

The Wolf (モバイル ゲーム) 初心者向けガイド:パックのアルファ版になるためのヒント、コツ、戦略

The Wolfのガイドへようこそ! Swift Apps のこのモバイル RPG は、まさに缶に書かれているとおりです。オオカミとしてプレイするゲームです。走り回ったり、何かを食べたり、他の仲間のオオカミと群れを作ったり、チームとしてより大きくて危険なものをたくさん食べたりします.

The Wolf のゲームプレイは非常にシンプルです。攻撃ボタンと走る能力があり、最終的にはそれぞれ独自のスキル ツリーを持つ 4 つのスキル スロットのロックを解除します。スキルと統計ビルドを使用して、より大きく、より致命的で、よりおいしい動物を食べます。シンプルですが、シンプルだからといって簡単というわけではありません。

The Wolf が最も分厚いゲーマーの頭蓋骨でさえ掘り下げる 1 つのことは、チームワークの重要性です。たった今あなたから逃げようとしていた怖がっている草食動物の群れに対してさえ、一人で入って行けば、あなたは轢死のように出てくるでしょう。

ありがたいことに、PvP であっても、常に友好的なプレイヤーのオオカミが何人かいる部屋にいます。マップ全体でランチタイムに大暴れしたい場合は、接着剤のように他のプレイヤーに固執することが非常に重要です。荒々しい戦いで愚かな一匹狼の救助に飛び込むことに気付くでしょう。群れから外れたことに気づいたら、大きな動物から必死に逃げることになります。

部屋のアルファと一緒に、タイガース、バイソン、そして最終的には恐ろしく強いチャンピオンの動物に対する輝かしい突撃に参加することになります(ただのヤギである怒っているヤギのチャンピオンによって即座に身体を壊されることほど恐ろしいものはほとんどありませんが、違法なステロイドを使用する)、または自分がルーム アルファになってそのような突撃を主導する...ただし、ルームの他のプレイヤーがその日の 3 つのクエストを完了するのに忙しくなければ!

そうは言っても、荒野で始めるためのヒント、コツ、戦略が含まれた The Wolf 初心者ガイドをお届けします!

ランチタイムのヒント:COOP で覚えておくと便利なこと




次に、メイングループから離れた人は誰でも、簡単に殺すために彼らを選び出し、グループ全体が死ぬまでそれを続けます.ヒツジ、ドウ、スカンクなどのほとんどの獲物動物は、あなたの目の前で走ってきて、あまりにも遅れをとってしまうと、友達を残して死んでしまいます。まだ攻撃範囲内にいるうちにそのうちの 1 つを。


一部の敵は、たとえ 1 人であっても、危険すぎて戦うことができません。オオカミはそれ自体が致命的な捕食者ですが、殺人的な肉食動物に関しては、規模の小さい方です。

悲しいことに、彼らはクマ、雄牛、トラ、その他の動物など、ライフルを持った男性でさえ対処するのに苦労するほど大きな動物には匹敵しない傾向があります.少なくとも、オオカミが一人で戦うなら。群れの動物として、部屋のアルファにテレポートすることができます (彼らは通常、彼らが大きくて危険で非常に食べられるものを見つけたときにそうします)。他のプレイヤーが簡単に到達できるテレポーテーション サークル。



だから今、あなたはあなたの数倍の大きさの雄牛を攻撃しているあなたの束を持っています.その後、どうせ殴られるか、少なくとも雄牛を殺しますが、仲間の 1 人 (または自分自身) をリスポーン ポイントに送り込んだ後ではありません。

スマートフォンでは戦闘中にコマンドを出すことはほぼ不可能なので (キーボード付きのエミュレーターでも苦痛です)、次は戦闘前にテレポートしている誰かに、敵のアグロと交代して逃げるように伝えたいと思うかもしれません。少なくともあなたがアルファで、部屋がいつもより少しおしゃべりな場合、または友達と遊んでいる場合は、彼らの HP が低すぎます。そうすれば、パックのダメージが維持され、雄牛/虎/熊/自分よりも大きなものが倒れたときに、全員が EXP に参加できます。

