

ヒット アンド ラン ガイド:勝利への道を突き進むための 7 つのヒント、チート、戦略

Hit n' Run は、ミッションと古典的なサバイバル ゲームを組み合わせた興味深いハイウェイ サバイバル ゲームです。警察から逃れ、民間車両の裏をかいて、できるだけ長く生き続ける必要があります。


高速道路はあなたのそばを猛スピードで飛んでくる他の乗り物でいっぱいです。たくさんの乗り物にぶつかるとゲームオーバーになり、最初からやり直す必要があります。前述したように、2 つのメイン ゲーム モードがあります。古典的なストーリー モードには 30 の異なるミッションがあり、十分に長く生き残るか、特定の車両に損傷を与えるか、特定の数の建物を破壊するか、一定期間警察の前に留まることを求められます。

ミッションは興味深いものであり、キャンペーンを進めていくと攻略が難しくなります。一方、サバイバル モードはできるだけ長く生き続けることがすべてであり、プレイすると、新しい車両を購入するためのコインと、さまざまなボーナスを与える特別なブースト カードの両方が得られます。

ビジュアル プレゼンテーションに関しては、Hit n' Run は、ゲームのテーマに完全に対応する一種のザラザラしたプレゼンテーションを特徴としています。アート スタイルは、彩度の高い色、詳細な車、シンプルかつ効果的な爆発に加えて、モハーベ砂漠を通過するハイウェイを表現するザラザラした感触が特徴です。

Hit n’ Run は、何時間でも楽しめる面白いゲームです。それは無料でプレイできるタイトルであり、忍耐力があれば、エネルギーが補充されるのを待つ必要をなくす無限のガスタンクを購入したい場合を除いて、1セント硬貨を使う必要はありません.私たちと一緒に、すべてのミッションをクリアする方法と、サバイバル モードで大量のコインを獲得してカードをブーストする方法を見つけてください。


すでに述べたように、ヒット アンド ランはシンプルなゲームプレイ メカニクスを特徴としています。画面を指で押さえている間、車が道路を走り、通常モードで時間が経過します。画面から指を離すと、ゲームはスロータイム モードになり、爆弾を起動できます。しかし、スロー モードは、完璧な瞬間に爆弾を起動するための時間を増やす方法以上のものです。実際、サバイバル モードのロックを解除したい場合 (ミッション番号 20 をクリアするとロックが解除されます)、できるだけ頻繁に時間を遅くする必要があります。

これにより、破壊する必要のある車両を見つけたり、警察の封鎖を回避したり、時間通りに破壊する必要のある建物を見つけたり、破壊するのに十分な時間を確保したり、交通が混雑したときに高速道路をナビゲートしたりする時間が得られます。取得することができます。ご覧のとおり、交通が混雑すると、車はほんの数秒で破壊されます。画面から指を動かさないと、途中のすべての車両を追い越すことはほとんど不可能なほど高速だからです。どんなにタフな車でも、一定回数衝突すると破壊されてしまうため、ヒット アンド ラン ハイウェイを車を破壊せずにナビゲートしたい場合は、頻繁に時間を遅くする必要があります。

最初の車両に気づいたら、画面から指を離してスロー モードに入り、最適なルートを探します。次に、画面をタップするだけで、車を避けながらゆっくりと進みます。渋滞を抜けたら、画面から指を離さずに運転できます。

スロータイムモードは、警察の封鎖が近づいていることを通知されたときにも最適です. Just tap on the screen to circle through normal and slow mode and once you notice the police blockade slow down time and find the best route (whether that is a small police car instead of large and bulky truck or an empty spot on the blockade). Also, since the game features missions in which you need to destroy certain buildings, it is advisable to slow down time as soon as you get notified that a building is ahead, so you have enough time to activate the bomb or to pass through it (in case of chicken hens) and destroy it.

2. One Car Isn’t Perfect For All Kinds Of Missions

Hit n’ Run features plenty of different missions, and one car cannot be the best choice for all of them. Cars that can carry lots of bombs (three or more) and the best for building-destroying missions. Stable cars with high steering grade are best for missions in which you have to damage certain vehicles, and those that are tough are best for missions in which you have to survive the police for a certain period of time. So, instead of sticking to your first car, buy a couple of them until you get one that can carry lots of bombs (they are very important for certain missions) and one that is stable and has excellent steering. Once you get two cars that fulfill those requirements, start saving because after the mission number 15 you will unlock special cars that are way better than normal ones.

