt.

This makes them extremely good for the entirety of Chapters 11-12, where stun spamming Cutpurses abound, and makes them a viable option against the Red Velvet Dragon, since its stuns will now be unable to mess up your attacks. This also makes them strong against stun-heavy PVP teams, like Gingerscam comps, Wildberry Cookie, older teams still using Sea Fairy, newer teams using candied Espressos (though note that Espresso deals more damage vs stun immune enemies) and they counter Schwarzwalder, their skull-bashing stun-spamming releasemate.

They can still be countered by non-stun disablers like Frost Queen, Clotted Cream, and Kumiho Cookie, along with the Mountain Ents in Chapter 13 and Ginkgoblin Hunters from Chapter 3, so keep an eye out for them. The fact that they work well even when not maxed out is a good thing especially for them though:You’ve only got 3 months to send at least one of them to max star level and ascensions, before the BTS Braver Together event ends!

Rye Cookie

EPIC, REAR, RANGE, Single Target DPS, Prioritizes Low Max HP Targets, Has Magic Candy, Big Wholegrain On Her Hip

PVP/PVE Single Target Attack, ATK SPD Buffer

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

Rye Cookie, one of the old release cookies, haven’t been in the meta for a while now, being a victim of power creep accumulated over time. Rye’s skill has her barrage an enemy (prioritizing Cookie enemies) with bullets, and this update gave that base ability a buff:She is now resistant to interrupts while firing her bullet barrage. Her Magic Candy also mitigates that power creep partly, giving her a superior normal attack that can inflict the Burn debuff at a 50% chance.

It’s when her Candy hits level 10 when things get extra spicy for her, as it also allows her to buff the entire team’s ATK SPD by 20%, then 22.5% at level 20, then 25% at level 30. Pair this with her base skill targeting squishy cookies with low max HP first for a barrage of bullets allows her to double as a damage dealer and support. She might go well with a Speed Comp.

Oyster Cookie

SUPER EPIC, REAR, SUPPORT, Strong Summons, Slow Cooldown, Requires Heavy Investment in Topping Substats

PVP Heavy Summoner, Newbie-Unfriendly

Recommended Toppings:Swift Chocolates+Solid Almonds mix

Oyster Cookie is a weird summoner seemingly built to take advantage of the first PVP casting barrage, and one that is most definitely not friendly to new players. Her cooldown is an abysmal 17 seconds, and worst of all, it cannot be boosted by any cooldown buffs such as the Jelly Clock or Swift Chocolates. Sounds bad, but it is still useful to give her Cooldown toppings:Every 18% cooldown boost she gets lets her summon one more Creme Republic soldier, one of the more powerful summons in the game since they come with a knockback-resisting HP shield and hit hard, to a max of 4.

On top of this, cooldown boosts also add to the individual soldiers’ stats, making their weapons more deadly and their dough tougher. Here comes the “not friendly to new players” part:Getting enough cooldown to get 4 soldiers is incredibly difficult even with a maxxed out Jelly Watch, so she’ll be underwhelming in the hands of a new player, who can probably only muster about 2 soldiers or so at such a state.

A more realistic goal even for veteran players is to simply use the Jelly Watch treasure then give her only enough Swift Chocolate toppings to summon 3 soldiers tops. The rest of her toppings? Solid Almonds so she can live longer, perhaps long enough to summon another squad. Her sheer newbie-torturing cooldown greed bumps Oyster Cookie down a tier, though if you’ve been playing a while, you’ve got a far better chance of using her, and she is genuinely strong.

As for counters against her, Dark Cacao Cookie and Twizzly Gummy Cookie can immediately disable Creme Republic soldier shields, and since they count as Cookies, Sorbet Shark and their own Consul Clotted Cream Cookie can deal extra damage against them. To be fair though, you’d probably prefer your Sorbet Shark and Clotted Cream to hit the actual enemy team instead.

As usual with any summoner, they do well in a summoner team with Cotton and Pumpkin Pie, though in a modern summon team she’ll likely play second fiddle to Crunchy Chip Cookie. Nothing wrong with putting both of them in the same team!

Latte Cookie

EPIC, MID, MAGIC, AOE Damage, Silence, Smooth And Sweet

PVP/PVE AOE/Disabler

Toppings:Swift Chocolates to maintain Silence, or Searing Raspberries for Damage

A kindly lady whose gentle personality belies her offensive power. Latte’s skill and statline is similar to Espresso’s. She summons a vortex that pulls enemies into its center. Unlike Espresso’s vortex though, it does its damage at the end along with a silence, followed by a long lasting latte art glyph with damage over time. The damage isn’t as immediate as Espresso’s, but the silence can help shut an enemy squad down for a second.

You can use her as a more aggressive substitute for Licorice in PVP, who has a more defensive skill. As for PVE, you can use her to wipe out enemy waves the same way you use Espresso. Just like Espresso, give her some Raspberries and treat her as a squad nuker.

Pomegranate Cookie

EPIC, REAR, SUPPORT, AOE Heal-over-time, Team Buffer, Shroomy’s Babysitter

PVP ATK Buffer

Toppings:Swift Chocolates to maintain ATK Buff

Pomegranate Cookie isn’t a particularly good healer. For one thing, she’s one of the older Supports, so instead of healing other cookies in her idle time, she wastes time attacking the enemy with her fairly poor ATK stat. Her actual skill doesn’t heal all that much either.

Nobody uses her for her healing though. The devs, rather than buffing her to be more in line with the newer supports with their stronger healing and direct attack abilities, decided to double down on Pomegranate’s old strength:They buffed her ATK boost from 20% to 30%. A big enough buff for her to claw her way back up to Specialist tier.

Sadly, she still can’t quite get her old Queen of Supports crown off Eclair’s head, who won’t let go of such a precious historical relic any time soon. She’s practically an extra Old Pilgrim’s Scroll if she can maintain that buff consistently, so top her with some Swift Chocos and pair her with a good nuker, Caramel Arrow, or Eclair. Better yet, group her with all three!

Cocoa Cookie

EPIC, FRONT, “DEFENSE”, Healer, Multi-Heal Basic Attack, AOE Attack, Team Heal, Team Stun Immunity, CHOCOLATE? CHOCLATE! CHOCOLAAAAAATE!

PVP Anti-Sea Fairy, PVP/PVE Anti-Stun Healing, Useful in Chapter 11 and Chapter 12

Toppings:Swift Chocolates for PVP vs Sea Fairy, Solid Almonds or Swift Chocolates for PVE

The game says she’s a Defense cookie, but the best analogy for Cocoa Cookie is a chocolate-fueled marshmallow-armored ambulance. Her skill heals the entire team for roughly 50% of her ATK (depending on skill level) while dealing damage to the enemy and pushing them back. Her basic attack also heals 3 cookies at once but does no damage. Compare this to actual dedicated healers, who tend to have more powerful healing skills but whose basic “attacks” only heal one target at a time.

On top of this, she has the bulky stats of a Defense cookie, so she’ll be able to take AOE strikes more readily than true healers. Not to mention staying in front means Vampire Cookie, Red Velvet and Adventurer Cookie can’t immediately snipe her out of the fight, as they do with most true healers who hang out back. Of course, being in front means she takes the brunt of the enemy’s basic attacks, so it’s a tradeoff. Finally, activating their skill gives the team 8 solid seconds of Stun immunity. You read that right:Immunity, not resistance!

A Swift Choco-boosted Cocoa is Sea Fairy’s bane, though Frost Queen Cookie can still dunk her into a snowy grave, and Kumiho Cookie can still flirt with her, especially if you don’t pair her with Parfait Cookie. If you’re not planning to use them solely to humiliate Sea Fairy and GingerBrave-Almond-Stun teams, Almonds (The topping, not the Cookie!) are also a good choice. While you will never use her as a sole dedicated healer, pairing her with a real healer, one of the newer supports like Cotton and Parfait, or even both a healer and support will give your team a completely deranged amount of general healing-based bulkiness.

Tea Knight Cookie

EPIC, FRONT, CHARGE, Light Tank, Revenge Mechanic, Buffer, Insignia Of The Indomitable Knights Treasure Mandatory, Local Old Man Too Angry To Die

PVP Revenge Attack, Anti-Stun Spam, Anti-Cheese, Super Mayhem Specialized, PVE Last Resort Mission De-clogger, Cookie Alliance Force Multiplier

Toppings:Solid Almonds

Tea Knight Cookie is one of the weirdest, hardest to use cookies in the game, but not necessarily weaker for it. Tea Knight’s skill has a very high damage percentage and hits a single target, while buffing the Crit of 2 of your crit reliant cookies, and the ATK of 2 of your ATK reliant cookies by a small amount. He has a higher than normal ATK stat for a Charge cookie, so this does a surprising amount of damage.

