

Hitmasters ビギナーズ ガイド:すべてのレベルをクリアしてすべてをアンロックするためのヒント、裏技、戦略

Hitmasters は、Bouncemasters!、Pinatamasters、Tomb of the Mask:Color などの多数のヒット カジュアル タイトルの本拠地である Playgendary の最新のアクション パズル ゲームです。シンプルなゲーム メカニクスと最も基本的なコントロール スキームを提供するという Playgendary のトレードマークにより、Hitmasters は確かに誰でも手に取ってプレイできるタイトルです。 Apple App Store のアクション カテゴリで 31 位にランクインし、Google Play ストアで最も人気のあるゲームの 1 つである Hitmasters の獲得ダウンロード数は 500 万をはるかに超えていますが、リリースから 2 週間しか経っていないことを考えると、ほんの始まりにすぎません。わずかな空き時間でも楽しめるカジュアルなパズル ゲームをお探しなら、ぜひこのゲームをチェックしてください。

Hitmasters では、さまざまな不安定なシナリオで各アクションが正確でなければならないスパイの役割を気軽に引き受けることができます。一方では、常に弾薬が限られているため、ショットを逃すことは必ずしもあなたにとって良い前兆ではなく、弾薬を空にすると完全な失敗につながります.同様に、一部のシナリオには民間人が関与するため、すべてのショットをカウントすることがさらに重要になります.チャレンジの大部分は物理学とある程度の想像力に依存しており、追加のプレイ モードのロックを解除すると、特定の新しい要素も利用可能になります。いくつかのレベルは非常に刺激的な機知のテストであることが証明される可能性がありますが、いくつかは同じように見るのが楽しい実質的に無料のパスです.

Hitmasters が提供するチュートリアルは、実際には 1 つの画像に要約できます。基本的に、各ゲーム モードでの冒険の開始時に得られるのはそれだけです。ワンタップ コントロールと狙いの簡単な操作。若いプレーヤーや初めてのモバイル ゲーマーでも簡単に習得できるガイド付きのラインが付属しています。

ゲームを上手にプレイするために知っておくべきことをすべて学ぶのに数秒かかりますが、レベルによっては挑戦的なパズルで驚かされることもあります。特定のレベルで困惑している場合、または進歩を遂げてより速いペースでスキンやゲームモードのロックを解除したい場合は、Hitmasters 初心者向けガイドを必ず確認してください。ヒント、チート、戦略をまとめたものは、ゲームをマスターするのに役立ちます。


パズル ゲームに関してプレイヤーがよくする誤った仮定の 1 つは、少しプレッシャーを加える時間要素です。多くの場合、各パズルを完成または解決しなければならない時間制限があるという考え方が、ゲーム内で確認することさえせずに存在します。ただし、ほとんどのハイパーカジュアル ゲームと同様に、Hitmasters のレベルを急いで完了する必要はありません。

Hitmasters では、現在のレベルを終了するのが当然のことであるという点で、後続のレベルを見ることに興奮する可能性があります。これは一般的なシナリオであり、完全に悪いわけではありませんが、レベルを完了したいという熱意がパズルの詳細を見逃したり、照準に関する限りミスを犯したりすることにつながるべきではないことに留意することが重要です。より早く完成させたいという意図がパズルの失敗につながり、最初からやり直さなければならない場合は、急いで急いでいるのがますます無駄になります.

原則として、アクションを開始する前に、時間をかけてパズル全体を確認してください。一部のパズル レイアウトはシンプルですが、さまざまなレベルにランダムに挿入されたトリッキーなサプライズがあります。照準に関する限り、基本的な物理学の概念を適用することに関して、誰もが同じように正確で熟達しているわけではありませんが、各ショットとその効果を実行するのにもう少し時間をかけることで、パフォーマンスが大幅に向上するはずです.

これは、人質が関与した場合に特に重要です。一部の敵が物や他の人に軽く触れるという点で過剰に反応するように見えることを楽しんでいるなら、人質が同じ種類の弱さを示したときにどれほどイライラするか想像することしかできません.そのため、人質が関与している場合は特に注意し、撮影を開始する前に簡単な 2 回目のチェックを行うようにしてください。

2.ターゲットをタップするのは、ショットガン モードの方が簡単です

Hitmasters で多くの時間を費やす最も基本的で最初のゲーム モードは、ショットガン モードです。メカニズムは単純ですが、画面上のさまざまな方向をタップしてスワイプすると、照準を調整できますが、それでも失敗する可能性があります。画面に触れると、目標を導く線が表示されます。ターゲットまでの距離に関係なく、線はキャラクターから画面の反対側まで表示されます.



Hitmasters の Gravity Mode は、おそらく他では見たことのない革新的なゲーム モードです。敵や他のターゲットを直接狙うのとは対照的に、このゲームモードの核心は、敵やオブジェクトを撃って引き寄せ、2回目のタップで推進することにあります。 /P>

While the basic concept of using objects, and even people, within the level as part of your arsenal to eliminate all targets is easily grasped, the idea that can escape some players is that you can actually use objects and enemies that you have pulled towards you as an extension of your weapon to strike other objects and people. With this in mind, make it a habit to see what you can do or trigger using the object you pulled towards you before you even tap for a second time to shoot it away.

There will be scenarios where you may lose the object you pulled as you use it to hit other people and objects. Having used to utilizing this feature, however, you can more strategically choose which one to grab first, whenever applicable. Although Hitmasters is very forgiving in the sense that there will always be extra attempts provided in every level, having knowledge of game mechanics such as this one should equip you with the capacity to finish every challenge in with just one bullet.

