

Game of Sultans Consorts &Heirs Guide:知っておくべきことすべて

前述のように、Game of Sultans は Mechanist の新しい iOS ゲームです。Mechanist は、以前に Dream Raiders を提供したのと同じ会社です。本当の意味で王のように支配する代わりに、あなたはスルタンの役割に押し込まれ、苦々しい敵との戦いを導き、ハーレムに配偶者を追加し、家族を育てて王位を引き継ぐ相続人を持つことができます。 .また、他の人間のプレーヤーと同盟を結ぶこともできます (または、特定のモードで彼らに助けてもらい、このゲームで獲得できる多くの報酬の一部と引き換えにあなたの運勢を占ってもらうことさえできます!

前回は、Game of Sultans 初心者向けガイドでいくつかの基本的なヒントを実行しながら、詳細を説明しました.この新しい Game of Sultans 攻略ガイドは、前回のものに比べて比較的短いかもしれませんが、ここで説明するヒントのいくつかは単なる基本よりも重要であると考えています!配偶者と相続人について知りたいと思うでしょう。それらに関するほとんどの質問への回答がここにあります.また、最初はあまりお話しできなかったいくつかの機能にも触れますので、このゲームでの見通しを改善したい場合は、読み続けてください!


はい、アトリビュート ブックを使用してレベルアップすることで、Vizier に知識を与えるのは良いことです。しかし、彼らをさらに成長させるために彼らを送ることができる別の場所があり、それが帝国アカデミーです. Vizier を Academy に座らせるには 3 時間かかります。ステータスの変化に気付かないかもしれませんが、Academy に送信した Vizier がより高い PvP レベルで戻ってくることにすぐに気付くでしょう。 PvP プレイで実際の人間の対戦相手とすでに対戦している場合は、まさにどこに行くべきか.特にこれまでのラインナップの中で最高のヴィジエがいる場合は、定期的にヴィジエを帝国アカデミーに送ってください。また、十分なジェムを持っている場合は、アカデミーで別の座席のロックを解除して、2 人の Vizier を同時に訓練することもできます。別の座席を追加して待ち時間を短縮するだけでなく、2 人のトップ ウォー ジェネラルが同時に PvP 統計を改善することで、マルチタスクを実行することもできます!

2.インペリアル カウンシルで通常のギフトを入手

Young Sultan III に到達すると、オーストリア特使などの人々から贈り物を受け取ることができるインペリアル カウンシルのロックが解除されます。これらの贈り物は、実際には貢物、または税金として最もよく説明することができ、コイン、兵士、宝石、オーブなどの形を取ることができます.ゲームのさまざまな女性との関係については後ほど触れますが、帝国評議会の他のメンバーとやり取りするときにメイドを受け取ることになるかもしれません!特定のマイルストーンのチャプターに到達するにつれて、より多くの使節のロックを解除できます。各使節で、報酬の質はますます良くなります.


ご存知ないかもしれませんが、Vizier のスキルを向上またはロック解除するために使用できるいくつかのアイテムを既に持っているかもしれません。確実に知る唯一の方法は、バックパックを定期的にチェックすることです。バックパックにアクセスするには、一番下のメニューの 4 番目のボタン (バッグがロゴになっているボタン) をタップして、アイテムを確認します。お守り、オーブ、本/小冊子/書物、宝箱、その他多数!これらには、新しい組み合わせアイテムのレシピの材料として機能するアイテムや、さまざまなギアも含まれる場合があります。

これらは一般的に便利なアイテムであるため、ほとんどのアイテムは遅かれ早かれ使用したくなるでしょう。ここでの唯一の例外は、配偶者のこれらの最初は小さな子孫のためにそれらを保持したいので、あなたの相続人のためのアイテムです(後で詳しく説明します). You also might want to hold on to items that could help improve your Viziers, because we all know how how essential a well-leveled up Vizier to your chances of going far in the game.