His basic attack has an AOE, and ties in very well with his mechanic:Everytime a cookie on your team dies, he gets a huge buff to his ATK and ATK SPD, about 50% and 20% for each stat respectively. This stacks up to four times, and the fourth stack gives 100% extra ATK and 150% ATK SPD, for a total of 250% and 210% respectively.

On top of this, he becomes immune to all interrupts on the 4th stack, and neither a basic stun, Frost Queen’s refrigerator, or even one of Kumiho’s air-kisses will stop his vengeance-fueled, manly-tears-inducing berserker rampage. Naturally, if you plan to use Tea Knight in normal PVE, it’s because you’re stuck on a level and don’t mind getting only 1 star just to roll past it with his death-powered buffs. He’s much more useful in modes like PVP and especially the Super Mayhem (whenever THAT returns, it’s gone at the moment of this writing) and Cookie Alliance modes, where casualties are sky-high and you may be expected to roll in with a weaker team.

He requires a lot of investment though. The Insignia of The Indomitable Knights treasure, which renders the last cookie alive invincible for 6 seconds after hitting 0 HP, is practically mandatory for teams relying on him, and he might suffer early on without it. Once he has that treasure though, you can put him in a team full of Commons, and he’ll absolutely rip the other team to pieces for bullying his babies. As usual with most Front cookies, give him Solid Almonds so he survives long enough to get very, very angry. Poor Tea Knight will feel miserable for failing to protect his friends, but you’ll laugh over the enemy’s crumbled cookie corpses.

Strawberry Crepe Cookie

EPIC, FRONT, DEFENSE, AOE Knockback, Mid-Buffer, Adorable Lil’ Psycho

PVP Tank, Weaker in PVE except vs Mid-Targeting Enemies

Toppings:Solid Almonds

Strawberry Crepe Cookie has a very protective and friendly skill considering their rather cheerfully cold-hearted personality. Their ability involves slamming a pair of giant robotic waffle fists into the enemy, dealing AOE knockback and giving a chunky 50% defense buff to the two squishiest cookies in your team. This usually means they buff your midline damage dealers, such as Espresso and Latte. This makes Strawberry Crepe Cookie a very strong option in PVP, since Espresso usually needs protection the most.

They’re down here instead of up in Gourmet since Dark Choco is useful in both PVP and PVE, while Strawberry Crepe is rather bleh in PVE unless you’re in a map full of AOE spamming enemies (Bring Strawberry Crepe to World 9 if you have them though:Lots of angry ice cream cone cannons that shoot your midliners full of holes there) who ignore your front cookies.

Pumpkin Pie Cookie

EPIC, MIDDLE, MAGIC, Summoner, AOE Damage, Summon Buff, Anti-Heal, Cheese Pie Cookie

PVP Summon Tank (Found on ost top PVP teams), PVE Distraction vs Raspberry Cookie Boss

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you took Snow Sugar’s tanky Ice King summon and gave it the kind of bravery Licorice’s mooks have? Sprinkle some extra pain on that formula and here’s your answer! Pumpkin Pie’s summon, Giant Pompon, is an oversized pumpkin-bunny-doll monstrosity with a 3-target basic attack, decent tank stats (They get roughly 3 times the HP of Pumpkin Pie Cookie, but Pumpkin Pie being a Magic cookie means that’s 3 times something squishy) and the heart to go in front and take hits.

And instead of a rather weedy ATK SPD debuff, they deal out a painful 70% reduction to healing for 3 seconds, for every blow they deal out. Pompon also increases ATK SPD for all of your other summons in the field. This makes Pumpkin Pie pair well with Licorice and his mooks, though she doesn’t need Licorice to cause an aneurysm.

Take note that she’s strongest in PVP:She loses quite a bit of her utility in PVE since NPC enemies rarely have healers, so it’s a choice between Licorice and his 20% DEF buff or Pompon’s attack power and bulk… Or you can get them both. Give her Swift Chocos to make Pumpkin Pie summon Pompon faster, since she has a painful 18 second cooldown.

Just keep in mind that if you plan to use Pompon as bait against Raspberry Cookie’s bossfight, that got patched out. The Raspberry Cookie boss prioritizes cookies over summoned mooks.

Herb Cookie

EPIC, REAR, HEALER, AOE Healer and Debuff Cleaner, Hoo Hoo Boy

PVP/PVE Healer/Anti-Debuff

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

Herb Cookie is the definition of boring yet practical. He’s a healer, he heals the party. No ifs, or buts. He doesn’t waste time attacking the enemy like another certain cookie in bottom tier with a similar skill as him. His skill is an instant AOE heal followed by area heal over time and debuff cleaning.

It scales with his ATK, so it may seem lackluster until you start feeding him Searing Raspberries, then suddenly it outclasses Custard Cookie III’s picky healing. Easy to understand, easy to use, and highly effective. Just watch out for PVP teams with Vampire Cookie in them. If you don’t have Pure Vanilla, Herb will do the job just fine. While Pure Vanilla is definitely better in PVE, they’re both good in PVP because your team doesn’t move away from Herb’s area heal over time.

Almond Cookie

EPIC, SUPPORT, REAR, Damage Distribution

PVP Extreme-Damage Quick-Dying Comp Enabler (With Sea Fairy, Gingerbrave, many Stun Cookies, great for normal Arena but poor for Super Mayhem unless it only has one team left to fight)

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

Finally, an offensive Support Cookie who isn’t hampered by their miserable ATK stat! Detective Almond Cookie has a rather unique skill. He’ll throw out magical almond handcuffs which tie several foes to a single enemy who happens to have the lowest max HP in the group. If the single enemy everyone is tied to takes hits, a substantial portion (70% at skill level 1!) of the damage they took gets spread to everyone else who is chained. It makes sense that he pairs well with Rye, since they are both law enforcers.

Almond shackles a target, then Rye fills them (and everyone else because of the damage distribution mechanic) with wholegrain caliber bullets. You could also try pairing him with Vampire Cookie or Adventurer Cookie if you’re really good (or extremely lucky) at timing and directing knockback. You could send the handcuff center target to the back of the line and nuke a good chunk of the enemy formation.

We moved Almond up a tier thanks to the addition of many options that work well with his skill, such as Black Raisin, Sea Fairy and Eclair, who all have a tendency to hit the enemy’s midline, which is Almond’s usual target.

Poison Mushroom Cookie

EPIC, MID, BOMBER, AOE Poison Damage, Heal-Reduction Debuff, Bonus Damage vs Monsters and Bosses , Eat The Shroomy

PVE AOE Anti-Monster, Anti-Boss, Heal-Reduction

Toppings:Searing Raspberries or Swift Chocolates

Little Shroomy here was recenty reworked from a general purpose poisoner to a PVE- specialized cookie. Not only have their general overall stats been slightly buffed, their skill now does an extra 80% damage vs monster-type enemies (ie, anything that isn’t a cookie, so they might have a few problems in chapters 11-12 where most of the enemies are NPC cookies) and a whopping extra 120% damage against bosses, making them likely to make a comeback against the Guild Boss. They also have a bigger AOE than they used to, meaning they’re your go to for killing swarms of mooks.

As for PVP, well, you’ll probably just bring them along if you don’t have any other AOE damage dealers around, or as a heal-denier, since their poison now weakens enemy healing by 15%. Note that this is all on top of their initial 127% (when at skill level 1) damage and their 25% poison damage per second for 10 seconds.


Milk Cookie

EPIC, FRONT, DEFENSE, Taunter, Heavy Tank, Has Magic Candy, Discord Server Child Friendly Language Enforcer


Toppings:Solid Almonds in general, or Swift Chocolates with DMG Resist substats if paired with Cream Unicorn Cookie

Milk Cookie was one of the first meta cookies at the start of the game thanks to their toughness and Taunt ability, but he got left in the dust faster than the others in his group once new cookies started being introduced.

His Magic Candy doubles down on his ability to survive:He now heals back 30+% of whatever damage he took while his skill was active, and clears out any debuffs he may have suffered after his taunt duration ends. This allows Milk to distract dangerous snipers like the recently candied Vampire and Rye cookies, and pairs him well with Tea Knight, whose entire schtick is murdering the enemy team after dying last.

This used to be harder than it looks since Tea Knight’s front positioning and less that impressive defensive stats (for a Front Cookie anyway) usually got him killed first unless paired with weak cookies, but Milk lets Tea Knight bring a stronger group with him.

With a Magic Candy at level 10, his basic attacks start to hit harder and on top of that extra damage, his basic attack starts dealing 1% true damage vs Cookies, bypassing all defenses. This can rack up faster than expected when paired with a candied Rye Cookie, whose Magic Candy can boost attack speed. All this is on top of his old DMG Resist buff on cast, and another buff to Taunts in general:They can no longer be dispelled!