これはあなたにも当てはまります! HPが少ない場合は、将来の夕食が現在外にぶら下がっていない誰かに角を向けるまで緩い円で逃げてから、後ろから攻撃します.一方、HP に余裕があり、瀕死の仲間が後退した場合は、そこにとどまり、負傷した味方が旋回して攻撃を続ける時間を与えるために戦ってください。グループが小さい場合、1 人が死亡すると DPS が大幅に低下する可能性があるため、これらすべてが 2 倍重要になります。

ビッグ フード、ビッグ レーダー シグネチャー

オオカミとして、あなたは通常の人間よりもはるかに優れた感覚を持っています (ありがたいことにゲーム内でシミュレートされていないモノクロの視覚を除いて)、これはゲームのレーダーを介して示されます。レーダーは地域の脅威レベルを判断するのに非常に優れているため、常にレーダーを使用して昼食をとる場所を決定してください。レーダーのブリップが大きいほど、食べ物の注文は致命的であり、ブリップが多いほど動物が多いことを意味します.レーダーに大きなブリップがたくさんある場合、周りに友達がいない場合は後退することをお勧めします。


これを使用して、見つけた新しい動物について学ぶこともできます:ヤギの HP が、あなたが約 900 持っているのと同じレベルで約 200 HP しかないのには理由があります。剣の打撃​​の強さ!


The Wolf、少なくともCoopでは、死は非常に安価です。多くの場合、回復するためにデンにテレポートする価値さえありません。なぜなら、あなたは非常に迅速に、完全な HP で、死亡した場所の近くでリスポーンするからです。また、他の多くのゲームとは異なり、EXP を失うことはありません。ポータルをアルファ版としてセットアップする機能を追加すると、心配する必要がさらに少なくなります。

これを知っていれば、山のような忍耐力と強気さがあれば、特定のチャンピオンの動物 (具体的には、HP が低いと戦闘からの自己回復が遅くなるため、チャンピオンの山羊のようなガラスの大砲) だけで逃げることさえできます。 And if you have even one friendly Wolf willing to do the same nearby, even the tougher champion animals can be dealt with this way, World War 1 style.

Again, rolling in with a huge team is always vastly preferable, but keep your easy respawns in mind when you’re planning any attack. Just don’t do this in PVP, since you get tossed all the way back to the Den instead. Unless of course, your team Alpha set up a portal near the battle zone.

Skill Loadouts

Later on, you will unlock the ability to swap between skill loadouts mid-battle. This is very useful especially for someone with a generalist statbuild, since it allows them to more easily swap roles. You can perhaps have a skill loadout built for running after fast enemies in PVP, with a jump attack to get to the enemy, a damage-boosting aura, followed by any of the quicker-activating skills from the Special tree to follow up on the jump attack.

Maybe you can take Fire Spin along with your Special, so you can dive into a crowd of snakes and kill all of them (A one-two punch of an AOE Special followed by Fire Spin or any similar skills often sorts out groups of glass cannons easily) before they can kill you with their high damage power.

If you’ve grinded hard into the game as a dedicated support, you can bring Aura Health Regeneration to keep your team alive longer, or at least let them jump into a new fight faster. Maybe you want to tank, so you bring some self healing skills instead. Or you could simply have a favorite loadout you use, and another loadout with Speed Boost so you can travel places faster.

As a sidenote, even before you unlock the loadout swap ability, you can still go to your skill tab (The lightning bolt button) while playing and swap skills the hard way. This is still useful, and you might do this even after unlocking loadout swapping, since you might want to change one of your loadouts mid-game.


Thankfully, PVP is not a massive free-for-all. Instead, you are divided into two teams, Blue and Red. There is really no objective other than racking up kills and bragging about it, though enemy Wolves are worth quite a lot of EXP, at least if they’re evenly matched with you in terms of player level, or stronger.

