

アサシン クリード リベリオン ビギナーズ ガイド:テンプル騎士団を倒すためのヒント、チート、戦略

アサシン クリードのタイトルは、過去 10 年間で最も人気のあるビデオゲームの一部です。かなり時間がかかりましたが、このフランチャイズはついにアサシン クリード リベリオンを通じてモバイル プラットフォームへの道を歩み始めました。このゲームは戦略 RPG で、他のすべての Assassin's Creed ゲームからお気に入りのキャラクターをすべてリクルートして、独自の Brotherhood を作成できます。暗殺者が訓練を受けて強くなり、情報を収集し、装備を作成できるように、本部を管理する必要があります。

3 人の暗殺者からなるチームを編成して、さまざまな任務を遂行してください。暗殺者にはそれぞれ得意分野があるので、その能力を最大限に活用してください。各ミッションの終わりにはさまざまなルートがあり、最適なルートを見つける必要があります。ミッションは日を追うごとに難しくなっていきます。ゲームに飛び込む前に、アサシン クリード リベリオンのヒント、チート、戦略を完全なガイドで読むことを忘れないでください!


暗殺者をミッションに派遣するとき、ブラザーフッドで採用したすべての中から 3 つだけを選択するように求められます。ミッションにはさまざまな目的があります。ターゲットを暗殺する必要があるものもあります。他の人は、レベルの終わりに到達する必要があります。ステージ内に隠されているものを盗むように求められることもあります.


ゲームの推奨事項には、そのステージで必要となるヒーローの種類のアイコンが表示されるだけです。できるだけ従うようにしてください。おすすめに 2 つのアイコンしか表示されない場合は、3 つ目のアイコンを自由に選択できます。ステージを通過している間、他の 2 つのヘルスを維持する必要がある場合があるため、この 3 番目のポジションには常にヒーラーを配置することをお勧めします。


Assassin's Creed Rebellion を進めていくと、何十人もの暗殺者を募集します。ミッションのためにチームを編成する際には、多くの選択肢があります。ヒーローを選ぶときは、彼のスキルも考慮する必要があります。判断できない場合は、スペシャリストをチェックしてみてください。これらは通常、ヒール、サポート、または武装解除を専門とするキャラクターです。これらのスキルは、ステージを通過する際にチーム全体の安全と良好な状態を維持するのに最適です。ミッションのボスと対決する前に、可能な限り完全な健康状態にする必要があるため、これは重要です。



ルイス・チコ(シャドークラス) – レアレーティングしかありませんが、ステルスと武装解除の組み合わせのおかげで、この男は実際にターゲットに到達するのに非常に役立ちます.つまり、彼だけでも、捕まらずに別の部屋を通過できる可能性がかなり高いということです。

マリア(シャドークラス) - レジェンダリーキャラクターとして、彼女を獲得するには非常に幸運でなければなりません。ただし、一度実行すると、彼女のアクティブ スキル ポイズン ブレードを使用すると、敵を簡単に倒すことができます。その上、彼女は 3 つの異なるシャドー クラスの属性に優れているため、対面での遭遇はめったにありません。

エツィオ アウディトーレ ダ フィレンツェ (シャドウ クラス) – アサシン クリードのファンなら誰でも、エツィオがチームに加わることに興奮するでしょうが、彼を採用する理由は他にもあります。 On top of having very high DPS rating, he is also very good at Navigation and Assassination. His ability to perform multiple roles make him a great pick for almost any mission.

Mario Auditore (Enforcer Class) – The Enforcer class is best for face-to-face beatdowns, and Mario is more than capable dishing out the damage. Aside from his brute force, however, he is also pretty adept at Navigation, making him a good choice for multiple roles. Finally, his ability to inspire teammates as a Support specialist makes him a great team player.

Girolamo Da Lucca (Enforcer Class) – This guy is the best in his class, hands down. He is great at taking damage, he hits hard, and most importantly, he has AOE damage that is perfect for those annoying enemies who call for backup.

Gershon Deloya (Specialist Class) – While he may not be particularly strong in combat, Gershon excels in Support and Disarm. This makes him a great third member of any team. The only down side is that he cannot heal teammates. If you know your way around through stages, though, you won’t really need to Heal all that much.