Moon Rabbit Cookie


PVP Heal and Win Secure (Occasionally found in top PVP teams), PVE Strong in Chapter 11-12

Toppings:Solid Almonds or Swift Chocolates

An adorably fat cookie with a thing for rice cakes, Moon Rabbit Cookie’s skill transforms her into an equally adorable yet unfathomably fatter rabbit, who slams into the enemy. This attack deals AOE damage and marks targets. Targets marked by Moon Rabbit’s skill heal the party when killed within 10 seconds, and the heal is 10 times stronger when a cookie is marked as opposed to normal PVE enemies. It might be better to bring a dedicated healer in most PVE situations.

That being said, she’s an excellent way to snowball in PVP when used as a secondary healer. Her presence means your HP tops up when you get a kill, practically kicking the enemy while they’re down. If she pops her skill then Vampire murders the enemy healer within the 10 second timer, you just made it impossible for the enemy to recover, even if your own team was badly dinged up by the enemy’s efforts beforehand. Her heal on a cookie kill is 253% her ATK stat, more than twice that of even Pure Vanilla, though with extra steps needed.

She’s also hilariously busted in Chapter 12, where you have a lot of non-playable NPC cookies as enemies. Yes, the devs remembered that little detail, as the cookie kill heal counts toward unplayable cookie NPC foes like those jerkwad assassins and meddlers in Chapter 12.

Twizzly Gummy Cookie

EPIC, REAR, RANGED, Shield-Destroyer, AOE Damage, Debuffer, Rapid Fire, Crit Focus, Walking Electrical Hazard

PVP Crit Comp Core (with Mala Sauce and Sparkling Cookie), PVP/PVE Crit-based Damage Dealer

Toppings:Juicy Apple Jellies

The electrically psychotic Twizzly Gummy Cookie is a counter to Pure Vanilla, as her Twizzly Beam can temporarily disrupt shields. This makes her very dangerous to such teams, and even if the enemy team lacks Pure Vanilla, she can still do heavy damage if you run a Crit build (Use Juice Apple Jelly toppings) rather than the typical ATK build.

She could work well with Vampire Cookie for Pure Vanilla-busting. Pray their cooldowns line up, with Twizzly zapping Vanilla’s shield off followed by Vampire giving him a big ol’ bite to the head. She also increases her own critical hit damage when doing this, so Mala Sauce might help her well with that since Mala significantly improves Crit Chance with their skill.

On top of all this, her autoattack fires 4 shot bursts, again working well with anything that gives her a better crit chance, though it generally has fairly poor total damage if it fails to crit. That being said, Herb Cookie can clean out her Zap debuff, and Parfait Cookie can prevent it entirely with a sprinkle of luck. Pair her with Sparkling Cookie or Mala Sauce Cookie to make the most of her skill, as she does little damage when she doesn’t crit.

Affogato Cookie

EPIC, BOMBER, MID, Debuff Amplifier, AOE Poison, Heavy Single Target Poison, Single Target Buff-Dispel, ATK-based Target Priority, Royal Ice-Cream Headache

PVP Sniper-Enabler, PVE Anti-Gunline, Anti-Boss, Debuff Enabler , Damage Reflection Avoidance

Toppings:Swift Chocos to maintain debuff amplifier, Searing Raspberries for better poison damage

Licorice’s cowardice without his loyalty, Pomegrenate’s silver-tongued evil, and Poison Mushroom’s… Poison, but better. The back-stabbing buttkisser Affogato Cookie is a very good companion to the likes of Eclair and Frost Queen, or anyone else reliant on debuffs. In PVP or PVE, Affogato and Eclair together enable each other.

Affogato’s ability heavily amplifies debuffs (By 30%!) taken by a single high-ATK target (Usually a boss or enemy rearliner in PVE, or the enemy main damage dealer in PVP), which means Eclair can completely ruin them with his own debuff and attack, while increasing Affogato’s poison effectiveness.

On top of this, any enemy in close proximity to the one Affogato put a curse on suffers poison damage. Much like Frost Queen, his poison hits for one final blow once it is dispelled. Affogato Cookie also prevents his main target from getting any buffs for 10 seconds, so Pure Vanilla can’t shield them from the incoming attack either! Just watch out for enemy teams with Herb Cookie in them.

Ironically, Affogato suffers in the chapter he released with, Chapter 13 Snow On The Black Wall, since all the enemies there have a 40% debuff resist aura. Though his debuff amplification ability can partially negate this for himself and other debuff users in your team, at least against important targets, so bring him if you have no choice but to use debuff spammers there. Affogato also finds use against enemies that reflect damage like the Cursed Shields in Chapter 14 or the Red Velvet Dragon:Poison doesn’t count as a reflectable attack, so Affogato can avoid getting absolutely annihilated by their own attack, unlike say Espresso who nukes himself against such foes.

Red Velvet Cookie

EPIC, FRONT, CHARGE, Rear-Target Pull and Burst, Heavy Stun, Light/Medium Tank, Cake Hound Baker Supreme

PVP Anti-Healer, PVE Anti-Spellcaster, Weak vs Large Mobs

Toppings:Solid Almonds for DMG Resist, Searing Raspberries for Damage, or Swift Chocolates to mitigate long Cooldown

Red Velvet Cookie, gameplay-wise, is either Vampire Cookie’s best friend or worst enemy depending on how you use them, and whether or not they’re teammates or opponents. They do a similar job, killing a single target from the enemy rear. Whereas Vampire Cookie usually kills them outright, Red Velvet Cookie yoinks the victim out front while stunning them for an agonizing 5 seconds, making them much more vulnerable. Their whopping 800%+ skill damage modifier mixed with their Front cookie statline allows them to do double duty as tank and single target marksman.

Charge cookies tend to have higher ATK than Supports (though not as high as Magic cookies), so they don’t suffer as badly as the likes of Onion. A good combo is either Vamp and Red, or Red and Pastry. Vamp can hit the healer first while Red Velvet deals the finishing blow, or Red Velvet can yank someone important into Pastry Cookie’s crossbow.

Red Velvet especially shines in achievement hunting team comps, especially missions which require you to only use 3 cookies at a time, since they fill two roles in one cookie. You can give Red Velvet some Almonds or Walnuts to make them tougher, or Raspberries to make the most out of their skill, which hits much harder than what most Front cookies have.

Parfait Cookie

EPIC, REAR, SUPPORT, Defense Buff, Debuff Resistance, Just Take Life One Scoop At A Time

PVP Anti-Frost Queen (found on top PVP teams occasionally)

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

Parfait Cookie’s a support? She’s the one that needs emotional support with a storyline like that! She’s a support cookie who gives the whole team a 10% defense buff and 40% debuff resistance. There are better cookies than her when it comes to improving general squad survival, namely Pure Vanilla Cookie, Licorice Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie, at least in general, day-to-day usage.

She got moved up a tier again not because of any buffs, but because Frost Queen Fairy was added to the game:Parfait’s 40% general debuff resistance skill can mess up Sea Fairy’s skill and deny the stun entirely, and cut down Frost Queen’s thaw damage and freeze duration by that aforementioned 40%.

On top of this, she can protect Pure Vanilla’s shield from Twizzly Gummy Cookie’s Zap debuff, which normally cancels shields. That makes 3 extremely deadly cookies she counters, though ironically enough she suffers against older meta teams who don’t rely on debuffs as much as Sea Fairy and Frost Queen do. Usually any old teams using Sorbet Shark, Espresso or Black Raisin as their main damage dealers.

And even then her healing ability is unusually powerful for a Support, blowing older Supports like Pomegranate (who nobody gets for her healing, but instead for that big, chunky ATK buff) out of the water, at least in terms of refilling HP bars. As with most Support cookies, give her Swift Chocos so she can spam that debuff resist, DEF buff, and heal over time.

Licorice Cookie

EPIC, MID, MAGIC, Summoner, Buffer, Low Power AOE Damage, A True Generalist

PVP/PVE Defensive Summoner, PVP Sorbet-Blocker

Toppings:Swift Chocolates for Mookspam

He’s so powerful, he should have been dipped in molten fondue and called Cheese Cookie. He is ostensibly a squishy mid Magic cookie. He’s closer to an immensely powerful Support though. His skill is a salt-inducing horror in PVP, and an excellent shield in PVE. In one tap, he will summon several licorice soldiers, give your cookies a 20% defense buff, and zap the enemy with an AOE lightning bolt.

Give him Hard Walnuts, and his mooks become a frontline wall that can hold back the enemy. Pair him with a levelled Squishy Jelly Watch and his cooldown ends just in time to refresh his mooks. Oh, and that DEF buff applies to his mooks too. Ditch the Walnuts for Swift Chocos and watch as the mook spam refreshes constantly. He’s especially strong once you get him past 0-star. A guy worth grinding soulstone mileage for! He’s what you pick in the extra slot if you want someone reliable in all situations, and aren’t sure with how to kill your enemy. Or if you’re absolutely sick of Sorbet Shark ruining your day.