4. Take Note Of Each Shot In Ricochet Mode

If applying Physics isn’t enough for your fill of excitement in the previous game modes of Hitmasters, then perhaps using your stock knowledge of Geometry principles in calculating angles and trajectories, or perhaps wild guessing them, will give you more satisfaction. The Ricochet Mode in Hitmasters adds even more tricks up your sleeve as bullets in this game mode bounce off walls and other obstacles.

For the most part, you can actually leave a lot of the levels down to luck as bullets will ricochet more than 10 times before they completely disappear unless the level has open sides. For the more competitive players who want to pass levels based on skill rather than luck, however, checking every surface and picturing out how the bullet’s trajectory will change after it bounces off the target or targets becomes a consistent thought to ponder on before actually making a shot.

While it can be safely said that not everyone has a knack for precision especially when angles and trajectories are concerned, keep in mind that you will always have at least 3 shots per level. As such, and even with a surefire mentality, it is important to take note of your target before you make the shot so you can make the necessary adjustments on the succeeding attempt if it misses or fails to complete the stage.

Having a good mental image of your target before making a shot should help you set the right amount of changes on the succeeding attempts and just like any shot, you should continue to take time and analyze the kind of adjustment to make.

5. You Can Adjust Both Power And Angle In Toxic Mode

Each new game mode you unlock in Hitmasters offers new and creative ways to eliminate enemies in each level. On top of the new abilities your weapons earn, as each game mode may provide, comes new challenges as well that further test you accuracy and wits. Considering that, the last game mode to unlock, Toxic Mode, offers both new mechanics and challenges as well.

We mentioned that in Shotgun Mode, it is a lot easier to clear levels by tapping right over your targets instead of anywehere on the screen between you and the enemy or object. This same tactic applies to the rest of the game modes with some limitations on Ricochet Mode. In Toxic Mode, however, this does not apply at all. Toxic Mode simulates a grenade throw in similar types of 2D games where each shot, much like the line that guides it is curving, thanks to virtual gravity. Touching anywhere on the screen in this mode will set the base power and height of your throw and moving it sideways adjusts the angle and sliding upwards and downwards alters the power of the throw.

The controls, especially if you are not familiar with them, serves as the most challenging aspect of this game mode given that the curving line that guides your throw will always be present. Accuracy is not much of an issue as well as your toxic grenade works much like napalm in similar games and will spread erratically on the surface that it touches.

6. Watch Ads For Progress Boosts And Other Rewards

Video ads have long since been an integral part of many mobile games and if you have played some casual games before, then chances are that you are very familiar with the often unwelcomed feature. As we always say in our guides for casual games, though, it is important to understand what makes these ads necessary. While some mobile games can afford to discard in-game ads, its largely because those are either paid games, or ones that offer microtransactions. In essence, free-to-play casual games, like Hitmasters, rely on the existence of video ads for them to continuously be available for everyone to play for free.

Although there are some random ads that pop up while you play in Hitmasters, these ads can swiftly be skipped and the rest of the are all voluntary to play. While there are no limits as to how many times you can take advantage of the perks you can get off of watching video ads in Hitmasters, there will be instances that opting to do so may not at all generate one if there are no video ads available.

To start off, one of the ad boosts to take advantage of is when the next game mode, symbolized by the weapon, is slowly filling up as you finish levels prior to that game mode. As you earn percentages in filling up the weapon to unlock the next game mode, you will be presented with an opportunity to double your gains by playing a 15 to 30-second video ad. Take note that you will only need to do this on the first 3 game modes and once Toxic Mode unlocks, this will no longer be available.

Every level completion also presents an opportunity to earn twice as much cash and if you have played enough, then you should know that you would want as much cash as you can have so when the shop appears, you can purchase two of the three items for sale. Relative to this, one of the three items available at the shop can be claimed for free at the cost of watching an ad as well.

While Hitmasters is already fun and exciting with the default spy character you control, having all sorts of familiar skins liven up the gameplay even more. Every level you complete fills up the skin silhouette that you can obtain later on. Once it becomes available for you to claim, though, you will have to play an ad for the reward.

Another opportunity to earn extra costumes is through boss battles at every 10 stages within any game mode. Beating a boss leaves you with an opportunity to open up 1 of 3 cases that may either contain cash or a unique skin. You can be lucky enough to grab the best reward on your first go but if not, you can also watch a video ad to open another case. You can do this for the remaining cases even if you obtained the rare reward on the first one.

If you are raring to collect all skins for your character and weapons, therefore, watching ads is the way to go. While you are at it, simply consider it as a time to rest your eyes and your hands, especially if you have been at it for quite some time.


Sometimes, it cannot be helped but to only want to play continuously without any interruption at all, most especially if you have unlocked all game modes and most skins and just want to play more challenges or watch at how differently you can eliminate targets across the various game modes offered by Hitmasters.

You can simply play offline and turn off you Wi-Fi or mobile data to play Hitmasters without any ad interruptions. Do note however, that doing so means that you will not be able to enjoy the different perks you can get out of playing ads once in a while.

Given that you do not need to exit out of the game to switch between playing online and offline, you can actually be somewhat selective as to when you want to play video ads. An example would be at the end of the boss battle, when you can nab extra cases to ensure that you obtain the best reward. Likewise, you can play the game entirely offline up until the shop appears so you can play a short video ad that earns you a free weapon skin.

And this is where we wrap up our beginner’s guide for Playgendary’s mobile title Hitmasters. We certainly hope that the tips and strategies we presented above, will help you improve your game moving forward. If you have played the game for quite some time and have discovered something unique, then don’t hesitate to let us know in the comment area!