3. Save Up Coins For Special Cars

These special models feature better grades in all categories, and you will get one for free once you complete the 15th mission. The thing is, there are a couple of trucks in the special category that are just unusable because they are too long and will hit other cars as soon as traffic becomes congested. So, if you aren’t lucky you will get one of these trucks, and won’t be able to beat new missions because after mission 15, they become way harder. So, save at least 2000 coins before you unlock mission 15 in order to be able to get a new car in case you receive a huge special truck.

4. Bombs Are To Be Used Strategically

Bombs are great in Hit n’ Run because they are the only way to destroy multiple vehicles at once and because it is much easier to destroy a building with bombs than to just run over it. Because of that, you should use bombs only in specific situations. Let us explain which situations ask for bombs. When you are chased by the police vehicles, bombs are helpful but not required. If you can just smash police cars without destroying your car in the process, do not use bombs. On the other hand, if you have a high wanted level and are being chased by lots of police trucks, then you can activate the bomb. Just wait to get surrounded by cars so you can destroy as many of them as possible before activating the bomb.

The second situation where bombs can be used is when you face extremely congested traffic. When you see that even slowing down time often cannot give you time to find a route around other vehicles just waiting to get inside the middle of the traffic jam and then just activate the bomb. This will clear the traffic and let you live enough to complete your Hit n’ Run mission.

And finally, bombs can be used when you are near completing a building-blasting mission. Don’t use them to destroy buildings at the start; it is better to try hitting them with your car, saving bombs for later. This is a wise strategy because, as the longer you are alive, the traffic gets more and more congested, and there are more and more police blockades and vehicles chasing you. This makes pretty much impossible to hit buildings with your car because they are placed next to the road, and since there will be vehicles on both sides of the road almost constantly, save up bombs and use them to destroy buildings once you are left with just of couple of them that need to be blown up.

In survival mode, bombs are not to be used until traffic becomes for packed that you cannot maneuver through jams even in slow-time mode. Do not use bombs at the start because, when playing survival mode in hit n’ run, using bombs at the start is a perfect strategy for a quick death. In survival, the police is even more vigilant, and traffic can really be packed as highly as possible so do not use bombs until you are certain that you cannot advance without a couple of explosions.

5. Second Chance With The Police Car Is Great Way To Complete Missions

Once you get your car destroyed, the game will offer you to get a second chance by stealing a police car. All you have to do is to watch a short video ad. This offer is excellent because the police car is an excellent vehicle, better than most other cars you can play with. Even better, once you finish the 15th mission, you will get a better version of the car that is even tougher. The police car features excellent steering, superb toughness, and slots for three bombs. If your car is too weak to beat a certain mission, we advise you to crash it immediately and receive the second chance with the police car because we are certain it is a better choice than many regular vehicles.

6. Sometimes, It’s Better To Just Start The Mission Over Instead Of Trying To Beat It

During some missions, like the ones where you are asked to destroy buildings or damage a certain number of vehicles, Hit n’ Run can show its dark side. You see, since the frequency at which vehicles and buildings appear is governed by RNG (random number generator), it can happen that you, for instance, have to damage 12 blue busses and to find that, once the mission starts, you cannot see even one blue bus.

In case you notice that target vehicles or buildings are nowhere to be found, just crash your car and start the mission again. We found that this annoying thing happens pretty often so when you find that certain mission is too hard because you cannot find your targets after multiple restarts, just exit the game, restart it, and then start it and enter the mission again. This should fix the problem, in most cases. If you still find the mission to be too hard, there’s one way you can pass it and unlock the next one. Instead of cursing the game just play the mission lots of times (more than six times). Just enter the mission, crash your car and give up instead watching the ad to get a second chance with the police car. Then, after you fail at a mission enough times, the game will offer you to skip the mission and to go to the next one. Just watch the video ad, and that’s it! You will unlock the next mission.

7. Use The Boost Cards Wisely

In Hit n’ Run there are different boost cards that give you various bonuses. The problem is that, once you unlock a certain card type the game automatically activates them so, if you are not careful, you will spend all of your boost cards in just a couple of games. Before starting a mission, just tap on the boost card. It should be greyed out, meaning that it won’t be used. Do this because certain boost cards, like double money and better steering, are to be used only when needed.

For instance, double money boost is best for survival mode because you will play one survival game much longer than one mission, meaning that you will earn much more coins when playing survival. And the better steering is to be used during tough missions where you must run from the police or when you have to avoid all civilian vehicles for a certain period (this mission is one of the hardest in the game, and we strongly advise you to save up better-steering boost card for it).

Okay, folks, that was all. We found lots of different tips and tricks while we played Hit n’ Run and we shared all of them with you. If you follow them you should finish every single mission, you should have an excellent and capable car, and you should be able to drive for miles and miles in the game’s survival mode. Thanks for reading and happy gaming!