Lilac Cookie

EPIC, MID, SUPPORT, Normal Attack Buff, Yogurt’s Minder

PVP/PVE ATK Speed Comp Enabler

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

The flower-scented Lilac Cookie is a weird one. Their skill buffs the team’s normal attack damage based on whatever attack speed buffs they get from outside sources, with a .4% increase in normal attack damage for every 1% of extra attack speed. This makes their skill generally useless unless you have an extremely specific team setup. You’ll need Mint Choco Cookie and the Librarian’s Enchanted Robes treasure to make anything out of Lilac’s skill.

They also pair very well with Pastry Cookie’s self-buff skill but poorly with most other damage cookies, who rely on directly damaging skills to do the majority of their damage. It doesn’t help that the actual damaging part of their skill is hampered by their Support statline and lackluster percentage modifier.

If you’ve got all that, then great! If you don’t have any of them though, Lilac will have to stay in town, especially since Pomegranate Cookie exists and does the same job for a much wider variety of setups.

Raspberry Cookie

FRONT, EPIC, CHARGER, Single Target DPS, ATK-Based Targeting, Glory To House Raspberry!

PVP Anti-Damage Dealer, PVE ATK-dampener, Sniper and Bait

Toppings:Searing Raspberries or Swift Chocos for DPS, or Solid Almonds for tanking, Almond plus one type of offensive topping mix viable , Searing Raspberries for PVE bait duty

Not to be confused with Ovenbreak’s Raspberry Mousse Cookie, Raspberry Cookie was released along with Hollyberry. Let’s get one thing straight:Raspberry makes a very poor tank. She has the bulky statline of a front cookie, but you’ll be using her similarly to Vampire Cookie or Red Velvet:To snipe targets you really hate. Raspberry excels in PVP, since her targeting priority is based on ATK. She bullies whoever has the highest ATK stat on the enemy team, usually someone like the dreaded Sea Fairy Cookie or their rear sniper like Vampire.

She’ll rarely target herself in mirror matches since she has a Front cookie statline. Deleting your enemy’s primary damage dealer early might as well be a guaranteed victory, perhaps even more so than deleting their healer early. On the other hand, she’s not the best for PVE unless it’s a bossfight. In PVE, Vampire and Red Velvet are easier to predict and use, though Raspberry will still rip bosses in half like they do. Bring her for guild raids and PVP, and feed her some Searing Raspberries for maximum laughs. Only reason she isn’t Gourmet tier is her unpredictable aim and weakness to massive crowds in general PVE.

As a note, she can be useful as a tank specifically in chapter 13 and in her own bossfight due to a quirk with her stats:Raspberry Cookie’s ATK stat is high enough that with a full Searing Raspberry topping build, she can beat the ATK stats of certain damage dealer cookies (In particular, Sorbet Shark, Eclair and Affogato) provided those attack cookies are running Swift Chocolate builds instead, and are around equal level and stars.

This makes her draw aggro from dangerous enemies who target whoever has the highest ATK on your team, like Chapter 13’s Mountain Ents, or herself in her boss battle. Paired with her Charge Cookie HP and DEF stats, she can keep your damage dealers alive long enough to do their jobs, provided she has a good healer or two looking out for her.

Even though her tanking ability is below that of other Front cookies, it’s certainly better than what those squishy nerds she’s protecting has, and having your damage dealer die first is usually a loss waiting to happen.


Purple Yam Cookie

EPIC, FRONT, CHARGE, AOE Damage and Knockback, Lategame Heavy Tank, Has Magic Candy, Spin 2 Win

PVE AOE Knockback, Extreme Candy-based Tankiness

Toppings:Solid Almonds

Purple Yam, being the weakest of the cookies to get a Magic Candy, also got a general stat buff on top of it. He’s now got an extra 40+% ATK and got bulkier in general, and that’s before he even gets his Magic Candy. His Magic Candy makes his skill hit harder, still not on par with true attack cookies or even modern front fighters like Dark Cacao or Wildberry, but you’ll definitely notice the boost.

The two things that make his candy special though:His cooldown gets cut by several seconds, allowing him to spam the skill absolutely incessantly, and it gives him a whopping 40+% Damage Resistance buff while spinning, which means giving him Solid Almonds makes him shrug off attacks that would leave other Front Cookies hanging on for dear life.

Overall, he’s a much better choice now than he was before, but he’s still not someone you’ll pick over Wildberry or Dark Cacao Cookie, at least for PVP. For PVE though, he’ll work well with Summoners, since he’ll cram the enemy team into a tight formation and put all of them within eating range of all your summons.

Mango Cookie

EPIC, MID, MAGIC, AOE Damage, Team ATK Buff, Be Glad That’s Mango Juice


Toppings:Searing Raspberries

A cookie that, while rather weak when alone, is great when paired with other cookies like him. Mango Cookie is an AOE damage cookie who trades raw killing power for a fast cooldown and a team-wide ATK buff. This makes them a more agressive alternative to Pomegranate Cookie, who has a stronger buff but has a heal that basically does diddly.

While Mango’s AOE attack does only roughly 50% damage per hit, it is backed up by Mango’s Magic statline, which has high ATK. Give them some Raspberries since their cooldown is good enough not to need Swift Chocos, then pair them with a dedicated damage dealer like Espresso or Latte.

Mint Choco Cookie

REAR, SUPPORT, AOE Healer, Team Buffer, A Sweet Violinist

PVP/PVE ATK SPD Comp Healer(with Lilac Cookie)

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

A support who fires at the enemy as opposed to being a dedicated healer. Unlike Rye’s greedy ATK Speed buff, Mint Choco Cookie’s team-wide ATK Speed buff actually has a noticeable effect. It causes the squad healer to heal faster, and several cookies attacking more rapidly is much more powerful than just one cookie doing it. While Mint Choco Cookie is normally overshadowed by Pomegranate in any other team comp, putting him, Pastry and Lilac together turns the three of them into a deadly machinegun team, with Mint Choco and Lilac being Pastry’s ammo loaders.

Deploying this guy instead of another damage dealer might not be wise, and deploying him instead of a dedicated healer is a terrible idea. Deploying him with a dedicated healer isn’t so bad though. Give him Swift Chocolates to keep that buff going and Pastry’s ammo flowing.

Sonic Cookie

SPECIAL, AMBUSH, MID, ATK Speed Buffer, AOE Damage, Gotta Go Fast

PVP/PVE ATK Speed Comp AOE Damage (with Lilac)

Toppings:Swift Chocos or Searing Raspberries

So Sega had their anniversary, and Cookie Run Kingdom celebrated by having Sonic and Tails in the game. Sonic Cookie is an ambush cookie that works well in Lilac’s machinegun team. His attack is an AOE strike with him pinballing all over the enemy, while giving your whole team a 15% ATK SPD buff. More damage for Lilac to send Pastry’s way! He could be considered a more aggressive option compared to Mint Choco for that spot. As usual, Raspberries or Swift Chocos since you either want the damage to go up or spam the skill for constant ATK SPD buffs, which also makes the damage go up anyway.

Kumiho Cookie

EPIC, FRONT, CHARGER, Disabler, Defense Reduction, AOE Attack, Super Form, Foxy Marshmallow

PVP/PVE Disabler, Defense Reduction, Charm Ignores Cocoa Cookie’s Stun Immunity

Toppings:Solid Almonds or Searing Raspberries

Kumiho Cookie got a rather hefty buff! Not quite enough to kick Dark Choco Cookie off his throne, but she’s clearly gunning for it really hard. Technically, Kumiho Cookie, on top of her ability to flirt with and Charm enemies (which is functionally the same as Stunning them, except Stun immunity doesn’t stop it), can now reduce enemy DEF by 20%, same as Dark Choco Cookie. Except Dark Choco Cookie’s black lightning can hit large targets (usually bosses) three times, stacking the debuff thrice compared to Kumiho’s single stack.

Not to mention most bosses are immune to disabling debuffs like Charm, Stun and Freeze anyway. This is clearly a sizeable improvement though, and against mobs of mooks they’re roughly on par with each other. While Dark Choco hits in a larger area and for more initial damage, Kumiho can interrupt the enemy with her skill.

On top of this, this tiny marshmallow fox transforms into her Cookie form for a short time, roughly doubling her basic attack’s strength on top of making it hit multiple enemies at a time. Either get her Almonds, or a set of Raspberries to make the most of her post-transform muti-target spirit ball attacks, if you’re rich enough to substat for DMG Resist.

