

Tiny Bubbles Cheats:より多くのパズルを解くための 10 のヒントとコツ

Tiny Bubbles は、ユニークなひねりを加えた Pine Street Codeworks のエキサイティングな新しいパズル ゲームです。通常のタイル マッチング メカニズムの代わりに、物理学を使用してバブルを動かし、色で塗りつぶします。必要なマッチを作成するために、泡の端を壊したり、色を混ぜたりすることもできます。完成させるパズルは 170 種類以上あり、それぞれが前より難しくなっています。難易度の異なる 3 つのゲーム モードを試すこともできます。このゲームは、ゲームの魅力を増す完璧に実行されたバブル物理学に誇りを持っています。挑戦を奪うことなく、リラックスしたゲーム体験を提供することに成功しています。自分のスキルに自信が持てたら、さまざまなパズルに加えて 35 以上の成果を達成することができます。いずれかのレベルで立ち往生している場合でも、心配しないでください。 Tiny Bubbles のヒント、チート、トリックのコレクションをいつでも利用できます!






Tiny Bubbles は、一度に 1 つずつ動かすだけの通常のパズル ゲームの仕組みには従いません。試合を急ぐことが有益な場合もあります。実際、いくつかのパズルは、複数のマッチをすばやく連鎖させた場合にのみ解決されます.これを行うには、複数のバブルをすばやく連続してタップする必要があります。最初に泡のレイアウトを分析し、動きを計画してから、泡が所定の位置に落ち着く前にすばやく実行する必要があります。


一部のレベルには魚が含まれます。これらの魚は定期的にパズルに泡を吹き込みます。コンボを成功させるために必要な正確なバブルを配置できるため、便利な場合があります。また、仕事に追加するだけの場合もあります。そのリスクを冒したくない場合は、できるだけ早くパズルをクリアしてください。 This will minimize their chances of messing up your combos with their added bubbles.

5. Check Your Goal

Every level has its own set of goals. Make sure you keep an eye on the goals that pop up because they change regularly. It is not always about mindlessly matching colors. Some levels will require you to match certain colors before you can complete them. If you don’t pay attention, you will end up failing the level before you realize it.

6. Look At The Tiny Circles

When you look at the bottom of the screen, you will often see small circles with icons on them. These circles tell you the different mechanics that are applicable for that particular puzzle. For example, if you have Wilds Enabled, you will be able to create a multicolored droplet that can be matched with any color by matching five or more bubbles. You will also be able to get a hint from the same panel. Keep an eye on it to know the things you can do in that level.

7. Try The Different Modes

There are three modes available in Tiny Bubbles:Puzzles, Arcade, and Infinity. Puzzles mode follows the more traditional system where you need to complete everything within a given number of moves. Arcade mode, on the other hand, gives you a more fast-paced gameplay by giving you limited time to complete the puzzles. Infinity mode, as the name suggests, is for players who just want to keep on solving puzzles, one after the other. Try the different modes and see which one suits your play style.

8. Crabs Eat Stars

Some levels will have stars in them. Depending on the goal, you will have to either link them together, or free them from the bubbles. Unfortunately, these stages will also often have jelly crabs in them. Make sure the crabs don’t get to the stars no matter what. These nasty creatures will do everything they can to keep you from completing your goals!

9. Don’t Wait Too Long

There are some levels in Arcade mode where you have to reduce the size of the foam to a certain size. While it is advised that you think before you start tapping, don’t spend too much time planning your moves. The foam will continue to grow if you are not matching anything. If it grows beyond a certain size, sea urchins will come up and pop the bubbles. You will have to start over when that happens. That means all your efforts up to that point will be wasted.


There are several ways for you to solve puzzles in Tiny Bubbles, and some of them will not always be obvious. For example, you can reuse a bubble while it is still in the process of disappearing. Some puzzles can only be solved by using this tactic. Another example is if you need to force a bubble to touch another. You can do this by quickly pumping it with droplets until it touches the bubble you want to pair it with. Remember, the game utilizes bubble physics. Think of ways you can use this to your advantage by imagining how bubbles behave in real life.

It is time to pop some bubbles in Tiny Bubbles! Just follow the tips and tricks listed above and you will be able to solve all the puzzles in no time!