4. Expand Your Harem, Even If It Won’t Be Easy

The Harem feature may be a rather controversial one for some in Game of Sultans, but for what it’s worth, it’s part of what makes this game a reasonable virtual equivalent to the real-life sultans of centuries gone by. The game will make it easy for you at first, as you will unlock Canfeza as your first Consort — soon enough, she’ll even give you your first heir, which is another way for you to get a head start on things. However, the challenge in this game is the process of expanding your harem and accumulating more Consorts.

That’s where the Masquerade feature comes in — it’s the leftmost building in your city’s map, and once you’re in there, you’ll see several smaller buildings, including the Manorhouse, the Theology School, the Haberdasher, Grand Bazaar, and more. Just keep on tapping while you still have energy, and you’ll have random encounters with the people who work in those buildings and others. Now you won’t always have a fruitful meeting — sometimes all you’ll end up doing is exchanging pleasantries between many of the game’s NPCs, a lot of whom happen to be male.

About 50 percent of the time, you’ll get to speak to one of the many women who work in the Masquerade section’s buildings, but having an encounter with Lydia, Indirah, or any other of the potential Consorts doesn’t automatically mean you can add them to your Harem! It’s going to take a lot of patience, and your Fortune will need to be as high (read:as close to 100) as possible, which would require you to use your Amulets or Fortune Shards (which you can win by completing campaigns and achievements for the most part) in order to increase your Fortune. But the bottom line here is that it’ll take several visits before you can add another woman to your list of Consorts.

5. Managing Your Consorts

After getting your first Consort, you can then go to the Harem building, and manage the Consorts you currently have. Head to the Consort building within Harem, and view the list of Married and Unmarried women, visiting each of them at random, a maximum of three times. You’ll need Vigor, which refreshes automatically, in order to make these visits.

By tapping on a Consort’s picture, you will get a close look at their stats (XP, children, Charm, Intimacy), and improve them accordingly by choosing the Reward Me option. You will then be shown various items in your inventory which you can use to improve the Consort’s Charm and/or Intimacy ratings. The higher the latter stat, the more likely you’ll both end up with another Heir to the throne! It’s also worth noting that higher Intimacy give each Consort’s corresponding Vizier a buff, e.g. increasing all or some attributes once you reach a certain milestone score. (Charm, in case you’re wondering, determine the amount of XP they earn after you visit them in the game.)

When visiting a Consort at random, most of the time you will be increasing her XP. However, there’s also a small chance you will be able to have a child with the given Consort, with emphasis on small! Just like there’s a very small chance you’d be leaving the Masquerade with a new consort in tow, you shouldn’t expect your Consorts to be popping out babies whenever you visit them.

As a bonus tip, you can also pay gems/diamonds to ensure that you get to visit a specific Consort, though you might only want to consider this option if you’re overflowing with gems at any given point in the game.

6. Raising Your Heirs

Sooner or later, you’ll need someone to take your place on the throne, and that’s the reason why Game of Sultans allows you to have Heirs, which are the babies who are occasionally born during those random Consort visits. They all start out as crying babies, but even then, they are both with specific specializations, attributes, and levels. You will then have three chances to level them up, all based on how much Vitality you have left. (Like many other resources in this game, Vitality also refreshes automatically!) It pays to start your heirs young and early with the upgrades, so keep visiting and leveling up your Heirs so that they can mature quickly from infancy to adulthood!

7. Take Part In The Treasure Hunt

On the right-side menu of Game of Sultans, you’ll see the Treasure button, which will take you to the Treasure Hunt feature. This could be one of the better ways to earn the various tokens in the game that you can use on your Viziers, Consorts, Heirs, and on yourself! You’ll get two free rolls of the dice each time you play, and it should go without saying that your prizes here will be perfectly random. Still, this is a good way to beef up your inventory with free stuff, so there’s no downside to this feature!

8. Earn New Viziers And Consorts Through Your Daily Logins

Last, but not the least, we decided to discuss this as a standalone tip, as playing the game everyday, even for just a few seconds to claim your rewards, could benefit you on multiple fronts. In case we didn’t mention it last time, Game of Sultans has daily rewards which you can claim right after logging in — just tap on the number 7 on the left side menu. These rewards include new Viziers, which you can redeem for your third daily login, for instance, but most notably, since it’s harder to get a new Consort than a new Vizier, a Consort on day 7.