Pastry Cookie


PVP/PVE ATK Speed Comp Damage Dealer (with Lilac Cookie)

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

Pastry Cookie is about as plain and simple a DPS as you can get. No special target priorities to worry about, they only care about killing whatever filthy, disgusting, cake-loving heretic is immediately in front of them. Their ability is to ramp up their basic attack’s fire rate while shooting an extra light arrow after every normal shot. Unfortunately, their lack of a targeting priority more advanced than “Shoot whoever’s in front” means they tend not to aim for damage dealers and healers, which you normally need dead first.

Also, AOE cookies like Latte, Espresso and Black Raisin tend to be better for overall DPS. All that said, deploying her with Mint Choco, Lilac, and the Librarian’s Enchanted Robes turns her little holy crossbow into a sanctified Gatling cannon. They also pair extremely well with Red Velvet Cookie, who can yank high-value targets right into Pastry’s firing line. Ironic since they utterly despise each other. If you plan on using them, give them Raspberries to make them rip up enemy fronts faster so they can get to the juicier targets behind them.

Squid Ink Cookie

EPIC, MID, MAGIC, AOE Attacker, DEF Reduction, Has Magic Candy, Still Crying After A Buff

PVE Crowd Clearing

Toppings:Swift Chocolates, Searing Raspberries, Solid Almonds

It seems that a lot of cookies as of this writing want to kick Dark Choco Cookie off his DEF Reduction throne. Squid Ink Cookie is about as basic as an AOE attacker as one can get without their Magic Candy:They slap enemies in an area, dealing damage.

No stuns, no frills, just damage. This update changes things for Squid Ink with the introduction of their Magic Candy, which allows them to reduce enemy DEF by 20% with a boosted AOE basic attack, while hitting harder (Especially against non-Cookie targets) and throwing out an extra 3 slaps for a total of 10 hits. They also deal more damage specifically to targets suffering from DEF Reduction, an extra 15-37.5%.

They also make themself tankier if their candy is level 10 and above:Their slaps can give a 1-1.2% DMG Reduction boost for 6 seconds which can stack up to 60 times based on how many targets are hit.

Unfortunately, they’re not kicking either Dark Choco or Captain Caviar Cookie off the top spot as DEF reducing boss-killers:Squid Ink Cookie’s DEF Reduction debuff doesn’t work on bosses! This buff puts ol’ Squib closer in line to other Espresso-likes, bumping them up a tier, though not much higher.

Macaron Cookie

EPIC, MID, MAGIC, Healer, Buffer, Multihit AOE Attack, Weak vs Cookies, Marching To Their Own Tune

PVE Avatar of Destiny Tombstone Shredder, Hit-shield Breaker, Offensive Stat Buffer

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

Macaron Cookie is generally considered a bad choice in PVP since she deals less damage vs cookies, and she will likely also suffer in chapters 11-12 since those have tons of Cookie NPCs as foes. For other PVE areas though, she can be quite useful thanks to her healing over time and Parade Stack ability, which increases the healing she does for every 3 hits her skill is able to do, though there are still superior choices for general use.

There is one particular task she utterly, hilariously demolishes:Fighting the Avatar of Destiny guild boss. Her skill will do 20 hits over a span of 5 seconds, in an area. This means she can easily shred the tombstone barricade the Avatar sends out when paired with Cherry Blossom Cookie, allowing your other cookies to get in its face and do some real damage much faster.

Her own damage potential is poor, but you can perhaps ditch Pomegrenate with Macaron for the Avatar fights since Macaron also does healing and ATK buffs on top of a Crit Buff, while Pomegrenate is unable to wreck Tombstones and does almost nothing in terms of actual damage to the boss. Macaron’s buffs also last long enough that giving her Swift Chocolates and using the Jelly Clock treasure lets her keep the buff active forever as long as she doesn’t eat a stun or any other disable.

On top of this, Macaron’s skill improves the team’s ATK and CRIT%. Treat her the same way you would one of the post-Cotton era Support Cookies, except you feed her Magic powder instead of Support powder.

Werewolf Cookie

EPIC, FRONT, CHARGE, DPS, Stun Spam, AOE Attack, Has Magic Candy, Wanted Friends, Got A Buff Instead

PVE/PVP Stun Spammer, Injury Spammer and Enabler

Toppings:Solid Almonds

Werewolf Cookie got one heck of an HP-wrecking magic candy, albeit one that is fairly experimental with its stat distribution since a part of it takes its damage from his HP. Werewolf’s skill without the magic candy allows his werewolf form’s rapid fire double strikes to have a 20% chance to stun, though Schwarzwalder and Wildberry Cookie are still way better at stun spamming with their higher stun chances and specifically Schwarzwalder’s AOE basic attacks.

Their Magic Candy though is very powerful, as allows them to inflict not just Injury, but another debuff that lets them increase the maximum cap of Injury to 40%. This lets Werewolf sync well with Dark Cacao and a candied Espresso, who can make use of the debuff to reduce the enemy’s MAX HP to the point that the enemy healers suffer greatly from being unable to do their jobs.

He also gets a last hit in his skill that has damage based not on his fairly poor Front cookie attack stat, but instead on his superior Max HP stat, though at a fairly poor percentage (When compared to single hit attacks that use the ATK stat anyway) only hitting 70%+ worth of his Max HP even at the highest candy levels.

All in all, he’s still not the tip of the top cream of the crop meta, but he is far better than his old self and all that Injury spam can do a real number on his enemies. It might be funny to pair him with Schwarzwalder and Wildberry Cookie so they can constantly stunlock whoever gets in clobbering range of them, though such a team is of debatable effectiveness when compared to pairing him with Dark Cacao and Espresso to cut the enemy team’s max HP nearly in half.

As a side note, he is also harder to interrupt thanks to the Magic Candy making him heavier, and therefore more resistant to Knockback and Flying.


Blackberry Cookie
Candy Diver Cookie
Cherry Blossom Cookie
Mala Sauce Cookie
Custard Cookie III
Princess Cookie
Tiger Lily Cookie
Sparkling Cookie
Cherry Cookie
Avocado Cookie
Adventurer Cookie
Fig Cookie

Madeleine Cookie

While not as powerful as the Gourmet or Specialist tier, these cookies are pretty strong in their own right. These guys are definitely good cookies, just overshadowed. They don’t like that though! Some of them can be used to as low cost versions of the cookies above them. Thankfully this being the widest tier means you’re spoiled for choice.

Blackberry Cookie

RARE, REAR, MAGIC, AOE Damage Over Time, Squad Buffer, Adventurer Cookie’s Minder

PVE AOE Damage, PVE Twizzly Crit Enabler

Toppings:Searing Raspberries for general use, Swift Chocolates when with Twizzly Gummy Cookie

We had unfortunately underestimated Onion Cookie’s de-facto mom. Blackberry Cookie is one of the better Rares in the game, though overshadowed by the absolute mess of Epic damage dealers available. She summons a crowd of ghosts to shred the enemy team with many, many hits, and while this happens everyone’s crit chance goes up by 10% for 6 seconds. Simple, but her being a Rare gives her a small but unique advantage over other damage dealers:You probably have her lying around at 5 stars!

A well-fed Blackberry with proper support from other cookies like Eclair and Dark Choco can fill in for an Epic damage dealer well enough to fight the final boss of chapter 12, a very tough nut to crack.

Of course, if you have Eclair or Dark Choco, then you must have incredibly bad luck or poor mileage spending habits (Unless you spent ALL of it on Treasure Tickets and absolutely none on Soulstones, which is fair, you gotta get that Old Pilgrim’s Scroll after all!) to have only Blackberry as your main dedicated damage dealer by the end of Chapter 12. She can also go with crit-reliant cookies like Twizzly or Cream Puff thanks to her crit-based buff.

Blackberry’s stint as the only rare S-tier cookie was nice while it lasted, too bad Macaron Cookie marched her and Pomegranate out of everyone’s Avatar of Destiny teams!

Candy Diver Cookie

EPIC, REAR, SUPPORT, Unkillable, Untargetable, Healer, Randomized Buffs, Too Dead to Kill

PVP Rear Attack Blocker, PVP/PVE Team Healer, Generalist Buffer

Toppings:Swift Chocolates, Sweet Candy, DO NOT use defensive toppings

Candy Diver Cookie is a very odd support for one reason:They are completely immune to all damage! You’d think this makes them completely busted, but they pretty much count as a dead cookie taking up a slot. This means if they’re the only one left on the team, you lose anyway, and they cannot be deployed alone.

After all, they really are nothing but ancient haunted cookie dust swirling around old soda water in a diving suit. Also, Vampire Cookie’s smart enough not to break their fangs on an armored diving suit rated for the Duskgloom Sea, so they and other rear attack cookies won’t ever target Candy Diver Cookie. No blocking the rear with an immortal cookie here!

