

Angry Birds Dream Blast ガイド:すべてのレベルを完了するためのヒント、チート、戦略

Rovio の Angry Birds シリーズは何年も前から存在しており、次々とタイトルを生み出しているため、モバイル ゲームの世界で関連性を保ち続けています。楽しいスリングショット ゲームとして始まったものは、新しい領域に拡大し、シリーズはバブル ポップ ビジネスになりました。 Angry Birds Dream Blast は、モバイル デバイス向けのカラフルな新しいパズル ゲームで、プレイヤーはレベルを爆破してひな鳥の昼寝を手伝う必要があります。仕組みは簡単です。同じ色の夢の泡のグループをタップして、それらがはじけるのを見てください。

もちろん、それを完了するために満たす必要がある各レベルの目標があります。乗り越えなければならない何百ものレベルがあり、それぞれが最後のものよりも挑戦的です。バブルクラスターをランダムにタップしても、後の段階でそれをカットすることはできません.ゲームのすべてのレベルを完了するためのヒント、チート、戦略については、詳細な Angry Birds Dream Blast ガイドをご覧ください!


Angry Birds Dream Blast では、同じ色のバブルを 4 つ以上割ると、特別なタイルを作成できます。ただし、これらのタイルを作成する仕組みは、ほとんどの人が慣れているものとは少し異なります。同時にはじける泡の数に応じて異なる牌を作成するのではなく、弱い特殊牌を組み合わせてより良い牌を作成する必要があります。以下に 3 つの特別なタイルとその使用方法の詳細を示します。

赤い鳥 – 赤い鳥は、ゲームの基本的な特殊タイルです。同じ色の規則的な泡を 4 つ以上組み合わせて作成されます。赤い鳥は、矢印の方向に応じて、行全体または列全体をクリアします。バブルを作成するために使用するバブルが多いほど、使用時にクリアされる行または列が多くなります。

チャック – シリーズになじみのない方のために説明すると、チャックは黄色のアングリーバードです。並べて配置された 2 つの赤い鳥を組み合わせることで、彼の特別なタイルを作成できます。チャックをアクティブにすると、彼はボード全体に十字型のパターンをクリアします。より大きなチャック バブルを作成するには、2 つの大きな赤い鳥を組み合わせる必要があります。もちろん、チャックが大きければ大きいほど、より多くの気泡が取り除かれます。

ボム – この爆発する小さなタイルは、障害物を含め、画面上のすべてをクリアします。 2つのチャックを組み合わせて作成できます。ボムを作成するために使用されるチャックのサイズは問題ではありません。ボード全体をまったく同じようにクリアするからです。


ゲームの後の段階では、対処しなければならない障害が増えます。初期の段階ではそれらを回避するのは簡単かもしれませんが、後でそれらを完全に取り除く方法を習得する必要があります.これは、卵を画面の下部に移動する必要があるステージに特に当てはまります。赤い鳥は障害物をクリアしないので、少なくともチャックを使用してクリアする必要があります。爆弾は画面上のすべての障害物をクリアするのに適した方法のように思えますが、作成するにはあまりにも多くの動きが必要になる場合があります。 Chucks are the most efficient way to clear obstacles unless you get lucky and end up with a Bomb with just a few moves.

3. Focus On Your Goal

Each level will require you to complete certain tasks. A lot of times, this will involve popping a specific number of bubbles in a certain color. Make sure that every move you make is a step towards this goal. It is easy to get carried away when you are trying to create special tiles, but make sure you keep track of the number of moves that you are using. Instead of trying to force a Bomb to appear, you can just use several Red Birds to achieve the same results.

4. Watch Where You Tap

If you will notice, the board has an odd shape. Dealing with bubbles means they will fall in a certain way. This is why it is important for you to pay attention where you tap when popping bubbles. The positioning of your tap will determine where the special tiles will appear. For example, if you pop four bubbles of the same color and you tap in the middle, then the Red Bird will appear in the middle. If you pop a row of bubbles, the Red Bird will appear on the bubble that you tapped on. Make sure you keep this in mind since you want to maximize the use of each special tile through proper positioning. This will also help you out a lot when you are trying to create a Chuck and a Bomb.

5. Know Your Obstacles

There are different obstacles in the game, and they behave differently. Knowing how to deal with each type will help you come up with a better strategy on how to clear them. Check out the list of obstacles below in order to understand how you can work your way around each one.

Ice Block – This is one of the most basic obstacles in the game. They are barriers that prevent you from getting to the bottom of the board. You can easily destroy them by simply matching bubbles that are right next to them. There are levels, however, where there are too many ice blocks on the board. In those instances, it would be better to use a Chuck tile to clear them faster.

Stone Block – This is similar to the ice block. The only difference is that regular bubbles cannot destroy them. You will need to use any of the three special tiles to break through the stone block.

Pig Lock – The nemesis of the Angry Birds, the pigs lock away the end of a level behind a chain. You will need to open the pig lock in order to complete the level. Pig locks are color coded and that is the key to breaking them. Just match them with bubbles of the same color in order to reduce the number of the lock. Once it reaches zero, the lock will open.

Pig Balloons – Yet another obstacle presented by your nemesis, the balloons can only be destroyed using special tiles. Make sure you properly align the special tiles before using them.

Nightmare Cloud – These clouds serve as part of your objectives. They hang around the board until you match bubbles beside them. You will need to clear a certain number of nightmare clouds in order to complete the level.

6. No Need To Rush

The only limiting factor in Angry Birds Dream Blast is the number of moves you make. That means you have all the time in the world to consider each move. Take your time in analyzing the board and figuring out what the best move is. Just as we mentioned earlier, the positioning of your taps is important. Do not rush into tapping every bubble cluster you see. Instead, think about where the special tiles will fall if you make a move. This will help you maximize the use of each move and clear each level more efficiently.

7. Combos Are Useful

Sometimes, it is necessary to pop a few tiles in order to set up better combinations. This is especially useful in stages where you really need to create special tiles. Check the entire board to see if you can get more bubbles of the same color to come together by getting rid of a few bubbles first. For example, if you see three pink bubbles sandwiched between a lot of blue ones, then pop the pink ones first so you can create a huge red bird afterwards. Make sure you do this before activating any other special tile. The board will get scrambled after each time you use a special tile, so the combo you set up will be disrupted if you are not careful.

8. You May Need To Wait

There are certain frustrating stages where the bubbles keep getting shuffled because of a spinning windmill. Instead of just popping whatever you can, you may need to patiently wait for the shuffle to fall in your favor. Keep a close eye on the positioning of all the bubbles after each shuffle to make sure you don’t miss out on any opportunities to make great matches. Keep your cool and you will eventually be able to overcome these annoying levels.

9. Going Big Is Sometimes Necessary

While we are on the topic of frustrating levels, you will start encountering stages where certain parts of the board will be out of reach. The first one will appear on Level 30, where you need to clear clouds in order to let the rest of the bubbles go through. Merely combining small bubble clusters will not get you anywhere in these cases. You will have to pop a lot of bubbles at the same time in order to form large birds. Do not use the large birds immediately. Stack them in order to set the stage for even bigger explosions.

It is time to help the baby birds get better dreams in Angry Birds Dream Blast! Just follow the tips and tricks listed in the guide and you will be blasting through stages with ease! In case you have something to add, feel free to let us know in the comment section below!