Gaspar Donozo (Specialist Class) – This guy only has a Common rating which means you can easily acquire him. If you are looking for a good solid Healer with Support abilities in the early stages of the game, he is your man.

4. Before You Enter An Area

Each mission is composed of different rooms that your team will have to go through. You will often be able to choose from two or more routes in order to get to your target. Before you enter one of these rooms, tap on it to check what options you have to go through them. Some rooms are unguarded but have traps waiting for you. Others have guards, but you will be able to sneak past them. Some areas are unguarded and have no traps, but you will need to jump high. Check the skills of each of your characters and see which one has the highest chance of getting safely across a room. You would want to avoid confrontation as much as you can so that you won’t take a lot of damage before reaching the boss.

Another thing you should consider before choosing who will take you across a room is the skill counter of your character. Most skills have a limited number of uses in a stage. If you use them all up, you will no longer be able to use them until your hero recovers after the mission. Check further down the stage if there are paths that will leave you no option but to use a specific skill. If you see that it will be the case, it is better to choose an alternate skill for the earlier rooms. Anything skill that gives you at least 60% should be relatively safe. Never choose anything below that, or your character will most likely take damage.

5. Complete Different Types Of Missions

When you start out, you will be introduced to the Story Mission. This takes you through the main campaign of the game. Completing Story Missions will allow you to unlock the other types of missions. Make sure you take time to complete the different mission types because they all have different rewards that you will need in order to progress in the game.

Story Missions usually reward you with different types of items. Standard Missions, on the other hand, mostly reward you with Training Codex Pages, Brotherhood Experience, Coins, and Building Materials. Loot Missions will give you different kinds of Ore on top of Brotherhood Experience, Coins, and building Materials. Finally, Legacy Missions will be your primary source of Hero DNA Fragments. Collect enough fragments for a hero and you will be able to recruit him. Keep in mind that you can only complete Standard and Loot missions up to five times per day. Legacy ones can only be completed three times.

6. Always Go For Three Stars

At the end of every mission, you will be given a star rating. The maximum you can get is three stars. In order to get a three-star rating, you need to complete the mission with all three members of your team surviving. Each star you gain from completing missions will fill up a bar on the top left of the Missions map screen.

When you fill up the bar, you will be rewarded with a Cube. The Cube is the equivalent of a treasure box in this game, and it often contains a variety of useful items. Each region will have a bar for you to fill, so try to get three stars in every mission in order to get that Cube right away. If that isn’t enough motivation for you, getting three stars on a mission will also allow you to use the Rush option which instantly completes it and gives you rewards.

7. Save Your Helix Credits

Helix credits are Assassin’s Creed Rebellion’s premium currency, but you will acquire a good amount of it in the initial stages of the game. After that, it becomes more difficult to find for free, so make sure you spend it wisely. The only thing worth spending Helix credits on is for getting more Hero DNA Fragments. Use your first batch of free Helix credits for purchasing the 10 DNA Cubes option for Encrypted Cubes. This will help give you a good number of viable heroes to take on the initial missions of the game. After that, make sure you only invest additional DNA fragments and nothing else.

8. Farm Resources From Missions

As we mentioned before, you will be able to use the Rush option once you have gotten a three-star rating for a mission. This is a useful feature, especially for farming. You would want to replay the latest unlocked mission for each mission type until you max out your daily attempts. Never log off for the day when you still have mission attempts available. Replaying missions is the best way to maximize your resource gain and allow you to progress further the next day.

9. Don’t Forget About HQ Management

Aside from specializing in certain missions, your characters also have HQ tasks that they are good at. Make sure you always choose the best candidate to assign for each room in order to maximize the productivity of your headquarters. When choosing who to assign to a room, look for the one who has an icon on them in the selection screen. This will tell you that the character will do well in that room. The only exception to this is the Training Room, since no one manages it. The characters you assign to the Training Room will go through training and will come out stronger after a couple of hours. Make sure you train all of your recruits as much as you can since you never really know who you will need in future missions.

Don’t forget that you will also need to build additional rooms and upgrade them accordingly. Since you only have limited resources, it is best if you prioritize certain rooms over others. The most important rooms that you need to focus on are the Training Room, Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Workshop, and Ceremony Room. These rooms are essential to strengthening your characters, so invest all your resources in them.