As for their actual skill, they heal for 43.5% of their ATK, while giving another buff based on what relic they scoop up while their skill is active:A Siren Statue makes buffs received by the team (Amplify Buff) 15% stronger for 10 seconds, a Pirate Sword increases ATK by 10% for 10 seconds, and an Anchor increases DEF by 15% for 10 seconds.

A higher Amplify Buff stat for Candy Diver increases their chance of finding the last, most powerful relic on the list:The Black Bearl Shell, which provides healing over time for 7 seconds, Amplify Buff 15% and 25% extra ATK for 10 seconds.

They also have a good passive:Their basic attacks increase the damage taken by an enemy by 5% (Can stack twice) for 10 seconds, while at the same time reducing the target’s defense by 7.5% (Also stacks twice) for the same amount of time. Quite good in maps and situations where healers are often targeted down, but they’re a rather inconsistent choice with their randomized buffs.

Cherry Blossom Cookie

EPIC, REAR, AMBUSH, AOE Attack, Stacking ATK Buff, Anti-Monster, Polite Outside, Cherry Cookie Inside

PVE AOE Attacker/ Buffer, PVP Anti-Summoner

Toopings:Swift Chocos For Buff Maintenance, Searing Raspberries for Damage

Oddly enough, Cherry Blossom Cookie has less in common with her sister Cherry Cookie, and is closer to an upgraded and specialized Pancake Cookie in terms of how she works. Her skill has her fly into the air to avoid enemy attacks, and carpet bomb the field with exploding cherry blossoms, like how Pancake bombards the field with Acorn Jellies.

They even both give buffs, but Cherry Blossom’s is generally better if there’s a lot of enemies in the field:Pancake gives an ATK Speed buff, while Cherry Blossom gives a 2.5% ATK buff that stacks up to 10 times for a max of 25%, depending on how many enemies she hits with her bombing raid. This makes her specifically specialized for PVE against large crowds of mooks.

Unfortunately, she is so heavily specialized for that that it causes her problems fighting anything else:Her skill does less and less damage to a target if it is hit multiple times, meaning it’s weak against bosses and elite mooks. Large enemy crowds become less prevalent past Chapter 10 in favor of few high quality heavies every wave, so she suffers late in PVE.

And for PVP, you can either get a better damage dealer like Caramel Arrow, Sorbet Shark or any of the Legendary attackers, or get Pomegrenate cookie for a guaranteed 30% ATK buff instead of a 25% ATK buff that takes two skill barrages to fully pull off. You could perhaps use her against enemy Summoners in PVP, though if you already have a good, well-fed damage dealer on your team then just stick with them instead.

All that said, she thankfully has a high ATK stat inherent in Ambush cookies, avoids attacks with her skill, and covers a wide area. All that still keeps Cherry Blossom Cookie a good choice, just one with extremely heavy competition. Nowadays she finds use with Blackberry Cookie against the Avatar of Destiny guild boss, as both of them together can make short work of the Avatar’s gravestone blockade. Unlike Blackberry though, this wasn’t enough to raise Cherry Blossom’s tier, since Blackberry’s attack doesn’t weaken with subsequent hits.

Mala Sauce Cookie

EPIC, FRONT, CHARGE, Crit Buffer, Debuffer, Damage Over Time, AOE Damage, Extra Spicy

PVP/PVE Crit Comp (with Twizzly Gummy Cookie)

Toppings:Solid Almonds or Swift Chocolates

It seems the devs forgot about Herb Cookie’s existence when designing Mala Sauce Cookie’s attack. While her AOE skill’s Burn debuff has potential to deal heavy damage, Herb Cookie is a healer almost everyone owns and can easily douse that fire with his skill. Not to mention Parfait Cookie gives your team a pretty good chance to avoid the debuff entirely. This means they’re rather weak on their own, but there is one cookie who benefits from having Mala Sauce around so much that pairing the two of them together becomes extremely deadly.

Mala Sauce’s skill also gives a CRIT chance buff to the two highest CRIT cookies on the team, most likely their release-mate Twizzly Gummy Cookie, who relies extremely heavily on crits. Working with a hard-counter to Vanilla well enough to make them give Sorbet Shark a run for their money is enough to put Mala Sauce up here. As usual, they’ll need Almonds like any other front cookie.

Custard Cookie III

RARE, REAR, HEALER, Double Target Healer, Miniature Vanilla King

Early- Late Midgame PVE Healer/Shield

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

Quite possibly the longest-lasting cookie in the starter squad. While he’s pickier with his healing than Herb Cookie, he heals more HP per target with his skill (though comparing regular heals, Herb is still stronger) and puts a short-duration shield on top of said heal.

He’s also good at picking his heal targets. He picks the two most likely to end up dead, often saving their butts in a clutch situation. Timing that shield well can mean the difference between a total party kill, and a desperate victory. Overall, an adorably annoying cookie willing to work towards his self-proclaimed title. Give him some Searing Raspberries to make his healing stronger.

Princess Cookie

RARE, FRONT, CHARGE, AOE Debuffer, Medium Tank, Dark Choco But Cute

Early-Late Midgame PVE Frontliner, Queen Of Rares

Toppings:Solid Almonds

Let’s face it, she’s a discount version of Dark Choco Cookie. While Princess Cookie’s skill technically does more straight damage than Dark Choco’s, it has a weaker DEF Down debuff of 15% compared to Dark Choco’s 20%. That said, being a mini Dark Choco is a good thing!

You’ll usually have Princess Cookie instead of Dark Choco because of the Gacha’s rather iffy rates. She’ll last you long into the game, and the only one that can truly replace her is Dark Choco. Says a lot about how strong she is. Perhaps give her some Solid Almonds, or Searing Raspberries to take advantage of her skill’s higher damage power. Overall, a good cookie, just overshadowed by her Epic-tier edgy counterpart.

Tiger Lily Cookie

EPIC, REAR, RANGE, AOE Stun, Maker Of Funny Faces

PVP/PVE Stunner, Normally found in PVP Stun-spam Comps

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

Tiger Lily Cookie is an odd mix. She’s a rear ranger, but her skill is an AOE stun that sends her forward to the enemy while increasing her attack speed. Crowd disablers used to be quite rare in her release, but are now more common, though ironically the roster of cookies have widened so much that Tiger Lily stayed in the same spot of this list the whole time. A lot more courageous than another cookie I’ll be listing down later. Give her some Swift Chocolates so you can stun the enemy more reliably.

Sparkling Cookie

EPIC, REAR, HEALER, Double Target Healer, Team Buffer, Vampire Cookie’s “Juice” Supplier

PVP/PVE Crit Comp Healer (With Twizzly Gummy Cookie)

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

Sparkling Cookie could be seen as a more offense-oriented version of Custard Cookie III. He has the same double target heal, but ditches the two target shield for an all-team critical hit chance increase. While he’s an Epic and Custard’s only a Rare, neither is a true replacement for the other.

It all depends on whether you want child-friendly defensive shields, or more violent booze powered critical hits in your team. If Custard’s for ending a fight safely, Sparkling is for ending a fight quickly. Both of them are pretty good.

Cherry Cookie

RARE, REAR, BOMBER, AOE Stun, Atomic Prankster

PVE Stunner, Sometimes used in PVP Stun Comps

Toppings:Searing Raspberries for damage, or Swift Chocolates for maintaining Stun

Cherry Cookie is good fun! There are few things simpler or more effective than tossing a gigantic bomb at the enemy. Her giant bomb has a 2 second stun, not quite as powerful as Tiger Lily’s 3 second stun. But the bomb itself still does good damage, and Cherry Cookie arguably has the better basic attack.

Being a Bomber instead of a Ranger, her basic attacks do splash damage. Great for cleaning frontline crowds in PVE. Give her a ton of Raspberries to take advantage of both her big bomb and her little bombs.

Avocado Cookie

RARE, FRONT, DEFENSE, Single Target Buff, Heavy Tank, AOE Pushback, Pun-Happy Blacksmith

PVE ATK Buffer

Toppings:Solid Almonds

A very strong cookie with more application in the PVE late game than the early game. You’d think that giving a 30% ATK Buff only to whoever has the highest ATK stat automatically makes her inferior to Pomegranate Cookie giving a 20% ATK buff to everyone in the team.違う! Being a tanky Defense cookie instead of a squishy Support makes up for it.

She makes a good partner to AOE nukers like Espresso. She’ll also last longer than supports against AOE-happy enemy formations, because of her fairly beefy stats. As for the actual damage of her skill though, it’s nothing to take note of. Give her some Walnuts or Almonds to help her keep the squishy mids alive.