While we do have some tips specifically for PVP, it once again boils down to “Gang up on the enemy”. You must remember that Wolves are pack animals, and the easiest targets are greedy, aggressive players who stray from their team.

Once you have two roughly evenly matched teams in both brains and brawn though, it will invariably all devolve into a hilarious, no-holds-barred bar brawl! Of course, if matchmaking hates you, there is nothing you can do about getting dumped in a room against a full enemy team 10 levels higher than you, but even this can at least be partially avoided with some grinding.

Never Spawn Camp, Ever

The Den rapidly heals any wolf of the same team inside it. This mechanic ensures a tug of war during battles, where wolves push harder into enemy territory until they get pushed back by the recently respawned enemy team.

Standing in front of an enemy Den is not only boring (Generally, a weaker enemy defending team might be too scared to walk out of the Den, and the stronger attacking team is DEFINITELY going to be too scared to go in, resulting in an awkward, unproductive staring contest) and potentially considered rude, it’s also impractical! You’re just begging to get swarmed if you attempt spawncamping against an evenly-matched enemy team who have even half a brain cell to share with each other.

Injured Friend? More Like An Opportunity

Speaking of using injured friends as bait, coming to the aid of a friendly wolf, whether they’re winning or losing, is often one of the best ways to get a kill or two. While your friend might be dying, the guys he just fought usually won’t be in the best of shape either. And with you at full HP, you will hopefully be coming in from a position of advantage, provided all your skills are ready.

You can attack head on in full view of your target if you want to prioritize saving your friend (Best done if you’re running a tanky build), or attack from behind if you want to surprise your foe or to check if the enemy has their team nearby(Best done if you have a speedier build, chasing and escaping wolves is much harder than doing the same to other animals). Either way, both you and the guy you either saved or used as bait get EXP.

To make this easier, keep an eye on your radar or map:If you see an ally stop moving, that likely means they are either engaged in combat, or preparing to enter combat.

Travel Together

Now that you know those tactics, expect that a smart player (or worse, a smart, coordinated enemy team) will attempt to use them against you. As a precaution, always travel as a pack if you can help it. At the very least, follow a teammate at all times, even if you’re a rather tough wolf yourself. Not only does this make it harder for enemies to ambush you, shadowing a teammate will let you or your friend do the same to the enemy!

New Map? Grind First

Once you unlock a new PVP map, this means you just reached a level threshold which sends you against higher level players within your bracket. Having just unlocked said map, that means you’re at the rock bottom of said new level bracket, which is going to be painful once you get a room with wolves 10 levels higher than you. Which is about as bad as having to fight a Champion enemy, except with brains and there’s four of them chasing you all at once.

Before jumping into PVP if you’ve just gotten a new map, grind a few levels in PVE first, preferably about halfway into unlocking the next map or so. That way, you’re better able to keep up with the ones you’re fighting with and against.


There are 4 skill trees in the game, each corresponding to a single skill slot on your wolf. Picking four of them for a task you want is typically the way to go. Unlocking new skills is generally easier than upgrading old ones, so make sure you get the ones you want before you start upgrading. This may take longer than expected since some skills might take roughly a few weeks to unlock.


The Basic skill tree is exactly that:Your basic, bread and butter special attacks. This usually determines whether or not you’re a sniper or an AOE guy. Some skills hit in an area, some skills hit a single target really hard, and nearly all of them except for the earliest ones you unlock inflict some kind of debuff. Either way, most of your attacks consist of this and your Special being chained together in rapid succession, followed by biting as you wait for the cooldown to finish.

Basic Skills Of Note:Any of the elemental jump attack skills, or any of the AOE skills. The AOE skills (like Fire Spin) work great in conjunction with Special Skills (which are also mostly AOE attacks) for killing glass cannons that come in groups, or finishing off an injured PVP team who thinks they already won the fight, but didn’t see you coming a bit late.