Adventurer Cookie

RARE , REAR, AMBUSH, Single Target Rear Heavy Damage, Single Target Stun, Edible Indiana Jones

Midgame-to-Late Midgame PVE Anti-Spellcaster, Weak vs Mookspam

Toppings:Searing RaspberrIes

Adventurer Cookie works very similarly to Vampire Cookie except trading some of the damage for a stun. Pretty good, but why would you want to stun an enemy when you can kill them outright? Because sometimes, you just can’t kill them outright! Might as well keep the target from murdering your party for a couple of seconds.

It might be a good idea to pair Adventurer and Vampire Cookie together to tag team a boss, but they’ll be fighting over the Ambush powder needed for their skills. Cram this guy full of Searing Raspberries. Use him like Vampire Cookie, but time the attack to interrupt the target if you can.

Fig Cookie

EPIC, MIDDLE, SUPPORT, AOE Debuffer, Doot Doot

PVE ATK Debuffer

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

Fig Cookie is similar to Onion Cookie in purpose, except they gave up all pretense of being a damage dealer to focus on their debuff game. Their AOE attack predictably does very little damage, but slaps a big ugly 20% ATK reduction on whatever it hits. You can also keep this debuff up more reliably than with Onion Cookie, since not only does Fig Cookie have the faster cooldown, they also don’t need to wait for Fear Stacks to make the most of their skill.

You could perhaps bring them in PVE to dull the teeth of particularly deadly monster encounters, but it might still be more reliable to kill the enemy faster with more damage dealers anyway. If you plan on using them, feed them some Swift Chocolates to keep that debuff going.

Madeleine Cookie

EPIC, FRONT, “DEFENSE”, AOE Damage, Self-Heal, Heavy Tank, Stop Hiding In Mid If You Want Glory!

PVE/PVP ATK SPD Comp Frontliner/AOE Damage (with Lilac Cookie)

Toppings:Solid Almonds or Swift Chocolates

A majestically shiny cookie with gleaming white armor and a fancy sword. Madeleine Cookie’s skill is to heal himself, make himself immune to debuffs, and shoot AOE piercing sword beams. Sounds awesome right? You’ll notice we put the word “DEFENSE” in sarcastic quotation marks. He hides in mid when using his skill! This would be perfectly okay if he had a good ATK stat, but he doesn’t.

It comes with being a Defense cookie. He can’t do his job as a Defense cookie if he’s hiding with Espresso! At least his stats are pretty beefy elsewhere. Maybe use his skill when there are big crowds or in a desperate situation. Against singular deadly targets or if the mid is in danger, it might be better to keep him in front to take hits and let the real damage dealers do the job.

We moved Madeleine up a tier though, as while he is still a coward who hides in mid, his skill becomes uncannily destructive when paired with Lilac’s ATK SPD-based heavy machinegun team, even considering Madeleine’s Defense Cookie statline giving him poor ATK.


Tails Cookie
Carrot Cookie
Chili Pepper Cookie
Onion Cookie
Devil Cookie

These guys aren’t bad, but they’re not awesome either. Some might be otherwise powerful cookies with a rather blatant flaw. Others are just rather boring, but fairly practical. They make good space fillers for roles you need but lack. Like if you need a tank but don’t have Princess, Avocado, Dark Choco or Milk.

Tails Cookie

SPECIAL, AMBUSH, MID, DEF Buffer, AOE Damage, Adorable Airborne Airbro

PVE AOE Damage and Buffer

Toppings:Searing Raspberries or Swift Chocolates

Tails suffers a bit more than his blue bro. He’s got the same skill but with a DEF buff at 15% instead of Sonic’s ATK SPD buff. Honestly a good cookie, though Licorice outclasses him big time. Licorice, while doing less damage with his lightning strike, comes with a 20% DEF buff AND mooks. If you want a damage dealer, get an Espressolike, and if you want a DEF buffer, get Licorice. If you want BOTH AOE damage and a DEF buffer, get Licorice anyway! To add insult to injury, Licorice is available for mileage since he’s an old cookie. Get Tails some Raspberries to make the most of his damage if you want to use him.

Carrot Cookie

RARE, REAR, SUPPORT, Area Heal, Area Buff, Light AOE Damage, Biggest Carrot Award Winner

Early-Midgame PVE Offensive Healer

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

The hard-working Carrot Cookie is a pretty weird Support cookie. Her support skill damages the enemy and heals your team. It also comes with a decent DEF buff. She feels like a strange buffer version of a Magic cookie rather than a Support cookie. Either way, not bad, very simple, and quite adorable too.

Chili Pepper Cookie

EPIC, MID, AMBUSH, Rear-line AOE Damage, Sticky Fingers

PVE Early to Midgame Anti-Gunline Damage

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

Early on, Chili Pepper Cookie is a pretty good rear line killer. Her skill is made to cut down neat rear gunlines, which are common in early levels. She also works quite well with the other starter cookies. Later on though, she starts to suffer as enemy rear formations start getting messy and uneven. Often, her skill will only hit one or two targets if the enemy hasn’t been pushed into each other.

All in all, she’s in an awkward spot. She’s an area damage cookie with small AOE, and a backline assassin with insufficient killing power against late game heavy spellcasters. If you do plan on using her, give her Searing Raspberries and send her in after your frontliners have hammered the enemy formation into a tight blob.

Onion Cookie

RARE, MID, SUPPORT, Screen-Wide Damage and Debuffer, Do Not Bully

PVE Slow Nuker/Debuffer, Useless in PVP Because of Mandatory Auto

Toppings:Searing Raspberries, Swift Chocos are pointless because her Fear stacks won’t be maxxed by the time the cooldown is done anyway

Putting Onion Cookie into the battlefield is a war crime. This poor little crying baby does not even have a basic attack. Instead, she has a skill that does damage and reduces enemy ATK by 10%. The skill also has a stacking mechanic. It gains up to roughly 700% damage power the more she gets scared, usually by new enemy waves or enemy strikes. Anything to reduce the ATK of the enemy is always useful.

Unfortunately, her skill, while powerful, takes a lot of time to collect stacks. The spammy AI also makes her useless in PVP. It also isn’t helped by her Support statline giving her inferior ATK. Give her some Searing Raspberries if you want her to fight and deploy her against the final wave. You monster.

Devil Cookie

RARE, MIDDLE, MAGIC, AOE Debuffer, Angel Cookie’s Unwilling Best Friend

PVE Early to Midgame AOE Damage

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

Devil Cookie had the misfortune of being released after the likes of Latte Cookie, considering Devil has a similar but honestly inferior skill. They summon a rune on the ground, dealing AOE damage over time and inflicting ATK Speed Down and Movement Speed Down. Sadly, nobody cares about either stat. ATK Speed Down doesn’t actually slow down skill cooldowns, which is the primary source of damage in the game, and there are far better ways to stop enemies from moving than a Movement Speed reduction.

Like you know, blasting them into crumbs! That being said, if the gacha’s been unkind to you and you lack the high tier AOE damage dealers, Devil Cookie might be a good choice. Cram them with Raspberries to make their attack hit harder and take advantage of their Magic statline, since the debuffs they give out aren’t particularly noteworthy.


Snow Sugar Cookie
Angel Cookie
Gumball Cookie
Pancake Cookie

Rather lackluster cookies that nonetheless find some use in battle. Many of these cookies are weak lategame but strong earlygame. Some also find some weird niche in the meta to take advantage of. That being said, there are certainly better choices around.


COMMON, FRONT, CHARGE, AOE Knockback, Everyone’s First Cookie

PVP Rapid Interruptor, Newbie-Bait (Usually part of Extreme Damage No Survivability Almond-reliant Stun teams, often called GingerScam teams)

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

How did a Common, and the starter cookie at that, end up all the way up here? GingerBrave’s skill has an absurd 8 second cooldown, compared to everyone else’s 10-20 seconds. The AOE is just perfectly sized to only hit the two enemy front cookies in PVP. The knockback is so powerful it’ll toss the victims right into the rear, leaving their mid cookies wide open! This plays into the PVP meta in a hilarious way.

Normally, you can set up a weak defense party to attract weaker players into fighting you. Then you wreck them in the Defense tab later for Arena shop medals. They get medals for beating your defense team too, so no foul. Here, you instead bait weaker players into attacking what LOOKS like a weak party (a very eye-catching levelled and 5-starred GingerBrave backed up by vastly more dangerous cookies, often hidden), only for them to get demolished!

The popular team for this is GingerBrave with Almond Cookie, Black Raisin or if you’re really lucky, Sea Fairy Cookie with two other cookies who can stun. Gingerbrave slams into the front to expose the enemy midline, Almond and the damage dealer pair up to wreck the enemy team, and the stun cookies prevent them from fighting back. This has low survivability if the enemy somehow resists the stun and fights back, but if the stun works your cookies can destroy the heavily injured enemy with impunity.

Snow Sugar Cookie

EPIC, MID, MAGIC, Sumonner, AOE Debuffer, If Only The Snow King Were In Front

PVP Vampire/Red Velvet Cookie Distraction, AOE Attacker

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

The loveable Snow Sugar Cookie sadly suffers from Strong Early, Weak Later syndrome as with many other cookies. They summon a large monster called the Snow King. The Snow King’s basic attack is a low-damage AOE breath that gives everyone it hits an ATK Slow debuff. An enemy Herb Cookie isn’t able to clean it out either, as the Snow King will simply reapply it. Decent early on, she can turn some PVP matches around against incomplete meta teams.

Unfortunately, the poor damage the Snow King does and the later enemies’ higher raw damage makes Snow Sugar Cookie suffer. ATK Slow doesn’t matter if you’re worried about high damage attacks with a low fire rate. The Snow King also stays in the rear instead of moving forward, wasting the Snow King’s rather high HP. If you’ve been using them, you might have to replace them with another damage dealer or support. They had a recent buff, but it isn’t enough to move them up a tier.

Angel Cookie

COMMON, REAR, HEALER, AOE Heal, Flight Incapable

PVE Early-Midgame AOE Healer

Toppings:Swift Chocolates or Searing Raspberries

Another rather strong common. This is the closest thing to a Discount Herb Cookie you can get (albeit a much weaker one vs the milder gap between Princess and Dark Choco), and as long as you keep their star level up, they can keep up with your team.

Now why isn’t this cookie a tier higher then? Because Custard Cookie III exists and you get him at the start of the game. Custard’s ability to save team members that need healing the most is more reliable than Angel Cookie’s weaker area heal, which doesn’t have enough kick.

Gumball Cookie

RARE, REAR, BOMBER, AOE Slow, Artistic Artillery

Thank goodness his skill description is contradicted by his skill’s stat tooltip. A 20% ATK Slow is certainly much better than a pointless Movement Slow! Just like Snow Sugar, ATK Slow becomes rather bland later on, but at least Gumball Cookie’s a Bomber too. This means his basic attack has AOE. Give him some Raspberries to strengthen his firepower if you want to use him.

Pancake Cookie

RARE, REAR, AMBUSH, Light AOE Damage, Squad Buffer, Give Acorn Jelly

This little flying chubster is another weird one that doesn’t exactly fit his classification. An Ambush cookie with the wide AOE of a Magic Cookie, lackluster damage, but also a 20% ATK Speed buff for the whole party. Pancake Cookie is less a rear-line killer and more an offensive Support without a heal. Since he uses different powders than Support cookies, it might be safe to pair him with Mint Choco to power up Rye Cookie.

At that point though, getting a more traditional Ambush cookie might be a better idea. All in all, neither amazing nor terrible. Give him some Swift Chocolates or Raspberries so he can do the buff, or for his skill to do more useful damage. Too bad Acorn Jellies aren’t a topping.


Knight Cookie
Strawberry Cookie
Beet Cookie

These unfortunate cookies need some additional love from the developers. You won’t find them often in PVP other than as a revenge bait defense team, spot fillers, or because they look cool. As for PVE, they’re useable but there are much better cookies around. If the Gacha’s been mean though, you might as well learn to use them until you get some better Cookies.

Knight Cookie


PVE Early to Midgame Tank

Toppings:Solid Almonds

Knight Cookie seriously needs some form of defensive buff. He’s like Milk Cookie except he can’t take the heat after making the enemy lose their tempers. He’s useful in the early to mid-game to draw fire, but in later levels the enemy will outright obliterate him for taunting.

He’s also fairly useless in PVP. Once you’re past chapter 4, you might need to find him a bulkier or harder hitting replacement. If you absolutely have no choice but to use him, fill him with Almonds so he lasts longer.

Strawberry Cookie

COMMON, FRONT, DEFENSE, AOE Pushback, Spin 2 Win Lite

PVE Earlygame Knockback

Toppings:Solid Almonds

The shy and adorable Strawberry Cookie is one of the weaker Starter Cookies. Her description as a Defense isn’t entirely accurate, as she has more in common with Purple Yam Cookie, an Epic-tier Charge cookie with a bad temper.

Her skill is a long duration AOE spin attack that pushes the enemy back as she goes. Nothing special, nothing terrible. Unlike Gingerbrave though, she isn’t weird enough to exploit the meta. Replace her with a stronger Front cookie when you can, and be nice to her in the castle.

Beet Cookie

COMMON, REAR, RANGED, Single Target Damage, Aim For The Injured!

PVE Earlygame Precision Attack

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

Beet Cookie could have so much potential if it weren’t for their Common statline. She aims her skill at whoever has the least HP. Such a skill on a stronger cookie would make them a dangerous opponent who can immediately negate a PVP team’s damage capability, since most damage dealers have low HP but hide in Mid away from the likes of Vampire Cookie.

Unfortunately, they’re a Common, and other focus-target cookies like Rye, Vampire and Adventurer blow them out of the soda pond. If you absolutely want to use Beet Cookie, give her Raspberries like any other damage dealer.


Muscle Cookie
Wizard Cookie
Clover Cookie
Ninja Cookie
Alchemist Cookie

These cookies can’t even be used to replace the starter squad. Their ability is often pointless or so weak as to be forgettable. It ain’t their fault though, so be nice to them. Most of the cookies that deserve a sentence to the Sugar Quarry are in the higher tiers anyway!

Muscle Cookie

COMMON, FRONT, CHARGE, AOE Pushback, Don’t Skip Leg Day

Earlygame PVE AOE Knockback

Toppings:Solid Almonds

His skill doesn’t hit hard (80% damage with a Shock debuff vs Gingerbrave’s straight up 120% or so damage). The knockback on his skill isn’t strong enough to immediately toss enemies into their own rear gunline, so he doesn’t pair very well with Chili Pepper Cookie in the starter squad. Both Gingerbrave and Strawberry Cookie are better at cramming the enemy into a tight blob. Put the big guy in the Sugar Quarry or the Lumberjack Lodge so he can spend the day exercising. He doesn’t actually mind!

Wizard Cookie

COMMON, MID, MAGIC, AOE Damage, Ice Cream Shortstop

Earlygame PVE AOE Attack

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

The loveably nerdy Wizard Cookie is in the starter squad, but it’s rather easy to forget he’s in your team. Chili Pepper and Gingerbrave’s earlygame combo often kills a wave before you think of using Wizard Cookie.

By the time you start seeing the weird uneven gunlines and deep, narrow formations that give Chili Pepper so much trouble, you probably already have a replacement for Wizard Cookie. Have the little guy water some plants in your kingdom once you get a new AOE damage unit. It should give him some time to study the magic he loves so much.

Clover Cookie

RARE, REAR, SUPPORT, AOE Debuff Cleaner and Healer, The Happy Bard

PVE Earlygame Healer

Toppings:Swift Chocolates

This guy is Herb Cookie but terrible. While having a very similar skill to Herb Cookie (an area heal over time that cleans debuffs, but lacking the initial stronger heal), he is a Support. That means he wastes time shooting at the enemy instead of healing your cookies.

Unlike most Supports though, he doesn’t give your cookies any real buffs! Just keep Custard Cookie III in your backline and get a real support cookie instead. Have this guy tell tales of your main team back home, he’ll be happier that way.

Ninja Cookie

REAR, AMBUSH, AOE Damage, Silent But Not Particuarly Deadly

Earlygame PVE AOE Damage

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

Ninja Cookie is another one who is immediately rendered obsolete by Starter Squad, particularly Chili Pepper Cookie. His skill is a small AOE attack with moderate damage. Being an Ambush cookie means they’ll be fighting Chili Pepper over Ambush powder, so you might as well keep Wizard Cookie on your team if you found Ninja Cookie in the gacha. Pull a Karate Kid on him and trick him into doing chores in the name of training!

Alchemist Cookie

RARE, MID, BOMBER, AOE Poison Damage, Vampire Cookie’s Designated Driver

Earlygame AOE Damage

Toppings:Searing Raspberries

The ever busy nerd Alchemist Cookie is a rather confusing cookie to use. She has an AOE poison bomb that supposedly gets stronger every use, reaching its peak after three uses.

Unfortunately, even at it’s strongest it’s pretty weak and has small AOE. It makes her basic attack’s poison more powerful too though, but at that point you probably want a better damage dealer. Give her a nice lab to work on at home. Preferably far away from Wizard Cookie. Those two hate each other!

And this ends our comprehensive tier list for Cookie Run:Kingdom! If you guys have any tips on how to use these cookies more effectively, or opinions on whether or not a cookie should be higher or lower on the chart, don’t forget to leave us a message in the comment section below! Stay civil though, leave the battles in the Arena!