As for the jump attacks, they often hit extremely hard while having dual use for sniping anything from PVP runners, lone glass cannons and contributing damage to a big hunt, or running away from something too big for you to chew.


The Aura tree is normally what you would use before jumping into battle:They give you or the teammates around you some form of buff, with the first Aura skill being a simple 30% movement speed booster, the Speed Aura. Often, you pop one, then start using your skills to make the most of them, unless it’s a self-healing spell.

Aura Skills of note:Damage Boost is typically considered by the playerbase as the best all-around aura skill, because it is consistent, simple and rather powerful. It raises your attack stat by roughly 40% before any upgrades. Most skills use a percentage based on your attack stat to determine their damage, making this commonly used to open a fight along with offensive skills. Rage has more self-buffs, but the attack buff it comes with is weaker, while buffing HP and Speed relatively weakly too.

Unfortunately for new wannabe helper-types, the support auras, Battle Orders and Aura Life Regeneration, are fairly weak when you get them:Aura Life Regeneration doesn’t heal very much at first, and Battle Orders only raises HP for nearby teammates. You’ll need to be an absolutely dedicated, patient support if you want the most of them, since they’ll need their upgrades to be good.

That being said, since they heal or buff by a percentage of their target’s stats, you have no worries about them falling off in effectiveness as you progress.


The Special tree mostly contains the big guns:Large magical AOE attacks that have slightly longer cooldowns than usual and high damage:great for opening fights and big ambushes since they can be used on the move, or just deleting a crowd of squirrels for a good laugh. Even the starter Special skill is pretty powerful for when you unlock it:An AOE flame attack that deals 300% of your damage to an area, popping so fast you can immediately follow it up with any one of your other skills.

Special Skills Of Note:Ice and Lightning skills are both very dangerous, in particular Electroshock. Most of the Ice skills, while they won’t be that powerful compared to their contemporaries in PVE (enemies will never run away from you unless they’re weak enough that you can just kill them outright, usually timid animals like doe and squirrels), they’re going to be nasty to deal with in PVP, preventing wounded enemy Wolves from escaping you and your team.

As for Electroshock, it just straight up carries 720% damage without any upgrades, and without the fuss of using a Totem trap. Its cooldown isn’t half bad either, at a measely 27 seconds, beating out most jump attack-type basic skills. Oh, and it carries a 50% shock chance, assuming it didn’t kill your victim outright. The downside? It takes a while to unlock, only available at level 43.


If the Special tab is the Basic tab’s bigger brother, then the Totems tab is the Aura tab’s estranged sister. Totems can either be traps that deal extreme damage to a single target, or structures that generate some form of aura around them, whether one that debuffs the enemy or buffs allies.

They typically deal a lot of damage in an AOE, except the first Totem unlock which is a single target freeze trap. Keep in mind that Totems take a long time to deploy, so they’re best used either in preparation of a fight, or if in a group hunt, as extra damage when you don’t have aggro.

Totems Of Note:The entire top half of the Totem tree are extremely high damage traps, with the Electric Trap dealing 1000% damage in an area without upgrades. They also have very quick cooldowns, typically around 20 seconds, for the amount of damage they can put out.

Sadly, the supportive totems have extremely long cooldowns considering their short durations (A whopping 80 second cooldown for an effect duration of 10 seconds for the Healing Totem and 5.5 seconds for the Shield Totem, before upgrades), which means you might not be getting the most bang for your buck with them. It seems this game doesn’t like supports very much, which is weird considering the heavy emphasis this game has on teamwork.

And this is the end of our beginner’s guide for playing The Wolf. If you get only one thing out of this guide at all, let it be the absolute importance of sticking with your fellow wolves, whether that be in PVP, or PVE. We cannot stress this enough. If you have your own tips, don’t hesitate to share them in the comment section below!